Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Chairman of Ternopil regional council and deputy head of regional military administration arrested with alternative to bail

The Supreme Anti-Corruption Court has ordered the chairman of the Ternopil regional council and the deputy head of the regional military administration to be held in custody with the alternative of paying more than 805 thousand UAH as bail, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office reported in its telegraph channel.
Officials were exposed on demanding and receiving an improper benefit from a volunteer businessman.
The term of the preventive measure – until August 26, 2023.
“The issue regarding the appeal of the preventive measure in terms of the amount of bail will be decided after reading the full text of the court’s decision,” the report said.
As reported, on Monday, June 26, the anti-corruption bodies of Ukraine detained the chairman of the Ternopil regional council and two deputy heads of the Ternopil military-civil administration for extorting funds from a volunteer businessman. According to the NABU, the detainees demanded almost 1.8 million UAH from the owner of the company for signing certificates of work performed on the construction and repair of infrastructure facilities by the Ternopil regional council’s utility company.
The chairman of Ternopil regional council and two deputies of the head of Ternopil military-civil administration were detained on the spot after the third installment in the amount of over 600 thousand UAH had been transferred.
The All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda” expressed hope for an unbiased investigation against the chairman of the Ternopil regional council, a member of VO Mikhail Golovko.

Ukraine recovery should be based on development of territorial communities, innovations, involvement of professional domestic community – results of ESUR forum

Ukraine’s recovery should be based on the development of territorial communities, innovations and the involvement of a professional domestic community, President of the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Ukraine Artem Honcharenko has said, commenting on the results of the Effective Solutions of Ukraine’s Rebuild (ESUR) forum held in Kyiv.
“The plan for Ukraine’s recovery should include not only the restoration of destroyed facilities, but also the development of united territorial communities, the development of infrastructure. Today, according to estimates, more than $235 billion is already needed for recovery. And this is without taking into account the elimination of the consequences caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant. One of the options how to quickly rebuild everything that has been destroyed is to attract investments to Ukraine from international corporations. It is high financial performance that can accelerate our victory and lead to the defeat of the enemy,” Honcharenko said.
As part of the ESUR Forum, panel discussions, master classes and practical trainings were held, where experts from various industries shared their knowledge and experience. The theme of the event included a wide range of issues, including economic recovery, education and healthcare reform, sustainable and green development, technological innovation and much more. Working groups have been established to work on developing specific strategies and recommendations in different areas.
During the forum, the latest domestic developments were demonstrated to speed up the recovery. For example, Reynaers Aluminum CEO Andriy Dudar presented a new Ukrainian-Belgian SUNRISE system solution, developed by graduates of the Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Belgian engineers. According to Dudar, more than 1,000 square meters have already been restored thanks to various Reynaers windows and doors systems in public and social infrastructure.
“Reynaers Aluminum resumed its work in Ukraine from April 5, 2022 to continue providing a full range of its services to everyone. The company has developed special system solutions for the renovation and restoration of Ukraine, namely for windows, doors and facades. The main advantages of Reynaers Aluminum include a local warehouse that allows you to have a stock of everything you need to start fulfilling an order, quality control ensures compliance with all standards and a long warranty period – up to 10 years,” said Rodion Losev, head of the Reynaers Aluminum department.
For the active and large-scale implementation of Sunrise during ESUR, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between KNUBA and Reynaers Aluminum in Ukraine.
KNUBA Vice-Rector for Research on Innovative Development Oleksandr Kovalchuk supplemented the example of synergy between a university and a manufacturer with a story about other KNUBA opportunities for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
Another representative of KNUBA, Head of the Department of Environmental Protection and Labor Protection Technologies Tetiana Tkachenko, in her report paid maximum attention to the damage and consequences caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka HPP.
“Green structures represent an energy-efficient biotechnology that can (partially) compensate for the damage from the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant and contribute to the stable development of the country by increasing energy efficiency, achieving energy independence, as well as improving the environment and improving health,” Tkachenko said.
Oleksandr Pavlov, Chairman of the Ukraine-Israel Business Council, spoke about the realities of recovery, analyzed the sources of investment and reports on the funds spent. “Ukraine should already be working on improving the investment climate,” Pavlov said.
The ESUR Forum aimed to bring together experts from various industries to jointly develop realistic and feasible strategies for the country’s recovery. The event was a unique opportunity to meet and exchange ideas, as well as build valuable partnerships for further joint work.
This is the first forum in Ukraine on this topic, it opens a series of forums and events in this area, which will be held throughout Ukraine, as well as beyond its borders. The ESUR Forum is open to partnerships with media, bloggers and journalists.
The results and all materials of the forum are presented on the website

