Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian export credit agency will receive state guarantees

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has provided state guarantees to the Export Credit Agency, Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said.
“We are intensifying the work of the Export Credit Agency. We want as many Ukrainian businesses as possible to export their products abroad. Moreover, we see that there is a demand from business, but many enterprises lack resources and need state support,” Shmygal said at a government meeting on Tuesday.
In this regard, he said, the government passed a resolution to strengthen the Export Credit Agency.
“Now the agency will get state guarantees to more actively support Ukrainian exporters. This will increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian goods and services and contribute to a more rapid recovery of our economy,” Shmygal added.
As the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk reported in Telegram, the procedure for providing state guarantees to secure debt obligations of the private joint stock company Export Credit Agency, namely, providing state guarantees for debt obligations of the company (obligations of a borrower to a creditor on a loan (loan), arising from the placement (issue) of debt securities or entering into loan agreements) was approved.

Ukraine launched reform of fishing industry

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a law to improve state regulation in the fishing industry, which launches large-scale changes in this area, the government portal said on Monday.
“The bill was developed for maximum consideration of the wishes of all market players, as well as for harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the regulatory framework of EU countries,” explained the acting head of the State Fish Agency Igor Klimenok, whose words are quoted in the message on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.
At the same time, he expressed confidence that already in 2023, the industry will feel the changes.
According to the report, the Law ¹ 7616 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on improvement of state regulation in the industry of fisheries, conservation and rational use of aquatic bioresources and aquaculture” creates the conditions for the systematic reform of fisheries.
The law changes the methods of public administration and emphasizes the digitalization of fisheries, in particular the creation of a single state electronic system of industry management.
In addition, the law introduces a mechanism for declaring the right to fish in electronic form. A system is being created to trace the origin of aquatic biological resources.
According to the law, all fishing vessels must now have remote control means. In addition, the procedure of leasing hydraulic structures for the development of aquaculture is simplified.
The law introduces the unification of all types of use of living aquatic resources for scientific purposes, establishes legal requirements for the fish hatchery as an object of accounting of harvested living aquatic resources and products made of them.
As previously reported, the Verkhovna Rada started a major reform of the fishing industry by adopting by a majority vote on March 21 the law number 7616 “On improvement of state regulation of the fishing industry, conservation and rational use of living aquatic resources and aquaculture.
“With the adoption of the law electronic auctions for the right of industrial fishing, which had been previously conducted as a government experiment, will fully operate. The transparent bidding mechanism creates equal conditions of economic competition and ensures equal access to fishing for new economic entities”, – the Ministry of Agricultural Policy emphasized then.


On April 28, UNIT.CITY will host Digital Talks Forum

On April 28, 2023, the Digital Talks Forum will start at 10:00. The event will take place at the UNIT.CITY event space at 3 Dorohozhytska St., Kyiv.
Digital Talks is the largest digital marketing forum. The purpose of the Forum is to develop Ukrainian digital, popularize the Ukrainian market of information products, draw attention to bright and professional personalities in the field of digital and Instagram, and form a strong community of Ukrainian specialists. Digital Talks Forum will allow you to dive deeper into the world of digital and learn about new trends, modern tools and opportunities from experts and practitioners. You can immediately apply these skills and get practical benefits from attending the event.
The forum speakers will be:

Mstyslav Banik, Head of e-Services Development at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. Topic: Diia: how to turn a startup into the country’s top service
– What is Diia?
– From a startup to the country’s top service
– Who works on the app and how are new products launched?

Alina Tornahi, Head of Marketing and Communications at the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the Diia project. She headed the SMM direction of the Ze! team. Topic: How to build and effectively manage a creative team?
⁃ Where to look for talented people and who exactly your brand needs
⁃ Communication within the team: tools and how to find the perfect brief
⁃ Creativity with respect for deadlines or how to keep motivated in a creative environment

Pavlo Oshmyan, has been working with YouTube for 7 years, founder of the digital agency Subscribe agency. Topic: Successful start on YouTube for experts and businesses
– Why experts and businesses need YouTube
– Where to start? What should you do before launching a channel?
– How to make YouTube: technical aspects, ideas, budgets, algorithms, and basic rules
– How to interact with other social networks?
– Top mistakes when working with YouTube
– YouTube monetization (how can experts and businesses make money?)

