Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Ukrposhta” increased revenues by 19% in 2023

In 2023, Ukrposhta JSC increased its revenues by UAH 1.9 billion to UAH 11.9 billion, exceeding the previous record level of UAH 11.1 billion in 2021, according to a report on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, citing the company’s CEO Ihor Smelyansky.

“In 2023, the number of parcels sent increased by 40%. It is also worth mentioning the 15 million parcels that Ukrposhta and Ukrzaliznytsia transported together – this is a convenient and effective collaboration between two state-owned companies,” Smelyansky said.

It is also noted that the number of money transfers has increased by 40%.

In 2022, Ukrposhta delivered 41.5 million parcels and paid out 9.3 million transfers.

Among other achievements of the past year, Smelyansky mentioned the establishment of air service with the United States. “This is important for our entrepreneurs. After all, even during a full-scale war, more than 1 million Ukrainian goods are successfully sold on American marketplaces,” he explained.

Separately, the Ukrposhta CEO emphasized the importance of loan agreements with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development worth EUR 63 million and the European Investment Bank worth EUR 30 million.

According to the data presented, the company has increased the number of mobile branches to 1864 with 200 locations.

Smelyansky named digitalization as one of the main areas of work for 2024. According to him, the company plans to cover 100% of Ukrainian cities and villages with digital services, as well as increase the level of automatic parcel sorting to 100% through the introduction of 18 new sorting centers.

It is also indicated that, if permits are obtained, Ukrposhta intends to cover 100% of towns and villages with banking and drug delivery services.

State enterprise “Ukrposhta” announced tender for insurance of mortgage objects

JSC “Ukrposhta” (Kyiv) on January 10 announced a tender for real estate insurance services of mortgage objects.

As reported in the system of electronic public procurement “Prozorro”, the expected cost of UAH -2.744 million.

Documents are accepted until January 18


Ukrainians cautiously optimistic about future – sociological survey

The number of Ukrainians who believe that the next year will be successful is 17.7% higher than the number of those who believe that the next year will be unsuccessful. While the number of those who rate the past year as more successful is only 1.7% higher than those who rate it as more unsuccessful. These are the results of a sociological survey conducted by Active Group on December 30, 2023, using the SunFlower Sociology online panel.

Answering the question “In which areas did the Ukrainian government work best in 2023?”, the highest rating was given to attracting international economic support, which was indicated by 44.5% of respondents. Attracting international political support came in second place, with 33.5% of respondents mentioning it. Attracting international military support was named by 32.7% of respondents as the third most successful area of work of the Ukrainian authorities. The three areas of work of the government that respondents mentioned the least were “Ensuring the safety of citizens in the government-controlled territory” (5.3%), providing support to socially vulnerable groups (5.0%), and ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens in the government-controlled territory (1.4%).

Next, respondents were asked to answer the question of how much they trust the following politicians. It turned out that Volodymyr Zelenskyy has the highest level of trust among the respondents. Thus, the number of those who trust Zelenskyy (fully or partially) exceeded the number of those who do not trust him by 48.9%. Mykhailo Fedorov is on the second place from the proposed list, who also has a positive balance of trust, amounting to 24.1%. The number of those who trust Vitali Klitschko is only 1.9% less than those who do not trust him. The rest of the politicians from the proposed list (Dmytro Razumkov, Volodymyr Groysman, Oleh Tyahnybok, Oleh Lyashko, Oleksiy Arestovych, Petro Poroshenko and Yulia Tymoshenko) have a negative balance of trust and distrust, with percentages ranging from -20.5% to -76.6%.

Thus, the leaders of trust are Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Mykhailo Fedorov, who are trusted (partially or fully) by 71.3% and 56.1% respectively. And the leaders of distrust are Petro Poroshenko and Yulia Tymoshenko, who are distrusted (partially or completely) by 75.7% and 84.1% respectively.

Respondents also assessed the usefulness of the work of the top three politicians – Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Petro Poroshenko, and Yulia Tymoshenko Volodymyr Zelenskyy received the highest score. 20.9% of respondents consider his activities “extremely useful” and 38.1% consider them “more useful.” The overall balance of usefulness and harmfulness for Zelenskyy is 31.5%.