Club of Experts and open4business – media partner

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President of Ukraine has submitted bill to Verkhovna Rada that defines English as language of international communication

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has submitted a bill to the Verkhovna Rada, which defines English as the language of international communication in Ukraine, and also promotes the study of English by Ukrainian citizens.
The corresponding bill, No. 9432, was sent to the Verkhovna Rada committee on Wednesday for consideration.
According to a comment by deputy chairman of the Humanitarian Policy Committee Yevgeniya Kravchuk, the bill also defines categories of positions for which candidates are required to speak English.
“In order to occupy a position, civil servants, prosecutors, persons in senior positions in the police will be required to pass an examination in English,” – said in a message published in the Telegram channel of the Verkhovna Rada.
In particular, emergency units will have to provide assistance to foreigners and persons who do not speak the state language, in English. In addition, medical professionals must also be able to provide assistance in English or with the help of an interpreter.
Under the bill, information in transportation must be dubbed in English; foreign films whose original language is English must be shown in theaters in their original language with subtitles in the state language.
In turn, the commander of the United Forces of the AFU Lieutenant General Sergei Naev said that Zelensky’s initiative to submit this bill to parliament is “very timely.”
“At the moment, servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are undergoing training in a number of European countries, participating in military maneuvers in the UK. The other day the Sea Breeze series of exercises started, in which the personnel and ship personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Navy are involved. A total of 24,000 Ukrainian servicemen have already been trained in EU countries,” said a statement published in the Telegram channel on Wednesday.
Naev noted that almost all technical documentation of weapons and military equipment supplied to Ukraine by partner countries is in English.
“I believe that if before the issue of military personnel learning English was a recommendation, now it should be enshrined at the legislative level,” the commander stressed.

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“Rivneoblenergo” announced tender for MTPL insurance

PJSC “Rivneoblenergo” on July 28 announced a tender for services of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners (CMTPL), according to the system of electronic public procurement Prozorro.
According to the system, the expected cost of purchasing services is UAH 570 thousand.
The deadline for submission of bids for the tender is July 6.

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ARMA has new head

The competition commission elected Elena Duma as the new head of the National Agency for the detection, search and management of assets obtained from corruption and other crimes (ARMA), said MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak (faction “Golos”).
“The results of the competition for the head of ARMA – Elena Duma were announced,” he wrote in his Telegram channel on Wednesday.

Amazon remained global retailer leader for eighth year in row

Brand Amazon remained the leader among global retailers for the eighth consecutive year, despite a 14.6% drop in its value over the past year to $299.3 billion, according to Brand Finance.
By a wide margin in the second and third positions are two other U.S. brands Walmart (up 1.7% to $113.78 billion) and Home Depot (+8.4% to $61.05 billion).
Costco and Lowe’s climbed to fourth and fifth place, respectively, up from sixth and seventh last year. The first brand gained 24.2% in value (to $46.57 billion) and the second has fallen in value by 5.4% (to $31.6 million).
The U.S. drugstore chain CVS, owned by CVS Health Corp. moved up to number six from number ten (+16.7%, to $30.57 billion).
Meanwhile, Chinese online retailers Taobao and Tmall, owned by Alibaba, fell to seventh and ninth from fourth and fifth last year. The value of the first brand fell by 43.2% (to $30.54 billion), the second – by 44.2% (to $27.43 billion).
Rounding out the top 10 is Walgreens, the U.S. drugstore chain which saw its brand go up 9.5% (to $21.56 billion) taking it from twelfth place the year before.
The highest position among European brands is occupied by a German discount supermarket chain Lidl which jumped to the twelfth place from the fourteenth.
The most significant growth in the value of the brand showed a Mexican chain of convenience stores OXXO, which operates throughout Latin America – 56%, to $2.3 billion. He got into the ranking this year and took 91st place.
Meanwhile, famous British online retailer ASOS dropped out of the ranking after its brand value collapsed by more than 40% (to $1.2 billion), the report said.
Among the 100 companies in the ranking of retailers Brand Finance 36 are American, eleven are German, nine are British and seven are Chinese.
