Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Sunflower prices in domestic market of Ukraine returned to level of 13.5-14 thousand UAH/tonne

Sunflower prices in the domestic market of Ukraine returned to the level of 13.5-14 thousand UAH/ton, which corresponds to the indicator of the beginning of December, the information and analytical agency “APK-Inform” reported.

“Despite the decline in prices on the export market of sunflower oil, the need to replenish the raw material base and growing competition with exporters forced processors to raise purchase prices,” analysts explained.

According to their data, as of December 25, the demand prices of processing enterprises have increased to 13.5-14 thousand UAH/ton of SRT, and in western and southern regions they often reach 14.5 thousand UAH/ton under the same conditions.

At the same time, processing companies note that the previous price decrease has significantly reduced the supply of oilseeds on the market. Agrarians continue to restrain sales, expecting an increase in demand and prices after the resumption of sunflower exports to Bulgaria.

“The resumption of Ukrainian oilseed exports to Bulgaria is still only in the process and is expected no earlier than January after the approval of licenses, for which applications have already started to be submitted,” warns APK-Inform.


Cost of construction in Ukraine increased to 20% in 2023

The cost of construction in 2023 rose to 20%, which will affect price increases in 2024, Susanna Karakhanyan, Head of Sales at Greenville Kyiv, told Interfax-Ukraine.

“The cost of construction has increased by about 15-20% everywhere, and our projects are no exception. This will affect the cost per square meter: prices will rise over the next year, but not critically, because developers are trying to maintain demand,” she said.

Currently, in the Greenville residential complex in Pechersk, the cost per square meter in a finished building averages 2.4 thousand USD, and in a building under construction – 2 thousand USD. In Greenville Park, the average price per square meter under construction is 1.9 thousand USD.

According to Karakhanyan, in 2023, sales, demand, construction, logistics and operational and production processes adapted to the conditions of martial law. In the second half of the year, demand increased significantly: people began to return to Ukraine.

“In the Greenville residential complex in Pechersk, we commissioned two new sections this fall, and next year we plan to start another one. At Greenville Park, we have almost completed all monolithic works this year – the dynamics of construction is high, despite all the obstacles of wartime,” she said.

According to the expert, the market conditions are now dictated by the buyer, and developers are adjusting to investors. The term for concluding a deal has increased, now this process takes a month or more, buyers are looking for the most favorable conditions for themselves. Also, investors are not ready to invest in projects at the early stages of construction, assessing the risks. Priority is given to apartments in buildings in the final stages or completed. While buyers used to consider buying a home as a good investment to save money or make a profit, now they buy apartments primarily for themselves and their families.

In general, when choosing a home, buyers’ attention is focused on three aspects: safety, functionality, and rational planning.

“They opt for projects with underground parking (which serves as a shelter), far from military-industrial facilities. Of course, the investor also pays attention to the constructive advantages of the complex and the quality of building materials,” Karakhanyan said.

According to the Unified State Electronic System in the Construction Sector, the certificate of acceptance for two sections of the Greenville residential complex in Pechersk was issued on September 29, 2023. They have a total of 250 apartments. The building has 23 floors plus 4 underground floors, its total area is 34.85 thousand square meters, residential – 21.083 thousand square meters. It is noted that the estimated cost of the object put into operation is UAH 354 million 968.37 thousand.

According to the LUN new buildings portal, the project developer, Greenville, has been operating since 2007, during which time 26 residential buildings have been commissioned, six are under construction.

Uzbekistan will create free economic film zone Cinema Park

This was announced at a meeting on December 22 by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

More foreign TV series are being shown in prime time, the President of Uzbekistan noted. The head of state suggested supporting local artists and instructed to develop a concept for the production of national series.

The President noted that it is necessary to bring national series to the level of ideological, artistic and technical attractiveness to make them interesting, with special attention paid to creating modern conditions for local artists.

The Cinema Park free economic zone, which will be located in Tashkent region, will occupy 50 hectares. The khokims of Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent regions were instructed to launch projects to create their own free economic film zones.

The Head of State also proposed to consider the possibility of creating multi-part animated films about the exemplary life of great ancestors. These initiatives are aimed at supporting local artists and developing the national film industry in Uzbekistan.

For more details, please follow the link.


Experts club hosted final seminar-tasting of Ukrainian wine and vintage drinks

Last Friday, the Experts Club analytical center hosted the final seminar-tasting of Ukrainian wine and vintage drinks. This event once again brought together representatives of the Ukrainian wine industry, professional tasters, retail experts and media representatives.

Maksim Urakin, founder of Experts club, opened the event, emphasizing the importance of reviving and developing the culture of wine and vintage drinks in Ukraine.

