Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Some 780 filling stations continue operating without a fuel sales license after the launch of the fuel administration reform from July 1, the Ukrainian Oil & Gas Association has said.
The data was obtained by the association during the reconciliation of information on fuel retail locations on with information from the public register of licensees and locations for which licenses were obtained.
“Some 780 of such facilities are not in the register of licensees, respectively, they continue working without a license. In this regard, the Oil & Gas Association sent an official appeal to the State Fiscal Service with a request to inspect these places for availability of licenses and registrations of them as excise warehouses in the electronic fuel sales administration system and other violations,” the association said in a statement.
As reported, the reform of the fuel turnover administration, which began on July 1, 2019, provides for licensing of the production, storage and trade of fuel, modernization of the electronic fuel sales administration system at each excise warehouse, and the launch of a new system for monitoring the actual turnover and remaining fuel, and toughened liability for illegal fuel operations.
In the middle of August, the State Fiscal Service reported on the issuance of more than 9,500 licenses for the right to manufacture, store fuel and trade with it, of which 780 licenses were issued for storage.



Tough sanctions for violation of the rules of importing cars with foreign registration came into force on August 22, State Fiscal Service of Ukraine said on its website.
“Let us remind that according to new rules a fine in an amount of UAH 85,000 was set if a term of delivery of the vehicles of personal and commercial use delayed by 20-30 days,” the service said.
The rules say that in terms of delay by 30 days, or if the vehicle is damaged or disassembled, the size of the fine will be UAH 170,000 or the car will be subject to confiscation.
The similar fines will be paid under violating of terms of temporarily import of the vehicles: UAH 85,000 fine for failure to meet 20-30 days of deadline, UAH 170,000 or confiscation of the vehicle in case of damage or disassembling of the vehicle.
As reported, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky is going to put to the parliament a bill that postpones fines for three months. During this period, the working group is to draw out a new bill that regulates rules of disassembling of new or already used vehicles, which are in Ukraine or will be imported to Ukraine.

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Average vacancy of business centers in Rivne by August 2019 was 3.1%, and by late 2020 it is planned to expand total office space supply by 8,000 square meters, UTG consulting company (Kyiv) has told Interfax-Ukraine.
“The main increase in office space in Rivne was seen in 2000-2004, when 45.1% of the total market supply was built/reconstructed and put into operation (GLA is 41,000 square meters). During 2016-2018, not a single new business center was opened, and in 2019 the total office supply was replenished with the Smart BAU office building located at 41/1, Vidinska Street,(GLA 1,100 square meters) and TOTs located at 11, Zamkova Street ( GLA 370 square meters),” UTG Senior Analyst Oksana Gavrilevich said.
According to her, the active construction of a business center is carried out by the Renome company on Lionokombinatska Street with the first Sport Life club in Rivne (GLA more than 5,000 square meters).
In addition, there are seven office buildings at different stages of construction and installation works; in 2020, offices with a total lettable area of more than 8,000 square meters were declared to open.
“Despite the large volume of the current office supply (per 1,000 inhabitants, it is comparable with the largest regional centers of Ukraine: Odesa, Lviv, Dnipro), the total area of high-quality and professional facilities in the city is no more than 11,000 square meters. About 79% (71,300 square meters of the city’s office premises were commissioned before 2008 and are already morally and technically outdated,” Gavrilevich said.



