Business news from Ukraine

“Metinvest presented its annual report on its operations

According to Metinvest Group’s annual report, in 2023 Metinvest’s revenue decreased by 11% to $7.397 bln by 2022, mainly due to lower steel, iron ore and coking coal selling prices, which were in line with global rates. Also, sales volumes of pig iron, slabs, flat and tubular products were affected by the war from the suspension of production at Mariupol steel mills. At the same time, Metinvest increased shipments of other products in its portfolio (primarily billets by 6%, long products by 28%, pellets by 70% and coking coal concentrate by 32%), as well as steel and coke resales on the back of higher production at Zaporizhstal.

A significant factor supporting iron ore sales in H2 2023 was the opening of the Black Sea corridor for sales to distant markets.

Also, Metinvest’s revenue in Ukraine grew by 14% to $2.628 bln mainly due to a recovery in demand for iron ore and coking coal, as well as for flat and long products.

In turn, the group has had to make profound changes to its business operations as it continues to strive for adaptability and resilience.

“We have adjusted our supply chain and are strengthening relationships with our suppliers and customers to withstand the current conditions. At the beginning of 2023, the company experienced significant challenges, particularly due to power outages. However, by implementing the necessary changes to respond to this crisis, we were able to achieve a gradual recovery of production,” states the CEO.

He emphasized that the resumption of Ukrainian commercial shipping in the Black Sea later in 2023 was an important moment for Metinvest, allowing to increase capacity utilization. “We are cautiously optimistic about this undoubtedly positive development, while recognizing the ongoing military threats,” the top manager added.

According to him, these developments have directly impacted the group’s financial performance, improving the situation and allowing us to focus on operational efficiency, flexibility and strategic planning for future growth.

“Metinvest remains committed to servicing its debt obligations, having repaid the remaining principal amount of the group’s 2023 bonds redeemed last year on time and in full, while maintaining its deleveraging approach, Ryzhenkov said.

“Although Metinvest has focused its investments in 2023 mainly on maintaining its assets, I firmly believe that we must start preparing for the future. Our ambitions have not diminished; we have laid the foundation for Steel Dream, our visionary vision for rebuilding Ukraine. Despite the war, our commitment to a green transformation strategy also remains unchanged. This vision embodies our determination not only to dream, but also to plan a pilot project on low-carbon steel technology in Italy,” summarized the CEO.

“Metinvest consists of mining and metallurgical enterprises located in Ukraine, Europe and the United States. Its major shareholders are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%), jointly managing it.

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EU market became priority for Metinvest in 2023

In 2023, Metinvest Mining and Metallurgical Group sold 48% of its steel and mining products in the European Union (EU), compared to 49% in 2022.

According to the Group’s annual report, in 2023, Metinvest sold 35% of its total products in Ukraine (28% in 2022), 2% (7%) in MENA, 1% (3%) in the CIS, 7% (4%) in Asia, 6% (6%) in North America and 1% (3%) in other regions for a total of $7.397 billion ($8.288 billion).

At the same time, the share of the company’s steel segment’s revenue in the EU last year was 50% (49% in 2022), it sold 38% of its steel products in Ukraine (30%), 3% (10%) in MENA, 1% (4%) in the CIS, no supplies in Asia in 2023 or 2022, 7% (6%) in North America, and 1% (1%) in other regions for a total of $4.846 billion ($5.716 billion).

In addition, the company’s share of iron ore sales in the EU in 2023 was 44% (51%), in Ukraine – 30% (22%), in MENA – 0% (2%), in Asia – 20% (13%), in North America – 5% (6%), and in other regions – 1% (7%) for a total of $2.551 billion ($2.572 billion).


“Metinvest” ended last year with loss of $194 mln, revenue down 11%

In 2023, the consolidated net loss of Metinvest B.V. (Netherlands), the parent company of Metinvest Mining and Metallurgical Group, amounted to $194 million, while in 2022 it reached $2.193 billion (down 11 times).

