Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Kharkiv Tile Plant will allocate UAH 20 mln to pay dividends

PJSC Kharkiv Tile Plant will allocate UAH 20 mln from its net profit for 2021 to pay dividends.
According to the company message in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSCSCM), the decision was taken by PJSC shareholders at the annual general meeting on April 27.
The dividends will amount to UAH 0.01 per common share. The payment period will be from May 12 till November 12, 2023.
At the same time it was decided not to pay dividends for the company in 2022, and to direct the profits earned last year to the restoration of fixed assets of PJSC.
At the meeting the shareholders re-elected Valentin Shevetovskiy as the head of the supervisory board, as well as the members of the board – Oleksiy Isayenko and Dmytro Salimonov – for a three-year term.
As reported, PJSC “Kharkiv Tile Plant” by the end of 2022 reduced the net profit in 11 times compared with the previous year – up to 6.4 million UAH, while in 2020 the profit was 72.5 million UAH, in 2019 – 94 million UAH.
The Kharkiv Tile Plant (KhPZ), the largest tile manufacturer in Ukraine, was commissioned in 1946. It is part of Golden Tile Ceramic Group (Kyiv), established in 2008, which also includes Shakhtobud Production Association LLC (Verolyubivka, Donetsk oblast), Maidan-Vilsky Quarry LLC, Maidan-Vilsky Refractories Plant LLC (both in Khmelnytsky oblast) and Golden Tile LLC (Kyiv, exclusive distributor of KhPZ).
The main shareholder of the company, according to the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market, is Golden Tile Ceramic Group LLC (98.4%) as of the fourth quarter of 2022. The ultimate beneficiary of KHP is Valentin Shevetovsky.


Average level of wages in 2023 on basis of in UAH

Average level of wages in 2023 on basis of in UAH

Source: and

“Dneprometiz” received UAH 17.6 mln in profit

Dneprometiz PJSC (Dnipro) of Ukrainian businessman Serhiy Tihipko following the results of work in January-March this year received a net profit of UAH 17.581 million, while the company finished the same period of the last year with a net loss of UAH 8.645 million.
According to the interim report of the company, in the first quarter of 2023 net income increased by 54% up to UAH 683.802 mln.
At the same time, the undistributed profits of the company by the end of March 2023 amounted to UAH 257.664 mln.
As it was reported, Dneprometiz in 2022 decreased its net profit six times compared to the previous year – up to UAH 25.572 mln, net income increased by 1.1% – to UAH 2.474.397 mln.
“Dneprometiz produces metalware of low-carbon steel. The company has a capacity of 120 thnd mt of products per year.
According to the NDU for the fourth quarter of 2022, T.A.S. Overseas Investments Limited (Cyprus) holds 98.6578% shares of Dneprometiz.
The charter capital of Dneprometiz is UAH 83.480 mln and the par value of the shares is UAH 68.08.


“Metinvest” paid more than UAH 2.5 bln in taxes to Ukrainian budgets

In January-March this year, the mining and metallurgical group Metinvest, including associated companies and joint ventures, paid more than UAH 2.5 billion in taxes and fees to the budgets of all levels in Ukraine.
According to the company’s press release on Wednesday, Rinat Akhmetov’s Metinvest remains the backbone of the country’s economy amid a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
In January-March this year, Metinvest’s Ukrainian enterprises paid about UAH 725 million in unified social contributions, more than UAH 649 million in personal income tax and about UAH 442 million in income tax.
Land rent – more than UAH 288 mln, subsoil use fee – about UAH 174 mln and ecological tax – almost UAH 136 mln, which are the most significant sources of the state and local budgets of Ukraine.
Director General of “Metinvest” Yuriy Ryzhenkov said that it is not in the tradition of Ukrainians to give up.
“Therefore, the enterprises of Metinvest continue to fill the treasury of Ukraine in extremely difficult military conditions, under the constant threat of enemy shelling. We hold the line on the economic direction, despite the loss of control over the Mariupol plants, the blockade of the ports and other negative factors for the industry. After all, we understand that business must work to win and then to rebuild Ukraine. All as one, because we have one country,” the top manager was quoted by the press service.
As it was reported, taking into account the associated companies and joint ventures, in 2022, Metinvest transferred 20.5 billion UAH of taxes and duties to the budgets of all levels in Ukraine.
“Metinvest is a vertically integrated group of mining and metallurgical companies. The enterprises of the group are mainly located in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Dnipropetrovsk regions.
The major shareholders of the holding are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%) that manage it jointly.
Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.

