Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

The volume of housing construction in Ukraine in 2022 decreased by 1.9 times

The total area of residential buildings, which are issued permits for construction works (new construction) in 2022 decreased by 1.9 times compared with 2021 – up to 6.67 million square meters, said the State Statistics Service (Derzhstat).

According to statistics agency, in January-December 2022, the total area of new construction of apartment buildings was 6 million 528.5 thousand square meters (98% of the total volume). The number of apartments in apartment buildings declared at the beginning of construction was 85 thousand, which is 41% less than last year.

In Kiev last year, the total area of new housing construction decreased by 70% to 878.3 thousand square meters. m, in the Kiev region – by 33% – to 1.86 million square meters. m.

According to State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, in Lviv region the volume of new construction decreased only by 8% compared to the previous year and amounted to 1.01 million square meters. This is the smallest drop among all the regions.

In Khmelnytsky region the volume of new construction was decreased by 40% to 330.8 thousand m2 , in Odessa region – “minus” 70%, to 265.3 thousand m2 , in Kharkiv region – decreased by 69%, to 214.3 thousand m2 , in Ternopil region – “minus” 20%, to 258.7 thousand m2 , in Ivano-Frankivsk region – decreased by 16%, to 204.4 thousand m2.

At the same time, the volume of new construction in the Volyn region amounted to 425.1 thousand square meters in 2022, which is 2.3 times more than last year. The volume increase against the previous year was also recorded in the Rivne region – “plus” 13%, up to 194 thousand square meters.

In other regions of Ukraine the volume of new construction last year showed a drop to the previous year and was less than 200 thousand square meters.

Gosstat reminds that the figures do not include the temporarily occupied territory of the Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as part of the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Ministry of Health ordered all medical institutions to register in the electronic health care system by March 31

All health care institutions in Ukraine must register and start working in the electronic health care system (EHS) by March 31, 2022.

As the Ministry of Health reminds on its website, this is stipulated by the licensing requirements for economic activities in medical practice and applies to all business entities.

In particular, the Ministry of Healthcare specifies that all legal entities carrying out medical practice business activities must be registered in EHS, except for entities engaged in business activities in the forensic medical areas.

In particular, the Ministry of Health notes that laboratory institutions, sanatoriums, and educational institutions that provide medical care within the institution should be registered in the EHR.

“The full transition to digital recording of all medical records will occur gradually and will involve additional changes in other regulatory and legal acts,” the department notes.


European Parliament adopts updated regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The European Parliament adopted updated EU regulations on the allocation of efforts to reduce the maximum allowable level of greenhouse gas emissions in member states at a plenary session in Strasbourg on Tuesday.

The bill was approved by 486 votes, with 132 against and 10 abstentions.

The said novelty establishes mandatory annual greenhouse gas emission reductions for motor vehicles, building heating, agriculture, small industrial plants and waste management for each EU member state.

“The revised law increases the 2030 greenhouse gas emission reduction target at the EU level from 30 percent to 40 percent from 2005 levels. For the first time, all EU countries must now reduce greenhouse gas emissions with targets ranging from 10% to 50%,” according to the European Parliament’s communiqué on the vote.

The document explains that the 2030 targets for each member state are based on GDP per capita and economic efficiency indicators. EU countries will have to ensure that they do not exceed their annual quotas on greenhouse gas emissions every year.

In addition, the updated regulation includes “limits on the ability to trade, borrow and save emissions.”

“There are limits on how much emissions member states can save in previous years, borrow from future years, and how much they can trade allowances with other member states,” the European Parliament explained.

The text of the new law must now be formally approved by the EU Council, after which it will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and enter into force in 20 days.