According to the group’s annual report, its revenue fell by 11% from $8.288 billion to $7.397 billion in 2022, and EBITDA fell by 54% to $861 from $1.873 billion.

It is specified that the revenue of the metallurgical sector decreased by 15.2% to $4.846 billion, and the mining segment – by 0.8% to $2.551 billion.

At the same time, adjusted EBITDA of the group’s steel division decreased by 40.4% to $159 million and mining segment by 50.2% to $770 million.

Metinvest’s operating profit in 2023 amounted to $445 million against an operating loss of $1.426 billion in 2022.

In addition, free cash and cash equivalents increased to $646 million from $349 million at the end of 2022.

As reported, Metinvest B.V.’s consolidated net loss in 2022 amounted to $2.193 billion compared to a profit of $4.765 billion in 2021. At the same time, revenues fell by almost 2.2 times to $8.288 billion from $18.005 billion in 2021, and EBITDA fell by 3.4 times to $1.769 billion.

Revenue of the steel sector decreased by 2.5 times to $5.803 billion, the mining segment – by 1.8 times to $3.473 billion, adjusted EBITDA of the steel division fell by 11.1 times to $0.262 billion, and the mining segment – by 2.5 times to $1.448 billion. Metinvest’s operating loss in 2022 amounted to $1.426 billion, compared to a profit of $4.933 billion in 2021.

Taking into account asset write-downs of $1.283 billion and foreign exchange losses of $1.154 billion, the group’s total loss for 2022 amounted to $4.1 billion, compared to a total profit of $5.023 billion in 2021. Free cash flows decreased by 3.3 times to $0.349 billion.

“Metinvest is a vertically integrated group of steel and mining companies. Its enterprises are located in Ukraine – in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Dnipro regions, as well as in Europe.

The main shareholders of the holding are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%), which jointly manage it.

Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.


IT and AI can make metallurgy more environmentally friendly and efficient – Metinvest CEO

IT and artificial intelligence (AI) can make metallurgy more environmentally friendly and efficient, says Yuriy Ryzhenkov, CEO of Metinvest Mining and Metallurgical Group.

He expressed this opinion at the first B7 Italy 2024 meeting held on 13 March in Verona (Italy), organized by Confindustria, an association of Italian companies designed to facilitate dialogue between the business world and the governments of the G7 countries. The conference was attended by more than 250 guests, including CEOs and business leaders from G7 countries and international companies, as well as the Italian Minister of Entrepreneurship and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso.

The participants discussed the key factors affecting industrial productivity and competitiveness in a rapidly developing global economy. Metinvest’s CEO was one of the speakers on the main discussion panel. He spoke about the peculiarities of steel production in Ukraine during the war, the company’s vision of a “green” course and the transformation of business processes in the steel industry through new technologies.

In particular, he noted that in recent years, many companies have been working on results and ignored technology. For example, in 2021, Azovstal outperformed all its competitors in terms of process efficiency thanks to AI and analytics.

“Our specialists, using augmented reality, could perform maintenance twice as fast as most of our competitors in neighboring countries. The implemented “space” computer vision system has set new standards for the quality of our products. Finally, the internal data management and communications system allowed us to run the company smoothly in the midst of the fiercest war in Europe since World War II,” Ryzhenkov stated.

He added that Metinvest, despite the war, is a very good example of how to use digital technologies to breakthrough in traditional industries.

Speaking about the “green” course in the industry, the CEO emphasized that almost every politician is interested in these issues, not only in Europe but also in the US, China, and around the world. At the same time, the steel industry is at the top of the agenda of this course as a major player in the implementation of green technologies. But at the same time, metallurgy is a very traditional industry, with technologies developed long ago, and it is impossible to make a major breakthrough now. It is only possible to gradually improve the system, he noted.