The Ukrainian media Internet advertising market expands by 82% in H1 2019, to UAH 1.987 billion, the Ukrainian Internet Association (UIA) has said.
The share of direct sales on this market over the period came to 61.41%.
The segments of media Internet advertising are the following: banner advertising with 34% of the market share, in-stream video (pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, pause-roll, overlay-advertisement, picture-in-pause) was – 41%, in-page video advertising (content-roll) – 11%, other non-standard solutions (pop-up and pop-up pop-ups, catfish and screen-glide formats, synchronous banners, frontlines, full-screen advertising, sound advertisement in a digital audio stream and other types) – 9% and sponsorship – 5%.
The share of mobile media Internet advertising (targeted at mobile device users) of the total turnover of media Internet advertising was the following: 20.7% for banner advertising, 22% for in-stream video, 0.7% for in-page video (content-roll), 2.5% – for non-standard solutions and 1.1% for sponsorship.
The share of Programmatic (automated advertising) was 34.6% for purchases by agencies and 50.8% for platforms.
The share of social media and instant messengers (FB, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Viber and other applications) was also determined in advertising – 36.64%.
The methodology for measuring the volume of media Internet advertising was based on a cross-sectional analysis of survey data from the largest advertising agencies, websites and sales houses.
“The survey involved leading online advertising agencies: ADINDEX, AdWork, Dentsu Aegis Network Ukraine, DIEVO, Havas Digital, Maxus Sigma, MediaHead, Netpeak, newage, Publicis One, razom communications, TMGU, WebPromo, and representatives of the largest sites, holdings and sales-houses: 1+1, Adpartner, Edipresse Media, FISH, Go2Ne,, Programmatic Media Group, RBC, RIA, Rontar, RST, StarLight Digital Sales, Treeum,, UMH, Autocentre, Lux (24 Channel) Novoye Vremia,” the association said.

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky took part in festivities on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine.
At the Alley of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, the head of state announced a moment of silence for those killed during the Revolution of Dignity.
“We begin the Day of Independence of Ukraine from the place where the best sons and daughters of Ukraine gave their lives and their future to preserve our independence. And today, our future says ‘thank you’ to all of them. May the memory of the deceased live forever,” Zelensky said.
The president of Ukraine and his wife also laid flowers to the Cross at the Alley of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred.
After the ceremony of hoisting the State Flag of Ukraine and performance of the State Anthem by the combined military orchestra of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the head of state congratulated Ukrainians on the 28th anniversary of Independence. He noted that August 24 was the most important day for Ukraine.
The president thanked the military men, who defend Ukraine in Donbas.
Zelensky also urged all Ukrainians to unite and build the country together.
“We are different. But we are united. We must be united, because only then we are strong. We should understand that we have to count only on ourselves. Not to quarrel over the past, but to unite for the future. Ukrainian-speaking and Russian-speaking, regardless of age, gender, religion, we must be one people. Not on posters, not on slogans, but here. In everyone’s heart. We must move forward, build the country together, do the impossible together,” the president said.
At the same time, he expressed confidence in the future development of the state because of the new generation formed in times of independence.
“Today, an entire generation, born in independent Ukraine, has already formed. For them, this is a normal state of affairs. It can’t be different for them. And that’s wonderful. Because this generation is our mental foothold. Foothold for freedom, democracy and development. They think differently, they think in a modern way, which means that Ukraine will only move forward,” he said.
The head of state also presented state awards in the framework of marking the 28th anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence.

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Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises are expected to increase steel production by 4% by the end of the year compared to 2018, up to 21.895 million tonnes.
According to background documents of Economic Development and Trade Ministry available for Interfax-Ukraine, a total rolled steel output will see 3% rise by the end of 2019, up to 18.937 million tonnes, when pig iron will see 0.4% down, to 20.748 million tonnes.
Such forecast was made following the performance indicator of January-July 2019, the ministry said.
The agency’s source in the ministry also said that under ongoing trends scrap metals supplies to the enterprises would decrease by 3%, to 3.238 million tonnes.
Besides, pipe output in 2019 may grow by 19%, to 1.144 million tonnes, coke output will drop by 5%, to 10.305 million tonnes, metalware output will drop by 1%, to 186,000 tonnes.
Meanwhile, the metal and mining enterprise can increase iron ore extraction by 4%, to 76.095 million tonnes, iron ore concentrate output by 5%, to 63.568 million tonnes, ready iron ore raw materials may increase by 1%, to 53.696 million tonnes. Sinter cake output will remain on the level of previous year with 31.706 million tonnes, steel pellets output will increase by 3% reaching 21.989 million tonnes.

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