Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


PJSC Donbasenergo transferred UAH 68.5 million of taxes and other obligatory payments to the national and local budgets, which is 2.7 times (by UAH 43.1 million) more than in January 2019. According to the company’s press release, UAH 67.7 million was transferred to the national budget (VAT, environmental tax, fees for a special use of water resources, other taxes of the national level), and UAH 800,000 (land tax, immovable property tax, etc.) were paid to the local budget of Donetsk region.
Donbasenergo owns Starobesheve (located in the occupied territory) and Sloviansk thermal power plants (TPP) with the total installed capacity of 2,880 MW, in particular the capacity of Sloviansk TPP is 880 MW. At the end of March 2017, the generation company announced the loss of control over the operation of Starobesheve TPP, as well as part of structural units located in the temporarily uncontrolled territory.
PrJSC Energoinvest Holding owns 60.86% of the shares of Donbasenergo, another 25% of the shares of the generating company are owned by the state



Oil transit through Ukraine to European countries in January 2020 decreased by 3.6% (by 40,000 tonnes) compared to the same period in 2019, to 1.057 million tonnes, JSC Ukrtransnafta has reported. The volume of oil transportation to oil refineries in the country in January 2020 amounted to 188,500 tonnes, which is 16% (26,100 tonnes) more than in January 2019.
Thus, in January 2020, the share of transit volume in the total transportation of oil (1.246 million tonnes) was 84.9%, the share of pumping to the country’s refineries was 15.1%.



On February, 8 and 9 in Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of Kyivan Rus («Kyivan Rus Park») an interactive entertaining program «Sky Horses» will take place. Horse-trick performances, master-classes on ancient martial arts and horse care, tasty dishes prepared on fire, Slavic games, and round dances will be waiting for the guests … And all of this in a real, live medieval city!
Ancient Kyiv opens at 10:00. The program starts at 13:30.
The ticket price: a full adult ticket – 190 UAH, for pensioners and students – 150 UAH, for schoolchildren – 80 UAH, for preschool children – for free.
Ancient Kyiv in the «Kyivan Rus Park» is located in the vill. Kopachiv, Obukhiv district, Kyiv region.
Route taxis leave from Kyiv from the «Vydybitchi» metro station.
Detailed information on the website
The Interfax subscribers can save money with the “openbusiness-20” promo code for a 20%-discount for a full price adult ticket to the Principality of Kyivan Rus:
– by previous order by tel.: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
– or at the cash desk at the entrance to the «Kyivan Rus Park».

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The Bila Tserkva Industrial Park (a project of the UFuture) begins the construction of a new logistic automated depot for courier delivery of goods to the company Nova Poshta in Bila Tserkva. According to the project — the total area of the premises will be more than 3900 square meters, and the cost of the object will exceed $5 million.
“I`m proud that Nova Poshta, known to every Ukrainian, has chosen our Bila Tserkva Industrial Park for scaling. In fact, today industrial parks are not only a profitable location for creating innovative production, but also an investment nanny for a domestic producer and investor. We help with the connection to communications, provide all the necessary infrastructure. I`m sure that the case of this national giant will be the impetus for the further development of the format of industrial parks in Ukraine as a whole,” Vasyl Khmelnytsky, founder of UFuture, said.
The investment project provides for the creation of an innovative terminal, which will include a customer service department, office and social facilities, and attached infrastructure. The two-story building of the logistic depot will have autonomous heating, a centralized ventilation system and air conditioning. Commissioning will take place in autumn 2020.
“We will open branches and an automated logistic depot to ensure fast and high-quality delivery for our customers from Bila Tserkva and another 80 settlements of the region. Depot capacity — 2.8 thousand parcels per hour, up to 50 people will work at the facility,” Volodymyr Popereshnyuk, co-owner of Nova Poshta, said.
The choice in favor of the Industrial Park became possible because of its advantageous location, ready-to-use utilities and turnkey construction in accordance with the international standards of energy efficiency, fire resistance and environmental friendliness. The construction of a new warehouse terminal allows the postal operator to create convenient logistics and quickly deliver goods to Kyiv and the region.
The purpose of the Bila Tserkva Industrial Park is the development of modern industrial production in Ukraine. The park offers industrial land with all engineering infrastructure and ready-made modern production, logistics and storage facilities for rent or purchase. Knowledge and extensive experience in real estate development allow the park team to provide the client with a range of services and services for organizing efficient production.
The total area of the Bila Tserkva Industrial Park is more than 70 hectares. The key difference is in its focus on creating ecosystems and clusters (production, logistics and others). The value of this approach for the client is to establish supply chains, reduce production costs and availability of raw materials. As of the beginning of 2020, six companies are residents of the industrial park. The industrial park belongs to UFuture projects.
UFuture is a holding company of Ukrainian entrepreneur Vasyl Khmelnytsky that integrates his business and impact-investment projects. The company has a diversified portfolio of assets in the fields of real estate, infrastructure, industry, renewable energy, pharmaceuticals, and IT. Currently, UFuture’s assets are estimated at $550 million, and the total capitalization of the businesses it invested in is more than $1 billion.
UFuture’s mission is to secure global connectivity of Ukraine by including the country’s economy and talent into international value chains where the economy and human capital of the state will play an important role.
Nova Poshta Group provides its customers, both business and individuals, with a full range of the logistics and related services. The Group includes Ukrainian and foreign companies, in particular, Nova Poshta, NP Logistic, POST FINANCE and Nova Poshta International.
Nova Poshta is the leader of the logistics market, which provides easy delivery to each client — at the post office, and the address — and allows thousands of entrepreneurs to create and develop a business not only in Ukraine but also abroad. The company’s network has more than 6,000 branches throughout Ukraine, and the number of departures in 2019 alone exceeded 212 million. NP Logistic is a fulfillment service company: storing goods in warehouses, picking and sending orders to the recipient. POST FINANCE is a non-banking financial institution, thanks to which the company’s clients can carry out money transfers and electronic money transactions. Nova Poshta International is developing an international partner network to provide customers with express delivery services in Ukraine and also abroad.
Nova Poshta Group works in compliance with all the norms of Ukrainian legislation. In 2019, the Group transferred more than 4 billion UAH of taxes and fees to the country’s budget. More information about products and services on the website:

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Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada has approved at first reading bill No. 2259 on reforming patent legislation. An Interfax-Ukraine correspondent has reported that the corresponding bill was supported by 369 MPs with the required 226 votes. “We already know that during the preparation of bill No. 2259 for second reading, we will hold extensive consultations on amendments to the so-called patent evergreening or secondary patents. We are talking about non-salts, isomers, new therapeutic solutions,” MP Roksolana Pidlasa (the Servant of the People parliamentary faction) said, presenting the document in parliament.
In addition, at an evening session on February 4, the Rada adopted bill No. 2258 on protecting intellectual property rights to trademarks and combating patent trolling with 350 supportive votes.
“Appealing fake patents is long, expensive and difficult, and the responsibility for trolling is almost symbolic. If someone uses your trademark or very similar to it, the copyright holder today has no opportunity of appealing this, except in court. And, unfortunately, such an appeal by the current judicial system is also long, expensive and complicated,” Pidlasa said.
The bill sets the list of grounds for refusal to register a trademark or industrial mark, provides for the opening of a database of applications for trademarks for pre-registration protection.
“Finally, we impose tough sanctions on violators of intellectual property rights, a fine of up to UAH 2 million. Together, these tools make the manipulation with trademarks and industrial designs very difficult, economically disadvantageous and risky,” Pidlasa said.
