Business news from Ukraine


Kozelshchinska Central District Hospital (Poltava Region) received an oxygen concentrator from Ferrexpo Belanovo Mining (FBM). This equipment will be used in the intensive care unit of the hospital.
“As previously reported according to the Ferrexpo’s assistance program, we constantly monitor the situation with the spread of coronavirus in Ukraine, study the needs of doctors and cover them in line with priority. Unfortunately due to the beginning of cold season the situation with patients in our country has worsened and now it is especially important to continue support of doctors who work extra hard to save lives, ”said Yuri Khimich, General Director of Ferrexpo Belanovo Mining.
According to head of Kozelshchinska hospital intensive care unit Nadiia Ovdienko, now the situation is extremely difficult and the medical institution turns to philanthropists for vital equipment and medicines. “We are very grateful to FBM for this concentrator and for the systematic assistance the company provides to our hospital,” – she added.
This oxygen concentrator compares favorably with analogs with low noise level, light weight and energy saving. The device has a dual flow and is designed to supply oxygen to two patients simultaneously.
Notes to Editors:
Ferrexpo is a Swiss headquartered iron ore company with assets in Ukraine. It has been mining, processing and selling high quality iron ore pellets to the global steel industry for over 40 years. In 2019, the Group produced 10.5 million tonnes of pellets ranking it as the 3rd largest exporter of pellets to the global steel industry with a market share of approximately 8%. Ferrexpo has a diversified customer base supplying steel mills in Austria, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Vietnam and America. Ferrexpo has a premium listing on the main market of the London Stock Exchange under the ticker FXPO. For further information, please visit

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British-based Ferrexpo plc, which controls in Ukraine, in particular, Poltava and Yeristovo mining and processing plants (GOK), in January-September 2020 increased total production of pellets by 3% compared to the same period in 2019, to 8.134 million tonnes.
According to a press release, total production of pellets with 65% Fe (iron content), including a trial shipment of Ferrexpo Direct Reduction pellets with 67% Fe in the first half of 2020, amounted to 8.036 million tonnes (up by 6%) for the period, with 62% Fe some 98,000 tonnes (a decrease by 68%).
At the same time, production of pellets from third-party raw materials was not carried out.
In Q3, 2020, total pellet production decreased by 12% compared to Q2, 2020, to 2.537 million tonnes from 2.873 million tonnes due to the planned repair of the pelletiser in early September 2020. In Q3 no pellets with 62% Fe were produced.
“Ferrexpo’s operations continued to operate with minimal impact during Q3, 2020 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. The company continues to ensure all appropriate precautions are being followed for the health and wellbeing of its workforce, including the company’s own programs testing for the COVID-19 virus and associated antibodies,” the document reads.
“The company’s additional concentrator section was completed in Q3, 2020, with commissioning and ramp up of this additional processing capacity to progress in Q4, 2020,” it says.



The Level I Intensive Care Hospital and the Primary Health Care Center in Horishni Plavni has received two Renault Master ambulances – another consignment of aid from Ferrexpo mining company, whose main production assets are located in this city.
“The total cost of the vehicles is about UAH 3 million. This delivery was carried out as part of the large Ferrexpo assistance program to combat COVID-19,” the company said in a press release.
Mayor of the city Dmytro Bykov thanked for the systematic support provided by the Ferrexpo mining and processing plants (GOK).
“Unfortunately, the statistics of COVID-19 cases are not encouraging with good news, the situation is also complicated by seasonal outbreaks of other viral diseases. We do not stop assistance programs, studying the needs and systematically transferring the necessary equipment, transport, medicines and protective equipment to hospitals,” the director of the charitable foundation of Poltava GOK, Viacheslav Miniazev, said.
In March of this year, the Ferrexpo board of directors decided that the group’s enterprises, including Poltava, Yeristovo and Belanovo GOKs, will allocate $ 2.5 million in assistance to medical institutions to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in Poltava region, as well as within the framework of national programs throughout the territory Ukraine. It was noted that, first of all, the money will be used for the purchase of artificial lung ventilation devices, test systems for detecting coronavirus and other necessary equipment, and further distribution of assistance will be carried out in accordance with the priority needs of medical institutions.
Ferrexpo is an iron ore company with assets in Ukraine. The London Stock Exchange (LSE) trades the shares of British-based Ferrexpo plc, which owns 100% of the shares of Swiss-based Ferrexpo AG, which, in turn, holds a 100% stake in Poltava GOK, 100% of Yeristovo GOK and 99.9% of Belanovo GOK. Kostiantyn Zhevaho via Fevamotinico S.a.r.l. owns 50.3% of Ferrexpo shares.

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Ferrexpo Plc, which controls Poltava and Yeristovo mining enterprises in Ukraine, ramped up pellet production by 3.5% in January-July 2020 year-over-year, to 6.38 million tonnes.
A representative of the company told Interfax-Ukraine that over the period concentrate production grew by 4.3%, to UAH 8.04 million tonnes.
In July alone, the company made 780,000 tonnes of pellets, 1.04 million tonnes of concentrate, while in June, some 860,000 tonnes of pellets and 1.115 million tonnes of concentrate were produced.



Britain’s Ferrexpo Plc, controlling Poltava Mining and Yeristovo Mining, in January-June 2020 increased iron ore concentrate processing – pellets are made of it – by 6.3% year-over-year, to 7.002 million tonnes.
The enterprise told Interfax-Ukraine that in June 1.115 tonnes of concentrate was produced.
In H1 2020, 5.598 million pellets were made, including 860,100 tonnes in June alone.


Ferrexpo plc, whose main assets are Ukrainian iron ore producers Poltava and Yeristovo mining and processing plants, raised iron ore pellet production 4.6% year-on-year in H1, 2020, to 5.598 million tonnes, the company said in a press release.
Output of pellets with 65% Fe-content grew 7.1% year-on-year, to 5.5 million tonnes while output 62% Fe fell 54.4%, to 98,000 tonnes.
Ferrexpo did not produce pellets from third-party feedstock.
Pellet production rose 5.4% quarter-on-quarter in Q2, 2020, to 2.873 million tonnes, including 2.848 million tonnes of 65% Fe, up 7.4%, and 24,700 tonnes of 62% Fe, down 66.3%.
The company’s facilities “continue to operate with minimal impact on operations to date, and the company continues to closely monitor its workforce,” Ferrexpo said in a COVID-19 update. “The infection rate in the local communities surrounding the company’s operations remains low,” it said.
The London-listed Ferrexpo plc owns 100% of Ferrexpo AG, which owns 100% of each of Poltava Mining and Yeristovo Mining and 99.9% of Belanovo Mining. Ferrexpo’s main customers are steelmakers in Austria, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Vietnam and the United States. Pellet production grew 0.8% to 10.519 million tonnes on 2019.

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