Business news from Ukraine

National Bank additionally revoked licenses of number of financial companies

The National Bank of Ukraine has revoked the licenses of Ardian Leasing Company LLC and FC Aktiv+ LLC on the basis of submitted applications, the regulator’s website has reported.

In addition, these companies are excluded from the State Register of Financial Institutions due to the revocation of licenses.

Another two non-banking financial institutions (NFIs) on the basis of their own applications, the regulator has agreed to change the scope of licenses for the activities of financial companies: LLC FC “Percent” – to exclude from the license such services as financial leasing and provision of guarantees, LLC “Siroko Finance” – to exclude the service of financial leasing from the license.

At the same time, the NBU notes that after the change in the scope of licenses for the activities of the financial company LLC “FC “Percent”, LLC “Siroko Finance” have the right to provide funds and bank metals on credit, as well as factoring service.

The corresponding decisions of the NBU Committee on supervision and regulation of non-banking financial services markets adopted at a meeting on April 5, 2024.


National Bank has ranked Ukrainian financial companies by revenue in 2023

Providing microcredits “Ukr Credit Finance” (TM “CreditKasa”) and “1 Safe Agency of necessary loans” (TM “MyCredit”) received the highest revenue among financial companies in 2023 – respectively UAH 3.12 billion and UAH 2.33 billion, the National Bank reported on its website.

The next three companies were formed by FC “E Groshi Kom”, “Miloan” and “Aventus Ukraine” (TM CreditPlus), whose revenue amounted from UAH 1.66 billion to UAH 1.46 billion.

According to the results of 2022, the leaders in terms of revenue were Finod LLC, engaged in currency exchange and deprived of all licenses by the National Bank in August 2023, and Novapey payment system, the data of which the National Bank stopped publishing after re-licensing of payment systems. The net income of these companies in 2022 amounted to respectively UAH 5.41 and 5.18 billion, while the places from third to fifth were taken by “Ukr Credit Finance”, “Aventus Ukraine” and “E Groshi com” with revenue from UAH 2.50 billion to UAH 1.27 billion.

According to the results of 2023, net income over UAH 1 billion was received by five more companies, of which only one is not from the microcredit market: the network of payment terminals FC “Kontraktovy Dom” (TM “Easypay”), which received UAH 1.38 billion.

Following with relatively close revenue figures – from UAH 1.33 billion to UAH 1.07 billion are Lineura Ukraine (TM “Credit7”), LLC “Maniveo Fast Financial Assistance” (Moneyveo), “Consumer Center” (TM “ShvidkoGroshi”) and “Advance Credit”, which demonstrated the highest growth dynamics by the previous year among the entire top ten – almost 37 times.

Among the leaders, the highest labor costs were incurred by “Consumer Center” – UAH 167.8 million, or 13.6% of revenue, while at “Avans Kredit” they amounted to UAH 29.3 million, or 1.8% of revenue.

According to the NBU data, in 2023 the profitability of companies improved dramatically: of the 40 largest representatives of the market, all, except for the State Mortgage Institution (SMI), ended the year with net profit, which totaled UAH 1.57 billion, while a year earlier there were 15 unprofitable companies.

The leader in net profit among financial companies for the past year was PJSC “Ukrfinzhytlo” – UAH 5.94 billion. It is followed by Ukr Credit Finance – UAH 202.7 million, the State Fund for Entrepreneurship Development, the operator of state support programs – UAH 177.7 million and Bizpozyka – UAH 177.1 million.

Slightly behind was Maniveo Fast Financial Aid, which earned UAH 167.7 mln, which allowed it to partially offset UAH 625.6 mln of the previous year’s net loss.

“Ukrfinzhytlo” also significantly outperformed all and in terms of assets – 60.89 billion UAH, owing the primacy in these two categories to its capitalization at the expense of government bonds.

Avior FC specializing in lending to agrarians is next – UAH 12.05 billion, whose revenue amounted to UAH 125.4 million last year.

