Business news from Ukraine

EU has delivered 90,000 tons of cargo and aid to Ukraine since start of war

Ukraine has received about 90,000 tons of in-kind aid, such as equipment and medicines, through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism since the start of the Russian invasion, DW reported.
“This is by far the most complex, the most extensive and the longest operation under the EU Civil Protection Mechanism in the history of its existence,” said European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič, quoted by the newspaper.
He said assistance was provided with food, medicine, vehicles, generators, transformers and equipment to repair power grids and other critical infrastructure.
“We even delivered items such as sunflower seeds and equipment to protect cultural monuments,” Lenarcic said.
In addition, more than two thousand patients and wounded from Ukraine have been treated in more than 20 EU countries, the commissioner added.
Ukraine officially joined the EU Civil Protection Mechanism on April 20, 2023. Within the framework of this mechanism, the EU states and other countries cooperate in preparedness and response to crises and disasters.
Thanks to the Mechanism, Ukraine has received assistance before, just like any other country in the world following a request. As a member of the Mechanism, Ukraine will have access to expert exchanges, training programs and exercises, and will be able to provide assistance to countries in crisis.

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Ukraine reduced supply of honey to EU in 2022 by 14%

In 2022 the EU countries have increased imports of honey in physical form by almost 10% – up to 190.6 thousand tons, which in money equivalent is EUR504.2 million, said honey market analyst Anna Burka in Facebook.

According to her data, the EU increased imports from China by 42%, Argentina – by 35%, as well as from Turkey and Vietnam, while imports from Ukraine decreased in kind by 14%.

“Ukraine remains one of the main suppliers of honey to the EU, but in 2022 China ranks first in the ranking (in volume terms). At the same time, if we look at imports in money terms, Ukraine is still the leader,” the analyst noted.

According to data of the European Commission, as quoted by Anna Burka, in 2022 Ukraine supplied 46.09 tons of honey to the EU, which accounted for 24.2% of total imports. A year earlier, the figure was 53.836 thousand tons, and Ukraine had a 31% share of supplies. In 2029, supplies reached 54.8 thousand tons, which was 31.3% of all EU honey imports.

Judging by the four-year trends cited by the EC, EU consumption of honey, particularly imported honey, is on the rise. While in 2019, EU countries imported 167.097 thousand tons of it, in 2020 it increased by 4.7% to 174.912 thousand tons, in 2022 imports reached 190.591 thousand tons, an increase of 9.8% over the year before.

As reported, in 2022 88% of Ukrainian honey exports accounted for the EU countries, which brought exporters $120 million.

The main buyers of Ukrainian honey were Germany, which bought it for $38 million, Poland – $24 million, France – $11 million, Italy – $7 million, Spain – $6 million, Belgium – $6 million. Among the countries from other regions that imported Ukrainian honey were the US, which bought it for $10 million and Japan – $1.7 million. Minor volumes were supplied to Turkey, Israel, Qatar, UAE, Somalia.