“The transition to the green course will not be easy. We do not have enough IT specialists to work on the transformation. Only five to seven years ago, we were looking for metallurgical engineers to teach IT. Now it’s the other way around. We train IT specialists who are taught metallurgy. And these are the people who will be in charge of our company’s green and digital transformation. This is happening right now. We will all be part of this transition, and we had better be ready for this challenge,” the top manager summarized.

“Metinvest is a vertically integrated group of steel and mining companies. The group’s enterprises are located mainly in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Dnipro regions.

The main shareholders of the holding are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%), which jointly manage it.

Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.

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“Metinvest” sold more than half of its products in EU

Metinvest Mining and Metallurgical Group sold 55% of its steel and mining products in the European Union (EU) in January-June 2023.

According to the company’s presentation at the 15th J.P. Morgan Global Emerging Markets Corporate Conference, during this period, Metinvest sold 35% of its steel products in Ukraine, 2% in MENA, 1% in the CIS and 7% in other regions for a total of $2.423 billion.

In addition, the Group sold 28% of its iron ore products in Ukraine, 10% in Asia, and 7% in other regions for a total of $1.131 billion.

At the same time, in 1H2022, Metinvest sold 48% of its steel products in the EU (50% in 2H2022), 28% (35%) in Ukraine, 13% (4%) in MENA, 6% (1%) in the CIS and 5% (10%) in other regions for a total of $3.603 billion ($2.113 billion).

In addition, the company’s share of sales of iron ore products in the first half of 2022 in the EU amounted to 45% (60% in the second half of 2022), in Ukraine – 20% (27%), in Asia – 19% (2%), in other regions – 15% (11%) for a total of $1.669 billion ($903 million).

The presentation states that sales of steel products in 1H2023 decreased by 33% year-on-year, mainly due to a 54% and 56% decrease in pig iron and flat products production at Ukrainian steelmakers amid a lack of slab sales and a decline in average selling prices. This was partially offset by increased supplies of billets (up 3%) and long products (up 14%), as well as coke (up 10%), with higher resale volumes.

The positive six-month trend in 1H2023 compared to 2H2022 (up 15%) was driven by higher sales volumes of all products, including finished products (up 22%), semi-finished products (up 7%) and coke (up 18%).

At the same time, logistical challenges continued to shape the geography of sales.

Sales of iron ore products in 1H2023 decreased by 32% compared to 1H2022, mainly due to a 44% drop in iron ore prices and reduced supplies due to the blockade of Ukrainian Black Sea ports, as well as lower intragroup consumption and a drop in local demand. The results were also affected by the negative dynamics of prices for iron ore with an iron content of 62%. This was partially offset by an increase in sales of pellets and coking coal concentrate by 43% and 42%, respectively. This resulted in significant changes in regional revenue shares.

At the same time, compared to the second half of 2022, there was a positive trend (up 25%), primarily due to an increase in sales of all products, namely pellets (up 2.1 times), iron ore concentrate (up 56%) and coking coal concentrate (up 13%).

“Metinvest comprises mining and metallurgical enterprises located in Ukraine, Europe and the USA. Its major shareholders are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%), which jointly manage it.

Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.


“Metinvest” increased metal exports to Poland by 16% in 2023

Metinvest Mining and Metallurgical Group increased its exports of steel products to Poland by about 16% year-on-year in 2023 to over 800 thousand tons from about 700 thousand tons in 2022.

According to Yulia Mezentseva, Head of Logistics at Metinvest Polska, in an interview with the leading Polish publication Puls Biznesu, the increase in cargo traffic is facilitated by the unblocking of routes, but transshipment in ports and border crossings remain bottlenecks.

It is also noted that despite the war, Metinvest is expanding its operations in the Polish market.

“2023 was slightly better for us than the previous year. There were no more congestion and queues on the Polish railway network, which contributed to an increase in transportation efficiency. Compared to the previous year, we recorded a 16% increase in tonnage. We transported a total of 1.9 million tons through Polish ports and railways, of which about 1.3 million were steel products, 378 thousand were iron ore and 237 thousand were coking coal,” Mezentseva stated.

