Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


On August, 22, 23 and 24 Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of Kyivan Rus («Kyivan Rus Park») invites to a grandiose celebration of the Independence Day of Ukraine. A bright show-program on historical theme, horse-trick performances, Slavic amusements, master-classes, tasty dishes prepared on open fire, horse riding and much more from the life of Kyivan Rus will be waiting for the guests.
Ancient Kyiv opens at 10:00. The program starts at 14:00.
The ticket price: a full adult ticket – 225 UAH, for pensioners and students – 150 UAH, for schoolchildren – 80 UAH, for preschool children – for free.
Ancient Kyiv in the «Kyivan Rus Park» is located in Kyiv region, Obukhiv district, the vill. Kopachiv.
Details on the website
The Interfax subscribers can save money with the “openbusiness-20” promo code for a 20%-discount for a full price adult ticket to the Principality of Kyivan Rus:
– by previous order by tel.: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
– or at the cash desk at the entrance to the «Kyivan Rus Park».

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Events in Belarus have become a relentless object of attention of political scientists, analysts and ordinary citizens who care about the fate of this country. The presidential election left a large part of the country’s population dissatisfied and they came out to protest. Despite the fact that when and, most importantly, how it will end, everyone tries to predict exactly how these events will affect their personal life.

The current crisis has affected almost every sector of the economy, entire factories are on strike, many people leave their jobs and go to protest, businesses can not plan their activities and are wary of looking for methods to minimize the risks from the consequences.
The Belarusian economy is agricultural and industrial and the share of electronic technologies is insignificant within the state, but there is something to be proud of. For example, thanks to the active position of IT entrepreneurs, Belarus became the first country in the world to legalize smart contracts based on blockchain. It operates a high-tech Park – a special tax and legal regime for the development of IT business, which is a separate jurisdiction, which provides certain preferences to participants registered in it. This state of affairs allows the IT sector to develop rapidly and move the country forward.
It is important to say that the part of people who are employed in the IT sector is probably the most active, modern and erudite. It is these people who actively monitor trends, prospects and move progress forward. In the current conditions, a number of threats are hanging over qualified programmers and every IT specialist is trying to foresee the consequences and join the country’s assistance as much as possible, as they see it.
The political crisis did not pass by the participants of IT business and they expressed their position. On August 13, 2020, the founders, managers, and employees of IT companies wrote an open letter warning of the collapse of the entire sector if violence against protesters continued. They warned that if the violence continues, Belarus may lose all its digital assets. In addition, the letter says that in the near future there may be an outflow of specialists abroad, slowing down the pace of development of the IT sector and reducing investment in the industry. The letter was also signed by several representatives of Israeli companies whose branches operate in Belarus.
“Thousands of people have been detained and convicted. Peaceful protests were dispersed with inadequate use of force. Ordinary people are detained for no reason, beaten and arrested. Internet access was disabled for several days throughout the country, ” the message reads.
Today, the protests are not subsiding, but are growing every day. It is felt that the atmosphere in the country is electrified and no one knows what the final will be.
The IT sector is monitored abroad as well. For example, Israel, where the IT sector is one of the flagships of global digitalization, actively monitors what is happening in Belarus. The international IT company AllStarsIT Ukraine, which is one of the leading companies in the digital technology market, monitors everything that is happening in the world and events in Belarus have not been spared. President and founder of the Ukrainian branch of AllStars Group Solomon Amar says that according to his estimates, the situation is very difficult and he receives a lot of requests from Israeli companies to help and assist.
“We follow and worry about our Belarusian colleagues. We hope that everything will be settled and people’s rights will be protected, and employees of IT companies will get proper working conditions, ” said Solomon Amar.

He also added that he does not advise his colleagues to rush to move from Belarus, because the crisis is a natural process and can always occur. However, despite the fact that this situation is extraordinary, one should not lose vigilance and think about its future.
In addition, Solomon Amar noted that if the situation worsens, it can lead to serious negative consequences for both IT companies and software developers.
Belarus is going through difficult times and every country in its development is facing protests, revolutions or other crises, but time does not stop there, we should look ahead and take responsibility for ourselves. It is important to assess all the risks and consequences in time to protect yourself from the negative that can befall in the event of adverse conditions.

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There is no technical capacity in Ukraine to conduct research and development of any vaccines, including against coronavirus, but preparations are underway for mass production, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said.
“From the very beginning of the pandemic, we gathered all specialists. We have brilliant doctors, and this is true. Technically, we could not produce any vaccines, or develop from the point of view of science – there is no medical technical equipment. With all due respect, once again, to our doctors and scientists. There are no questions for them, they are great. But there was nothing at all, there were no laboratories, vaccine production – I will tell you frankly, now there are already several enterprises that are ready for mass production,” he told reporters during a working visit to Mykolaiv region.
Zelensky noted that the Health Ministry of Ukraine has already begun negotiations with the countries that are developing vaccine against coronavirus.
“If we manage to get the vaccine from one country or another, we are ready to produce it on a large scale, helping other countries and, first of all, helping Ukrainians,” the president stressed.
In addition, it is planned to create a research center in Ukraine specializing in the development of vaccines.
“The question is global about science, medicine, the development of vaccines for the future, so this task has already been set. The Ministry of Health and the prime minister are gathering scientists separately, we will create a separate center, gather the best scientists of Ukraine, so that we could be ready for any future challenges. It takes time, but I believe that if we have a desire, we will do the rest,” Zelensky said.



National bank of Ukraine’s official rates as of 21/08/20

Source: National Bank of Ukraine


Official rates of banking metals from national bank as of August 21

One troy ounce=31.10 grams



JSC Ukrzaliznytsia for the upcoming Independence Day of Ukraine will launch additional high-speed trains No. 224/223 Odesa-Kyiv and No. 168/167 Lviv-Odesa.
According to the company’s press service, the trains will be launched due to an increased demand for passenger transportation services on holidays.
Train No. 224/223 will transport passengers between Odesa and Kyiv on August 22 and 24.
Train No. 168/167 will transport passengers between Lviv and Odesa on August 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30.

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