Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Analysis of the German residential real estate market in 2024

In 2024, the German residential real estate market faced a number of challenges, including falling prices, slowing construction and rising borrowing costs. Here are the key trends and forecasts for 2025, focusing on the country’s largest cities.

Decline in housing prices

In the first half of 2024, the average asking prices for new and existing apartments decreased by about 3.6% compared to the same period in 2023. This decline is less pronounced than in previous periods, when the drop reached 7.3% and 7.4%, respectively. The largest annual decline was recorded in Frankfurt am Main – by 6.5%, while in Hamburg the decline was only 0.6%.

The situation in major cities

Munich: The most expensive city in Germany with an average price of about 11,000 euros per square meter. In 2024, there was a 5.2% decline in prices for new buildings.

Berlin: The average housing price was around 7,920 euros per square meter.

Hamburg: A 5% decline in new construction prices, which is one of the smallest declines among major cities.

Frankfurt am Main: The largest year-on-year price decline of 6.5%.

Düsseldorf and Leipzig: On the contrary, these cities recorded an increase in prices for new buildings by 4.1% and 8.7%, respectively.

Housing shortage and construction activity

According to a study by the Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Spatial Research (BBSR), Germany needs to build 320,000 new apartments every year until 2030 to meet growing demand, boosted by the influx of immigrants from Ukraine and Syria. However, in 2024, only 216,000 apartments were authorized, the lowest number since 2010 and reflecting the real estate crisis.

Financial performance and investments

Germany’s largest real estate group, Vonovia, reported its third consecutive annual loss in 2024, amounting to EUR 962.3 million, due to significant write-downs in property values. Nevertheless, CEO Rolf Buch predicts a return to profitability in 2025, provided that real estate prices stabilize.

Forecast for 2025

German house prices are expected to grow by 3.5% in 2025, although there is a significant risk of weaker growth. The market continues to face difficulties due to high borrowing and construction costs. Rental growth is expected to exceed house price growth, making it difficult for potential buyers to save a down payment.

In general, the German residential real estate market in 2024 was characterized by declining prices and slowing construction activity. Forecasts for 2025 suggest a moderate increase in prices, but the market remains sensitive to economic and political factors.


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Hryvnya exchange rate slightly strengthened today – analysis

The National Bank of Ukraine has strengthened the official hryvnia-dollar exchange rate by 1 kopeck after the official hryvnia-dollar exchange rate was raised by 9 kopecks on Wednesday, according to the regulator’s website. – to 42.1729 UAH/$1, according to data on the regulator’s website.

The NBU set the reference rate at 12:00 Thursday at 42.1971 UAH/$1 against 42.2650 UAH/$1 a day earlier.

On the cash market, the dollar exchange rate fell by 21 copecks when buying – to UAH 42.61/$1, and when selling – by 17 copecks. – to UAH 42.70/$1.

In turn, analysts of the currency exchange market operator “KIT Group” for the near future predict the hryvnia exchange rate to remain in the corridor of 42-43 UAH/$1, looking at the stabilization process after a seasonal surge in demand for currency at the end of 2024.

“Low economic and business activity in January will contribute to the stability of the exchange rate on a short horizon. Evidence of this is the spread between the rates of buying and selling of the dollar: it remains relatively stable, which indicates the balance of supply and demand in the foreign exchange market of Ukraine”, – analysts note in the January review-forecast of the situation in the foreign exchange market.

According to their expectations, during the first half of the current 2025 hryvnia is very likely to weaken to 44 UAH/1$, which is fully consistent with the government’s budget forecast for this year.

“Avoidance of exchange rate extremes during the first half of the year will allow the National Bank and the economic block of the government to keep the exchange rate reserve to keep within the projected parameters of the average annual rate of UAH 45/$ according to the results of the current year”, – emphasize the experts of ‘KIT Group’.

At the same time, in their opinion, controlled devaluation may become one of the tools to fill the budget at the expense of duties and other fixed charges in foreign currency, including some excises.



Features of French tax system at end of 2024 – brief analysis

France has one of the most complex and multi-level taxation systems in place, covering both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Let us consider the main taxes applicable to these categories of taxpayers.

Taxes for legal entities

1) Corporate income tax (Impôt sur les Sociétés, IS):

Its standard rate is 25% on company profits. A reduced rate of 15% is possible and applies to the first 38,120 euros of profit for small and medium-sized enterprises with an annual turnover of less than 7.63 million euros.

Some companies can choose between being taxed under the income tax system (Impôt sur le Revenu, IR) or the corporate tax system (IS), depending on their legal form and capital structure.

2) Value added tax (Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée, TVA), its rates are also diversified. The standard rate is 20%, and the reduced rates are: 10%, 5.5% and 2.1% are applied to certain goods and services.

3) There is also a tax called the territorial economic contribution (Contribution Économique Territoriale, CET). It consists of two components – a tax on the value of commercial real estate (Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises, CFE) and a contribution to the value added of business (Cotisation sur la Valeur Ajoutée des Entreprises, CVAE). The rates depend on the location and turnover of the company; the maximum CVAE rate is 1.5% for companies with a turnover of more than EUR 50 million.