“The Ukrainian wines presented at today’s tasting are limited editions that have not yet been presented to the general public, but have already been recognized at both Ukrainian and international competitions. Our events are held to support the development of domestic winemaking and spirits production, which will allow Ukrainian products to regain their leading positions, primarily in the domestic market, which, unfortunately, have been lost in recent years,” said Urakin.

The founder of Experts club also emphasized that a systematic approach to supporting Ukrainian producers will also lead to their entry into foreign markets and help the development of our economy as a whole.

In his turn, Andriy Strelets, General Manager of Knyaz Trubetskoy, emphasized that despite the destruction his winery suffered as a result of military operations, production continues to revive and develop.

“The wines that are presented at today’s event are new limited collections of 2022. And this is a sign that our winery is resuming production and working to expand its range. We have decided to change the name of our brand to Stoic Ukrainian winery, as it should symbolize the resilience of Ukraine in these difficult times,” said Strelets.

Sergiy Parkhomchuk, Marketing Director at PrJSC Knyaz Trubetskoy, spoke about the company’s new projects.

“Dnipro Hills is a new Ukrainian wine created in cooperation between STOIC Ukrainian winery and Chateau Pinot winery. At a critical moment in the 125-year history of our winery, Chateau Pinot provided us with invaluable support.

Representatives of a new industry for Ukraine – the production of craft distilled beverages, Oleksandr and Lesya Slobodian, presented their own products, including whiskey, calvados and grappa made in Ukraine. CraftSAD is a family-owned distillery with a unique history and philosophy, created by the Slobodian couple. Even after the loss of their laboratory and home during the war, they did not give up, but found a way to continue creating unique signature drinks for their fans. Their work is based on two key principles: the use of local raw materials (grains, berries, fruits) and the priority of quality over quantity. This provides CraftSAD with the opportunity to produce products that preserve the unique aroma and taste of natural ingredients and guarantee the uniformity of each batch.

“The event presents the author’s drinks that are already loved by many. “Zapechena” is based on an old Cossack recipe, a spicy honey brew that will first surprise and then impress with its richness of flavors. Aged for more than 3 years, the exquisite whiskey and calvados are truly worthwhile drinks, of which there are very few left after the house was destroyed,” said Lesia Slobodian.

In general, the event emphasized the importance of supporting Ukrainian wine and spirits producers and promoted the popularization of unique domestic alcohol brands.

The partner of the Experts club was Myasnyi Rai.

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TAS IG increased sales and payments by almost half

In January-November 2023, TAS Insurance Group (Kyiv) collected insurance payments in the amount of UAH 3.224 billion, which is 46.6% more than the amount raised in the same period a year earlier.

According to the insurer’s website, the company collected UAH 652.81 million in insurance premiums under hull insurance contracts over 11 months, which is 20.25% of the total amount of the insurer’s payments and 44.1% higher than in January-November 2022.

The volume of premiums for MOTPL amounted to 32.23% or UAH 1.039 billion (+36.7%), for Green Card – 24.06% or UAH 775.65 million (+76.8%), for voluntary health insurance – 11.73% or UAH 378.3 million (+48.4%). Property insurance contracts attracted UAH 65.2 million in premiums, which is 13.4% more than in the same period last year.

Under other insurance contracts, TAS Group collected UAH 313.19 million in premiums for eleven months of 2023, which is 33.2% more than in January-November 2022.

As reported, the company paid UAH 1.2 billion (+47.7%) in indemnities during this period.

UAH 363 million (+62.2%) was paid under hull insurance contracts, which is 30.23% of the total amount of payments by the insurer, UAH 451.4 million (+39.7%), or 37.6%, Green Card – UAH 202.55 million (+59.9%), or 16.87% of the total amount of claims, VHI – UAH 145.7 million (+37.6%), or 12.3%.

Under property insurance contracts, TAS IG paid UAH 9.24 million in January-November, which is 20.4% more than in the same period last year. The company’s payments under other insurance contracts amounted to UAH 28.77 million.

TAS Insurance Group was registered in 1998. It is a universal company offering more than 80 types of insurance products in various types of voluntary and compulsory insurance. It has an extensive regional network of 28 regional directorates and branches.


D.Trading starts trading grain – Dmitry Malyar

DTEK Group’s trading company D.Trading, which operates in the electricity, gas and coal markets, is launching grain trading, said Dmitry Malyar, CEO of the company.

“The first deal concluded on the domestic market opens a new page in the company’s history. The first thousand tons have been shipped to a customer. This is the company’s first practical step in a new trading direction,” Malyar wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.

He clarified that D.Trading’s agricultural office is already operating in Odesa.

“We will provide new market opportunities for agricultural producers and work on developing export potential,” Malyar said.
