Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Results of Ukrainian Squash Championship 2024

On February 10-11, the Ukrainian Squash Championship 2024 took place at the courts of the capital’s Sport Life fitness club in Teremky, bringing together 120 athletes from all over the country. The competition was attended by representatives from Kharkiv, Dnipro, Poltava, Odesa, Kherson, Lviv and other regions of the country.

Anastasia Kostiukova and Denis Podvorny became the champions in the adult category, defeating their rivals by demonstrating a high level of skill and invincible spirit. This victory was especially significant for Denys Podvornyi, as he managed to return to the competition after a year of recovery and win his 7th Ukrainian title, losing only two games to his opponents.

Full list of tournament winners:

Boys under 9 years old:

1st place Kostyukov Artem

2nd place Nikolai Filipov

3rd place Mark Grabovsky

Boys under 11 years old:

1st place Schneider Artem

2nd place Matyukhov Egor

3rd place Horbunov Ivan

Girls under 13 years old:

1st place Syvoplias Victoria

2nd place Orlenko Oleksandra

3rd place Krasnokutska Daria

Boys under 13 years old

1st place Andrii Hutsailiuk

2nd place Doroshenko Gleb

3rd place Tomenchuk Mykyta

Girls under 17 years old:

1st place Krykun Anastasia

2nd place Vlasenko Daria

3rd place Tarasova Anna

Boys under 17 years old:

1st place Panchenko Artem

2nd place Danylo Kurilyak

3rd place Shcherbakov Yegor


1st place Kostyukova Anastasia

2nd place Krykun Anastasia

3rd place Sardak Liana


1st place Podvorny Denis

2nd place Panov Nikita

3rd place Petrovych Ruslan


The organizers expressed their sincere gratitude to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to host and conduct such events. They also thanked the Sport Life club network for providing courts free of charge, Interfax Ukraine, Experts Club and Maxim Urakin for their media coverage of the tournament, as well as Thermopab represented by Alexander Batashov and KRAINA for their tireless support and assistance in organizing the tournament.

Special thanks go to Tecnifibre for valuable gifts for the children’s categories, as well as to all the players and referees who were able to join this sporting event.

This championship confirmed that even in difficult times, Ukrainians retain the ability to unite, grow and achieve great success. The winners and runners-up in the children’s categories once again reminded us of the importance of sport in developing young people and strengthening the national spirit.

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Ukrainian Squash Federation launches free training for children in Sport Life network

The Ukrainian Squash Federation has announced the successful development and implementation of a free training program for children. The launch of a unique project – the Kyiv Sports Children’s and Youth Sports School (CYSS) – was made possible thanks to the cooperation of the FSU and the Sport Life network of clubs.
Squash is not just entertainment. This game fosters discipline in children, teaches them to make decisions on the go and stimulates the development of strategic thinking. The game of squash is dynamic and intense at the same time, helping the child to develop harmoniously. It is not surprising that squash has gained such popularity in educational institutions. The game is included in the curricula of the most prestigious American universities, such as Harvard and Yale. This demonstrates the high appreciation of the effectiveness and benefits of this sport for the development of young people.

Classes for young athletes will be held in the two largest squash centers of the Sport Life club network – in Poznyaki and Teremky. Here children will have the opportunity to learn the game under the guidance of qualified coaches.
The training schedule is very convenient – on weekdays from 15:00 to 17:00. The difference in age groups is taken into account, so training is organized for children aged 6-8 and 9-11.
“The Ukrainian Squash Federation in cooperation with the Sport Life network of clubs is making a huge step towards popularizing this sport among young people. Let’s open up new horizons for our children together, teaching them a healthy lifestyle, discipline and mutual assistance through the game of squash,” said Dmytro Shcherbakov, President of the Ukrainian Squash Federation,
In his turn, Maxim Urakin, Vice President of the FSU, noted that the development of junior squash shows that this sport has good prospects for development in Ukraine.