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“Zaporizhkoks” increased blast furnace coke production by 48.7%

Zaporizhkoks PJSC, one of Ukraine’s largest producers of coke products, a part of Metinvest group, in January-April this year increased blast furnace coke production by 48.7% in comparison with the same period of the last year – up to 282.6 thousand tons from 190 thousand tons.
According to the company, in April-2023 it produced 71.3 thousand tons of blast-furnace coke, whereas in April-2022 it was 52.7 thousand tons (a 35.4% increase).
“The increase in production levels in April 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year is due to the withdrawal of production facilities from forced hot mothballing caused by full-scale military actions on the territory of Ukraine,” the press release explains.
As it was reported, in January-March 2023 “Zaporozhkoks” increased the production of blast-furnace coke by 74% in comparison with the same period last year – up to 211.3 thousand tons from 137.3 thousand tons, including 72.8 thousand tons in March, while in March 2022 – 4.1 thousand tons.
“Zaporizhkoks” in 2022 decreased the production of blast-furnace coke by 11.9% compared to 2021 – to 737.4 thousand tons, including 70.8 thousand tons of coke produced in December.
“Zaporizhkoks” produces about 10% of coke produced in Ukraine, owns a full technological cycle of processing of coke products. It also produces coke gas and pitch coke.
“Metinvest is a vertically integrated mining group of companies. Its major shareholders are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%) that jointly manage the company.
Metinvest Holding LLC is the managing company of Metinvest group.


WHO calls COVID an entrenched problem

The World Health Organization (WHO) has now classified the COVID-19 coronavirus as an entrenched health problem and intends to provide updated recommendations for combating it, the organization said in a press release.
“Director General Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus has ruled that COVID-19 is now an entrenched and persistent public health problem. It is no longer a public health emergency of international significance,” the document states.
“It will convene the International Health Regulations Review Committee to advise on standing recommendations for a long-term response to COVID-19,” WHO said.
Gebreyesus will consult in light of WHO’s 2023-2025 plans for responding to COVID-19. These include measures for countries around the world to jointly monitor the spread of the coronavirus and protect populations from infection. WHO advises countries to adhere to this plan during the transition to updated coronavirus control methods.
The list of temporary recommendations includes preparing for future COVID-19 outbreaks, introducing coronavirus vaccination into lifelong immunization programs, gathering information from various surveillance data sources for a complete picture of the spread of the disease, ensuring access to treatment for COVID-19 and diagnostics for the disease. In addition, WHO advises continuing to lift travel restrictions and not requiring any evidence of vaccination.
At the same time, the WHO said, “member countries are currently negotiating an agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and control.” In particular, they are talking about amendments to the International Health Regulations. For example, Dr. Michael Ryan, director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program, commenting on the negotiations, said that there should never be a repeat of cases where patients could not even get to the emergency room.
Earlier Friday, Gebreyesus announced that the WHO no longer views the COVID-19 coronavirus as a global health threat. However, he clarified that this does not mean that the threat of the coronavirus is completely gone.
He added that during the three years of the pandemic, experts have recorded nearly 7 million deaths due to infection with the coronavirus.
“But we know that the number of deaths is actually several times higher – at least 20 million,” the WHO chief stressed.
According to the Worldometers statistics website, more than 687 million people worldwide were infected with the coronavirus during the pandemic, with more than 660 million COVID-19 cures recorded. The first place in the number of infections is occupied by the U.S. with more than 106.7 million, the second is India, where almost 45 million cases of infection with COVID-19 were identified, and the third is France with about 40 million cases.
