Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Market of new commercial cars in Ukraine grew 2.5 times – “Ukravtoprom”

Registrations in Ukraine of new commercial vehicles (trucks and special vehicles) in June amounted to 1,068 units, which is 12% more than in May this year and 2.5 times more than in June 2022, “Ukravtoprom” reported in Telegram channel.
“This is the best result in the last 17 months,” stated in the message.
At the same time, compared to the pre-war June-2021 registrations of commercial cars decreased by 26%.
The top five commercial vehicles on the market in June were: Renault – 356 units; Scania – 127 units; Volkswagen – 67 units; Peugeot – 60 units and Mercedes-Benz – 53 units.
Total, according to the Association, in the first half of the year 5,190 new trucks were added to the Ukrainian park of trucks and special vehicles, which is 61% more than during the same period last year.
In its turn, analytical group Auto-Consulting, analyzing the segment of trucks on its web-site on Tuesday, points out that in June there is again a record of their delivery to the Ukrainian market – 440 units, which is 2.2 times more than in June last year.
“And it is not a situational jump, because according to the results of six months we record the growth of the market by 89%”, – the experts state.
According to the group’s data, in June this segment of the market was headed by Scania, which managed to take 29% of the market, the second result was gained by DAF with 9%. IVECO, Renault, Volvo and Mercedes-Benz also increase their sales.
“There is a segment of trucks of 3.6-8 tons with a gross weight which is developing powerfully, where European producers are more and more present. But Chinese brands have started to actively develop the segment of communal machinery and have already achieved certain success. Now any tender on this theme consists of at least three or four proposals on the chassis of Chinese manufacturers”, – is noted in the report.
According to analysts, the high rate of recovery of the truck market is primarily due to the fact that businesses are trying to increase their own fleets to transport goods through the new logistics corridors.
As it was reported with reference to Ukravtoprom, in 2022 the market of new commercial vehicles was added 6.9 thousand new cars – 2.3 times less than in 2021.


Oil price rises, Brent at $75 barrel

Oil is moderately expensive on Tuesday morning.
The price of September Brent futures on London’s ICE Futures Exchange stands at $75.02 a barrel by 8:11 a.m., $0.37 (0.5%) above the previous session’s closing price. Those contracts fell $0.76 (1%) to $74.65 a barrel on Monday.
WTI futures for August crude oil grew by $0.36 (0.52%) to $70.15 per barrel at electronic trades on NYMEX. The day before these contracts went down by $0.85 (1.2%) to $69.79 per barrel.
On Monday, Saudi Arabia announced that it was extending its voluntary cut of oil production by 1 mln bpd for August. Thus, Saudi Arabia’s oil production will remain at around 9 million bpd in August.
Meanwhile, Russia, in an effort to balance the market, will voluntarily reduce supplies to oil markets by 500,000 bpd in August by reducing exports by a specified amount, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak told reporters.
Oil initially reacted to the news with moderate positivity, but it was not enough for a significant rally, Sevens Report Research analysts said.
A negative factor for the market was the news that the index of business activity in the U.S. manufacturing sector (ISM Manufacturing) fell to 46 points in June from 46.9 points a month earlier. Experts, the consensus forecast of which was quoted by Trading Economic, had expected the growth up to 47 points.
Meanwhile, the euro area manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) fell to 43.4 points this month, down from 44.8 points in May, according to final data from Hamburg Commercial Bank (HCOB) and S&P Global. Previously, it had reported a decline to 43.6 points. The final result indicates the sharpest deterioration in the sector since May 2020, Trading Economics wrote.


