Business news from Ukraine

Cabinet of Ministers has expanded list of medical products that are mandatory for purchase through Prozorro Market

The Cabinet of Ministers has expanded the list of medical products that are mandatory for purchase through the electronic catalog Prozorro Market.

According to the state enterprise “Medical Procurement of Ukraine” (MPU), thus, more than 400 categories of medicines and 92 categories of medical devices will be mandatory for purchase through the electronic catalog.

The relevant changes, enshrined in the government resolution No. 34 regarding medical devices, have already entered into force, while regarding medicines the innovations will be applied from March 1, 2024.

In 2023, more than 1600 customers conducted 13 thousand transactions using Prozorro Market to purchase medicines and medical devices.

The total value of medical goods purchased through electronic catalogs in 2022 amounted to $28 million, in 2023 – $ 2.5 billion.

Prozorro Market electronic catalog works on the principle of the market and is free for customers. With its help, customers can quickly, conveniently and favorably buy products. The medical part of the catalog is administered by specialists from the Ministry of Health.

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Three more industrial parks to be created in Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers at a meeting on Friday included in the Register of industrial parks three parks at once: two in Khmelnytskyi region and one in Lviv region, the Ministry of Economy reported.
In particular, the register includes FE Krasyliv Technoport with the area of 10.146 hectares, the creation of which was initiated by JSC Krasyliv Machine-Building Plant. The park plans to create about 500 jobs in the industrial cluster for metalworking and metal products manufacturing.
“The initiator plans to invest in the park 87 million UAH, it is also expected to attract investments of the management company, residents of the park (in its own production), private financing of the project,” – indicated the Ministry of Economy.
It is noted that investors from Poland, Germany and Turkey have confirmed their readiness to invest in the park’s enterprises following the results of negotiations.
The total amount of preliminary confirmed investments is 555 million UAH, another 70 million UAH is expected from small and medium-sized businesses, which will help with the manufacture of parts for the production of large investors.
The second park in Khmelnytsky region, included in the register, was the FE “Carbon Neutral ECO AGRO HAB Podillya “Gorodok”, on the territory of Gorodok city territorial community. 50.1856 hectares of land were allocated for the arrangement of the park, and the initiator of the IP was Epicenter K LLC.
“The park will specialize in agro-processing – production of oil and fats, products of the flour and poultry industry, other food products and ready-made animal feed. In addition, it is planned to produce most of the electricity for the work of the enterprises located there,” the report says.
It is assumed that the creation of the park will provide work for about 480 residents of the community. As noted in the concept of the park, during 2026-2032 the enterprises participating in the park will pay to the budgets more than 525 million UAH of taxes and fees.
In addition, the register of FE includes “YADRO Industri” in Drohobych, Lviv region, with an area of 10.0036 hectares, initiated by LLC “Facade-West”, which plans to invest in the development of more than 561 million UAH.
It is planned to create about 500 jobs in the industrial cluster, one of the key types of production of which is planned to be window production.
Priority for placement in the park will also be enterprises for production of building materials from clay, porcelain and ceramics products; production of cement, lime and gypsum mixture and products from these materials, processing and finishing of stone, etc.
It is stated that among the investors ready to invest in production are companies from the USA and Spain, Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises. The total amount of their investments is planned at the level of 270 million UAH.
“The development of industrial parks is very important in the context of recovery and further growth of the Ukrainian economy…The government is purposefully working on the development of processing with high added value. And the work of processing enterprises within the parks gives businesses significant additional opportunities for growth,” the press service quoted Deputy Economy Minister Volodymyr Kuzo as saying.
Given the decisions taken by the government on Friday, 73 parks are included in the Register of industrial parks.
As reported, the draft state budget for 2024 for the first time provided for the allocation of UAH 1 billion for the development of infrastructure of industrial parks.

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Ukraine extends embargo on Russian goods until December 31, 2024

The Cabinet of Ministers has extended restrictions on trade with Russia until December 31, 2024.
According to the Cabinet’s representative in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk in Telegram, the relevant decisions were taken at a government meeting on Friday.
In particular, the government decree of December 30, 2015 № 1147 “On the ban on the importation of goods originating from the Russian Federation into the customs territory of Ukraine” until December 31, 2024 (inclusive) was extended.
In addition, the decree of December 30, 2015 No. 1146 “On the rates of import duty in respect of goods that originate from the Russian Federation” was extended until December 31, 2024.

