Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian Squash Federation launches free training for children in Sport Life network

The Ukrainian Squash Federation has announced the successful development and implementation of a free training program for children. The launch of a unique project – the Kyiv Sports Children’s and Youth Sports School (CYSS) – was made possible thanks to the cooperation of the FSU and the Sport Life network of clubs.
Squash is not just entertainment. This game fosters discipline in children, teaches them to make decisions on the go and stimulates the development of strategic thinking. The game of squash is dynamic and intense at the same time, helping the child to develop harmoniously. It is not surprising that squash has gained such popularity in educational institutions. The game is included in the curricula of the most prestigious American universities, such as Harvard and Yale. This demonstrates the high appreciation of the effectiveness and benefits of this sport for the development of young people.

Classes for young athletes will be held in the two largest squash centers of the Sport Life club network – in Poznyaki and Teremky. Here children will have the opportunity to learn the game under the guidance of qualified coaches.
The training schedule is very convenient – on weekdays from 15:00 to 17:00. The difference in age groups is taken into account, so training is organized for children aged 6-8 and 9-11.
“The Ukrainian Squash Federation in cooperation with the Sport Life network of clubs is making a huge step towards popularizing this sport among young people. Let’s open up new horizons for our children together, teaching them a healthy lifestyle, discipline and mutual assistance through the game of squash,” said Dmytro Shcherbakov, President of the Ukrainian Squash Federation,
In his turn, Maxim Urakin, Vice President of the FSU, noted that the development of junior squash shows that this sport has good prospects for development in Ukraine.

“Last year, our juniors demonstrated excellent results at international competitions and proved that the Ukrainian squash school is one of the strongest in Europe, winning bronze at the continental championship. The opening of new training grounds for children will only strengthen this trend,” emphasized Urakin.
The program of the Kyiv Sports School provides free training for children, but the number of places is limited, so we advise you not to delay the registration and provide your child with quality and productive leisure.
Squash is a sport with a ball and a racket indoors. The game is played with special rackets on a court surrounded by walls on four sides. In 2003, Forbes magazine recognized squash as one of the healthiest sports in terms of injury rates. In addition, squash is considered the most energy-consuming sport in the world in terms of calories burned per unit of time. More than 20 million people play squash in the world.

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