Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Guardian Insurance Company wins Ukrposhta’s tender

On August 24, Ukrposhta, the Ukrainian state postal service enterprise, announced its intention to conclude a contract with Guardian Insurance Company for the provision of compulsory motor third party liability insurance (MTPL).

According to the Prozorro electronic public procurement system, the company’s price offer amounted to UAH 681,743 thousand, with the expected value of the tender at UAH 2.166 million.

The tender was also attended by European Insurance Alliance (UAH 1.003 million) and Krayina (UAH 1.077 million).

Guardian Insurance Company has been operating in the insurance market since 2007.

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Turkish Foreign Minister meets with Zelensky in Kyiv

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, who arrived in Kyiv, met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“Our Minister Hakan Fidan was received in Kyiv by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Twitter.

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Ukrcement has made new legislative proposals

To finalize draft laws No. 9596 and No. 9597 in terms of establishing a zero rate of environmental tax for CO2 emissions from biomass combustion for plants using, including mixed fuel, for the implementation of the European regulatory framework is proposed by the association of cement manufacturers “Ukrcement”.

According to the message on its website, registered in the Parliament on August 9, 2023, draft laws No. 9596 “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine on the establishment of the rate of zero hryvnia of the environmental tax for carbon dioxide emissions for installations, which carry out such emissions as a result of combustion of biofuels” and No. 9597 “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Alternative Fuels” to create a register of installations using biofuels as a single type of fuel” do not fully take into account the mechanisms enshrined in the European directives.

“Making changes to the legislation today, we already need to be guided by the EU regulatory framework. The main goal there is to reduce CO2 emissions. Not the production of any specific products, but the solution of the global problem,” the report emphasizes.

According to “Ukrcement”, the above bills also do not fully take into account the existing government resolution on monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions, adopted in 2020 as a prerequisite for the introduction of an emissions trading system.

“Ukraine has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65% of 1990 levels by 2030 through decarbonization and development of alternative energy sources. But the current system of taxation of CO2 emissions in Ukraine does not incentivize the introduction of energy efficiency measures and transition to alternative energy sources. In addition, from October 2023 Ukraine will face another challenge due to the introduction of the European Green Agreement in the EU, which provides for an additional tax for goods from countries with low carbon tax burden – Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM),” the report says.

As noted, without tax exemption for emissions from biomass, regardless of its content, Ukrainian products will become uncompetitive on the European and global markets.

China sharply increases imports of equipment for chip production

China has increased its imports of semiconductor component manufacturing equipment to a record level ahead of the entry into force of export restrictions by Japan and the Netherlands, the Financial Times reports.

According to the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China, the volume of imports of equipment for the production of chips in June and July amounted to about $ 5 billion, which is 70% higher than the figure for the same period last year ($ 2.9 billion).

China purchased the bulk of the equipment from the Netherlands and Japan. These two countries announced in January of this year that they would join the U.S. export restrictions on China’s semiconductor equipment.

In Japan, these restrictions will come into effect on July 23, and in the Netherlands – on September 1. Once they come into effect, buyers of equipment will have to obtain special licenses from the governments of these countries.

As the FT notes, the increased imports of chip-making equipment shows that China wants to avoid any disruption to its plans to expand semiconductor production.

“This is one of China’s responses to export restrictions imposed by the Netherlands and Japan,” notes Lucy Chen, vice president at Taiwanese analyst firm Isaiah Research. – Beijing is stockpiling equipment in advance to negate potential supply chain problems.”

China’s imports of Dutch chip-making equipment doubled in June and July compared with May due to increased shipments by ASML Holding NV, FT industry sources said.

ASML chief executive Peter Wennink said on an investor conference call last month that there was strong demand for equipment designed to produce non-advanced chips from Chinese buyers.

Imports from Japan also rose. In addition, there has been an increase in shipments to China of chip-making equipment from Singapore and Taiwan, the FT notes.

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PJSC “Ukrgasvydobuvannya” announced tender for insurance

PJSC Ukrhazvydobuvannya (Kiev) on August 25 announced a tender for compulsory insurance of liability of subjects of transportation of dangerous goods in case of negative consequences during transportation of dangerous goods

As reported in the system of electronic public procurement ProZorro, the expected cost of the purchase of services is UAH 1,601 thousand.

The deadline for submission of documents for these two lots is September 2

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Krukiv Carriage Works has won tender for supply of 50 subway cars to Kyiv

The Tender Committee of the Kyiv Metro has awarded Kryukiv Carriage Works (KVSZ, Poltava region) a victory in the tender to supply Kyiv with 10 units of five-car subway trains financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) with a bid of almost EUR79.196 million (including VAT), the KVSZ press service reported on Friday.

“Today the much desired for KVSZ and partner enterprises message about the award of victory in the tender for the supply of metro trains has appeared. The proposal of domestic carriage builders was accepted by the tender committee and agreed with the EBRD,” the report says.

The press-service of KVSZ emphasizes that the offer of the Ukrainian plant was 37% lower than that of the second participant – Czech Skoda.

KVSZ offered a subway train with asynchronous traction drive with three motor and two trailing non-motor cars, with bogies of domestic production with central pneumatic suspension and disk brakes.

Train length – 97 m, design speed – 90 km/h, designated service life – 50 years, its total capacity (including standing passengers) – 1650 people.

There are two inclusive seats for wheel chair passengers. Movement of passengers from car to car is free – through hermetic passages (train “pipe”), which KVSZ has been using for more than 10 years in the manufacture of passenger rail rolling stock.

As reported, the tender for the delivery of 50 subway cars (including spare parts and consumables, equipment and tools for maintenance, repair and related services) to Kiev for EBRD funds was announced back in December 2020, the proposals of the participants of the second stage were considered in March this year.

KVSZ recalls that it is ready to offer similar metro cars for Kharkiv Metro, which on May 5, 2023 announced a tender for the purchase of five-section metro trains (with free passage between cars) for EUR45 mln with the funds of the European Investment Bank (EIB), but due to discriminatory, in its assessment, requirements will not be able to participate in it.

The tender committee, in particular, demanded confirmation of experience in supplying at least 30 subway cars over the last five years, while KVBZ “put on the rails” 170 cars, but not over the last five years.

In addition, the conditions prescribe requirements only for European standards.

As reported, Kharkiv has again postponed the deadline for consideration of participants’ proposals in this tender – to October 10, 2023.

KVSZ, Ukraine’s largest railcar building enterprise, produces passenger and freight cars, regional diesel trains, high-speed interregional locomotive traction trains, spare parts and bogies for freight cars.

The company’s net income in 2022 increased by 38.4% to UAH 3 bln 545 mln, net profit amounted to UAH 37.25 mln against a loss of UAH 230 mln a year earlier.

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