The other eight companies in the top ten with assets from UAH 8.68 billion to UAH 3.55 billion had no revenue last year, while salary expenses and net profit were minimal.

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National Bank fined TAScombank and two financial companies

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has imposed penalties on TAScombank, as well as financial companies “Ap. Mi. Finance” and “Hertz” for a total amount of UAH 272 thousand, stated on the website of the regulator.

“TASkombank” was fined for UAH 170 thousand for providing the NBU with statistical reporting data in violation of the procedure for their formation, which led to repeated provision within six months of reporting data with insignificant errors.

Meanwhile, Ap. Mi. Finance” and “Hertz” were fined UAH 51 thousand each for late submission of reports: for December 2023 and January of the current year, respectively.

These decisions were made on the basis of the results of off-site monitoring within the framework of the payment infrastructure oversight function and came into force on March 25, 2024.

Violators are obliged to pay the fine within five business days from the date of receipt of the relevant decision of the regulator.

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Net sales of dollars by National Bank increased from $262 mln last week to $680 mln

Net sales of dollars by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) increased from $262.6 million last week to $680.4 million this week, which is in line with the figures at the very beginning of the year, according to the regulator.

According to the data, sales of foreign currency increased from $263.0 million to $680.9 million, while purchases remained at a meager level, although they increased slightly – from $0.37 million to $0.46 million.

The official hryvnia exchange rate weakened by almost 11 kopecks over the week, from 38.7998 UAH/$1 to 38.9075 UAH/$1. According to the regulator, the exchange rate declined in the first half of the week, reaching a historic low of 39.1399 UAH/$1 on Wednesday, after which it strengthened by 21 kopecks on Thursday and then by another 2 kopecks on Friday.

On the cash market, the hryvnia exchange rate weakened by 29 kopecks over the week. Unlike the interbank market, after strengthening from 39.31 UAH/$1 to 39.16 UAH/$1 on Thursday, it fell back to 39.30 UAH/$1 on Friday.

The dynamics of the negative balance between the volume of purchases and sales of foreign currency by the population corresponded to the fluctuations of the hryvnia at that time: from $15.4 million on Monday, it rose to $20.7 million on Wednesday.

As reported, on March 20, Ukraine received the first tranche of EUR4.5 billion from the EU under the Ukraine Facility program and $1.5 billion from Canada, while before that, all external revenues amounted to only $1.2 billion since the beginning of the year. In addition, on Friday night, the IMF Board of Directors approved the disbursement of the fourth tranche of $880 million under the EFF Extended Fund Facility program to Ukraine, which should arrive in two to three days, and on March 22, the budget received $230 million from Japan as part of the World Bank’s agricultural recovery project.

According to the National Bank’s forecasts, Ukraine may receive external financing worth $10 billion or even more from mid-March to the end of April, against the $37.3 billion in the state budget for the whole year.

At the same time, representatives of the National Bank noted at a press conference on March 14 that such irregular external financing would not lead to any shocks in the foreign exchange market.

In February, the NBU’s net sales fell to $1.50 billion from $2.53 billion in January, $3.55 billion in December, and $2.45 billion in November. However, due to low external support, international reserves declined by 3.8%, or $1.47 billion, to $37.05 billion in February after falling by 4.9%, or $1.98 billion in January.

In January, the National Bank lowered its forecast for Ukraine’s international reserves at the end of 2024 to $40.4 billion from $44.7 billion.


Net sale of dollars by National Bank amounted to more than $260 mln over week

Net sale of dollars by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) rose from $133.7m, the lowest value in the last 11 months, to $262.6m this week, the regulator’s data show.

According to them, the sale of currency increased from $156.8 million to $263.0 million, while the purchase fell back to almost zero, although the National Bank managed to buy more than $50 million on the market in the previous two weeks after a long break.

The official hryvnia exchange rate weakened by almost 66 kop. – From 38.1410 UAH/$1 to $38.7998 UAH/$1 – the lowest level in the history of the national currency. At the same time, market participants note that the decline occurred with a relatively small volume of trading.

