Damage to Pak-Expo Leasing LLC (Slavutych, Kyiv region), a plant for production of one-component polyethylene caps for PET bottles, from an attempted raider seizure amounted to UAH 600,000.
“More than 40 unknown masked persons at 17:30 on August 8 seized the production facilities of Pak-Expo Leasing and had been holding them until 24:00. After the intervention of law enforcement officers, the raiders left the premises,” director general of the company Valeriy Savchenko said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine.
The company reported that the leader of the illegal capture had been detained by the law enforcers.
According to lawyer of Pak-Expo Leasing Maksym Zavorotniuk, the “standard raider scheme – the alienation of property rights through the state registrar on fictitious documents” was launched in relation to the company.
“This happened on August 7-8, but we reacted quickly and noted the registration actions, thus renewing the property rights in the state register of rights to immovable property. A lawsuit has been filed with the Economic Court of Kyiv region on invalidating the documents on the basis of which the raider seizure took place,” the lawyer said.
The core business of Pak-Expo Leasing, operating in the Ukrainian market since 2004, is the production and sale of single-component polyethylene screw caps for carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, juices, and dairy products.
Since 2004, the company has invested EUR8 million in its development.
The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) has allowed PJSC Closed-End Non-Diversified Venture Corporate Investment Fund “Hunter” (Kyiv) to acquire more than 50% in charter capital of the resort and spa operator PrJSC Truskavetskurort (Lviv region). This was reported by the AMCU’s press service. PrJSC Truskavetskurort incorporates such health resorts as Vesna (Spring), Krystal (Crystal), Almaz (Diamond), Yantar (Amber), Rubin (Ruby Crystal), Berezka (Little Birch) (all based in Truskavets, Lviv region).
AXA Insurance (Kyiv) in January-June 2018 collected more than UAH 915.6 million in gross insurance premiums, which is 14%, or UAH 115 million, more than for the same period in 2017, according to a press release of the insurer. “For the first half of 2018, according to regulatory reporting, profit amounted to UAH 47.6 million. According to the standards of the AXA international group, our financial result amounted to UAH 105 million,” financial director of the company Mykola Ivaniniv said.
The company also reports that for the first six months of 2018 the volume of premiums on KASKO totaled UAH 523 million (10% more). Insurance premiums of individuals on KASKO in the total volume of premiums collected on this type of insurance are 66% (UAH 346 million). Income from voluntary medical insurance grew by 32%, premiums amounted to UAH 138 million.
Premiums for travel insurance also rose by 26% compared to last year, the total number of contracts was 60,000, the volume of insurance premiums stood at UAH 18.6 million with a growth of 60%.
AXA Insurance belongs to AXA Group (France). It has been represented in the Ukrainian insurance market since 2007. It employs more than 780 employees and has 1,220 agents throughout Ukraine.
The law firms Asters and EPAP Ukraine (Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners, Kyiv) have announced their intention to unite. According to a joint press release of the companies, the firms are to merge on October 1, 2018. “The combined firm with its offices in Kyiv and Washington will be the largest in Ukraine with 26 partners and more than 140 lawyers,” the press release reports.
The company will be headed by a committee of three partners, namely Oleksiy Didkovsky (the managing partner of Asters), Armen Khachaturyan (the senior partner of Asters), and Serhiy Svyryba (the managing partner of EPAP Ukraine). “The merger process will be completed after obtaining the necessary regulatory permits. Asters and EPAP Ukraine will consolidate professional experience of the best specialists, significantly strengthen expertise in both transactional and regulatory practices, and in the field of dispute resolution,” the press release says.
The Asters and EPAP Ukraine law firms have been working in Ukraine for more than 20 years. They are the leaders of the legal market, have the highest recommendations of international and national ratings. The international rating Chambers Europe 2018 notes 22 lawyers of the future joint firm: the largest number of recognized experts in one law firm in Ukraine.
Citibank (Kyiv) has decided to pay UAH 972.582 million in dividends to its shareholders, the bank said in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission. According to the report, the shareholders of the bank made the decision at a general meeting on August 8, 2018. The register of shareholders is to be composed on August 27. The financial institution in 2017 paid UAH 1.269 billion in dividends. Citibank was founded in 1998. It is a subsidiary of the American-based Citibank NA. The largest shareholders of the financial institution on January 1, 2018 were Citibank Overseas Investment Corporation (67%) and Citicorp Leasing International LLC (33%). Citibank in January-June 2018 received a net profit of UAH 627.989 million, which is 4.9% more than for the same period in 2017 (UAH 598.313 million). Citibank ranked 14th among 84 banks in terms of total assets on June 1, 2018 (UAH 20.593 billion), according to the National Bank of Ukraine.