Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Special offer in Bucha from ADONIS

How to help the dearest person who needs constant medical care or inpatient examination for health reasons? How to help on days when you can’t be there? How to improve their health during an exacerbation of the disease? There is a way out.

We understand that you are worried about your loved one’s condition and are ready to provide the best medical care possible.

Contact our specialists to improve the quality of life of your loved ones. Discuss with them the benefits of medical care at ADONIS and take advantage of the special offer.

Terms of the special offer:

– Special price for services for people with disabilities of all categories and people who have a pension certificate (by age or other status):

– Medical support of a patient in a ward for two or more people – UAH 1,100;

– Medical support for a patient in a single room – UAH 2,200;

– The program includes inpatient medical care (excluding the cost of medicines) and meals;
– The special offer is valid until 31.03.24;
– The program is available at the ADONIS Medical Center in Bucha: 52, Nove Shosse St;
– For pensioners who need examinations (CT, MRI) and other medical services (except for hospitalization), a 20% discount is available. It can be used if you have a pension certificate;
– The 20% discount does not apply to persons who are serviced under the terms of insurance contracts;

Important! A member of the ADONIS Family who has purchased an annual service program for UAH 3,500 (instead of UAH 5,900) and access to super prices for other services (discounts of up to 25%) additionally gets the opportunity to undergo inpatient two-week rehabilitation at a promotional price of UAH 28 thousand.

Services available at the Bucha Medical Center

– Consultation of multidisciplinary adult and pediatric doctors;
– Modern diagnostic department (X-ray, ultrasound of organs and systems, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, etc;)
– A full-fledged rehabilitation department;
– Ability to transport patients by ambulance;
– Own clinical laboratory;
– Comfortable in-patient facilities for adults and children.

Important! To receive a 20% discount, you must present a pension certificate.

Indications for hospitalization:

– Asthenic syndrome;
– Spinal diseases (hernias, protrusions, osteochondrosis);
– Osteoarthritis of the joints;
– Osteoporosis;
– Paralysis of various genesis;
– Migraine;
– Multiple sclerosis;
– Parkinson’s disease;
– Tremors, hyperkinesis;
– Neuroses, sleep disorders, depression;
– Neuritis, neuralgia;
– Arthralgia, myalgia, sciatica;
– Post-stroke disorders;
– Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
– Condition after traumatic brain injury (rehabilitation);
– Hypertension.

Given the availability of our own emergency medical service, we are able to quickly and efficiently conduct a CT or MRI examination in the network of ADONIS centers.

To call the ADONIS emergency team, dial the number 0 800 707 707

Contraindications for hospitalization:

– Disturbance of consciousness;
– Acute cerebrovascular accident;
– Acute coronary circulation disorder;
– Acute abdominal pain;
– Infectious diseases in the acute period;
– Acute renal failure, the need for dialysis;
– Oncology;
– The need for round-the-clock monitoring of vital functions and intensive care.

What is the procedure for inpatient admission?

The decision on hospitalization is made by a neurologist after a free online consultation. During the meeting with the patient or his/her representative, based on the patient’s complaints and careful review of the results of previous examinations, our specialist analyzes the patient’s information and determines the need for hospitalization.

For more details and to make an appointment for an online consultation, please call the contact center: 0 800 707 707, or at the administrator of any ADONIS branch.

For those who want to know how to purchase an ADONIS Family club card, please follow the link

When making an appointment, please inform us that you want to take advantage of special offers.

Entrust the care of your loved one to professionals.

The team of ADONIS clinics takes care of your health!

Adonis is a network of private medical centers for adults and children. The Adonis private clinic was founded more than 20 years ago.

Its network includes 12 branches in Kyiv and the region, including two own maternity hospitals and a stem cell laboratory.

In the clinic’s branches, doctors treat patients in 66 medical areas.

During the war, the branches with surgical units continue to help patients by providing quality medical care to military and civilians.


Oil prices rise, Brent $78.5 per barrel

Oil prices are rising on Monday amid continued tensions in the Middle East.

The United States on Saturday launched a new strike on Yemen in response to the launch of a ballistic missile by the Yemeni Houthis at shipping lanes in the Red Sea. According to Western media, the strike hit a single target – a radar used by the Houthis.

On Friday, the United States and the United Kingdom launched a series of airstrikes on military facilities belonging to the Houthis in Yemen.

The cost of March futures for Brent crude oil on the London ICE Futures exchange as of 7:20 a.m. is $78.49 per barrel, which is $0.2 (0.26%) higher than at the close of the previous trading. On Friday, these contracts rose by $0.88 (1.1%) to $78.29 per barrel.

Futures for WTI for February in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) have risen in price by this time by $0.12 (0.17%) to $72.8 per barrel. As a result of the previous trading, the value of these contracts increased by $0.66 (0.9%) to $72.68 per barrel.

On Friday, the rise in the price of Brent at one point exceeded 4%, but by the end of the session it was only 1.1%. Over the past week, Brent fell by 0.6%, while WTI fell by 1.5%.

Market fluctuations show that traders currently do not see any serious risks of a reduction in oil production in the Middle East and oil supplies from the region due to the current conflict, Bloomberg writes.

Currently, prices “do not include a geopolitical risk premium, so Brent could rise above $80 per barrel if the conflict in the Middle East continues to escalate,” said Rob Tammel, portfolio manager at Tortoise Capital Advisors, as quoted by Market Watch.

“Currently, events in the region do not affect the supply of oil on the world market,” said Warren Patterson, who is responsible for commodity strategy at ING Groep NV. – “In the absence of supply disruptions, the situation on the oil market remains comfortable, despite the Middle East tensions.


Number of unemployed people registered in public employment service as of 01.11.2023 (in thousands)

Number of unemployed people registered in public employment service as of 01.11.2023 (in thousands)

Source: and

Number of unemployed in Ukraine and job opportunities, October 22 – October 23

Number of unemployed in Ukraine and job opportunities, October 22 – October 23

Source: and

Denmark has new king

On Sunday, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced the accession of King Frederik X to the throne from the balcony of the Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, where he also appeared in front of the public for the first time as king.

Frederiksen thanked Queen Margrethe II for her service to the country.

“The Crown Prince will now be our king, we know him, love him and trust him,” the Prime Minister said.

She wished the new head of state all the best and, according to tradition, wished the king nine times for his health.

Then King Frederik X of Denmark delivered the first speech.

“My mother, Queen Margrethe, ruled Denmark for 52 years. She followed the times, but she took our common heritage as her starting point. Today she has left the throne, but I hope to be the king who unites the country of tomorrow. This is a responsibility I take on with respect, pride and great joy. I need all the support I can get from my beloved wife, my family, from you and from God,” he said.

This was preceded by the ceremony of Queen Margrethe II’s abdication, which she unexpectedly announced in her New Year’s speech on December 31.

Frederik is Margrethe’s eldest son. The title of Crown Prince of Denmark was passed to Frederik’s eldest son, Christian.

According to preliminary estimates by the Danish police, up to 100,000 people gathered in Copenhagen to celebrate the transfer of power.

In honor of the new king, a fireworks display will be held in the harbor of the Danish capital – three times 27 shots from four guns, and late in the evening a fireworks show will be organized in the Copenhagen amusement park Tivoli Gardens.

There is no coronation ceremony in the Danish tradition.

The Danish monarchy is the oldest in Europe, dating back to the tenth century.