On the cash market, the hryvnia exchange rate followed the interbank rate, but with a smaller amplitude: a strong weakening in the first three days and relative stabilization at the end of the week. As a result, during the week it decreased by about 33 kop. – from UAH 38.53/$1 to UAH 38.86/$1. At the same time, according to the NBU, despite the weakening of the exchange rate in the first half of the week, the negative balance between the volume of foreign currency purchases and sales by the population decreased during these days: from $28.6 mln on Monday to $10.3 mln on Wednesday

At a press conference on March 14, representatives of the National Bank said that by the end of April they expect external financing in the amount of $10bn or more, which will allow to restore reserves, while before that Ukraine had received only $1.2bn since the beginning of the year.

At the same time, the NBU noted that such non-rhythmic external financing will not lead to any shocks on the currency market.

As reported, at the end of February, the NBU’s net sales fell to $1.50 billion from $2.53 billion in January, $3.55 billion in December and $2.45 billion in November.

However, in February, external support amounted to only about $0.8bn, so international reserves fell by 3.8% or $1.47bn to $37.05bn after falling by 4.9% or UAH $1.98bn in January.

The National Bank in January lowered its forecast for Ukraine’s international reserves at the end of 2024 to $40.4 billion from $44.7 billion.

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National Bank presented a new rating of payment systems

Payment system NovaPay remained the leader in transfers of funds within the country by system in 2023, but the share of transfers made through it again decreased – to 32% from 35% at the end of the first half of 2023 and 45% for May-December 2022, according to the data of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU)

Payment system Moneycom LLC “Swift Garant” for the year increased its market share to 17.57% from 2.51% in May-December 2022, jumping from seventh place in the ranking to second place, which was previously occupied by the payment system LEO, whose registration was revoked by the NBU in March last year.

In the second half of 2023, Moneycom also surpassed Financial World Ukrainian Payment System LLC, increasing its market share by 5.2 percentage points.

PrivatBank’s PrivatMoney moved from sixth to third place in the ranking, with its market share increasing from 2.61% in 2022 to 15.98% by the end of 2023. In particular, PrivatMoney’s market share increased by 10.3 p. p. in the second half of last year. This allowed the payment systems City 24 FC Phoenix, Financial World and Postal Transfer of Ukrposhta JSC, whose registration was revoked by the National Bank in the second half of 2023, to be ahead of the payment systems City 24 FC Phoenix, Financial World and Postal Transfer of Ukrposhta JSC.

As a result, “Financial World” for the year fell in the rating from the third place to the fourth, although its share increased from 12.72% to 15.00% (with a slight decrease of 0.6 p.p. in the second half of the year).

Rounding out the top five with 5.35% is Platiservice payment system of the same name LLC, which jumped from eighth place in the ranking in 2022 (1.74%). The company managed to bypass City 24 FC Phoenix, which took the seventh position with a share of 4.16% in 2023, positioned between Postal Transfer (5.34%) and LEO (1.48%).

In terms of participants, the share of NovaPay decreased to 32.23% (from 45.46% in 2022 and 35.58% in the first half of 2023), from fifth to second position went Swift Guarant, whose share increased from 3.79% to 20.66%, from fourth to third – FC Kontraktovy Dom with an increase in share from 9.92% to 13.06%, from sixth to fourth – PrivatBank with an increase in share from 2.61% to 12.36%. Ukrposhta with 5.35% (12.22%), which was second a year earlier, rounds out the top five.

According to the NBU, 844.55 million domestic transfers worth UAH 728.01 billion (or $19.9 billion in equivalent) were made in 2023, the average amount of one transfer within Ukraine amounted to UAH 862. For comparison for May-December 2022 transfers were 446.35 million for 292.6 billion UAH.

It is indicated that as of January 1 of this year, activities in the country were carried out by 35 systems of funds transfer, of which – 26 resident and nine non-resident.

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