Business news from Ukraine

Italy to send new military aid package and allocate €140 mln for Ukraine’s infrastructure

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani has announced that the Italian Republic is ready to send a new package of military aid with enhanced air defense for Ukraine and has agreed on a new package worth 140 million euros for the development of Ukrainian infrastructure.

“I completely agree with Dmytro (Kuleba – IF-U) when he says that the primary strategy for recovery, for reconstruction is to protect Ukrainian infrastructure, Ukrainian buildings with the help of air defense. And that’s why I want to inform you that Italy is ready to send a new military package with SAMP/T for the air defense of Ukraine,” he said at the panel session ”United in Defense. United in Renewal. Stronger Together” on the sidelines of the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin on Tuesday.

The minister also emphasized that Italy is ready not only to provide military assistance to Ukraine, but also to provide support in other various sectors.

“There is a second piece of news. A new package of 140 million euros for infrastructure, railways, healthcare, agri-food, humanitarian and demining activities. This is a new, latest decision of the Italian government,” Tayani said.

He also reminded about the allocation of 45 million euros for the restoration of the historic center of Odesa.

“Today we signed a memorandum with the Ukrainian government on our cooperation in these very important sectors. Also, the cultural level, I want to emphasize this point, because it is important for Italy to support the reconstruction of the cathedral (in Odesa – IF-U). It is part of UNESCO,” he said.

The Italian Foreign Minister added that “cultural heritage is very important because Ukraine is part of Europe.”

In addition, the minister emphasized that Italy is ready to invest in Ukraine.

“Count on us, count on Italy,” Tajani said.

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USAID Launches Two Healthcare Infrastructure Rehabilitation Projects in Ukraine

The USAID Health Reform Support (HRS) Project has launched two projects to restore medical infrastructure in 45 communities in Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia oblasts.

According to the Ministry of Health, the project partners will be KBS Start LLC in Kharkiv Oblast and the Alliance for Public Health in Zaporizhzhia Oblast.

The projects will be implemented by December 2024.

In addition, within the framework of the project “Restoring Public Access to Health Care”, it is planned to cooperate with 36 primary health care centers.

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Denmark to allocate additional EUR380 mln to rebuild Ukraine’s infrastructure

The Danish government has decided to allocate additional EUR380m for the reconstruction of Ukraine’s infrastructure and construction of wind farms, Danish Business Minister Morten Bedskou said at a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev.

According to the press service of the President, during the meeting, the Danish Minister of Entrepreneurship noted the opportunities for strengthening cooperation between the countries and informed about the decision of his government to allocate additional funding for the Ukrainian mechanism of the Danish Export and Investment Fund.

As noted, this mechanism fully covers the risks of Danish exporters and investors, as well as provides financing to Ukrainian private companies and state institutions.

For him, the Danish government will allocate almost EUR380 million more for the restoration of critical infrastructure and construction of wind farms.

At the meeting, Zelensky and Bedskou paid special attention to the prospects of expanding Danish business and attracting new investments in Ukraine.

In turn, the President of Ukraine emphasized the importance of the fact that the Minister of Entrepreneurship of Denmark during his visit to Kiev is accompanied by the heads of Danish companies – the largest investors in the economy of Ukraine.

“Your activity in the Ukrainian market is striking. With your investments you set an example for other partners and investors”, – emphasized Zelensky.

As reported, during the recent visit of the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska to Denmark, she asked Danish partners for additional funding for the Danish Export and Investment Fund, the funds from which come to help Ukraine.

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Ukrainian developers are adapting social infrastructure facilities to the requirements of inclusiveness and energy security

Ukrainian developers are adapting social infrastructure facilities in their residential projects to the increased requirements of inclusiveness and energy security, responding to the challenges of martial law, companies reported in a survey conducted by Interfax-Ukraine.

According to Alexander Nasikovsky, co-founder and managing partner of DIM Group, today, security issues in social infrastructure facilities, as well as in residential buildings, require an integrated approach.

“In our projects we apply a three-level security system, which includes, among other things, energy security. The projects provide the possibility of using alternative energy sources if necessary, strengthened means of automation of engineering communications. In the buildings we install double-glazed windows with new generation glass, which allows sunlight to penetrate into the room, but does not allow solar heat to pass through, we use heat-resistant mineral wool for insulation”, – he noted.

In the portfolio of DIM Group of Companies there are schools and kindergartens at different stages of realization. Thus, in Lucky Land Residential Complex the construction of six kindergartens is planned, and also the project of school is being realized, the operator of which will be KMDSH. In Park Lake City the company is implementing an elementary school, a community center with a restaurant and a kindergarten for 180 children.

Autonomy of life became one of the important factors in development during the martial law, says Alexey Shmatok, the project manager of Greenville Park. According to him, the “city within a city” principle became even more relevant given the air alerts and curfews.

