Business news from Ukraine

Oschadbank finished last year with net profit of UAH 690 mln

Oschadbank’s net profit at the end of 2022 is 690 million UAH compared with 1,054 million UAH in 2021, such preliminary data, which can be clarified by the results of annual adjustments and external audit, said the head of the bank’s management board Sergei Naumov.
“In the super-heavy conditions of martial law Oschadbank was able to maintain profitability. This allows us to keep capital at a sufficient level and gives prospects for the payment of dividends to the state,” he wrote in Telegram on Monday.
Naumov specified that compared to 2021, operating income for 2022 increased by 1.6 billion UAH – to 21.7 billion UAH, interest income increased by 1.1 billion UAH – to 22.4 billion UAH, while interest expenses decreased by 0.4 billion UAH – to 7.5 billion UAH.
He added that there was also an increase in net non-interest income – by UAH 0.8 billion to UAH 7.6 billion.
According to the head of the board, the results of Oschadbank had a positive impact on the revaluation of financial instruments in the amount of UAH 4.8 billion because of the presence of securities in his portfolio with indexed value.
Naumov noted that in assessing the risks the bank always adheres to a conservative position, so the bank formed additional reserves of 12.1 billion UAH, which is 4.3 times more than in 2021, because there were weighted possible losses in the reporting year due to the deterioration of the loan portfolio quality, caused by an active war.
Head of the Board also recalled that in 2022 Oschadbank became a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund, paying 777 million UAH contributions, which also respectively decreased the annual profit compared with the previous year.
Oschadbank was founded in 1991. Its sole owner is the state. According to statistics from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), on December 1, 2022, Oschadbank was in second place (282.828 billion UAH) among the 67 operating banks in the country by total assets.


Oschadbank reduced by 3 times number of new car loans

State Oshchadbank (Kiev) in 2022 issued 2.4 thousand car loans at 1.6 billion UAH, which is three times in number and 2.5 times less in volume compared to the figures in 2021 (7.2 thousand car loans at 4 billion UAH), said the head of the bank Sergey Naumov.
“Car loans in Oshchadbank last year enjoyed significant demand (2,421 loans totaling 1.6 billion UAH): the most popular car brands were Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Skoda and Toyota,” he wrote in Telegram on Friday.
He pointed out that 119 car loans worth 90 million UAH have already been issued in 2023.
Oshchadbank was founded in 1991. Its only owner is the state.
According to statistics from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), as of November 1, 2022, Oschadbank ranked second by total assets (UAH 270.806 billion) among 67 operating banks in the country.


Oschadbank increased volume of term deposits by 7.4%

State-run Oschadbank (Kiev) has increased the volume of term deposits from the beginning of the full-scale war until the end of 2022 by 7.4% or 5.2 billion UAH – to 70.6 billion UAH in all currencies, the head of the bank Sergei Naumov said on Wednesday.
“As of the end of 2022 we have plus on humble deposits from the beginning of the big war 5.2 billion UAH to 70.6 billion UAH (in all currencies). This trend continues now: already this year we have added UAH 500 million (in equivalent) to this portfolio,” he wrote in his Telegram channel.
He pointed out that the hryvnia deposits from February 24 last year increased by 5.7 billion UAH.
Naumov expects that the deposit base of Ukrainian banks will continue to grow, as well as deposit rates.
Oschadbank was founded in 1991. Its sole owner is the state.
According to statistics from the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), on November 1, 2022 on the size of total assets Oschadbank took 2nd place (270.806 billion UAH) among the 67 operating banks in the country.


PrivatBank and Oschadbank became participants in the new state program of affordable housing “Joselya”

The state-owned banks PrivatBank and Oschadbank (Kyiv) have become participants in the new state program of affordable housing “єOselya”, which has been launched in “Dії” in a test mode, the press services of the banks reported.

According to the report, under this program, bank customers can buy housing with an initial payment of 30% for PrivatBank and 20% for Oschadbank, with loans from 1 to 20 years at 3% per annum.

The military, law enforcement officers, doctors, educators and scientists can become participants in the program this year.

It is indicated that the mass launch of the program will take place in the second half of October, then it will be possible to use the service in the Diya mobile application, and it will be possible to submit an application in a few clicks.

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Oschadbank put up for sale a fruit and vegetable cannery in Transcarpathian region

The State Oschadbank (Kyiv) put forward through the OpenMarket platform (SE “SETAM”) the right to conclude a financial leasing agreement for an enterprise in the village of Fanchikovo (Transcarpathian region), specializing in the canning of vegetables, fruits, and the production of canned fruits and vegetables.

According to a press release from the financial institution, the auction for the sale of the cannery owned by Oschadbank will be held on October 19 with a starting price of UAH 1.28 million.

According to the bank, Lot No. 517457 includes the right to conclude a financial leasing agreement for non-residential real estate with a total area of ​​14.77 thousand square meters. m and a lease agreement with the purchase of a land plot under the enterprise with a total area of ​​1.63 hectares.

It is specified that the winner of the auction receives the right to conclude a financial leasing agreement for the enterprise, the sale price of which (redemption value) is UAH 12.14 million. The buyer also needs to pay this amount in equal installments within 84 months from the date of the conclusion of the financial leasing agreement for the plant and the lease agreement for the land plot under it.

Oschadbank was founded in 1991. Its sole owner is the state.

According to the statistics of the National Bank, as of September 1, 2021, in terms of total assets, Oschadbank ranks second in the rating (UAH 254.54 billion) among 72 banks operating in the country.

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The Ministry of Finance and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have discussed the possibility of providing a subordinated loan to Oschadbank with option to convert the loan into equity shares.
This was reported in a press release of the Ministry of Finance on Wednesday following the meeting of Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko and Deputy Minister Oleksandr Kava with EBRD Managing Director, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus (EEC) Matteo Patrone.
“During the meeting, the issue of providing Oschadbank with EBRD long-term financing in the form of a subordinated loan with option to convert the loan into equity shares was raised. The parties continue to work actively to implement the sale of a stake in Oschadbank. The key issues remain the completion of the preparation procedures and the accession of Oschadbank to the households deposit guarantee system,” the ministry said.
The parties also discussed potential joint projects with the EBRD for 2022, namely the reconstruction of the Lower Dniester irrigation system.
Earlier, the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food announced the readiness of the EBRD to invest EUR 90 million for the reconstruction of the main water pumping station of the Lower Dniester irrigation system (Odesa region).
As reported, in March 2021, Ukrgasbank received a loan of EUR 30 million from IFC with option to convert the loan into equity shares. The next step for the privatization of the bank is to find a financial adviser for the bank.

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