Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine has developed its own air defense systems

Ukraine has its own developed medium-range air defense systems, they are now being tested, the deputy head of the Verkhovna Rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, MP Yegor Chernev said on air of a nationwide telethon.

“We have air defense systems. The newest ones. They are now medium-range. This is certainly not an analog of Patriot, SAMP-T or IRIS-T, I think they are close to HAWK, or such medium-range systems that are Ukrainian-made and Ukrainian-designed,” Chernev stressed.

According to him, the developments “are being tested now, and quite successfully.”

“The missiles have already been developed,” the deputy added.

As for the efforts of the country’s military-industrial complex to manufacture ammunition, the MP said that the maximum resources are attracted to increase production.

“It is produced not only by the state, there are private contractors who … partially produce hulls to mines or something else, but we will engage as much as possible all the resources to increase here this shell program. And the shell, which is produced in Ukraine, is three times cheaper than what we buy in other countries, for example, 122 or 152 shells,” Chernev emphasized.

Development of artificial intelligence requires development of new laws – Ursula von der Leyen

The digital space is a “new frontier of fundamental rights”, a new world in which previous rules do not always apply automatically, European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen said.

“Think about children’s rights or consumer protection. But think also about artificial intelligence. Its potential benefits are enormous. But it can also be harmful, for example if it is used to hire and fire employees or to monitor citizens through facial recognition. We need new laws to embody our eternal values in the online world,” the EC chief said Friday in New York at the European Commission’s World Peace & Liberty Award ceremony.

It is an award given since 1965 by the World Bar Association for services to the defense of the rule of law as opposed to the use of force.

According to von der Leyen, Europe is leading the way in creating a legal framework for the digital age.

“We were the first in the world to set rules for digital platforms, and now we are doing the same with artificial intelligence. This means that all companies that want to operate in our market have to meet very high standards. Standards that center on people and their rights,” the President of the European Commission emphasized.

She said the EU is “working with like-minded friends such as Canada and the United States, as well as with Japan, Latin American countries and India, to develop equivalent rules so that technology enhances individual freedom rather than the ability of the state to control us”.


“Right-wing” wins Spanish parliamentary elections

The opposition right-wing “People’s Party” and the far-right “Voice” outpaced the left in the general elections in Spain, but did not get enough votes to control the parliament.

According to the results after more than 98% of ballots were counted, the Popular Party wins 136 seats (47 more than in the previous parliament) and Voice wins 33 seats (19 fewer than previously).

176 seats are needed for a majority in the parliament. Thus, without attracting other parties, the right-wing parties will not be able to get a parliamentary majority. Nevertheless, the leader of the People’s Party Alberto Feihoo, according to the newspaper A-Be-Se, will call for a mandate to form the government, as it was his party that finished first.

At the same time, the newspaper notes that it is possible that the leftists currently in power will be able to form a government again by agreeing on a coalition with a number of parties that differ from them in ideology. Spanish media call this type of coalition a “Frankenstein government.”

In the election, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s Socialist Party wins 122 seats. The leftist Sumar coalition can count on 31 seats.

Spaniards on Sunday voted in general elections held early after parliament was dissolved in May.

The new parliament will convene in August. Then, if no one can form a governing coalition in two months, Spain will face repeat elections.

Azerbaijan prepares feasibility study for laying power transmission line on bottom of Black Sea

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has said that a feasibility study (feasibility study) of the project of laying a power transmission line along the bottom of the Black Sea, which envisages supplying “green” energy from Azerbaijan to Europe via Georgia, will be submitted by November.

“In December last year, an agreement was signed between Azerbaijan, Georgia, Hungary and Romania, certified by the European Commission, on the construction of an integrated “green” power transmission line from Azerbaijan to Europe along the bottom of the Black Sea. The work on the feasibility study has already started. We expect it to be presented probably in September-October,” Aliyev said in Shusha.

On December 17, 2022, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania and Hungary signed a strategic partnership agreement in Bucharest on the construction of Black Sea Energy submarine electric cable with a capacity of 1,000 MW and a length of 1,195 km. The cable will be designed to supply “green” electricity generated in Azerbaijan through Georgia and the Black Sea to Romania for subsequent transportation to Hungary and the rest of Europe.

In June, it was decided that Bulgaria would join the project.
The laying of the cable will take 3-4 years.

The European Commission plans to provide 2.3 billion euros for laying the cable, which will be the longest in the world.

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister to visit Equatorial Guinea

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba starts his third tour of African countries, on July 23-24 the foreign minister will visit Equatorial Guinea for the first time, the ministry’s press service reports.
“Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba will visit the African continent for the third time amid the worsening global food crisis following Russia’s withdrawal from the Black Sea Grain Initiative. On July 23-24, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister will start his tour with a visit to Equatorial Guinea. The visit will be the first in the history of diplomatic relations,” the statement said, published on Sunday morning.
It is noted that in Malabo, the Foreign Minister will hold talks with the leadership of Equatorial Guinea on the development of bilateral relations, increasing trade, as well as on ensuring food security in Africa and support for the “Formula of Peace” of President Volodymyr Zelensky.
The press service reminds that in January 2022, the African Strategy of Ukraine was approved. Within the framework of this strategy, contacts with African countries were significantly intensified through the Ukrainian President, the Foreign Ministry and parliamentary diplomacy.
Kuleba made his first African tour in October 2022, where he visited Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana and Kenya, and his second tour in May 2023, visiting Morocco, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Mozambique and Nigeria.
“Developing relations with African countries strengthens the global coalition in support of Ukraine against the backdrop of Russian aggression and creates new opportunities for Ukrainian businesses and citizens. The third African tour of Dmitry Kuleba is a continuation of the African strategy and the renaissance of Ukrainian-African relations”, – emphasized in the message.

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From Monday, July 24, parking fees will be charged in Kiev

From July 24 in Kiev will resume payment for parking, free parking in the capital will be possible only on weekends, reported on the portal of the Kiev city Council.

“From July 24 resumes payment for parking through the mobile application Kiev Digital. Pay for parking will be necessary only on weekdays from 8:00 to 22:00. On weekends – parking remains free,” – stated in the message.

Some nuances of payment are also indicated, in particular, payment will be charged while parking in the application, regardless of the location of the car.

The write-off is carried out automatically when the total amount for hourly parking reaches 100 hryvnias. If the amount is less, the payment is deducted on the 1st of the next month.

Kyiv authorities inform that the user of “Kyiv Digital” can add several license plates to the application. Before parking, it is necessary to select the necessary one in the hourly parking menu.

It will be possible to pay only with a bank card. Municipal parking lots do not accept cash.

“If someone demands to pay for the service in this way – call the police,” – recommend the city authorities.

In addition, they note that during the air alert, parking inspectors will not fine drivers or evacuate cars.

