Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

No precipitation in Kiev on Sunday, up to 33° of heat on Monday

On Sunday, Ukraine will have sunny weather with no precipitation, according to the Ukrhydrometcenter.

Forecasters predict winds of variable directions, 3-8 m/s. The temperature will be 13-18° at night, up to 21° in the south, 24-29° in the daytime, 28-33° in western, southern and Vinnitsa regions.

In Kiev on Sunday also without precipitation. Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s. The temperature at night 15-17°, during the day 26-28°.

According to the Central Geophysical Observatory named after Borys Sreznevsky in Kiev. On July 16, the highest daytime temperature in Kiev was 35.8° in 1931, the lowest nighttime temperature was 7.8° in 1902.

On Monday, according to the forecast of forecasters, Ukraine is also without precipitation, only in the western regions in the afternoon in some places short-term rain, thunderstorms. Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s.

The temperature at night 13-18°, in the southern part and western regions; in the afternoon 28-33° in most of the Left Bank 25-30°.

In Kiev on Monday without precipitation. Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s. Temperature 17-19°; in the afternoon 31-33°.

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“Zhytlo-Invest” has announced tender for car insurance

The municipal enterprise Financial Company Zhytlo-Invest (Kiev) of the executive body of the Kiev City Council announced a tender for car insurance on July 14, according to the ProZorro system of electronic public procurement.

According to the system, the expected cost of purchasing services amounted to UAH 70 thousand.

The deadline for submitting tender offers is July 22

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Estimated number of population in regions of Ukraine based on number of active mobile sim cards (mln, estimated)

Estimated number of population in regions of Ukraine based on number of active mobile sim cards (mln, estimated)

Source: and

Ukraine has accelerated customs clearance for NCTS users

Ukraine has created a legislative basis for priority cross-border passage of goods placed under the joint transit procedure, and also made it possible to carry out internal transit of goods using the NCTS, similar to the Union transit provided for by the EU Customs Code.

So the Ministry of Finance on its website commented on the main innovations of the law “On Amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine on the use of customs declarations and electronic transit system provided by the Convention on the procedure of joint transit (NCTS – IF) for transit under the terms of this Code” (No. 9014-1) adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on July 13.

“The adopted amendments to the Customs Code create favorable conditions for Ukrainian businesses to open T1 declarations in internal customs, which, combined with the electronic queue at the border, will unload customs checkpoints and reduce the time of customs clearance for NCTS users,” the Ministry of Finance pointed out.

The ministry added that the law also provides for the introduction of additional transit simplifications, in particular, the status of authorized TIR consignor and authorized TIR consignee and the registration of a single transit declaration for goods that are or will be moved in one vehicle (container or package) from one customs office of departure to one customs office of destination.

Other simplifications include bringing in line with the EU customs legislation and the provisions of the Convention on the Joint Transit Procedure the requirements to seal all transit movements or, if sealing is impossible, to ensure identification of the relevant goods

The draft law was developed in fulfillment of Ukraine’s European integration commitments in the customs sphere, the Finance Ministry said.

Earlier, roundtables were devoted to customs reform, where the event’s organizer and moderator Maksym Urakin stated that the State Customs Service accounts for 35-40% of state budget revenues, and these figures have remained stable in recent years. That is why customs reforms are so important for the country.

State Property Fund of Ukraine received right to privatize objects by pools

The State Property Fund of Ukraine has received the right to form separate pools of state assets for further privatization, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a corresponding resolution on Friday.

“The main purpose of introducing the new mechanism is to increase the interest of business to invest in state assets. Pools attract more attention of investors who are interested in the implementation of large projects and can make large-scale investments,” the FGI said in a press release.

The Fund added that the pools of privatization objects will be formed from enterprises operating in one sector of the economy, the products of one of them may be raw materials for another.

“Thus, pools are an opportunity to privatize vertically integrated businesses instead of buying disparate objects,” the privatization agency explained.

It specified that the new mechanism can be used in both small and large privatization.

Currently, the Federal State Property Management Service puts state assets for sale by individual companies.

Ministry of Economy advocated transferring management of objects from ARMA to State Property Fund

The State Property Fund will be the main recipient of assets recovered from the state under the law “On Sanctions”, so it is advisable from the very beginning to transfer the management of these seized objects to it, rather than to the National Agency for Identification, Search and Management of Assets from Corruption and Other Crimes (ARMA), Deputy Economy Minister Serhiy Sobolev said.

“We support the idea to transfer asset management from ARMA to the State Property Fund,” he said at the presentation of Transparency International Ukraine and Ukrainska Pravda’s project, an online platform “How to confiscate Russian assets in Ukraine?” in Kiev this week.

The discussion cited specific examples of difficulties with the assets of the sub-sanctioned individuals due to the fact that legal proceedings against them go on in parallel in criminal cases, where the seized assets are transferred to ARMA, and through a special recovery procedure in the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court (SACS), following which they end up mostly in the FGI.

According to Sobolev, if the State Property Fund will manage such assets from the very beginning, it will be clear from the beginning who is responsible for them.

According to the Deputy Minister, of the thousands of sanctioned persons and ten thousand legal entities, about 400 have assets in Ukraine, and significant assets – “somewhere up to a hundred”, while the SACS has so far issued 23 decisions.

“That is work ahead of 1.5-2 years. I think, next year we will go through it, the rest – not such large assets,” – predicted Sobolev, expressing the wish that the cases with the largest assets passed this year, and then the State Property Fund promptly sold them.

He emphasized that this is important also because it is important to keep the staff and workability of the enterprises levied to the state.

At the presentation, a representative of the Office of the Prosecutor General Ivan Kibalchychich said that 260 sentences had already been handed down in criminal cases against sub-sanctioned persons and collaborators, including 120 with confiscation of property.