Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

First factoring agreement signed under joint program of OTP Bank and USAID

OTP Bank and SVD-Development LLC have signed the first agreement on provision of factoring services under the joint program to support financing of Ukrainian business between OTP Bank and the USAID Project “Investments for Business Sustainability” (formerly USAID Financial Sector Reform Project).

The factoring agreement provides for financing in the amount of UAH 20 million for the supply of products by SVD-Distribution LLC to the network of a Ukrainian retailer of household appliances and electronics.

“Our company was established in difficult times – in November 2022. We decided not to postpone the implementation of the new project. Given our experience, the project is developing, creating jobs (16 people), gaining momentum, and we plan to grow in 2024, including through the OTP Bank and USAID program. Providing financial support, namely factoring on special terms, which we receive under the OTP Bank and USAID program, will help us replenish working capital for the supplied household appliances to the chain of stores and provide additional resources and opportunities for further development. Given the lengthening of logistics chains, our project needs just such a financing instrument,” said Natalia Teslenko, Managing Director of SVD-Distribution LLC.

Olga Volkova, Director of the Sales Department for Medium and Small Corporate Clients of OTP Bank, said that a significant number of corporate clients, especially large companies, when concluding agreements with suppliers, ask for a certain delay in payments for the delivered goods, which can reach 90 days and significantly increases the need for working capital for their partners. “Factoring allows the supplier to receive funds for its goods in the form of a tranche from the Bank immediately after delivery, without waiting for the buyer to pay. This is an effective means of quickly replenishing working capital, which, I emphasize, does not require collateral. It is especially beneficial and convenient for MSMEs, and partial compensation of the interest rate under the OTP Bank’s program with USAID makes it even more economically attractive. Therefore, companies that provide deferred payments for the supply of their goods and need working capital to finance such cash gaps are welcome to apply to the Bank and receive financing at a reduced interest rate,” she emphasized.

The USAID Project “Invest for Business Resilience” increases the supply of financing for businesses by working with a wide range of financial intermediaries, including banks, leasing, insurance companies and others, who raise funds and channel them into effective investments. “We help to unlock access to financial products for MSMEs on acceptable terms to support their businesses. As part of our joint program with OTP Bank, we facilitate access to affordable factoring financing, as this tool has been successfully used in Europe and other parts of the world. It improves business cash flow and frees up funds associated with unpaid invoices. The Business Resilience Investment Project expects to increase the number of factoring transactions and will continue to support the development of the factoring market in Ukraine,” said Yulia Vitka, Acting Chief of Party of the USAID Business Resilience Investment Project.

To learn more about SME factoring financing under the joint program of OTP Bank and USAID, as well as to apply for the service, please follow the link.

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American Chamber of Commerce continues to fight for transparent business in Ukraine and protect investors’ rights

Implementing rule of law, securing investment and property rights, and establishing a level playing field are among the 10 Priorities for Ukraine’s Post-War Economic Recovery developed by the experts of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (AmCham Ukraine).

Protection of investors’ rights is at the top of AmCham Ukraine’s agenda, particularly since the onset of the full-fledged invasion when business continuity, economic security, high-quality job creation, and furthering Ukraine’s ongoing resilience is truly a national security priority. This is important now to achieve victory, as well as to set the stage for the biggest economic opportunity since WWII. This will only increase and gain momentum in the months and years ahead thanks to the companies that believe in Ukraine, continue to operate and invest despite Russia’s full-scale war.

Since May 2020, AmCham has provided steadfast support for the establishment of the Office for Protection of Investors’ Rights, led by Oleksiy Boniuk, within the Office of the Prosecutor General (PGO) of Ukraine, spearheaded by Dmytro Verbytskyi, Deputy Prosecutor General. It is imperative that during this period of reform, investors committed to Ukraine may be assured of the country’s commitment to fairness, transparency, a level playing field, and protection of investor rights. Alongside AmCham President Andy Hunder’s efforts, AmCham Ukraine leadership – Chair of AmCham Ukraine Board of Directors, Lenna Koszarny, AmCham Vice President Tetyana Prokopchuk, and AmCham members met with representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Office to review the results achieved since the launch of joint work and identify key priorities for 2024 regarding the protection of investors’ rights.

