Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Insurance company “Mir” will change its name

The shareholders of Mir Insurance Company (Kyiv) will consider renaming the company to Pobeda Insurance Company at a meeting on October 23, according to the agenda of the meeting published in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC).

According to the agenda, the shareholders also plan to consider adding such activities as reinsurance and insurance agents and brokers to the CEAs of the company, which are listed in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs. The company also plans to change its location.

As reported, IC Mir was registered in 1992 and specializes in risk insurance.

According to the data published on the company’s website, the owner of 79.9% of the company’s shares is ABC Finance LLC, and 13.299% is owned by Vladimir Babko.


Scientists predict very warm October in Ukraine this year

October in Ukraine will be warmer than last year, and the first snow will fall in mid-November, predicts Vazira Martazinova, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in Meteorology.
“Last year, October was warm until the end of the month. This year, the temperature will be even higher,” Martazinova said at a briefing on Wednesday.
According to her, in the western part of Ukraine, the weather in October will be 2-4 degrees above normal.
“The average monthly temperature is about 8 degrees. This means +12-13 degrees. In the rest of the country, even higher temperatures are expected in October: it could be around +12-15 degrees,” Martazinova said.
She also noted that half of November will also be warmer than in 2022, and the first snow will fall in mid-November, but will melt immediately.
“We can expect the first snow in the pre-winter period. Pre-winter is mid-November. It will fall and disappear. That will be the first snow. And then the next snow will be the same,” Martazinova said.

Volume of construction work in Ukraine increased sharply in January-June

The volume of construction work performed in Ukraine in January-June 2023 increased by 43.8% compared to the same period in 2022 to UAH 53.1 billion, according to the State Statistics Service (Ukrstat).

According to the statistics agency, in June 2023, the construction work index was 138.6% of the June 2022 figure. At the same time, the index increased by 4.5% in June compared to May this year.

According to the State Statistics Service, the growth of construction work in the first half of this year compared to January-June 2022 was observed in all segments of construction. Thus, in residential construction, the indicator increased by 14.2% to UAH 8.92 billion, in non-residential construction – by 32.3% to UAH 13.67 billion, in the category of engineering structures – by 62.46% to UAH 30.59 billion.

The share of new construction in the total volume of construction work was 44.3%, repairs – 32.8%, reconstruction and other works – 22.9%.

The State Statistics Service notes that the publication of the data was postponed due to martial law. The statistical data exclude the temporarily occupied territory and parts of the territory where military operations are (were) conducted.

Ukraine’s rolled steel market grew by 92.5%

In January-August this year, Ukrainian enterprises increased their consumption of rolled metal products by 92.46% year-on-year to 2.322 million tons.

According to a press release issued by Ukrmetallurgprom, 706.5 thousand tons, or 30.43% of the domestic rolled metal consumption market, were imported during this period.

According to Ukrmetallurgprom, in January-August 2023, Ukrainian steelmakers produced 3.406 million tons of rolled steel (76.1% compared to the same period in 2022), of which, according to the Expert and Scientific Council of UAVtormet, about 1.791 million tons, or 52.6%, were exported. In the same period of 2022, the share of exports amounted to about 80.3% (3.595 million tons with a total production of 4.477 million tons of rolled metal products).

The share of semi-finished products in export deliveries for the first eight months of 2023 amounted to 43.59%, which is comparable to the same period in 2022 (44.21%). The share of flat products in exports in the first eight months of 2023 is significantly lower than in January-August 2022 (34.92% and 38.20%, respectively). The share of long products in export deliveries for the first eight months of 2023 is significantly higher than in the same period of 2022 (21.50% in 2023 vs. 17.60% in 2022).

“In January-August 2023, the domestic market capacity amounted to 2.322 million tons of rolled steel, of which 706.5 thousand tons or 30.43% were imported. In the same period of 2022, the domestic market capacity amounted to 1 million 206.5 thousand tons, of which 324.7 thousand tons, or 26.91%, were imported. Thus, in the first eight months of 2023, there was an increase in the domestic market capacity by 92.46% compared to January-August 2022, with a simultaneous increase in the share of the import component by 3.51%,” the press release states.

The structure of imports in January-August 2023 is characterized by a significant dominance of flat products over long products (75.41% and 24.50%, respectively); in the same period of 2022, the dominance of flat products over long products was slightly lower, but also noticeable (59.04% and 39.27%, respectively).

The main export markets for Ukrainian steel products in January-August 2023, according to the data of the United National Research and Production Association “UVTORMET”, are the countries of the European Union (85.5%) and the rest of Europe (7.1%).

Among metallurgical importers in the first eight months of 2023, the first place is occupied by other European countries (38.6%), the second by the EU-27 (38.4%), and the third by Asian countries (20.6%).

Negotiations on Ukraine’s EU membership may start in December – European Parliament

EU countries may start official negotiations with Ukraine on EU membership as early as December, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola said in an interview with The Guardian.

“If they are moving fast, we must match that speed,” she said.

Metsola wants formal negotiations to begin before Christmas, The Guardian writes. The decision rests with EU ministers, who will hold a formal meeting in December after a public report on Ukraine’s progress in reforming the judiciary, fighting corruption and opening markets is presented in October.

“I expect a concrete result, because the worst signal could be that we have set tasks and deadlines for these people that we cannot fulfill ourselves,” Metsola said.

According to her, the European Union has to start large-scale changes to prepare for Ukraine’s accession. At the same time, “nothing should be ruled out,” including the elimination of trade tariffs and granting Kyiv access to internal markets before full accession.

At the same time, the newspaper emphasizes, Metsola, like some other EU leaders, believes that the bloc needs to speed up access for Ukraine and the Balkan countries that have also applied in order to limit the risk of Russian interference in these former Soviet territories.

Oil rises in price, Brent almost $95 per barrel

Benchmark oil prices continue to rise Wednesday morning after climbing the previous day, driven by reduced concerns about the global economy and growing worries about fuel shortages on the world market.

The price of November futures for Brent on the London-based ICE Futures exchange at 8:16 a.m. Wednesday is $94.91 per barrel, up $0.95 (1.01%) from the previous session’s close. On Tuesday, these contracts rose by $0.67 (0.7%) to $93.96 per barrel.

Quotes of futures for WTI crude oil for November at the electronic trading of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) by the specified time rose by $0.96 (1.06%) and amounted to $ 91.35 per barrel. At the end of the last session they rose by $0.71 (0.8%) – to $90.39 per barrel.

Oil is supported by fears that demand will greatly exceed supply, which intensified after the decisions of Saudi Arabia and Russia to extend voluntary production cuts.

“It seems nothing can derail the oil price rally,” said Edward Moya, senior market analyst at OANDA. – Energy traders are quick to recognize the bullish trend, and it will take much more than a strong dollar and weakening demand to break it.”

Market participants are also evaluating signals about changes in U.S. energy inventories.

According to the American Petroleum Institute (API), last week oil reserves in the States increased by 1.59 million barrels. A week earlier, the reserves fell by 5.25 million barrels.

The official data from the Energy Department will be released at 5:30 p.m. Q1 on Wednesday. Analysts surveyed by S&P Global Commodity Insights forecast that the data will indicate a reduction in oil reserves by 320 thousand barrels, gasoline – by 120 thousand barrels, distillates – by 1.3 million barrels.
