There are both economic and strategic components in the issue of concern for the Nord Stream 2 project, while Ukraine needs to seek alternative natural gas resources, Assistant to the U.S. President for National Security Affairs John Bolton has stated.
We with the prime minister of Ukraine held a very interesting discussion on energy resources and the role Ukraine plays, what we can do in future, Bolton said at a press conference in Kyiv.
According to him, U.S. President Donald Trump, expressing concern about Nord Stream 2, stresses “not only the economic importance of this issue in Europe … but also strategic.”
Undoubtedly, this is what is connected with the monopoly of a supplier of critical energy resources … Why do you, Europe, voluntarily bind yourself even more to Russian energy suppliers? An alternative option for Ukraine and other countries is to find other natural gas sources and resources, he added.
He stressed this is the matter of policy, the government of Ukraine to look for alternative energy resources so that there is no dependence on Russia.
Bolton noted that if Nord Stream 2 is built, then Ukraine will remain in a situation of risk that Russia, even if it undertakes, will not supply sufficient volumes of gas.
As a result of the next wave of privatization, investors who are ready to invest in their development of Ukrainian companies should become their new owners, EBRD Managing Director for Eastern Europe and the Caucasus Francis Malige is convinced.
Our task is to organize privatization in such a way that a real investor who will invest money will come, we need to prepare this process, he told Interfax-Ukraine.
On the one hand, it is unacceptable that sometimes this process takes so much time, but on the other hand – I would not want to see that the new owners of the companies have nothing to do with them, investors should be real, Malige noted.
As reported, in early 2018 the working group on privatization was updated. It included representatives of the Reforms Delivery Office under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, SAGSUR, the World Bank, the EBRD, the International Monetary Fund, the USAID, and the EU Delegation to Ukraine.
The working group was renewed to effectively coordinate the authorities, prepare recommendations and proposals for the draft resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers on privatization and conditions of the sale of public property, attract international financial and technical assistance to prepare for privatization and put up the objects for sale and analyze the main problems of ensuring transparent and competitive privatization.
Ukraine as of August 22, 2018, threshed 34.2 million tonnes of early grain and leguminous crops from 9.8 million hectares (100% of the areas under the crops) with a yield of 3.47 tonnes per hectare, Ukraine’s Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food said on its website.
According to the Ministry, last year the harvest of early grains stood at 37.3 million tonnes gathered from 9.6 million hectares.
This year, Ukrainian farmers harvested 24.4 million tonnes of winter wheat from 6.4 million hectares (100% of the plan) with a yield of 3.81 tonnes per hectare and 0.66 million tonnes of spring wheat from 0.19 million hectares (95%) with a yield of 3.53 tonnes per hectare.
The total yield of winter barley was 3.1 million tonnes harvested from 0.87 million hectares (100% of the plan) with a crop yield of 3.53 tonnes per hectare, the total yield of spring barley was 4.4 million tonnes harvested from 1.6 million hectares (99%) with a crop yield of 2.75 tonnes per hectare.
A total of 388,000 tonnes of rye was harvested from 146,000 hectares (99% of the plan) with a yield of 2.65 tonnes per hectare, 434,000 tonnes of oat from 187,000 hectares (95%) with a yield of 2.32 tonnes per hectare, and 799,000 tonnes of peas from 430,000 hectares (99%) with a yield of 1.86 tonnes per hectare.
Farmers have just started to harvest buckwheat and millet. As of August 22, the total yield of buckwheat was 5,700 tonnes from 4,800 hectares (4% to the plan) with a crop yield of 1.18 tonnes per hectare and the total yield of millet was 3,600 tonnes from 2,000 hectares (4%) with a yield of 1.82 tonnes per hectare.
The ministry also briefed on the rapeseed harvesting campaign: 2.6 million tonnes of winter rapeseeds have also been harvested this year from 969,200 hectares (100% of the plan) with a yield of 2.65 tonnes per hectare and 94,700 tonnes of spring rapeseeds from 47,000 hectares (72%) with a yield of 2.01 tonnes per hectare.
Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) plans to increase the share of export revenues in total sales to 70% in future from 55% in the first half of 2018.
“We intend to increase exports … After the launch of all capacities, exports could reach 70%. This is the prospect for the next three years,” Viktoria Kapeliushna, the company’s finance director, told Interfax-Ukraine, noting that MHP exports not only chicken, but also grain and vegetable oil.
In addition, she confirmed the interest of MHP in purchasing new assets in other countries and reported the agricultural holding is considering several proposals.
Commenting on the impact of the external situation on the company’s plans, she noted the risk of expanding trade wars between the countries.
“The situation with the Turkish lira has not affected Ukraine so far. But we cannot say there won’t be influence at all, it depends on what will happen to other emerging markets. At present, it’s worth being more afraid of trade wars between the countries. This factor can indeed significantly affect the markets,” Kapeliushna believes.
Speaking about expectations for the near future, the financial director of MHP reported that the agroholding maintains its forecast for the growth of EBITDA in 2018 compared to 2017 by 5%, to $490 million.