Petro Poroshenko has a much more negative perception. Only 5.0% of respondents consider his activities “extremely useful,” and 15.3% – “more useful.” Instead, 22.5% consider his activities “more harmful” and 47.5% – “exclusively harmful”. His overall balance is -49.7%.

Yulia Tymoshenko also has mostly negative assessments. Only 1.7% of respondents consider her activities “exceptionally useful,” and 5.9% – “more useful.” However, 29.4% consider her activities “more harmful,” and 34.7% – “exclusively harmful.” The overall balance of usefulness and harmfulness for Tymoshenko is -56.5%.

Answering a couple of questions “Which of these politicians has done the most/least for the development of Ukraine?” Only Volodymyr Zelenskyi (48.4%) and Mykhailo Fedorov (9.8%) received a positive balance of answers. The rest of the politicians received a negative balance. The worst performers were Oleh Lyashko, Petro Poroshenko, and Yulia Tymoshenko with results of -38.4%, -39.0%, and -45.3%, respectively.

Next, respondents were asked to give their assessment of politicians’ openness to people, their ability to represent Ukraine in the international arena, and their moral and professional qualities.

Openness to people:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is considered the most open (45.2%), but 14.5% consider him the least open, with a difference of 30.7%.

Vitali Klitschko has a positive balance (10.6% vs. 8.7%), with a difference of 1.9%.

Yulia Tymoshenko has the worst balance (-27.4%), with 2.1% against 29.5%.

Representation of Ukraine in the international arena:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy leads (56.7% vs. 11.7%), with a difference of 45.0%.

Mykhailo Fedorov has a positive balance (10.3% vs. 4.3%), with a difference of 6.0%.

Petro Poroshenko has a significant negative balance (-29.0%), with 9.0% vs. 38.0%.

Moral qualities:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy also leads (44.2% vs. 13.4%), with a difference of 30.8%.

Mykhailo Fedorov has a positive balance (11.3% vs. 4.7%), with a difference of 6.6%.

Yulia Tymoshenko has the worst balance (-37.4%), with 2.5% vs. 39.9%.

Professional qualities:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is again the leader (40.4% vs. 15.0%), with a difference of 25.4%.

Mykhailo Fedorov has a positive balance (16.8% vs. 4.4%), with a difference of 12.4%.

Yulia Tymoshenko has a significant negative balance (-31.7%), with 5.0% against 36.7%.

Summing up the assessments of individual qualities, we can conclude that Volodymyr Zelenskyi with an average score of 48.4% and Mykhailo Fedorov with an average score of 13.1% are perceived most positively among the above-mentioned candidates. The most negatively perceived are Petro Poroshenko, with an average negative rating of 38.4%, and Yulia Tymoshenko, with an average negative rating of 37.6%.

The study was conducted by Active Group with the help of the SunFlower Sociology online panel. Method: Self-completion of questionnaires by Ukrainian citizens aged 18 and older. Sample: 2000 questionnaires (representative by age, gender and region of Ukraine). Data collection period: December 30, 2023. The theoretical error of the study does not exceed 2.2% (for results close to 50% with a confidence level of 0.95).

You can join the SunFlower Sociology online panel and receive a monetary reward for completing surveys by following the link.

Lithuania to send ammunition and armored personnel carriers to Ukraine

Lithuania will send M577 armored personnel carriers to Ukraine in February, and a package of long-term military assistance worth 200 million euros has been approved, President Gitanas Nausėda said.

“At a meeting of the State Defense Council, we approved a package of long-term military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 200 million euros. In January, we will send ammunition, generators, detonation systems to Ukraine again, and in February – M577 armored personnel carriers, we will train the Ukrainian military,” Nausėda said at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Vilnius on Wednesday.