Ukraine benefits from EU ban on imports of sunflower seeds – Ukriliaprom

Ukraine benefits from the EU ban on the import of sunflower seeds to five neighboring countries, as domestic oil extraction plants are not sufficiently supplied with raw materials and are constantly experiencing a shortage, Stepan Kapshuk, director general of the Ukroliaprom association, told Interfax-Ukraine.
“Before the war there were 108 oil plants in Ukraine. Altogether they could produce 24 million tons of oil, of which 10 million tons were sunflower oil. However, these plants never managed to work at full capacity because of the lack of raw materials, which Ukraine exported. In the best seasons oil extraction plants managed to get 19 million tons of oil”, – explained the head of the industry association.
He said that previously the potential of Ukrainian oil extraction plants could produce 40-50 tons of oil per day. Because of the military actions in Ukraine stopped working about a dozen large operators, so daily plants produce 35 thousand tons of oil.
Kapshuk reminded that Ukroliaprom does not prevent the export of sunflower seeds, but proposes to introduce a mechanism of additional collection, in particular, export quotas.
“Now is the optimal moment for the government to take such a decision. Such a mechanism will bring about 3 billion UAH to the state budget, which can be used to pay salaries to the military,” – he stressed and said that the association has sent the relevant proposals to the Prime Minister.
Commenting on the agreement between the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Agriculture of Bulgaria on signing a memorandum on sunflower oil, Kapshuk said that such a decision was caused by Bulgaria’s increase in its own production of sunflower oil.
According to his information, in recent years the number of oil extraction plants in Bulgaria has increased from 4 to 11. Last year the Bulgarian processors were able to buy Ukrainian sunflower seeds at affordable prices and increased the production of oil up to 250-300 thousand tons with the internal demand of about 150 thousand tons.
“They need to sell their own goods both on the domestic market and increase their exports,” explained the head of the industry association.
According to Kapshuk, Ukraine used to export butter to 124 countries. In recent years the geography of exports is narrowing and Ukrainian butter is sold to about 80 countries. Its main buyers are India, China, Europe and African countries.
The head of Ukroliaprom cited the experience of Ukroliaproduct ALC (Dikanka TM), which has established air shipments of organic sunflower oil to America, as a positive example of exporting to long distances.
At the same time, Kapshuk pointed out that Ukraine is actively pushed out of the Indian market by the Russian Federation, which has increased production of sunflower.
“It is not profitable for Ukraine to export oil over long distances because of high freight prices. It reaches $370 (probably per ton) on shipments to India alone. Therefore, exports to countries with a high number of Ukrainian diaspora is not profitable for our producers so far,” he said, stressing the importance of maintaining traditional markets for oil.

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EU may impose sanctions on dozens of companies from China, Iran, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

The EU is considering imposing sanctions against dozens of companies from China, Iran, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan that cooperate with Russia, Reuters reports.
The agency cites diplomatic sources familiar with the European Commission’s draft proposals. Inclusion of these companies in the “black list” is possible within the framework of the prepared 11 package of anti-Russian sanctions.
In late April, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Elizabeth Rosenberg during a visit to Kazakhstan warned of the growing risks of secondary sanctions against Kazakh companies and banks that help Russia evade Western sanctions imposed in response to the full-scale war against Ukraine unleashed by Russia.

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European Dairy Association demands to restart supply of Ukrainian products to EU

The European Dairy Association (EDA) expressed dissatisfaction with the European Commission over the unilateral imposition by several EU member states of restrictions on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products, in particular dairy products, and demands support for the extension of suspension of all tariffs and quotas, the EDA said.
“As EDA, we have clearly stated our support for the continuation of the European Commission’s zero quota, zero tariff approach when it comes to Ukrainian dairy exports to the EU. These exceptional times ask for unity rather than solo flying member states putting the internal market at risk. Today we cannot see a market impact that would justify any restrictions on the import of Ukrainian dairy imports, and we therefore called upon the European Commission to defend the integrity of the single market and to uphold the special suspension for all tariffs and quotas,” it said.
“Our special EU-Ukrainian dairy relationship was recently underlined with the attendance of the CEO of the Ukrainian Dairy Federation at our latest EDA Dairy Policy Conference in March 2023,” it added.

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Ukrainian Nova Posta has suspended acceptance of food products for shipment to all EU countries

Nova Posta group of companies has suspended acceptance of food products for shipment to all EU countries due to import restrictions imposed by the Polish customs, the company’s press service said.
“We are waiting for further clarification from the governments of Poland and Ukraine to clarify the possible terms of resumption of such shipments,” the statement said.
All branches of “Novaya Posta” temporarily do not accept any products in international parcels that are sent to the EU, due to the introduction of temporary restrictions on the import and transit of a number of food products from Ukraine – sugar, cereals, confectionery, fruits, vegetables and others.
Founded in 2001 Nova Posta is the leader of express-delivery market in Ukraine. Its network consists of more than 6 000 offices all over the country. The group “Nova Posta” provides customers with a full range of logistics and related services. The group consists of Ukrainian and foreign companies, including Nova Posta, NP Logistic, Post Finance (Forpost system) and Nova Posta Global.
A reminder that Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria imposed a ban on a number of agricultural products from Ukraine, but did not ban their transit through their territory.

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