Battery manufacturer Ista Center ended 2022 with losses

Battery manufacturer Ista-Center JSC (Dnipro) ended 2022 with a loss of UAH 12.78 million, while in 2021 the net profit was UAH 154.85 million, according to preliminary data. According to the information for the agenda of the general meeting of SA’s shareholders, which is scheduled for April 19, published in the NCSSM’s disclosure system, by the beginning of this year the company had a small undistributed profit (UAH 0,027 mln).
The shareholders plan to cover the loss incurred last year at the expense of the profit of the previous years.
According to the publication, for 2022, the company decreased its current liabilities 4.5 times to UAH 6.88 mln, while long-term liabilities decreased 10% to UAH 2.59 mln.
Ista Center’s assets decreased by 11.3% during the year, to UAH 268.62 mln, mainly due to the reduction in total accounts receivable by 2.5 times, to UAH 17.6 mln, and cash to UAH 0.14 mln instead of UAH 3.84 mln.
The equity capital of the JSC by the beginning of 2023 amounted to UAH 256,35 mln, the authorized capital – UAH 128,17 mln.
The agenda of the meeting includes, in particular, the issues of re-electing the supervisory board and auditing commission, approval of the main activity (production of batteries and accumulators) and plans for 2023.
“Ista-Center, which has been operating since 1995, is one of the plants producing starter batteries of Ista group in Dnipro (the other is DOZ Energoavtomatika).
According to the company’s financial report for 2021, which was published on its website February 1 this year, its net profit then increased 21-fold to 154.85 mln hryvnia, while its net income fell 16% to 173.62 mln hryvnia.
At that, 36.5% out of sold 195.1 thsd conventional batteries were exported, including 25.78% – to the former CIS countries, 10.08% – to EU countries (except Poland).
The company also reported about mastering the production of polypropylene-cased batteries for the needs of the Ministry of Defense.
The company has not yet announced the results of its activities in 2022.
At the beginning of 2022, the company employed about 130 people.


On March 29-31, International Medical Exhibition Public Health will be held in Kyiv

On March 29 – 31, 2023, Kyiv will host a landmark event in the healthcare sector – the 31st International Medical Exhibition Public Health. The traditional medical exhibition Public Health was postponed from the fall of 2022 to the spring of this year due to Russian military aggression.

According to the Ministry of Health, the country’s medical system has withstood and continues to meet the challenges of wartime thanks to the reforms implemented, the professionalism of management teams and the dedication of medical professionals at all levels.

In turn, Public Health continues to fulfill its mission to create a professional space for communication between medical business and medical professionals, to highlight topical issues and to facilitate the search for joint solutions to pressing healthcare issues.

More than 80 manufacturers, suppliers of equipment and medical devices will present modern diagnostic, rehabilitation, cardiology, intensive care, surgical and laboratory diagnostic equipment that meets the requirements of the times.

The new exposition of the exhibition – Med Military Expo – will demonstrate a section of medical products, which includes tactical medicine products, consumables, portable diagnostic equipment and intensive care equipment, which is especially important in the conditions of war.

General Partner of Public Health – Protech Solutions Ukraine

Heads of medical institutions and their owners, medical specialists, medical institutions, and specialized associations are invited to visit the exhibition and its events.

The scientific and practical program of Public Health Congress & Events is focused on the requirements of modern medicine. The events include more than 20 specialized conferences, seminars, workshops, and professional schools that take into account the best practices of civilian and military medicine. Reconstruction of damaged medical facilities, management experience in war, medical volunteering, development of the rehabilitation system – new challenges that require joint participation of the state, local governments, medical professionals and investment institutions will be discussed at the Public Health discussion platform.

The official partner of Public Health Congress & Events is HARWIND.

Among the new events of Public Health:

March, from 10.00-14.00 Forum “Restoring the medical system at the community level”.
The main issues to be covered are governmental and non-governmental programs for the restoration of affected medical institutions, exchange of experience in restoration between the owners of medical institutions, their managers and donor organizations. Invited speakers: the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the NHSU, the All-Ukrainian Association of ATCs, intergovernmental institutions, and charitable foundations. Attendees: heads of medical institutions, heads of ATCs, mayors and other expert organizations.

March 29, from 15.00-18.00 Seminar “Implementation of rehabilitation services under the program “Rehabilitation of war traumas” Seminar with practical advice on how a manager can effectively establish rehabilitation work in his/her medical institution. Co-organizer: Patients of Ukraine.

March – Medical Volunteering Marathon. The Marathon will feature active doctors, representatives of volunteer medical movements, communities and organizations that give their skills, time and other resources on a voluntary basis to achieve a common Victory. Participants of the Marathon include the Hospitallers Medical Battalion, Women’s Club, Zahrava, Your Family Doctor, Come Back Alive, 100% LIFE, Solomyansky Kotiks, DoLadu, the Foundation for Reconstruction and Development of Ukraine, volunteer movements, and practicing doctors of related specialties.
LABEXPO, an exhibition of equipment and materials for laboratory medicine, will be held simultaneously with Public Health. More than 20 leading companies will present modern laboratory and diagnostic products, as well as demonstrate the best practices of laboratory support at the Lab4Lab school for laboratory assistants.

