As of July 2022, about 76.6% of Ukrainians use social networks as a source of information, according to an analysis of the Ukrainian IT company GlobalLogic based on open data.
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has led to a surge in the use of social media as a source of news, the company said in a statement on Friday.
“Among 76.6% of Ukrainian citizens who use social networks as a source of information, 66% choose Telegram, 61% – YouTube, 58% – Facebook. It is important to note that the respondents could choose several answers. Today, more than 28 million Ukrainian users, on Instagram – more than 16.1 million, on Facebook – 15.45 million. TikTok has more than 10.55 million Ukrainian users,” GlobalLogic notes.
At the same time, at the beginning of 2022, the number of registered Ukrainian users of the social network for searching and establishing business contacts LinkedIn amounted to only 3.6 million people.
“Recruiters, both in Ukraine and abroad, are looking for candidates on social networks. For example, in 2022, 39% of candidates in the world found work through social networks, including using LinkedIn or Facebook,” the recruiting director comments in GlobalLogic Julia Shmulya.
GlobalLogic also uses LinkedIn to find talent – more than 26% of GlobalLogic consultants found their position in the company through LinkedIn.
The company notes that there are more Internet users not only in Ukraine, but also in the world – over the past year, the number of social media users increased by 227 million and reached 4.7 billion as of the beginning of July 2022.
Over the past 12 months, the global social media user base has grown by more than 5% and accounts for 59% of the total population of the planet.
Television remains the key source of information for two thirds of Ukrainians and Internet for each second citizen, according to a poll conducted jointly by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), the Razumkov Center and the Socis Center for Social and Marketing Research. According to information presented at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on September 14, 75.7% of respondents prefer receiving information about events in Ukraine and the world via watching national TV channels, and 49.7% of respondents from Internet.
Almost for each third Ukrainian (29.5%) friends, colleagues, relatives and neighbors are the source of information.
Some 10.4% of Ukrainians receive information via listening to FM radio stations and 10.3% from newspapers and magazines.
The face-to-face poll of 10,005 respondents was conducted in the Ukrainian territories controlled by Kyiv on August 30 to September 9, 2018. The respondent sampling is representative by sex, age, region and type of settlement.
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