Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Electricity production in the united energy system of Ukraine in January-October 2020 decreased by 5.4% (by 6.888 billion kWh) compared to the same period in 2019, to 119.819 billion kWh, the Ministry of Energy has told Interfax-Ukraine.
Nuclear power plants (NPP) for the ten months of this year reduced electricity generation by 6% compared to the same period last year, to 63.030 billion kWh. In particular, production of electricity at Zaporizhia NPP amounted to 22.248 billion kWh (29.6% less compared to January-October 2019), Yuzhnoukrainsk NPP some 15.126 billion kWh (6.9% more), Rivne NPP some 15.929 billion kWh (6.5% more), Khmelnytsky NPP some 9.727 billion kWh (up by 52.5%).
Thermal power plants (TPP), as well as combined heat and power plants (CHPP) and cogeneration plants reduced their output by 16.2%, to 39.317 billion kWh. In particular, the generating companies of TPPs reduced production by 23.7%, to 29.544 billion kWh, while CHPP and cogeneration plants increased it by 19.3%, to 9.774 billion kWh.
Hydro power plants and pumped storage power plants reduced production by 6.1%, to 6.237 billion kWh, and block stations increased by 8.2%, to 1.601 billion kWh.
Electricity production by non-traditional sources (wind power plants, solar power plants, biomass) increased by 2.1 times, to 9.634 billion kWh.
The share of nuclear power plants in the structure of electricity production amounted to 52.6%, TPPs, CHPPs and cogeneration plants 32.8%, hydro power plants and pumped storage power plants 5.2%, block stations 1.3%, alternative sources 8%.

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Ukrzaliznytsia intends to increase investments in rolling stock and infrastructure, Head of the Freight Transportation division of Ukrzaliznytsia, Irakli Ezugbaya, has said.
“So, if this year capital investments will amount to UAH 4.8 billion, then next year we plan to invest UAH 25.8 billion, in 2022 some UAH 28.4 billion, and in 2023 some UAH 41.1 billion. Due to this, we will be able to provide our customers with equal access to the infrastructure and not refuse any of them along with the transportation of goods that can be placed at Ukrzaliznytsia,” he said in an interview with the Centre for Transport Strategies.
At the same time, Irakli said that Ukrzaliznytsia constantly needs to increase its operating profit.
“In 2020, EBITDA margin indicators are planned at 9.1%. By 2023, we want to increase these indicators to 30%. In my opinion, the cargo business unit should significantly improve its indicators in order to compensate for potential losses from other areas, including passenger transportation. Therefore, in order to reach 23% of EBITDA in 2021, we must reach at least 30% in the cargo direction,” he said.
As reported, Ukrzaliznytsia intends to provide UAH 4.1 billion in the company’s financial plan for 2021 for the overhaul of locomotives.
In 2019, Ukrzaliznytsia increased its net profit by about 14.7 times, to UAH 2.988 billion (UAH 203.85 million in 2018). EBITDA of Ukrzaliznytsia for 2019 increased by 6%, to UAH 17.3 billion compared to the results of last year.



Gross insurance premiums of PJSC Insurance Company Krayina (Kyiv) in January-September 2020 amounted to UAH 392.6 million, which is 24.6% more compared to the same period in 2019, the Expert-Rating agency said, reporting on the renewal of the company’s rating at the level “uaAA + ” on the national scale for the specified period.
According to the report, the share of the company’s insurance premiums held by reinsurers decreased by 19.30%, and their share in the company’s gross premiums fell to 2.29%.
In the three quarters of 2020, the company made 20.48% more insurance payments and compensations than in the three quarters of 2019 – UAH 182.8 million. The level of payments during the specified period decreased 1.59 percentage points, and at the end of the first nine months of 2020 amounted to 46.56%.
As of September 30, the equity capital of Krayina grew by 33.85%, to UAH 155.050 million, and gross liabilities – by 3.79%, to UAH 137.33 million. Due to a significant excess of the growth rate of equity capital in comparison with the growth of the company’s liabilities, the level of coverage by equity capital of the insurer’s liabilities increased 25.36 percentage points, to 112.91%.
The volume of cash and cash equivalents in the accounts of Krayina as of September 30, 2020 amounted to UAH 88.050 million, which is 37.75% more than as of the same date in 2019. Significant cash growth rates amid insignificant growth of the insurer’s gross liabilities led to an increase in the rate of coverage of the company’s liabilities by 15.80 percentage points, to 64.11%.
In the reporting period, profit from operating activities increased 1.86 times, to UAH 39.910 million, and the company’s net profit increased 3.32 times and amounted to UAH 25.860 million.
The agency said that, according to the reports provided, during the analyzed period, the insurer adhered to the criteria and standards of solvency and capital adequacy, liquidity, profitability, asset quality and the riskiness of the insurer’s operations established by law.