Out of the total volume of products delivered from Ukraine to Poland, 939 thousand tons were exported to other countries through Polish ports.

“The coal needed for our steel plants in Ukraine was also transshipped in Polish ports,” the manager said.

Some of the goods brought from Ukraine to Poland were delivered by rail or truck to Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, Slovakia, and other countries.

Mezentseva clarifies that iron ore used to dominate the structure of supplies from Ukraine, but now it is mainly steel products that are imported. According to the country’s Metallurgical Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ukraine is the largest non-EU steel supplier to Poland.

The head of logistics at Metinvest Polska predicts that in 2024, Metinvest will at least maintain and perhaps even slightly increase the volume of supplies of some goods to the Polish market. It assumes that their structure will change, especially the volume of steel imported from Ukraine.

For their part, local producers fear that if demand in Poland starts to grow, Ukrainian steel will flood our market. Przemyslaw Sztuchkowski, president of Cognor, even suggests introducing limits on the supply of steel products from Ukraine to the EU. The idea is to allow free transit through Poland to other countries and to ensure that the volume of imports on the Polish market does not threaten the stable operation of Polish producers.

At the same time, Mezentseva states. “In 2021, 1.2 million tons of our steel products were sold directly to the Polish market, 0.7 million tons in the previous year, and 0.8 million tons in 2023. Due to the war, we have limited opportunities to grow production and supplies,” she notes.

In addition, she draws attention to the problems with the transportation of goods across the Polish-Ukrainian border and transshipment in ports, which impede supplies to our market and transit by sea.

“The Polish-Ukrainian agreement stipulates that six trains a day with steel and ore should pass through the wide gauge at the Medyka border crossing. In practice, three or four are allowed through, as the Polish border and railroad administrations give priority to other transport. Therefore, we often have to wait for a long time at the border, which increases our costs. For every hour of downtime, we have to pay CHF 1.9 per commercial wagon,” says Mezentseva.

She suggests that one of the reasons for the long queues at the border could be the recent protests by Polish carriers and farmers.

“The queue on the Ukrainian side sometimes reached 70 kilometers. In the case of delicate goods that needed to be delivered quickly to customers, we sometimes decided to change modes of transportation and transfer goods from cars to trains to avoid standing in a very long line,” says the manager.

She hopes that the suspension of the protests will facilitate uninterrupted transportation by road and rail. She emphasizes that after crossing the border, transportation through Poland is quite efficient.

“In 2022, we often had to wait on the access roads, but now PKP PLK has significantly improved the capacity of the roads leading to the ports,” says Mezentseva, adding that access to the terminals is almost hassle-free, but there are difficulties with transshipment.

“Bulk cargo, such as iron ore and coal, is transshipped much faster than steel products. Transshipment in Polish ports is four times slower than at Black Sea terminals,” Mezentseva said.

According to her, one of the reasons for this may be the lack of staff at the terminals.

The Metinvest representative also points out that Polish customs regulations do not take into account changes in the weight of bulk cargo during transit. However, they can occur, for example, due to weather conditions. Therefore, employees of transportation and transshipment companies have to spend a lot of time during inspections explaining that coal or ore may weigh a little more in rainy weather. There may also be so-called natural losses during transportation.

“Railroad rules allow a certain percentage of deterioration for different groups of goods. Customs rules, on the other hand, do not allow any losses that are subject to individual inspection by the service. For us, this means significant losses,” emphasizes Mezentseva.

Metinvest Group notes that it is interested in building long-term business relations in the Polish market.

“We are talking about challenges, but we are ready to work out solutions together with the Polish side. We want to simplify procedures and transportation,” adds the Head of Logistics at Metinvest Polska.

“Metinvest is a vertically integrated group of steel and mining companies. The group’s enterprises are located mainly in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Dnipro regions.

The main shareholders of the holding are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%), which jointly manage it. Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.

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