Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

In “Kyivzelenstroy” searches held

Employees of the investigation department of the National Police Department in Kiev are conducting searches in the office premises of the Kievzelenstroy municipal association, the Kiev city state administration said.

“Searches are being conducted in the office premises of “Kyivzelenstroy”…. Searches are conducted by officers of the investigative department of the State Department of the National Police in Kiev,” the KSCA said in its Telegram channel on Friday.

“KO “Kyivzelenstroy” provides all necessary available documents and contributes in every possible way to a full and comprehensive investigation in accordance with the procedure established by the criminal procedural legislation,” the statement emphasizes.

“Agrain” has exceeded its grain harvest plan by 20%

Agrarian enterprises of Agrain group of companies have completed the harvesting campaign of winter wheat on the area of more than 14 thousand hectares, which are located in Odessa, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr and Kharkiv regions, the press service of the agroholding reported.

“The plan for grain harvesting by farms of the agro group for 2023 is generally overfulfilled by 20%. Maximum winter wheat yield was obtained on the fields of LLC “Agrovit” (Cherkassy region) – 7.8 tons / ha and LLC “Agricor Holding” (Chernihiv region) – 7.0 tons / ha. The crop was harvested on time in all regions, even despite rainy weather at the end of July. Wheat grain, harvested this year, is of high quality and clean”, – the press service quoted the chief agronomist of the agricultural holding Slavko Stanisic.

Currently, work is underway to prepare the soil for sowing winter crops for the 2024 harvest. Agroholding enterprises are preparing for reaping sunflower and corn.

“Agrain” is engaged in the cultivation and storage of grain and oilseed crops, as well as animal husbandry. Before the full-scale Russian invasion, the agroholding included 11 agricultural enterprises and cultivated about 110 thousand hectares in Zhytomyr, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Odessa and Cherkassy regions. The holding is owned by SAS Investcompagnie (France).


Oil cheapens, Brent at $86.25 per barrel

Prices of benchmark oil grades are down weakly on Friday morning after a sharp decline the previous day.

The price of October Brent futures on London’s ICE Futures exchange is at $86.25 a barrel by 8:10 a.m. Q4, down 15 cents (0.17%) from the previous session’s close. On Thursday, these contracts fell in price by $1.15 (1.3%) – to $86.24 per barrel.

Quotes of futures for WTI crude oil for September at the electronic trading of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) by the specified time decreased by 14 cents (0.17%) and amounted to $82.68 per barrel. At the end of the last session they fell by $1.58 (1.9%) – to $82.82 per barrel.

Earlier this week, both grades hit multi-month highs. Despite declines the day before, they may end in the plus side for the seventh straight week on expectations of fuel shortages in the global market.

“The oil market has been overbought after rallying for weeks, but OPEC+ production cuts and improving demand outlook remain positive factors,” said CMC Markets analyst Tina Teng.

Meanwhile, OPEC left in force its previous forecast, which envisioned growth in global oil demand in 2023 by 2.44 million bpd to 102.01 million bpd. Next year, it will increase by another 2.25 million bpd to 104.25 million bpd, the organization expects.

“Sustained global economic growth amid continued improvements in China is projected to boost oil consumption in 2024,” OPEC said.


IC “Misto” will insure buses and trolleybuses of Vinnytsia

Department of transport and urban mobility of Vinnytsia city council on August 10 announced its intention to conclude a contract with IC “Misto” (Vinnytsia) for insurance of 30 buses and 40 trolleybuses.

As reported in the system of electronic procurement Prozorro, the price offer of the company amounted to 131,358 thousand UAH at the expected cost of -131,610 thousand UAH.

As reported, a year earlier the winner of a similar tender was also IC “Misto”

IC “Misto”, registered in 2008, specializes in providing services in the field of risk insurance.

The city municipal enterprise Vinnytsia Fund of Municipal Investments is the owner of 24,59% of shares in IC Misto, the territorial community of Vinnytsia – 74,9508%.

Money supply in Ukraine grew by 2.2%

The money supply (aggregate M3) in Ukraine after growth in June by 2.6% in July added another 2.2%, or UAH 59.5 billion, and reached UAH 2 trillion 788.4 billion, the National Bank said.

According to data on its website, deposit growth in the seventh month of this year slowed to 2.3% from 2.8% in June and was again provided mainly by hryvnia deposits, which, after rising by 3.7% in June, increased by another 3.3% or UAH 45.7 billion in July to UAH 1 trillion 420.2 billion.

Foreign currency deposits, which grew by UAH 6.7 billion in June, increased by only UAH 1.2 billion, or 0.2%, to UAH 690.3 billion (in hryvnia equivalent) in July.

Money in circulation outside banks (M0), after growing by 2.3% in June, added another 1.9% in July to UAH 677.0 billion, exceeding the level of the beginning of this year (UAH 666.1 billion).

The growth of the monetary base (reserve funds) after slowing down in June to 1.6% in July accelerated to 3.9%, amounting to UAH 35.6 billion – up to UAH 943.0 billion. Such dynamics is associated with an increase in July by 9.4%, or by UAH 22.9 billion, in banks’ reserve funds – up to UAH 266.0 billion and by 3.3%, or by UAH 15.7 billion in certificates of deposit – up to UAH 494.6 billion.