Bohdan Tymoshchuk, Telegram expert in Ukraine. Owner of one of the largest networks of Ukrainian TG channels. Owner of a news Telegram channel with an audience of over 1 million subscribers. Topic: Telegram channels as a business.
– Development of the Ukrainian market of Telegram channels
– How and how much you can earn on Telegram
– Why it is profitable to develop your Telegram channel now
– How to develop your channels cheaply
– How to recoup investments of $5-15 thousand in 1-2 months

Justyna Mostova and Marusya Derkach, founders of TikTok agency HEEKS, speakers at UN Women and UNICEF, authors of the first Ukrainian-language channel about marketing on TikTok (500K). Topic: How to successfully launch a brand on TikTok in 2023
– How to get into recommendations on a regular basis
– 100% working content formats
– How to sell on TikTok and achieve brand goals
– How to look for content ideas so that they don’t run out

Vlad Prysiazhniuk, Human Chatbot?, an ambassador of their implementation in business. People have paid for services and goods worth over UAH 10 million in the developed chatbots. Topic: How chatbots and no-code services will help you in 2023
– Communicate with your audience 24/7.
– Receive payments automatically and avoid wasting money on a manager who is always making mistakes.
– See where you are earning and where you are not, thanks to statistics.
– Automate all processes as much as possible
– View all data in one place instead of a bunch of tables.
– Use these solutions independently without the help of developers.

Online and offline tickets are available.
Also during the Forum, Artem Honcharenko, President of the Foundation for Reconstruction and Development of Ukraine, will present a large-scale project of the Foundation, Mobile Frontline Hospitals, with the support of the Dynamo Ukraine sports and fitness society, which unites all power and sports structures of Ukraine.
Open4business is a media partner

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“Dobrobut” opened new clinic in Kiev

Dobrobut Medical Network has opened a new outpatient clinic in the building of the former Slavutych Hotel on the left bank of Kiev.
According to the network press release, the area of the medical center is 1150 sq. m, the clinic is designed for 300-400 patients per day.
The new medical center provides a full range of outpatient services for children and adults, and also has enhanced expertise in pediatrics and prenatal diagnosis in gynecology. In particular, the prenatal diagnostics department is equipped with a state-of-the-art Voluson SWIFT machine with integrated artificial intelligence with a real-time 3D-scanning option.
“Dobrobut is one of Ukraine’s largest private medical networks. The network includes 17 medical centers in Kiev and Kiev region, emergency service, dentistry and pharmacies. Network medical centers provide services to children and adults in more than 75 medical fields. Annually experts of “Dobrobut” carry out more than 7000 operations. The network has over 2800 employees.
The network collaborates with a number of international charitable organizations such as Direct Relief International, Children of War Foundation, International Medical Corps and University of Miami Global Institute. According to the company, thanks to the work of Direct Relief International and the Dobrobut Foundation, wounded war veterans and people stranded by war are able to receive free care at the Dobrobut Treatment and Diagnostic Center.
According to the company, Dobrobut has become the first private medical network in Ukraine to receive funding from the U.S. federal government: with support from the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), the company will build a modern physical rehabilitation center.

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CSD LAB is holding special offer “3 tests for price of 2” on weekends

Period of the promotion: permanently
Coverage area: the entire network of CSD LAB laboratory offices, except for Partner Laboratory Offices (PLO)
Terms of the promotion: the phrase “glucose as a gift” means the purchase of a set of three tests at the price of 2.
This promotional offer is available only on Saturdays and Sundays.
Promotional offers are not cumulative. Only one promotional offer can be used per order.

Health has no days off, so CSD LAB laboratory offices work for you every day. Plan your tests for the weekend and save money with CSD LAB.

Only on Saturday and Sunday there are two favorable offers in the format 1+1=3:

K135, Complex 83 (Complete urinalysis, complete blood count + glucose as a gift*)
K136, Complex 84 (Complete blood count, thyroid-stimulating hormone + glucose as a gift*)

Don’t forget to familiarize yourself with the rules of preparation for tests and choose the nearest CSD LAB laboratory office.
If you have any questions, you can write to us in the chat or call our round-the-clock contact center at 0 800 33 00 75

At Ukrainian-Hungarian border from 16:00 on Monday temporarily stopped registration of citizens and transport

On the Ukrainian-Hungarian border from 16:00 on Monday, April 24, the registration of persons and vehicles on the Hungarian side is temporarily stopped, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reports.
“According to information from Hungarian colleagues, the database of the Hungarian Border Police temporarily suspended functioning,” the message in the Telegram channel indicated.
About the resumption of processing on the Hungarian side will be reported additionally.