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The Cabinet of Ministers has established that combatants and civilians affected by Russian military aggression will be able to receive rehabilitation means, regardless of the establishment of disability

“The government has adopted a decision developed by the Ministry of Social Policy that systematically simplifies the receipt of auxiliary means of rehabilitation for people affected by the war of Russia against Ukraine, both military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations, and volunteers of territorial defense, and civilians,” the press release says. -services of the Ministry of Social Policy.

It is noted that the government’s decision: expands the list of persons who are provided with assistive means of rehabilitation, in particular, persons who were injured, contused, mutilated or ill during service, labor and other activities aimed at protecting the country during Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, and as a result of living in areas of hostilities or in areas subject to bombing, airstrikes and other military attacks.

The decision also provides an opportunity for combatants and victims of Russian military aggression to receive auxiliary rehabilitation means, regardless of the establishment of disability, at the conclusion of military medical commissions or medical advisory commissions of healthcare institutions.

In addition, the solution provides for persons with disabilities who were in the area of hostilities and require rehabilitation funds, but have lost the documents necessary to obtain them, the opportunity to obtain them without the appropriate documents.

“Territorial offices of the Social Protection Fund for Persons with Disabilities will check the data on a person with a disability in the Centralized Data Bank on Disability Issues, and in the absence of information in the data bank, they will facilitate the receipt of the necessary documents at the place of residence or stay,” the message says.

Among other things, the Cabinet of Ministers: granted the right to early replacement of rehabilitation means to people who lived in the areas of hostilities during the military aggression of Russia, at their request on the basis of a certificate of registration of an internally displaced person; simplified the submission and consideration of documents for prosthetics and orthotics with products of increased functionality, manufactured using the latest technologies and technologies that are not available in Ukraine, or special products for sports for military personnel, volunteers of the territorial defense forces and other persons involved in the provision. defense of Ukraine; expanded the list of enterprises where people can order the necessary rehabilitation products, taking into account their needs and medical indications; granted combatants the right to receive financial assistance for the purchase of liners made of silicone or gel composition for the stumps of the upper and lower extremities in case of prosthetics and orthotics with products of increased functionality.


The Cabinet of Ministers has regulated the operation of the MedData information and analytical system, which allows monitoring data on procurement and provision of medical institutions with goods and services purchased at the expense of budgetary funds.
According to the relevant government resolution adopted on January 19, the government is the owner of the system, the Ministry of Health is the owner of the information, and the state-owned enterprise Medical Procurement of Ukraine is the holder and administrator of the system.
At the same time, Medical Procurement of Ukraine ensures the functioning, implementation, support and maintenance of the system, as well as monitoring and analysis of the quality of its functioning.
In addition, Medical Procurement of Ukraine provides for information interaction with public electronic information resources, information protection from unauthorized access, technical support for the operation of hardware and software resources, user access to information in the system, compatibility and electronic interaction with the central database and/or electronic medical information systems.

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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has set an immigration quota for 2022 at 8,488 people.
The relevant decision was made at a government meeting on Wednesday.
In particular, a quota for relatives of Ukrainian citizens (siblings, grandparents, grandchildren and granddaughters) was 805 people; for persons who were previously citizens of the country – 406 people; for parents, spouses and minor children of immigrants – 2,345 people; and figures of science and culture, whose immigration meets the interests of Ukraine – 730 people.
For persons who have carried out foreign investment activities in the economy of Ukraine in foreign convertible currency in the amount of at least $100,000, immigration is established without restrictions.
In addition, this year, 4,101 highly qualified specialists or workers can immigrate to Ukraine under a quota, the urgent need for which is tangible for the country’s economy.
Among other things, a quota of 99 people has been established for persons who have served in the Armed Forces of Ukraine for three or more years.
For persons who have continuously lived in the territory of the state for three years from the date of establishing a status of victims of human trafficking for them, a quota of two people has been established.
As reported, in 2021, the immigration quota was 9,818 people.

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