Business news from Ukraine

Structure of approved state budget income for 2023

Structure of approved state budget income for 2023


Ukraine’s budget will receive up to $30bn in foreign financing – Finance Minister

Ukraine has received $27 billion in external financing since the start of Russia’s full-scale military invasion, this amount is expected to grow to $30 billion by the end of the year, Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko said on the air of a national telethon.
“The need for 10 months of the war is $50 billion. Partly our partners helped us, partly we financed through domestic borrowing, including the monetization of financing by the National Bank of Ukraine,” he said.
According to the Ministry of Finance, as of December 7, total external financing amounted to $28.26 billion, of which $27.26 billion was used to finance the budget deficit, and another $1 billion – for reconstruction. Another $11.66 billion, or 370 billion UAH was provided by the National Bank through the purchase of government bonds.
Marchenko pointed out that next year’s state budget financing needs are estimated at $38 billion. “It is less than this year, but everything depends on how things develop on the military front… Own revenues are not enough even to meet the basic needs of security and defense,” the minister said.
According to him, besides EUR18 billion from the EU, Ukraine expects from the USA $9,9 billion for 9 months, as well as bilateral support from other G7 members, including Great Britain, Canada, Japan, with whom negotiations are already under way, and the World Bank and the IMF.
In this regard, Marchenko stressed the importance of creating a “financial Ramstein” – not only as a political platform, but also as a platform to address working issues – rhythm, predictability and possible funding delays.
“I can not say about the exact dates, but negotiations are underway, quite actively, at the working level meetings (take place) every two weeks,” he described the current situation on the creation of such a format.
Commenting on Hungary’s blocking of the decision to allocate EUR18 billion to Ukraine next year, Marchenko called the news “unpleasant, but no more.”
“I think that the EU will find ways to solve this issue. Already received signals that there are several steps, how it can be done, so we have no special worries about it. I think everything should be in order,” the head of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine said.
As reported, the National Bank of Ukraine on Thursday projected a total external financing of the country this year at $ 31 billion.


Structure of approved ukrainian state budget expenditures for 2023



Structure of approved state budget income for 2023


Ukrainian parliament adopted state budget for next year

The Verkhovna Rada adopted the law “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2023”, said MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak (Voice faction). “Parliament adopted the State Budget for 2023 in the second reading and in general,” he wrote in the Telegram channel on Thursday. According to Zheleznyak, 295 people’s deputies supported the budget for the next year, 35 abstained, and no one voted against.
The votes were distributed as follows: the Servant of the People faction – 211, the Voice – 10, the Platform For Life and Peace groups – 18, For the Future – 15, Trust – 16, Restoration of Ukraine – 15 , non-fractional – 10.
The factions “European Solidarity” and “Fatherland” did not give a single vote in support of the state budget.
“Now we hope that international partners will appreciate our punctuality and fully finance the pledged … deficit of $ 38 billion,” Zheleznyak wrote.
As reported, on November 2, the Parliamentary Budget Committee positively assessed the government’s finalization of the draft state budget of Ukraine for 2023, noted its agreement with the International Monetary Fund and recommended that the Verkhovna Rada adopt it in the second reading and as a whole.
The Committee proposed to increase spending on covering the activities of the Verkhovna Rada by UAH 120 million, on parliamentary control over the observance of constitutional human rights and freedoms – by UAH 96.56 million, on financing the statutory activities of political parties – by UAH 519.39 million, on events related to with the privatization of state property – by UAH 38.5 million.
In addition, it was proposed to additionally allocate UAH 62.76 million to the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and UAH 16.38 million to the National Corruption Prevention Agency, all of this by reducing the Reserve Fund.
The Budget Committee recalled that in the draft state budget finalized for the second reading, revenues were increased by UAH 50.1 billion (or 3.9%), incl. for the general fund – by UAH 26.5 billion; expenses – by UAH 66.8 billion (or 2.7%), incl. for the general fund – by UAH 43.2 billion.
In addition, the deficit in the general fund was expanded by UAH 16.7 billion (or 1.3%) due to the same additional attraction of external financing – up to UAH 1 trillion 442.9 billion in total. “Thus, it is proposed to set the limit of the state budget deficit at the level of 20.6% of the forecast GDP (increased by 0.6 percentage points compared to the draft law submitted for the first reading),” the committee said, noting the significant risks of not receiving such loans.
As the deputies pointed out, the maximum amount of public debt at the end of 2023 was increased to UAH 6 trillion 422.7 billion, which is 102.3% of the forecast GDP (+2.2 percentage points to the bill submitted for the first reading).
When preparing the draft state budget for 2023 for the second reading, the forecast GDP growth was reduced to 3.2% from 4.6% and inflation to 28% from 30%. As a result, the revised forecast of nominal GDP is UAH 6 trillion 279.3 billion instead of UAH 6 trillion 399 billion.
“At the same time, the explanatory note to the finalized bill notes that more optimistic expectations of financial support from international partners, which will help support the balance of payments, led to an adjustment in the assumptions regarding the hryvnia exchange rate against the US dollar at the end of 2023 – UAH 45.8 / $1 (previous forecast – UAH 50 / $1), while its average annual value remains unchanged (forecast – UAH 42.2 / $1),” the committee said.
He added that the forecast of funds transferred by the NBU has been increased by UAH 51.6 billion and it is envisaged that such funds will be credited 50% each to the general and special funds, while in the bill submitted for the first reading – in full to the special fund. This growth made it possible to additionally allocate UAH 16.1 billion to the Fund for the Elimination of the Consequences of Armed Aggression, increased to UAH 35.5 billion.
Among the main changes for the second reading, the committee singled out an increase in pension spending by UAH 38.9 billion; production and broadcasting of television and radio programs for state needs – by UAH 1.4 billion; the judiciary – by UAH 1.3 billion (including the State Judicial Administration – by UAH 1.1 billion, the Supreme Court – by UAH 245.4 million, the High Council of Justice – by UAH 25.5 million), as well as increase in transfers to local budgets – by UAH 2.519 billion, mainly for social and economic development.
In total, revenues in the draft state budget-2023 finalized by the government for the second reading amount to UAH 1 trillion 329.3 billion, incl. for the general fund – UAH 1 trillion 173.1 billion, expenses – UAH 2 trillion 580.7 billion, incl. for the general fund – UAH 2 trillion 296.5 billion, the maximum deficit – UAH 1 trillion 296.5 billion, incl. for the general fund – UAH 1 trillion 124.6 billion.
The living wage is UAH 2589, the minimum wage is UAH 6700.


State budget deficit of Ukraine in October amounted to more than UAH 140 billion

The state budget of Ukraine for January-October 2022 was executed with a deficit of UAH 638.7 billion, including the general fund – UAH 643.4 billion against the deficit of UAH 1,121.6 billion planned by the general fund for January-October 2022 hryvnia, said the Ministry of Finance.
“In October, the actual deficit of the state budget amounted to UAH 143.4 billion, including the general fund – UAH 147.1 billion,” the agency said in a release on Tuesday.
According to the operational information of the State Treasury, as indicated by the Ministry of Finance, in January-October 2022, the cash expenditures of the state budget amounted to UAH 1,978.6 billion, including the general fund – UAH 1,817.4 billion, or 86.4% of the list of the reporting period .
“At the same time, in October 2022, cash expenditures of the state budget were made in the amount of UAH 231.7 billion, including the general fund in the amount of UAH 222.5 billion,” the Ministry of Finance specified.
According to him, the income of the general fund in October amounted to UAH 72.8 billion.