Lithuania will transfer to Ukraine in 2024 vehicles purchased in 2023, including trucks, pickups, ambulances, various trailers and forklifts, the republic’s Defense Ministry said on Wednesday. Unmanned aerial vehicles, antidrones, remote detonation systems, ammunition and magazines, warm clothing sets, and various winter equipment will also be transferred.

According to the ministry, most of the aid is aimed at the needs of the coalition for demining Ukraine, which is being formed by Lithuania, and will include the purchase of various demining equipment, forklifts, trucks, as well as ammunition and dry rations. This assistance will be delivered to Ukraine in 2024-2025.

By the end of this year, it is planned to train approximately 3,000 Ukrainian military personnel.

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Entrepreneurs received UAH 181 mln in compensation for employing over 14,000 IDPs

More than 8,000 entrepreneurs received compensation of UAH 181 million last year for employing more than 14,400 internally displaced persons (IDPs), the press service of the Ministry of Economy reported on Tuesday.

The ministry noted that since the compensation is set at the minimum wage, it has increased from UAH 6,700 to UAH 7,100 since January 1 this year, and will rise to UAH 8,000 since April 1.

“In addition, the duration of the compensation payment has been increased from two to three months, and for the employment of IDPs with disabilities, the employer will be able to receive such compensation for six months,” Deputy Minister Tetyana Berezhna said in the release.

As reported, in April 2022, the government introduced a compensation program for employers to encourage entrepreneurs to hire IDPs.

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Super offer from ADONIS

Difficult times require unity. Unity when we are overcoming an illness or taking care of ourselves, maintaining our health. Unity to live and work in a country at war. Unity to survive despite financial and economic challenges.

Unity has always been our code – together we are strong. We are one family.

Together we become stronger and can do more. We invite everyone to join the exclusive program for Ukrainians “ADONIS Family”.

For a member of the “ADONIS Family”, the annual service program costs 3,500 UAH (instead of 5,900) + access to super prices for other services (discounts up to 25%).
Terms of the special offer:
– You can buy an annual maintenance package until 31.03.24 (the number of offers is limited).
– By paying a one-time fee of UAH 3,500, you get annual maintenance services worth UAH 5,900 (saving UAH 2,400) + access to the minimum prices for other services on the price list.
– The ADONIS Family super offer is available at all our branches.
– Citizens aged 18 years and older can use the program individually. Only one person from a family can use one program.
– Additional discounts (for military personnel, pensioners, etc.) do not apply to the annual program and are not summarized.

View the price list

In the future, within a year from the date of conclusion of the contract, the patient can be served at the super price in the attachment, where prices are 5-25% lower depending on the service.

Examples of discounts for services under the program:

– Medical consultations – 25%;
– Ultrasound, CT, endoscopy – 15%;
– MRI – 8%;
– General blood tests, urine tests, biochemical blood tests, blood glucose – 20%;
– Inpatient surgery – up to 10-15%;
– Massages – up to 15%;
– Physiotherapy and rehabilitation – 10%;
– Dental services (therapy, surgery, hygiene procedures) – 15%;
– Dentistry (implantation, prosthetics, orthopedics) – 8%.

The price list (special prices of the Family) may be changed 2 times a year in accordance with the terms of the contract.

Emergency care without extra charge for transportation costs is available within Kyiv, Vyshneve, Sofiyivska Borshchahivka, Petropavlivska Borshchahivka, Irpin, Bucha.

To call an ambulance, please call
0 800 707 707

How to take advantage of the special offer?

You can conclude a service agreement under the “ADONIS Family” super offer at the reception desk of any ADONIS outlet.

Contact center number

0 800 707 707

When making an appointment, please inform us that you want to take advantage of this special offer.

Taking care of your health, the team of ADONIS clinics!

The club card is activated 48 hours after purchase

ADONIS is a network of private medical centers for adults and children. ADONIS private clinic was founded more than 20 years ago.

Its network includes 12 branches in Kyiv and the region, including two own maternity hospitals and a stem cell laboratory.

In the clinic’s branches, doctors provide services in 66 medical areas.

During the war, the branches with surgical units continue to help patients by providing high-quality medical care to military and civilians.