Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine and Poland agreed to resume transit of Ukrainian agricultural products

Ukraine and Poland have agreed on the resumption of transit of Ukrainian agricultural products. It will work at night from April 20 to 21, 2023, according to the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

Additional control measures will be applied to the transit, of which market participants will be notified publicly and in working order in the near future.

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Ukrainian sugar producers ask EU to lift ban on sugar exports

Ukrainian sugar producers have asked EU countries to reconsider the sugar export ban on domestic EU markets and resume it taking into account the sugar shortage in Europe, Nazar Mykhailovin, acting head of Ukrtsukor, said.
“Not all countries impose an embargo on Ukrainian products. We need a way through which we can sell exports of sugar. We have to forget about the sea route for some time, but the transit through the EU countries, particularly through Poland and Romania is needed,” he commented to Interfax-Ukraine agency about the situation with the export of Ukrainian sugar to the EU.
According to the industry association, during the period from June 2022 to March 2023 almost 99.9% of Ukrainian sugar was sold on the EU internal market.
The top countries that bought Ukrainian sugar in March 2023 included Romania, Poland, Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Croatia. Poland, one of the first to ban imports of Ukrainian sugar, bought 8,242 tons of the product from Ukraine, Mikhailovin said.
“Since the beginning of the war, Ukraine has lost its sea export corridor, which has become inaccessible for Ukrainian sugar. Accordingly, the export was carried out mainly to European countries.
At the same time Mikhailovin reminded that due to the beginning of the war the EU made a decision, thanks to which and the presence of export potential Ukraine has the ability to export sugar to the EU domestic markets.
In the sugar beet sugar production season of the 2022 harvest, the factories produced 1.330 million tons of products, which fully met the needs of the domestic market and export potential, the industry association said.
“In the 2022/2023 marketing year, the export potential will depend on the area sown under sugar beet, weather conditions and yields in both Ukraine and Europe,” Mikhailovin said.

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister invited Kuwait to join in rebuilding Ukraine

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, who is on an official visit to Kuwait, held talks with Walid Al-Bahar, head of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, about projects to rebuild Ukraine.
“In Kuwait, I met with Walid Al-Bahar, acting director of the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, to invite Kuwait to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine. We discussed social and humanitarian projects, in particular the construction of schools and hospitals,” Kuleba wrote on Twitter.
According to the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Walid Al-Bahar said that his foundation is ready to participate in the International Conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine, which will be held in late June in London. He also stressed that cooperation with Ukraine will be one of the fund’s priorities.
The interlocutors paid special attention to the social projects, in particular the construction of new hospitals, schools and kindergartens in Ukraine, as well as the implementation of programs of psychological support and rehabilitation of Ukrainians who suffered during the war.
Minister and the head of the Fund agreed to organize in the nearest future a meeting of experts from Ukraine and Kuwait in order to discuss in detail the prospects of cooperation.
As Kuleba noted that “in the general perspective of post-war reconstruction, Ukraine is likely to become the largest construction site in the world”.
Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development is a state financial institution of Kuwait, which participates in development projects in 105 countries of the world with the total amount of $21,8 billion.


Complete blood count for 1 UAH from CSD LAB

Complete blood count (CBC) is an important and one of the most common laboratory tests. It is prescribed as part of preventive examinations, for the diagnosis of various diseases, and even in case of hospitalization.
Doctors advise all patients, without exception, to undergo a complete blood count at least once a year. After all, it can indicate the development of possible pathological processes and help prevent or diagnose the disease in a timely manner.

That is why we offer all clients of the new CSD LAB Laboratory offices to take a complete blood count for only 1 UAH.

The period of the promotion: 1.04.2023 – 30.04.2023 р.


1.1. According to the terms of the promotion, the client can take the analysis B211.1 “Complete blood count (leukocyte formula + ESR)” for 1 UAH.

1.2. To take the test under the promotional conditions, you need to contact the CSD LAB Laboratory Office from the list below and order any laboratory test. The medical registrar will offer to add the service B211.1 “Complete blood count (leukocyte formula + ESR)” to the order for 1 UAH.

1.3. During April 2023, the promotional offer is available to clients of laboratory offices at the following addresses

– 1 Ambrosiy Buchma St., Kyiv
– 15 Ivan Ohienko St., Kyiv
– Kyiv, 3 Petra Zaporozhetsa St.
– Zhytomyr, 36 Velyka Berdychivska St.

1.4. The offer cannot be combined with any other promotional offers.

One customer can use the promotional offer only once for the entire duration of the promotion.

1.5. The special offer does not apply to online orders and is provided only upon direct customer contact with the CSD LAB laboratory office.

1.6. The cost of biomaterial sampling is paid separately.


2.1. The Company has the right to refuse the Client’s participation in the Campaign if the Company has any doubts about the bona fides of such Client’s participation in the Campaign. Such decision of the Company is final and not subject to appeal.

2.2. The Campaign Client shall be solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by him/her and for failure to fulfill (untimely fulfillment) of the rights and obligations stipulated by these Terms and Conditions.

2.3 The Promotional Offer cannot be used by the Company’s employees and their relatives.

2.4. The Company has the right to terminate the promotion and/or change the terms and conditions ahead of schedule by publishing a relevant notice on the Website or otherwise publicly notifying about such termination/change.