The key metrics since the beginning of AmCham’s cooperation with the Office for the Protection of Investors’ Rights within the PGO are the following:

  • AmCham has brought forward 57 cases from its members – 37 cases regarding pressure on business and 20 cases where businesses have suffered and seek justice;
  • As of today, safeguarding of investors’ rights has been established in 31 cases, and in 16 cases, significant progress made representing the maximum extent of support that may be provided, including cases that have been referred to the relevant court or escalated to an appropriate responsible agency. This totals to 47 of 57 cases or 82% of cases referred where the situation has been fully addressed or eased substantially;
  • Of the 31 cases, 24 cases relate to pressure on business and 7 cases are where companies have suffered;
  • Of the 16 cases that have received maximum support and are now moved to a court or relevant agency, 6 cases relate to pressure on business, while 10 cases were companies that have suffered.

“We are determined to take concrete steps and actions so that business in Ukraine works at full capacity, contributes to Ukraine’s ongoing resilience and development, and provides resources for the country’s brave defenders to continue their heroic defense of Ukraine. We are ready to continue to provide a fair, transparent and professional platform to address cases raised by companies committed to openness, transparency, and rule of law, in the format of constructive discussion and evaluation of underlying facts,” stated Dmytro Verbytskyi, Deputy Prosecutor General.

“Ukraine continues on its path of transformation in rule of law, fairness, transparency, and level playing field, ascending twelve places in the 2023 edition of Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index – one of the best achievements globally. In addition, in March 2023, for the first time since modern-day Ukraine’s independence in 1991, the country was removed from the list of states where structural changes are taking place that destroy anti-corruption or those where the state of anti-corruption is deemed «globally unsatisfactory» by The Council of Europe Anti-Corruption Body, the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). Throughout this crucial process of reform, it is imperative that the country’s law-abiding top taxpayers – many of whom are among our 600+ members who have invested over $50 billion in Ukraine – have a platform to turn to in instances where they believe protection of their rights as investors is at issue. We appreciate the cooperation with Mr. Verbytskyi, Mr. Boniuk, and their teams, and the strong results achieved”, said Lenna Koszarny, Chair, AmCham Ukraine Board of Directors.

“After the Department for Investment Protection of the Office of the Prosecutor General began to lead the pre-trial investigation in the criminal case regarding the ACP complaint, there has been a marked improvement in the prospect of bringing to criminal responsibility the beneficial owners of GNT, who illegally dissipated $200 million of assets from the group that borrowed $100 million from US creditors. This department is key to demonstrating Ukraine’s ability to protect investors’ rights”, commented John Patton, Managing Director of London Office, Argentem Creek Partners.

A notable and very successful example of the cooperation of AmCham’s member companies and experts with the Prosecutor General’s Office is the joint work to reduce the scope, nature, and extent of businesses operating in the shadow economy. Specifically, success has been achieved in the field of prevention and the fight against the falsification of medicines in Ukraine. Since 2019 and until today, the Prosecutor General’s Office, in cooperation with the AmCham, has been effectively coordinating the efforts of pre-trial investigation agencies aimed at identifying, investigating, and submitting to the court case materials related to the sale to patients in Ukraine and abroad of falsified oncological, antiviral drugs, drugs for the treatment of rare diseases. At this time, the materials of 2 massive pre-trial investigations have been submitted to the court, according to which those accused of falsification face life imprisonment. Currently, pre-trial investigation is underway in 4 other cases.

AmCham Ukraine values strong cooperation and ongoing dialogue with the PGO and the Office for the Protection of Investors’ Rights and is in the process of expanding this dialogue to other enforcement agencies in Ukraine.

According to the AmCham survey, investors see business expansion as Ukraine’s greatest post-war investment opportunity, but security and rule of law are key.

About the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine:
The American Chamber of Commerce is Ukraine’s leading international business association that has been serving 600+ members in Ukraine since 1992, delivering the shared voice of best-in-class US, international, and Ukrainian companies, who invested over $50 billion in Ukraine and remain committed to the country.