Ukraine received second tranche of EFF $890mn

Ukraine’s State Budget General Fund on Monday received the second tranche of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) $890 million Extended Fund Facility (EFF), the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine said.
“The funding received is the result of effective and coordinated cooperation of the government, the Ministry of Finance, the National Bank of Ukraine with experts and IMF management under the extended financing program,” Finance Minister Sergei Marchenko said in a statement.
The Ministry of Finance specified that by now Ukraine has already received $3.59 billion from the IMF out of the total volume of this four-year program of $15.6 billion (11.6 billion SDR), opened at the end of March this year.
During the first review of the EFF program, which resulted in the allocation of the second tranche, experts and IMF management noted the significant progress of the Ukrainian side in the implementation of structural measures and quantitative performance criteria defined in the program, the Ministry of Finance pointed out.
“Thanks to the funds provided, we are able to continue to maintain economic stability in Ukraine and ensure priority spending of the state budget,” Marchenko noted.
Representatives of the IMF said after the first review that the second review is expected in late November and early December.

“Dobrobut” has sold almost 400 insurance policies in 100 days since launch of voluntary health insurance project

Dobrobut” medical network in 100 days from the moment of start of the voluntary health insurance project “Dobropolis” which is realized in partnership with “INGO” insurance company, sold 378 insurances or almost four insurances daily.
As Dmytro Grosu, director on corporate sales of “Dobrobut” medical network, informed “Interfax-Ukraine” agency, “Premium” packages are the most popular within the project, they occupy more than 50 % in sales structure of this product (cost of “Premium” package makes 4.6 thousand UAH per year, cost of “Standard” package is 1.9 thousand UAH).
“Among those who buy the product, 52% are men and 48% are women. Most often (90%) adults are insured, 10% of children under 18 years old,” he said.
The insurance company INGO, in turn, noted that the program “Dobropolis” “is not only successful, but also important at this time, because it allows getting insurance protection to the amount of 200 thousand UAH for expensive hospital treatment”.
At the same time, the insurance company noted that Dobropolis is a new product and should not be compared to classic VHI programs.
“Dobropolis” is quite a successful example of a joint product of a professional nurse and a reliable insurance company. Many people who have had experience with inpatient treatment understand how important it is to have the financial ability to get treatment from the best doctors in an emergency/complicated situation. This is why we have received so much positive feedback from clients, “- said the director of sales of personal insurance INGO Marina Zvarich.
At the same time, INgO specified that during the year the company plans to issue additional products, making it possible to expand the capacity of the existing “Dobropolis” program.
As reported, in March “Dobrobut” and INGO launched VHI program “Dobropolis”, which operates in acute conditions and covers among other things stroke, acute myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome, acute inflammation of the gall bladder, acute inflammation of the pancreas, injuries and fractures, appendicitis, renal and liver colic, exacerbation of several chronic diseases.
Dobrobut Medical Network is one of the largest private medical networks in Ukraine. The network includes 17 medical centers in Kiev and Kiev region, an emergency service, dentistry and pharmacy. Network medical centers provide services to children and adults in more than 75 medical fields. Annually experts of “Dobrobut” carry out more than 7 thousand operations. The network has over 2,700 employees.
The network collaborates with a number of international charities Direct Relief International, International Medical Corps and the University of Miami Global Institute as well as the Dobrobut Charitable Foundation founded by the clinic.
Since the start of the full-scale war, the Dobrobut Foundation has provided more than 16 million hryvnias worth of medical assistance to Ukrainians.
JSC “Insurance company “INGO” has more than 25 years of experience in the market. Since 2017, the main shareholder of the company is the Ukrainian business group DCH Oleksandr Iaroslavskyi.
The company enters the list of the largest insurance organizations in Ukraine in terms of premiums, the size of its own assets and the amount of claims paid. It has 29 licenses for different types of compulsory and voluntary insurance and provides insurance services to corporate and retail clients.
It is a full member of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTIBU), a member of the American Chamber of Commerce (ACC), the European Business Association (EBA), the National Association of Insurers of Ukraine (NASU) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).