“Constant air alerts, curfews, missile threats – the reasons why a person wants to have all the necessary infrastructure very close by, within a 10-15 minute walk. Parking, shelter, store, pharmacy, playground, school, cafe – all on the territory of the LCD to quickly get everywhere in case of danger,” he explained in a comment to the agency.

Along with autonomy, the inclusiveness of space plays an important role today. According to Schmatok, underground parking lots in Greenville projects are designed with inclusivity in mind, as these spaces will also be used as shelters.

“Total inclusivity is our new reality. Considering the large number of people who are injured and disabled as a result of war, every responsible developer must necessarily design and make in their facilities, whether social or commercial, everything necessary for all people to fully and freely use them, live comfortably and do not experience any limitations,” Dmitry Novikov, marketing director of City One Development, told Interfax-Ukraine.

On the territory of the residential complex “Novopecherskie Lipki” it is planned to build another school and kindergarten, which will also be realized taking into account the norms of inclusiveness and energy efficiency, Novikov said.

According to him, today the most energy-independent object of the developer’s social infrastructure is a kindergarten Leapkids.

“Even during construction, innovative technologies and energy-efficient solutions were applied, which allow the kindergarten to be independent of the city networks: solar collectors for heating and hot water supply, water treatment and purification system, special wells receive geothermal heat energy, which is processed into physically tangible heat. There is a ventilation system with recuperation,” he pointed out.

In its turn, KAN Development continues the construction of A+ school on the territory of “Faina Town” Residential Complex and realizes a recreation area with a swimming pool in “Republic” Residential Complex. KAN adjusts the projects of the complexes, adding shelters for the needs of children and teachers, as well as regulates the heating of houses with its own thermal boilers. We welcome people with different physical abilities on our doorstep: entrances to the buildings are designed without stairs, the ramp slope for access to courtyards is 10%, and in the entrance groups of housing and commercial premises – 2-3%,” the company reported.

In the portfolio of “Intergal-Bud” in the metropolitan region – four built educational institutions, the construction of preschool educational institution in the Residential Complex “Syretskye Gardens” continues, said the commercial director of the company Anna Laevskaya.

“Schools in our Residential Complexes meet the current requirements for energy efficiency and inclusiveness. Moreover, we take into account our previous experience and feedback from education operators who rent these buildings to improve the projects in the future,” the expert emphasized.

European Investment Bank to allocate EUR840 mln to restore Ukraine’s infrastructure

Ukraine Recovery Vice Prime Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov and President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Werner Hoyer signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in Ukraine recovery projects envisaging allocation of EUR 840 million in 2023.
According to the press service of the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure, the memorandum, signed during the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023 (London, June 21-22), provides for the allocation of EUR840 million for the implementation in 2023 of priority projects to restore the infrastructure of Ukraine.
Kubrakov reminded that since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion, the European Investment Bank has allocated EUR 1.7 billion in emergency aid to Ukraine. This money was used for the needs of the state budget and supported the economy of Ukraine.
“Today we are expanding our cooperation on the reconstruction of Ukraine. We will work together on a number of projects aimed at restoring municipal and transport infrastructure, improving energy efficiency, etc. We appreciate the support the Bank has already provided to Ukrainians, and we thank EIB President Werner Hoyer for his cooperation and the Bank’s critical role for Ukraine’s sustainability during the war,” Kubrakov said.
It is noted that EUR840 million, envisaged by the Memorandum, will be used for preparation, evaluation, financing and implementation of projects on reconstruction of municipal infrastructure (schools, hospitals, etc.); public buildings with consideration of energy efficiency; water supply and sewage infrastructure; transport networks and public transport.
The EIB will also finance the development of digital transformation and the strengthening of cybersecurity.
In addition, the Memorandum provides for the cooperation of Ukraine and the EIB on the use of a special trust fund from the EIB – EU for Ukraine Fund and lending projects in Ukraine with the support of the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD +) guarantees.
The Ministry of Reconstruction and the EIB will work on the implementation and application of a package of technical and consulting assistance for Ukraine worth about EUR100 million.
The European Investment Bank is one of the largest creditors of Ukraine. To date, the EIB’s portfolio of projects with the Ukrainian public and municipal sectors and businesses reaches more than EUR 7 billion.


Ukraine counts on Austria’s help to rebuild infrastructure

Ukraine is counting on Austria’s assistance in restoring infrastructure and humanitarian demining, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmygal said.
“Austria is among the countries that helped Ukraine overcome this winter and Russia’s energy terror. In a conversation with Federal Chancellor Karl Negammer thanked for 10 million euros to restore energy, help with equipment and generators,” Shmygal wrote in the Telegram channel.
According to the prime minister, the sides also discussed support in the reconstruction of Ukraine.
“We count on Austria’s help in the reconstruction of infrastructure and humanitarian demining. Separately, we paid attention to the situation at the ZNPP and the strengthening of sanctions against the aggressor, in particular the impossibility of circumventing the restrictions already imposed by Russia,” he summed up.