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Forecast of dynamics of changes in ukrainian GDP in % for 2022-2025 in relation to previous period

Forecast of dynamics of changes in ukrainian GDP in % for 2022-2025 in relation to previous period

Source: and

PIN-UP Ukraine contributed more than UAH 3.4 bln to budget in 2023

PIN-UP Ukraine paid UAH 3.4 billion to the state budget in 2023. Tax payments included income tax, single tax, tax on winnings, personal income tax, military duty, unified social contribution, as well as an annual license fee of UAH 23.4 million. The company remains the largest taxpayer in Ukraine in the gambling sector.

“PIN-UP Ukraine is the largest taxpayer among the representatives of the legal gambling business in Ukraine. Despite the martial law in the country, we continue to operate and make all necessary payments to the budget of Ukraine in a timely manner. Honesty and transparency are important to us, so we will continue to fulfill our tax obligations for the economic stability of the country. We will also continue our humanitarian mission and help Ukrainians affected by the war,” commented Igor Zotko, owner of PIN-UP Ukraine.

The company regularly donates to the PIN-UP Foundation, a charity fund that allocates all its resources to support and develop Ukraine. The company has donated more than UAH 153.3 million to charitable and humanitarian projects. PIN-UP has evacuated more than 100 Ukrainians who lost their homes abroad, participated in a rescue mission after the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant explosion, repaired and equipped children’s centers in Kyiv region, and installed stationary street shelters in Kherson and Kharkiv region. As part of the LINE-UP project, the Foundation delivered 200 tons of essential goods to frontline cities and helped 15,000 Ukrainians from more than 100 settlements in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Mykolaiv and Zaporizhzhia regions.

PIN-UP Ukraine is a Ukrainian online casino that was one of the first in Ukraine to obtain an operating license. The license to organize and conduct casino gambling on the Internet was issued to UKR GAME TECHNOLOGIES LLC by the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries in 2021.

UKR GAME TECHNOLOGIES LLC, a licensed representative of the PIN-UP Ukraine market, tops the rating of businesses with an impeccable business reputation in the gambling industry by Opendatabot.


Hotel Business Forum-2024 will be held in Tashkent from February 29 to March 1

From February 29 to March 1, Tashkent will host the Hotel Business Forum-2024, which will discuss key issues of tourism and hospitality development in Uzbekistan with the participation of world experts, investors and leading industry players.

The event, organized with the support of the Tourism Committee and the Hoteliers Association of Uzbekistan, will become a significant event in the hospitality industry, a platform for business meetings, dialogue and exchange of experience for company representatives and leading experts on new trends in the industry.

The forum focuses on the development and implementation of innovative concepts, turning them into successful enterprises from design to market entry.
It is planned to cover various issues, including green technologies, return on investment in franchises, the role of information technology, environmental aspects, and the digitalization of services in the hotel business.

The event will also feature the National Hospitality Award of Uzbekistan, designed to identify the best companies in the hospitality industry and increase the country’s tourist attractiveness.



EU to allocate €75 mln for humanitarian aid to Ukraine

The European Commission (EC) announced on Tuesday the allocation of €83 million in “initial humanitarian aid” to Ukraine and Moldova for 2024.

“To help the most vulnerable people (…) in 2024, the EU will provide an initial €75 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine and €8 million to Moldova. And we will continue to closely monitor the changing needs on the ground to respond to the most urgent humanitarian challenges,” said Janez Lenarčič, EC Member for Crisis Management.

The European Commission’s communiqué explains that €75 million for Ukraine has been allocated for humanitarian projects “to provide emergency assistance, including access to basic needs such as shelter, protection services, drinking water, education and healthcare.”

Humanitarian projects for Moldova worth €8 million provide “targeted assistance to the most vulnerable populations, including humanitarian cash assistance to meet basic needs, protection and health care.”

The European Commission said that with this new funding, it has allocated a total of €926 million for humanitarian assistance programs for the civilian population of Ukraine after February 2022. Of these funds, €860 million is earmarked for humanitarian programs inside Ukraine and €66 million for support to Ukrainian refugees in neighboring Moldova.