In July-September 2020, the mobile network operator Vodafone Ukraine saw revenue of UAH 4.8 billion, which is 12% more than in the same period in 2019.
According to the operator’s financial report, its net profit in the third quarter of this year amounted to UAH 157 million, which is 81% less than in the same period in 2019.
The operator explained this indicator by the exchange rate difference on the revaluation of the $500 million eurobonds, issued by the company in February 2020.
OIBDA increased by 11% and reached UAH 2.5 billion, the OIBDA margin decreased slightly – by 1.2 percentage points, to 53.4%. According to the operator, the operating efficiency indicators were improved due to cost optimization and increased revenue from data services.
The volume of Internet traffic in the Vodafone network has almost doubled over the past two years. This figure has increased by more than 40% over the year. The main reasons for the growth in speed and traffic are: an increase in 4G coverage, network capacity and the number of data users, the company said.
At the same time, at the end of the third quarter of 2020, ARPU grew by 16%, to UAH 79.10. The growth of the indicator in the company is linked to an increase in the geography of 4G coverage, as well as an increase in the use of high-speed mobile Internet, the consumption of which increased 1.4 times over the past year.
On average, according to the operator, the Vodafone Ukraine data client uses more than 5 GB of mobile Internet per month.
According to the operator’s report, Vodafone Ukraine’s 4G network became available to 80% of Ukrainians in the third quarter (penetration growth by 14 p.p. compared to the third quarter of 2019).
Vodafone Ukraine invested UAH 871 million in the network during the reporting period, and total investments in the construction of high-speed mobile Internet networks amounted to UAH 28.1 billion.
In July-September, the operator launched over 400 base stations in the 900 MHz range, which cover more than 2,000 settlements with a population of over 2 million people.
According to the results of the third quarter of 2020, the company’s subscriber base amounted to 19 million people, which is 4.1% less than in the same period last year. This is due to a decrease in the dynamics of new connections as a result of quarantine measures.
At the same time, the operator noted an increase in the segment of contract and corporate connections, as well as an increase in the number of connected IoT cards.
The base of IoT connections of Vodafone Ukraine” in two years has grown by 79%.
Other new directions, such as big data analytics, cloud solutions, services for electronic document management, also showed positive dynamics, according to the operator.
In the first nine months of this year, the company’s profit amounted to UAH 425 million, revenue reached UAH 13.3 billion.



PJSC JT International Company Ukraine, one of the largest tobacco companies in Ukraine, plans to allocate UAH 311.76 million to pay dividends to shareholders for 2018-2019.
According to the company’s statement in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission on Tuesday, the shareholders intend to approve the payment of dividends at an extraordinary general meeting scheduled for November 26.
“The retained earnings of the company, formed as a result of activities in 2018 in the amount of UAH 32.05 million, are planned to be distributed as follows: a part of the profit in the amount of UAH 32.05 million will be used to pay dividends to the company’s shareholders, UAH 32.23 per one ordinary registered share,” the company said.
In addition, it is proposed that the retained earnings of JT International Company Ukraine for 2019 in the amount of UAH 279.71 million be partially allocated for the payment of dividends to shareholders – UAH 279.7 million, UAH 281.26per ordinary registered share of the company.
The total number of shares as of November 20, 2020 (as of the date of compiling the list of persons who are notified of the general meeting) is 994,457 common registered shares.
JT International Company Ukraine is part of the Japan Tobacco Inc. group of companies (JTI). In Ukraine, it owns the Kremenchuk tobacco factory (Poltava region).



Ukraine exported 4,800 tonnes of cheese in January-October 2020, which is 19.5% less than in the same period in 2019.
According to the State Customs Service, in monetary terms, exports decreased by 15.9% and amounted to $18.47 million.
At the same time, import of cheese in the first 10 months of 2020 increased by 2.2 times, to 38,040 tonnes, in monetary terms by 2.1 times, to $168.62 million.
Exports of Ukrainian butter decreased 41.2%, to 9,360 tonnes, and in monetary terms also 41.2%, to $40.82 million. Import of this product in the reporting period amounted to 9,330 tonnes ($36.94 million) versus 1,990 tonnes ($10.12 million) in January-October 2019.
According to the ministry, export of milk and cream (condensed) in the first 10 months of 2020 decreased 27.1%, to 23,870 tonnes. Ukraine supplied condensed milk and cream for a total of $48.18 million, which is 30.8% less than in January-October last year. Import of this group of goods increased 2.9-fold, to 5,330 tonnes, in monetary terms by three times, to $12.06 million.

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