Business news from Ukraine


Arricano Real Estate Plc (Cyprus), the managing company and developer of some shopping and entertainment centers in Ukraine, has decided to postponed settlement of liabilities in the amount of $47.1 million to Retail Real Estate OÜ (RRE, Estonia), Barleypark Limited and one of its main constructors for the end of 2019.
According to a company report on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), the company has received written representations from Retail Real Estate OU and its affiliated company Bytenem Co Limited that lead the board to believe that the group will not be required to settle in 2019 outstanding accrued interest and other accounts payable in the amount of $21.360 million plus further interest accruing during the year ending December 31, 2019.
Arricano has received a letter from Barleypark Limited waiving its right to claim early repayment of the loan or any part thereof, including, but not limited to all or any part of the interest accrued, amounting in aggregate to $22.004 million until after 31 December 2019.
The group has also received a comfort letter from one of its main constructors, stating that it will not claim payment of invoices amounting to $3.772 until after December 31, 2019.
