Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Consumer confidence index in Ukraine is growing for the fifth consecutive quarter: in Q4 2017 it reached 61 points, which is 3 points more than in Q3 2017 and 9 points more than in Q4 2016, according to the Nielsen global consumer confidence report. “Consumer behaviors are evolving. However, we see how demanding they are in selection of goods, services and brands,” Managing Director of Nielsen in Ukraine and Belarus Vaios Dimoragas said.
According to him, having a limited budget, consumers want impressions and positive emotions from shopping, the Internet helps them make the right choice before buying.
The index is calculated by three indicators: the consumers’ assessment of the prospects for the labor market in the next 12 months, the level of financial wellbeing in the next 12 months, the willingness to spend money at the moment.
The increase in the consumer confidence index in the fourth quarter of 2017 compared to the third quarter of the same year is due to the improvement in the indicators for all three indicators.
According to the document, the absolute majority of Ukrainians continues to believe that the country is in a state of crisis, while the number of those has increased slightly: 93% – in the fourth quarter 2017 against 92% – in the third quarter 2017.
The number of consumers, who believe that the country will not get out of the crisis in the next 12 months, fell to 66% at the end of 2017 with a 74% quarter before.
On the first and second places in the list of concerns of Ukrainians are still feelings about the growth of utilities tariffs and war: 29% and 28% of consumers are worried about this, respectively. The top five reasons for experiencing also include rising prices for food, economy and health, according to the study.
According to it, 26% of Ukrainian consumers do not have free funds after buying essential goods. Those, with whom they stay, spend free money on new clothes (37%), make savings (29%), have fun outside the house (26%).
The value of the index above 100 points indicates the prevalence of optimists in the country, pessimists are below 100 points, and the value of 100 points is about the balance between optimistic and pessimistic expectations from the future.

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State-owned enterprise (SOE) Boryspil International Airport (Kyiv), the largest airport of the country, plans to service 12.55 million passengers in 2018, which is 19% more than in 2017, when 10.555 million people were serviced. This is outlined in a financial plan of the airport approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on April 11 and a copy of which has been sent to Interfax-Ukraine.
According to the document, this year the airport seeks to boost passenger flow on international routes by 16.8%, to 11.31 million and on domestic routes – by 42.7%, to 1.24 million people.
“The decrease in the airport fees in the Boryspil airport since June 2017 and the introduction of a program to stimulate growth in volumes by the number of carriers allow us to maintain high growth rates of passenger traffic,” the airport said in an explanatory note to its financial plan.
In 2018, the Boryspil airport plans to serve 101,466 flights, which is 16% more than in 2017. The number of international flights is planned at 89,363 (17.6% more), domestic – 12,103 (5.4% more).

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Prices in the industry of Ukraine in March 2018 increased by 0.3%, while in February their growth was 1.2%, in January 4.4%, the State Statistics Service has reported.
In annual terms, in March this year the growth of producers’ prices slowed to 15.9% from 19.6% in February and 22% in January.
The main reason is the sharp decline in prices of metal ores (10.7% down).
Since early 2018, industrial prices in Ukraine grew by 5.9%.
Prices in mining and quarrying in March fell by 4.8%, in particular in mining of metal ores by 10.7%, crude oil and natural gas by 1.1%.
In processing industry prices went up by 0.2%, in particular, in production of rubber and plastic goods, other non-metal mineral goods – by 1.8%, bread production and beverages by 1.6%, vehicle, trailers and semitrailers, other vehicles production, production of PCs, electronic and optic goods – by 1.6%, production of key pharmaceutical products and medications – by 1.5%.
Prices in production of sugar fell by 7.5%, coke and petroleum products output – by 3.7% and in intra-branch consumption by 1.5%.
Tariffs in the supply of electricity, gas and air conditioning increased 3.1%.


Cygnet agricultural company plans to invest $700,000 in reconstruction and modernization of its sugar refinery in Zhytomyr region in 2018.
According to a posting on the company’s website, the works are intended to increase efficiency of the sugar refinery to 2,750 tonnes a day, reduce gas, limestone, coal, raw materials consumption and boost the quality of finished products.
Overhauls and current repair would start in the first half of April.
The company also said that Cygnet sowed 59% of areas with corn, 14% with soybeans, 14% with sugar beets and 10% with winter wheat.
As reported, Cygnet in 2017 invested $2.7 million in the modernization of a sugar factory in Zhytomyr region.
The company cultivates 25,000 hectares in Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia regions, where it grows corn, soybeans, wheat, and sugar beets.
Cygnet also has a dairy business line (about 700 cows), its products are sold to local processors, and the elevator capacity is 60,000 tonnes.

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Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) agroholding after a tender offer to buy notes due on April 2, 2020 received applications for the securities worth $416.183 million, the company reported on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) on Monday.
According to the report, currently the company has outstanding 2020 notes in aggregate principal amount of $495.6 million.
MHP said that following the early tender deadline the notes in aggregate principal amount of $409.783 million were tendered. On or before the expiration deadline the notes in aggregate principal amount of $6.4 million were tendered.
On or about 10 April 2018, on the terms and subject to the conditions in the tender offer memorandum, noteholders who validly tendered following the early tender deadline and on or before the expiration deadline will be paid the tender offer consideration of $1,065 per U.S.$1,000 principal amount plus the accrued interest amount.
The aggregate principal amount of Notes outstanding following completion of the tender offer is $79.417 million.

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