4) There is also a so-called vehicle tax (Taxe sur les Véhicules de Sociétés, TVS). It is levied on companies that use cars for commercial or business purposes. The rates depend on the type of vehicle, its age, and CO₂ emissions.

Taxes for individual entrepreneurs (IEs) are also quite complicated.

1) Income tax (Impôt sur le Revenu, IR) with a progressive scale from 0% to 45%, depending on annual income. The income of individual entrepreneurs is taxed on the same scale as the income of individuals. There are various taxation regimes for individual entrepreneurs, such as “micro-entrepreneur” with a simplified accounting and taxation system.

2) Social contributions – individual entrepreneurs are required to pay social and health insurance contributions, the amount of which depends on the type of activity and income level.

3) Value added tax (TVA). Individual entrepreneurs are required to register as VAT payers if their annual turnover exceeds certain thresholds, for example, for trade in goods it is 91,900 euros, and for the provision of services – 36,800 euros.

Like almost any other country in the world, there is a real estate tax (Taxe Foncière). It is levied on property owners, regardless of their residency status. The rates are determined by local authorities and depend on the cadastral value of the property.

There is also still a tax on residence (Taxe d’Habitation), which is levied on persons living in real estate as of January 1 of the reporting year. This tax is being gradually abolished for most households; the full transition is expected to be completed in the coming years.

The luxury tax or Impôt sur la Fortune Immobilière (IFI) is levied on individuals whose real estate in France is valued at more than EUR 1.3 million. There is a progressive scale from 0.5% to 1.5% of the property value.

The French tax system is characterized by a high degree of progressivity and diversity of taxes, which requires careful planning and accounting when doing business. It is recommended to consult with professional tax advisors to ensure compliance with current legal requirements and optimize the tax burden.


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Features of Dutch tax system – brief analysis

The taxation system in the Netherlands is quite diverse. Let’s take a brief look at some of its features.

Taxes for legal entities are as follows.

1) Corporate income tax (CIT):

The rate ranges from 19% on profits up to EUR 200,000, to 25.8% on profits over EUR 200,000.

There are a number of peculiarities here, for example, resident companies are taxed on global income, while non-residents are taxed only on income from sources in the Netherlands. Under certain conditions, dividends and capital gains may be exempted from taxation under the substantial participation exemption.

2) Value added tax (VAT) ranges from the standard rate of 21% to a reduced rate of 9% (applicable to certain goods and services) and even to a zero rate of 0% (for exports and some specific cases). It is worth noting that businessmen are required to register as VAT payers and submit declarations on a quarterly basis.

3) Dividend tax, with a rate of 15%, is withheld when paying dividends to shareholders. The rate may be reduced or eliminated under international double taxation treaties.

4) Capital gains tax – gains from the sale of capital assets are usually included in the taxable base and taxed at standard corporate tax rates.

5) Social security contributions for employees should not be forgotten. Employers are obliged to withhold and remit social security and healthcare contributions for all their employees.

In the Netherlands, the taxation system allows you to register as a private entrepreneur. In this case, the businessman will have income tax obligations, the rate of which is 9.32% for income up to 38,098 euros (including the national insurance contribution of 27.65%, the total rate is 36.97%), 36.97% for income from 38,098 to 75,518 euros, and income over 75,518 euros per year is taxed at a rate of 49.50%.

Individual entrepreneurs are also required to pay social security and healthcare contributions, the amount of which depends on their income. Sole proprietorships are required to register as VAT payers and file quarterly tax returns, similar to legal entities.

There is also a real estate tax, with property owners paying an annual tax, the amount of which depends on the cadastral value and is set by local authorities.

The inheritance and gift tax applies to recipients of inheritance or gift, with rates depending on the degree of kinship and the value of the property received.

In general, the Dutch tax system is characterized by progressive rates and a variety of taxes, which requires a careful approach to tax planning. It is recommended to consult with professional tax advisors on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the current legal requirements.

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CSD LAB medical laboratory opens partnership offices in frontline regions of Ukraine

CSD LAB medical laboratory is opening partner laboratory offices in the front-line regions of Ukraine.

The company told Interfax-Ukraine news agency that, in particular, CSD LAB is opening laboratories on their basis together with medical centers.

“We opened partner laboratory offices in the frontline regions of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Konstantinovka (Donetsk region),” the company specified.

CSD LAB reported that the company opened more than 15 lab offices together with partners during the war, including three in Ternopil, offices in Dnipro, Khmelnytsky, Drohobych, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Chernivtsi, Chernomorsk, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Konstantinivka.

Currently there are over 70 laboratory offices and biomaterial collection points in the network all over Ukraine.

CSD LAB – one of the leading laboratories in Ukraine, provides more than 1500 tests – from general blood analysis to determination of genetic disorders in the tumor by NGS method. For 12 years CSD LAB has been one of the largest pathomorphological laboratories in Eastern Europe.

CSD LAB unites six laboratories: pathomorphology, cytomorphology, oncohematology, microbiology, clinical diagnostic laboratory and molecular genetics center. Every year it conducts more than 1.5 million tests.

Production facilities and modern high-tech equipment are located in Kiev and Lviv on a total area of more than 5 thousand square meters, as well as in Moldova and Georgia.

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