“Last year, our juniors demonstrated excellent results at international competitions and proved that the Ukrainian squash school is one of the strongest in Europe, winning bronze at the continental championship. The opening of new training grounds for children will only strengthen this trend,” emphasized Urakin.
The program of the Kyiv Sports School provides free training for children, but the number of places is limited, so we advise you not to delay the registration and provide your child with quality and productive leisure.
Squash is a sport with a ball and a racket indoors. The game is played with special rackets on a court surrounded by walls on four sides. In 2003, Forbes magazine recognized squash as one of the healthiest sports in terms of injury rates. In addition, squash is considered the most energy-consuming sport in the world in terms of calories burned per unit of time. More than 20 million people play squash in the world.

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Charity squash tournament “Zenit Ukraine Open 2023” to be held in Kyiv on August 19-20

The Ukrainian squash community is preparing for the biggest event of the year. On August 19-20, 2023, the charity squash tournament Zenit Ukraine Open 2023 will take place at the SPORT LIFE fitness center in Kyiv, 8 Samaila Kishky Street. The competition will last two days and will start at 09.00 on August 19.

This tournament is the most famous and largest international squash competition in the history of independent Ukraine. Its scale is evidenced not only by the number of participants and countries represented, but also by the large number of organizations that have joined the preparation and holding of the tournament.

The competition will be held in six categories: for men, these are categories A, B, C, D, and for women, A and B. Among the tournament participants are players from France, the United States, Moldova, Turkey and many Ukrainian cities: Kyiv, Lviv, Kherson, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Khmelnytskyi, Poltava, and Odesa.

The events will culminate in an award ceremony to be held on August 20 at 17.00 at the BRUGGE restaurant.

“Squash is actively gaining popularity in Ukraine even in this difficult time. And this is primarily the merit of our youth. Last year, 6 of our juniors entered the top 10 world squash rankings. This is an indicator that we are moving in the right direction. Such tournaments as the Zenit Ukraine Open only contribute to the popularization and development of this sport in Ukraine,” said Maxim Urakin, co-organizer of the tournament.

This approach is also supported by the President of the Ukrainian Squash Federation Dmytro Shcherbakov.

“The development of youth and junior squash is our future. But besides this, we have to take care of our present. The organization of such events demonstrates that despite all the hardships, Ukrainian sport, and squash in particular, continues to develop,” said Dmytro Shcherbakov.

Organizational support for the tournament is provided by:

The main fitness partner is the national network of fitness clubs “Sport Life”;

The main organizer is the NGO Squash Federation of Ukraine;

The main media partner is Interfax Ukraine;

The official sponsor of the tournament is Experts Club.

Participants and winners will receive a number of gifts from Sport Life, REIMA, and special partners: ADONIS, UKRSADVINPROM, KRAINA, VILLA TINTA, TERMOPUB, FAVOR Hotel, Tecnifibre and BRUGGE Restaurant.

The tournament will be held with a charitable mission to help the Armed Forces.

All supporters and fans of squash are invited to this great sporting event. We hope to see you at the championship and support our athletes together!

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5 sets of awards were played at Zenit Open squash tournament in Kyiv