The volume of all loans in July increased for the first time in the last 12 months – by 0.5%, or UAH 4.8 billion – to UAH 943.0 billion. In particular, hryvnia loans increased by 0.4% or UAH 2.9 billion to UAH 697.4 billion, while foreign currency loans increased by 0.8% or UAH 1.9 billion to UAH 2457 billion.

Overall, in the first seven months of this year, money supply increased by 11.5%, base – by 19.0%, while money in circulation outside banks – by 1.6%.

Deposits increased by 15.1%, including hryvnia deposits – by 17.9%, foreign currency deposits – by 9.5%, while loans decreased by 4.7%, including hryvnia deposits – by 3.7%, foreign currency deposits – by 7.6%.

As reported, the money supply in Ukraine in 2022 after growth by 12% in 2021 increased by another 21%, or by UAH 435.2 billion.

Deposits for the past year increased by 23.6%, or by UAH 350.8 billion, including hryvnia deposits – by 19.1%, or by UAH 193.9 billion, while foreign currency deposits (in hryvnia equivalent) – by 33.1%, or by UAH 156.9 billion.

The monetary base in 2022 increased by 19.6% compared to 11.2% a year earlier. At the same time, money in circulation outside banks increased by 14.6%, or by UAH 85.1 billion over the year.

The volume of loans in 2022 decreased by 3.8%, or by UAH 39.1 billion. At the same time, hryvnia loans decreased by UAH 13.4 bln, while foreign currency loans decreased by UAH 25.7 bln.

The IMF in the updated in late June materials on the EFF program forecasts growth of the monetary base this year by 25.3%, mass – by 22.0% and reduction of loans to the non-government sector by 12.5%.

The National Bank in its forecast updated at the end of July expects the monetary base to increase by 24.1% this year, the mass – by 19.2%.

“TAS-Logistics” increased its net income 3.3-fold

TAS-Logistics, a member of the TAS financial and industrial group, has increased its net income almost 3.3 times in January-June 2023 compared to the same period of 2022 – up to UAH 849.29 mln.

According to the interim statements of the company published in the information disclosure system of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NCSSM), its net profit increased almost 20 times – up to UAH 199.22 mln.

The company in January-June received UAH 323.26 mln of operating profit – 2.3 times more than a year earlier, while gross profit increased more than 2.5 times – to UAH 434.56 mln.

The document notes that the company sees no reasons for a significant drop in income, despite the hostilities, but the situation with transportation requests in the second quarter of 2023 worsened due to two important factors: the ban on agricultural exports to Eastern Europe and the termination of the grain corridor in July.

“In the following years, we expect a general optimization of the number of railcars in the network and an increase in demand and price, and therefore an increase in profitability. In addition, a positive lever for the market increase should be the growth of the harvest compared to 2022,” the report said.

At the same time, it is planned to continue expanding its presence in the logistics market of Ukraine and development in the markets of neighboring countries.

“Over the past three years, the company has attracted more than 900 million UAH of investment in the formation of its own fleet of railcars, which allowed it to take a leading position among the owners of private rolling stock. According to the estimates of the management, the company ranks fourth in the number of grain cars among the private fleet of grain cars and its share among railcar operators, taking into account “Ukrzaliznytsia”, is 5.5%”, – is reported in the report.

It is specified that the company takes the first place among the owners of new grain carriages (up to 10 years) with the share of 14%, and among grain carriages with non-extended service life, with the share of 13% of the market.

The company notes that it builds stable partnership with agricultural holdings and traders on the terms of long-term cargo transportation deals.

This year, in particular, 55 flat cars, 21 tank cars have been purchased and a contract for purchase of 21 more tank cars has been concluded, the receipt of which is expected in the third quarter of this year.

At the same time TAS-Logistics prefers to purchase modern wagons with increased body volume and increased load capacity, which allows to reduce the cost of transportation of a ton of cargo and adds additional advantages in attracting new customers.

Among the competitive advantages among the rolling stock owner-operators, TAS-Logistics notes, in particular, one of the largest private car fleets, most of which consists of new cars (1,000 cars manufactured in 2018-2023); low debt load compared to competitors; provision of a full range of transportation and logistics services for the transportation of grain and oilseed cargoes.

“TAS-Logistics” was founded in 2008 and is part of the financial and industrial group “TAS” of businessman Sergei Tigipko.

According to information on its website, the company has a fleet of more than 2020 railcars, including 1,700 grain carriers, 160 gondola cars, 161 platforms and 32 tank cars. In 2017-2021, it purchased more than 1,700 freight cars from Dneprovagonmash JSC (part of the TAS group) and Krukiv VSZ. In 2022, the company bought 161 railroad platforms.

According to the financial report on the company’s website, in 2022 the net income of TAS-Logistic grew 4.4 times to 2021 – up to UAH 1 billion 630 million, net profit – more than tripled to UAH 386.5 million.

TAS Group was founded in 1998 by businessman Tigipko. Its business interests include financial sector (banking and insurance segments) and pharmacy sector, as well as industry, real estate and venture projects.