Business news from Ukraine


Current President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky would receive the most support in the presidential elections if they were held in the near future. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the sociological service of the Razumkov Center.
So, among those who plan to take part in the elections and have decided on a candidate, 28% of those polled are ready to vote for Zelensky in the first round of elections (20% among all respondents). Fifth President of Ukraine, leader of the European Solidarity Party Petro Poroshenko is in the second place with the support of 18% of respondents (12.5% ​​of all respondents), leader of the Opposition Platform – For Life Party Yuriy Boiko is in the third place with the support of 14.5% and 11% of respondents, respectively.
Leader of the All-Ukrainian association Batkivschyna Yulia Tymoshenko would be supported by 10.5% among those who made their choice and 8% among all respondents, leader of the Strength and Honor party Ihor Smeshko is supported by 6% and 4%, respectively.
Some 3% of determined respondents (2% among all respondents) would vote for leader of the Ukrainian Strategy of Volodymyr Groisman party, and 3% (2% among all respondents) would choose leader of the Radical Party Oleh Liashko.
A total of 2% of those who decided on the choice and 2% of all respondents are ready to vote for chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Dmytro Razumkov; also 2% and 2% respectively would choose leader of the Civil Position party Anatoliy Hrytsenko; some 2% and 1% of respondents respectively would vote for representative of the All-Ukrainian Association Svoboda Ruslan Koshulynsky. Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko is supported by 1% among those who made their choice and 1% among all respondents.
If Zelensky and Poroshenko entered the second round, the current president would receive 60.5% of the votes of those who will take part in the elections and have decided on a candidate (32% among all respondents). Some 39.5% (20% of all respondents) are ready to vote for Poroshenko in the second round.
If Zelensky and Boiko entered the second round, 71% would vote for Zelensky among those who made their choice (36% among all respondents), some 29% and 15.5%, respectively, would vote for Boiko.
The study was conducted from April 22 to 29, 2021 using a face-to-face interview method at the place of residence of the respondents. A totral of 2,021 respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea and the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, according to a sample representing the adult population in terms of basic socio-demographic indicators. The theoretical sampling error (excluding the design effect) does not exceed 2.3% with a probability of 0.95.

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has signed the law on amendments to Section II Final and Transitional Provisions of the law of Ukraine on amending certain laws of Ukraine concerning reducing the shortage of ferrous scrap on the domestic market, by which it is proposed to prolong the export duty in the amount of EUR 58 per tonne for another five years.
“This document extends for five years – until September 15, 2026, the period of validity of the export duty rate of EUR 58 per tonne for waste and scrap of ferrous metals. Thus, conditions are created to prevent a shortage of ferrous scrap in Ukraine, which will contribute to smooth operation of domestic metallurgical industry, preserving jobs and increasing tax revenues to the budgets of all levels,” the press service of the head of state said.
In addition, the document will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, which is in line with Ukraine’s intentions to join the European Green Deal, since each tonne of recycled scrap metal saves 1.5 tonnes of CO2, 1.4 tonnes of iron ore and 740 kg of coal.
“Recycling of scrap into steel requires only 1/3 of energy costs in comparison with the production of steel from primary raw materials,” it said.
The law comes into force the next day after its publication.

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced that soon a university, which prepares the specialists in combating and countering cyber threats, will be opened in the country.
“We will open a new powerful university, the presentation is almost ready. A university that will have such professions related to the cybersecurity of the country, of the people. Cybersecurity is one of the main faculties of this university […] We will select the best children, we will give very high scholarships […] modern laboratories, cyber centers, biochemical centers will be built there […]”, Zelensky told reporters after speaking at the Ukraine 30 All-Ukrainian Forum.
The President also said that the university will also have a powerful selection of teachers, primarily Ukrainians, but foreign specialists will also be attracted, who will be paid high salarie.

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation between JSC Ukrzaliznytsia and Stadler on May 7 following talks with representatives of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Strategic Industries and the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.
Currently, Stadler will be looking for a site for the construction of a plant for the production of suburban trains and city trams. The next steps will be technology transfer and employee training to ensure product quality that meets the company’s standards. This plant will focus on domestic Ukrainian consumers, participation in tenders, as well as on the export of products to other countries, the President’s Office said on its website on Friday.
“We fully support such investments in our country. Ukraine is interested in such cooperation, and we discussed such opportunities during the official visit of the President of the Swiss Confederation to Ukraine,” Zelensky said at a meeting with Peter Christoph Spuhler, President of the Board of Directors of one of the world’s leading rolling stock manufacturers – the Swiss company Stadler CIS AG, and Alexander Luft, CEO of Stadler CIS AG.
Cooperation with Stadler will also contribute to the implementation of the project of high-quality suburban railway service City Express, the first stage of which is to be implemented in Kyiv, Dnipro and Kharkiv, the message reads.

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky called the proposal of U.S. President Joe Biden to hold a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in a third country as correct, since this dialogue could “resolve a number of issues.”
“I believe that this [Biden’s intention to meet with Putin on the territory of a third country] is correct. This is very […] timely, very important […] I think this could solve a number of issues, because there should be a dialogue between these countries. Sometimes, when such large states do not communicate, others suffer. Believe us, we understand that,” Zelensky said at a briefing following talks with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on Friday.
At the same time, Zelensky said that if during the meeting the leaders of the United States and Russia raise the issue of Ukraine, which may well be relevant, then the discussion will not be “so substantive and correct.”
“It [the issue of Ukraine] will not be substantive, it will not be correct, and this will once again show that large countries are in size, they think that everything is around them, but it seems to me that the world is much larger,” the president said.

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President Volodymyr Zelensky signed law No. 1320-IX on amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine to prevent excessive pressure on business entities, which was adopted by parliament on March 4, 2021, the presidential press service said on Thursday. “The law allows local authorities to exercise control over the observance of labour legislation at enterprises, institutions and organizations of communal property of the respective territorial communities,” the press service said in a statement.
It is noted that local government authorities can also take the initiative to carry out a public audit at enterprises that are not in communal ownership, as well as in relation to individuals, entrepreneurs using the labour of hired employees.
“The executive authorities of village, settlement, city councils can contact the central executive agencies implementing public policy on state supervision and control over compliance with labour legislation, or its territorial agency (State Labour Service of Ukraine) on violations by a business entity of legislation on labour and employment of the population,” the President’s Office said.
The President’s Office said that the executive authorities of city councils and merged territorial communities are deprived of the right to draw up protocols on administrative offenses for violation of labour and employment legislation.
“Among other things, the law proposes to exempt the State Labour Service of Ukraine and its territorial agencies from paying court fees when considering cases in all courts,” the President’s Office said in the statement.
The document also amends the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, according to which, for failure to comply with legal requirements or prevent officials from the central executive agency implementing public policy on supervision and control over compliance with labour legislation and its territorial agencies, or preventing their officials for the implementation of measures of state supervision provides for a fine for officials from 50 to 100 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens.
This law comes into force one month after the date of its publication.