On August 27-28, the charity squash tournament “Zenit Ukraine Open 2022” was held on the courts of the capital’s fitness center “SPORT LIFE”. The competition was attended by players from Romania, USA, Moldova, Lithuania, as well as athletes from Kyiv, Lvov, Kharkov, Dnipro, Khmelnitsky, Poltava, Kherson and Odessa.
Among the participants were awarded awards in 5 categories. The winners of the competition were:
Category Lady:
1. Anna Tarasova;
2. Alina Nizdrakova;
3. Oksana Gerasimenko.
Category M3
1. Arayik Sargsyan;
2. Stepan Kobzev;
3. Alexander Stepanyuk.
Category M2:
1. Maria Lovko;
2. Yulia Sikalenko;
3. Dmitry Tokar.
Category M1:
1. Alexey Alekseenko;
2. Evgeny Popko;
3. Nikita Petrov.
Category PRO Men:
1. Ruslan Sorochinsky;
2. Denis Yard;
3. Nikita Panov.
This year the tournament was held in Kyiv for security reasons, while Odessa has been the traditional venue for the competition for many years. According to tournament organizers Dmitry Shcherbakov and Maxim Urakin, the return of Zenit Open to the Black Sea coast is planned for next year.
“For the last 10 years, the tournament has been held in Odessa, and we know it under the name Zenit Black Sea Open. Now, due to the war, we were forced to change traditions and move the venue to Kyiv. At the same time, we plan to return to Odessa courts next year,” Shcherbakov emphasized.
The executive director of the “All-Ukrainian Association of Squash Players” Oleksiy Usenko said that the association will contribute to the organization and holding of tournaments on a regular basis.
“The holding of such competitions improves the skills of our players and our cohesion, it is important not only to support Ukrainian sports, but also the country as a whole,” Usenko stressed.
According to the organizers, the money raised at the tournament will be directed to charity and assistance to Ukraine.
“Zenit Open” is the most famous and largest international squash tournament in the history of independent Ukraine. The scale of the championship is evidenced by the number of countries and participants, as well as a large number of organizations involved in the preparation and holding of the competition.
The main fitness partner of the event is the national network of fitness clubs No. 1 “SPORT LIFE”;
The main organizer of the tournament is “All-Ukrainian Association of Squash Players”;
The main information partner of the tournament is the news agency “Interfax Ukraine”;
The official sponsors were the company “MAXEVENTS” and the analytical center “Club of Experts”;

Prize fund partners – Eye and VICTOR;Partner – Public Association “UKRSADVINPROM”;
Prizes and gifts from the leading companies Tecnifibre and Reima;
The official water of the tournament is “KRAYNA”;
Official beer of the tournament from TERMOPUB;
Tea Partner – At Market;
Official hotel of the tournament – “FAVOR”;
Party partner restaurant – “OZERO”.

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Charity squash tournament will be held in Kyiv

On August 27-28, the charity squash tournament “Zenit Ukraine Open 2022” will be held on the courts of the capital’s fitness center “SPORT LIFE”.

For two days, awards will be drawn in 5 categories among men and women. Players from Romania, USA, Moldova, Lithuania, as well as athletes from Kyiv, Lvov, Kharkov, Dnipro, Khmelnitsky, Poltava, Kherson and Odessa will take part in the competition.

The start of the tournament is scheduled for 10-00 on Saturday, August 28 in the complex “SPORT LIFE” at st. Marshal Konev, 8. The solemn ceremony of awarding the winners will be held on August 29 at 16-00 in the restaurant “OZERO”.

According to the co-organizer of the tournament Maksim Urakin, the tournament is held in Kyiv for the first time due to security reasons.

“For the last 11 years, the tournament has been held in Odessa, and we know it under the name Zenit Black Sea Open. Now, due to the war, we were forced to change traditions and move the venue to Kyiv. At the same time, we plan to return to Odessa courts next year” – Maksim Urakin explained.
According to another organizer, Dmitry Shcherbakov, holding international competitions in Kyiv is now important not only to support Ukrainian sports, but also for the country as a whole.

“We are grateful to all the athletes who responded to the call to participate in the tournament at such a difficult time. This means that Ukrainian sport is alive and winning,” he stressed.

According to the organizers, the funds raised at the tournament will be directed to charity and assistance to Ukraine.

“Zenit Open” is the most famous and largest international squash tournament in the history of independent Ukraine. The scale of the championship is evidenced by the number of countries and participants, as well as a large number of organizations involved in the preparation and holding of the competition.

The main fitness partner of the event is the national network of fitness clubs No. 1 “SPORT LIFE”;

The main organizer of the tournament is “All-Ukrainian Association of Squash Players”;

The main information partner of the tournament is the news agency “Interfax Ukraine”;

The official sponsors were the company “MAXEVENTS” and the analytical center “Club of Experts”;

Partner – Public Association “UKRSADVINPROM”;

Prize fund partners – Eye and VICTOR;

Prizes and gifts from the leading companies Tecnifibre and Reima;

The official water of the tournament is “KRAYNA”;

Official beer of the tournament from TERMOPUB;

Tea Partner – At Market;

Official hotel of the tournament – “FAVOR”;

Party partner restaurant – “OZERO”.

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