The co-organizers of the scientific program Public Health 2023 are reputable state and scientific medical institutions, including the Ministry of Health, the National Health Service, the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, the Association of Medical Institutions of Ukraine, Patients of Ukraine and other specialized associations and organizations.

The mobile frontline hospital presented by the Foundation for Reconstruction and Development of Ukraine will have a separate stand. The mobile frontline hospital is a full-fledged hospital on wheels equipped with modern medical equipment. The medical center allows to provide emergency surgery and diagnostics in the vicinity of active hostilities. The first mobile frontline hospital has already been handed over to the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine. It is now saving hundreds of lives of our defenders in the hottest spots in the twenty-kilometer frontline zone in the Donetsk sector. The Foundation plans to provide such hospitals along the entire front line.

Dossier PUBLIC HEALTH 2023

Date – March 29-31, 2023
Venue – International Exhibition Center, Kyiv, 15 Brovarskyi Ave.
Organizer – SE “Premier Expo”
General Partner of Public Health – Protech Solutions Ukraine
Official Partner of Public Health Congress & Events – Harwind
Participants: more than 80 manufacturers and suppliers of medical equipment and products
Business program of Public Health Congress & Events: more than 20 events and scientific and practical activities
Visitors: heads of medical institutions, practicing doctors and nurses, state and local authorities, representatives of medical business, medical experts.
84% of visitors are decision makers
You can get a ticket to the exhibition by following the link:

Promo code for free registration: PRES23

More information about the exhibition:

Contacts of the Organizers:

SE “Premier Expo”

Tel.: 044 496 86 45

Open4business is a media partner of the event

“Centravis” invested more than $1 mln in new production in Uzhgorod

Centravis Production Ukraine PJSC (Centravis Production Ukraine), part of Centravis Ltd holding, has invested more than UAH 50 mln in its Uzhgorod branch, officially opened in late February and plans further expansion.
According to the company’s Wednesday press release, the new production facility in Uzhgorod specializes in tool pipes for the world’s leading car brands (Volkswagen, Audi, BMW, and Chevrolet).
The total investment amounted to more than UAH 50 million, about 100 employees work at the new plant, but this year it is planned to expand and build the second stage.
“Our team has been nurturing the idea of a new plant for a long time, but the war became the driver of this process and we quickly moved from design to action. The overall goal is to strengthen our position in the global market and strengthen the sustainability of the company,” explains Centravis CEO Yuri Atanasov, who is quoted by the press service.
According to his words, the management was considering different locations for new production – in Ukraine and abroad, but in the end it was decided to start the work in Uzhgorod. Main reasons – desire to invest in their country during hard war time, create jobs for Ukrainian employees and proximity to the western border, which in its turn would help to deliver orders to “Centravis” customers even faster.
Head of production in Uzhgorod Sergey Shadsky noted that this is only the first phase of the plant, and immediately after the opening work on its expansion began. Production in Uzhgorod will not depend on cold production in Nikopol, because the first deformation run can be carried out on the relocated mill KhPT-55 cold rolling directly on the production site in Uzhgorod, but the branch will still receive semi-finished products from the hot production of the main site in Nikopol.
“We plan to complete the works on the second stage of construction by summer, and we are already planning the third stage. We have ambitious plans. We want Uzhgorod to be known as one of the world centers for the production of pipes for cars, “- summarized the head of the new production “Centravis” in Uzhgorod.
As it was reported, official opening of new Centravis’s production site of specialized production of instrument tubes for cars was held in Uzhgorod on February 28.
Also reported that the holding Centravis Ltd re-registered its parent company in Switzerland, replacing the Cypriot location, which is expected to help improve credit rating and attract longer and cheaper money to develop production in Ukraine.
“Centravis was founded in 2000 and is among the ten largest manufacturers of seamless stainless steel tubes in the world. Its main production capacities are located in Nikopol (Dnipropetrovsk region). In 2022 the company has realized a number of large-scale orders for such world companies as Benteler Automotive, LINSTER Edelstahlhandel, Rohr Mertel, Buhlmann Group, Webco, MRC. The company employs more than 1400 people.
Holding Centravis Ltd. was created on the base of Nikopol Stainless Tube Works CJSC, service and trade companies Industrial and Commercial Enterprise Yuvis Ltd. Its shareholders are members of the Atanasov family.
Centravis Ltd. owns 100% of shares of Centravis Production Ukraine PJSC.

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