3.1. By participating in the Campaign, each Client confirms his/her unconditional consent to the free use of the information (including, but not limited to, personal data) provided by him/her to the Company for marketing and/or any other purpose by methods that do not violate the current legislation of Ukraine (including by transferring it to third parties). Such consent shall also be considered within the meaning of Articles 296, 307, 308 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”.

3.2. By voluntarily providing personal data about themselves, the Client confirms their express unconditional consent to the collection, storage, use, processing, transfer and dissemination of their personal data (as these terms are defined by law) by the Company’s authorized persons, who will take the necessary measures to protect such data from unlawful processing and unauthorized dissemination. The Company shall take all necessary actions to protect personal data of the personal data subjects processed by it from unlawful processing and shall be personally responsible for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine on personal data protection. The Client gives his/her consent by taking part in the Campaign. The Company and/or its authorized persons will collect, store, use, process, transfer and disseminate the Client’s personal data received from the Client in order to comply with the requirements of the law, as well as for advertising purposes. The Client also confirms his/her full consent to send him/her information, notifications (including advertising) about the Company’s further activities, etc. without any restrictions on the territory, time and method of use, and such use will not be reimbursed by the Company and/or any third party in any way.

3.3 Clients have the right to withdraw their consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending the Company a notice by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.


4.1 These Terms are binding.

4.2. Amendments and additions to these Terms are made by order of the Director of CI S DI LAB LLC.

4.3. Information about the Campaign is provided by posting the terms and conditions on the Company’s corporate website ( In addition, consultations on the terms of the Campaign can be obtained by calling 0 800 33 00 75.

4.4. By participating in the Campaign, the Clients fully agree to these Terms and Conditions and undertake to fulfill them.

4.5. C.E.S. Digital Lab LLC reserves the right to change the Campaign Terms by posting the changes on the Company’s website.

4.6. In the event of a situation that involves an ambiguous interpretation of these Terms, any disputes or issues not regulated by these Terms, the Client reserves the right to resolve such issues. The Company’s decision is final and not subject to appeal.

4.7. By accepting these Terms, the Client confirms that he/she has read and understood all the Terms and agrees to all the terms and conditions.

4.8. Conducting this Campaign is the sole will and right of the Company. No one can force the Company to hold this Campaign in case of a decision to cancel it, force majeure circumstances, etc.


In Cherkasy, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovograd regions red level of danger due to floods is declared

Red, the highest level of danger was announced in Cherkasy, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk and Kirovograd regions due to active water growth in the spring flood, the head of the hydrological forecasts department of the Ukrhydrometeocenter of the State Emergency Service Ilya Perevozchikov said.
“An orange danger level has been declared in Kyiv and Chernihiv regions, and in Cherkasy, Poltava, Dnipropetrovsk and Kirovohrad regions a red danger level, the highest that can be,” he said in a video on the website of the Ukrhydrometeocenter.
According to a representative of the Ukrhydrometcentre, the formation of high levels of the spring flood in Chernihiv region is also observed.

EBRD gives Polish Cersanit loan to develop production in Ukraine

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will issue long-term loan of EUR42 mln to support activities of Polish ceramic tile and sanitary ware producer Cersanit S.A. in Ukraine and Poland.
According to an EBRD press release on Tuesday, the financing will be used to offset the impact of the write-down of Russian assets, the war in Ukraine and a fire at one of Cersanit’s facilities in Poland. In addition, the manufacturer is expected to play an important role in rebuilding Ukraine’s infrastructure damaged by the Russian invasion.
According to the report, the development project includes ramping up production of ceramic tiles and sanitary ware and completing investments in large format tile production in Ukraine, as well as renovating the acrylic products plant in Poland, expanding capacity and improving energy efficiency of the plants. The total amount of the project is EUR120 million.
“These investments not only help the economies of both countries by supporting a dynamic local producer of goods that will be an important component of Ukraine’s recovery, but also retain human capital by preserving key jobs. The EBRD remains committed to financing other investments in Ukraine and neighboring states affected by the war,” EBRD Vice President Alain Piloux was quoted as saying in a statement as signing the loan agreement with Cersanit in Warsaw.
The loan is part of the Resilience and Livelihoods Facility (RLF) program opened by the bank after the war.
As it was reported, the EBRD together with donors undertook to provide financing in the amount of EUR3 billion to Ukraine during 2022-2023 to support the functioning of business and economy. In 2022, the bank allocated EUR1.7 billion to support Ukraine and attracted EUR200 million from partner financial institutions.
Cersanit S.A. is one of the leading manufacturing companies with Polish capital on the European market. The main activity of the company is production and sale of products for finishing and equipping bathrooms.
As stated on the Cersanit website, the group has four plants in Poland and one in Germany, Romania and Ukraine. The company’s Ukrainian plant was launched in 2009 in Zhytomyr region. The capacity of the company is 12 million square meters of ceramic tiles and up to 2 million units of sanitary ware a year.
According to the financial statements of Cersanit Invest LLC, in 2022 the company received a net loss of 964.5 million UAH, while the revenue amounted to more than 2.1 billion UAH.
According to Opendatabot, the owner of the company is listed as Cersanit JSC, the beneficiary is Michal Andrzej Solowow (Poland).

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