Deputies intend to improve protection of intellectual property rights during war to stop blocking of new drugs from entering market

The deputies propose to improve the measures for the protection of intellectual property rights adopted during martial law by preventing the possibility of baseless extension of intellectual property rights to inventions (utility models), which expired during martial law and can not be extended.
According to the draft law No. 9383 registered by deputies of different factions, the initiative will improve the affordability of medicines for the population and create conditions for the entry of generic medicines on the market of Ukraine.
The bill specifies, in particular, that intellectual property rights expiring on the day of martial law in Ukraine or during martial law, remain in force until the day following the day of termination or cancellation of martial law, but no longer than until the expiry date of intellectual property rights determined by the law of Ukraine “On Protection of Rights to Inventions and Utility Models”.
In a comment to Interfax-Ukraine one of the initiators of the bill, the head of the Parliamentary Committee on National Health, Medical Care and Health Insurance Mykhailo Radutskyi specified that the bill proposes to modify the rules of the law adopted after the full-scale invasion to extend patents during martial law and return to the regulation previously in force.
Radutskyy reminded that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion the country adopted a number of amendments to the legislation aimed at simplifying the work of business and state structures. In particular, the law “On the protection of interests of persons in the field of intellectual property during martial law, imposed in connection with the armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine,” extended the validity of all property rights of intellectual property end of martial law. Including the intellectual property rights for medicines were extended.
“In April 2022 such a decision was logical. After all, there were potential risks of losing intellectual property rights, including due to the fact that a significant number of lawyers went to serve in the AFU, the state body for registration of patents did not work regularly. But now there are no significant obstacles to extending patents on medicines. In fact, extended patents have become an obstacle for competitors to enter the market and launch production of some generic drugs in Ukraine, which makes it impossible to reduce prices for some drugs,” he said.
Radutskyy said that in mid-April, the Committee held a working meeting on this issue with representatives of the Association of Drug Manufacturers of Ukraine (ADMU), the European Business Association (EBA) and the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, and bill number 9383 reflects the common position of the Committee and market participants.
At the same time, Radutsky clarified that the main committee dealing with the bill No. 9383 is the Committee on Economic Development.
“The Health of the Nation Committee, which I chair, plans to provide recommendations to my colleagues. We will initiate their early consideration in the parliament,” he said.
As reported, earlier participants of the pharmaceutical market said that the attempt to regulate intellectual property rights for the duration of the war, undertaken after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, has led to problems in the pharmaceutical market, the inability to bring to market and launch production of new drugs. At the same time, some companies made attempts to unfairly restrict possible competition by blocking the entry of competitors’ preparations to the market.
Then the All-Ukrainian Union for the Protection of Patients’ Rights and Safety addressed the head office of the Merck Sharp and Home Corp with a demand to influence its representative office in Ukraine and to stop blocking patients’ access to the antifungal generic drugs “Caspofungin” from different manufacturers. Thus, the Ukrainian branch of the pharmaceutical company, taking advantage of the legislative changes, adopted after the full-scale invasion of Russia, actually blocked the patients’ access to a number of products by artificially extending the term of their patent, which expired on April 16, 2022. In particular, we were talking about generic drugs Caspofungin-Teva, Caspofungin Acetate manufactured by Gland Pharma Limited, Caspofungin Rompharm manufactured by K.T. Rompharm Company, and Kasmig manufactured by Pharmaten UV.

Zelenskyy orders Foreign Ministry to propose to Georgian ambassador to leave Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has instructed the Foreign Ministry to summon the Georgian ambassador to Kiev and protest him in connection with the ongoing imprisonment of former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.
Zelensky also instructed the Foreign Ministry to ask the ambassador to leave Ukraine within 48 hours for consultations.
“Right now Russia is killing Ukrainian citizen Mikheil Saakashvili at the hands of the Georgian authorities. We have repeatedly called on official Tbilisi to stop this mockery and agree on Saakashvili’s return to Ukraine. Our partners in coordination with Ukraine have also offered various rescue options. Today, I instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to summon the Georgian ambassador to Ukraine, protest him strongly and suggest he leave Ukraine within 48 hours to consult with his capital,” he wrote Monday in his Telegram channel.
“Once again, I call on the Georgian authorities to transfer Ukrainian citizen Mikhail Saakashvili to Ukraine for the necessary treatment and care. And I call on our partners to turn, not to ignore this situation and save this man. No government in Europe has the right to execute people, life is a basic European value,” he also wrote.
Earlier on Monday, video of Saakashvili’s interrogation was published, in which he looks severely thinner.
