Business news from Ukraine

The number of refugees from Ukraine in Europe has reached 4.43 million – UN

The number of refugees from Ukraine registered for temporary protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe reached 4 million 426.75 thousand as of October 25, 2022, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported on its website.

For the month since September 30, the growth amounted to 242.9 thousand, while for the previous month – about 214.3 thousand, and in total since the end of May – about 1.5 million.

The largest increase over the past month was shown by Germany (data for October 8) – about 106 thousand, Poland – about 60 thousand, Czech Republic – about 14 thousand.

According to UNHCR data collected from national governments, the largest number of refugees with temporary protection status in Poland is 1 million 469.03 thousand, while 7.365 million people have arrived in the country from Ukraine, according to the Polish border service, since the beginning of the war, and in the opposite direction departed to Ukraine 5.547 million.

Following are Germany and the Czech Republic, where the number of refugees registered for temporary protection from Ukraine amounted to 815.13 thousand and 452.91 thousand, respectively.

The UN, referring to government data, indicates that in total in Germany, where Ukrainians were allowed to stay without registration until the end of August, 1 million 2.67 thousand refugees from Ukraine were recorded, which is only 5 thousand more than a month ago.

In the Czech Republic, the situation, according to UN information, is different: almost all arrivals applied for protection status – 452.91 thousand out of 453.10 thousand.

In the vast majority of other countries, the picture is similar to the Czech Republic: the statistics of registered refugees is completely or almost equal to the statistics of those who applied for protection status, which is probably due to the peculiarity of their registration and the completion of the 90-day period of stay under the visa-free regime. An exception, similar to Germany, is only Estonia – 37.66 thousand with the status of 60.98 thousand refugees registered in the country and partly Romania – 76.16 thousand out of 86.21 thousand.

Italy is still in fourth place in terms of the number of registered refugees from Ukraine – 160.67 thousand (an increase of 3 thousand), and Spain closes the top five – 149.21 thousand (an increase of 4.5 thousand).

Following are Bulgaria with an indicator of 142.81 thousand (an increase of 6.6 thousand), the only one in which the number of registered with the status of temporary protection is much higher than the number of registered refugees from Ukraine – 55.26 thousand, the UK – 138.4 thousand. (growth by 6.7 thousand) and France – 105 thousand (data as of September 26).

From 50 thousand to 100 thousand refugees from Ukraine with the status of temporary protection also in Slovakia – 98.57 thousand (an increase of 3.4 thousand), Austria – 84.76 thousand, the Netherlands – 79.25 thousand ( data as of September 30), Lithuania – 68.93 thousand, including Switzerland – 66.81 thousand (an increase of 5 thousand), Ireland – 60.51 thousand (an increase of 5.7 thousand), Belgium – 57.83 thousand and Portugal – 52.88 thousand (data as of October 3), as well as Romania mentioned above.

Following with indicators from 25 thousand to 50 thousand are Sweden – 47.38 thousand, Latvia – 40.67 thousand, Finland – 42.29 thousand. Denmark is also in this category – 34.41 thousand, Hungary – 31.29 thousand, Norway – 30.57 thousand, as well as Estonia, which was discussed above.

From 10 to 25 thousand refugees from Ukraine with the status of temporary protection in Greece – 20.0 thousand, Croatia – 18.93 thousand and Cyprus – 17.63 thousand.

In addition, the UN statistics on those who received the status of temporary protection include refugees of Ukraine in Slovenia – 7.90 thousand, Luxembourg – 6.76 thousand, Montenegro – 6.65 thousand, Iceland – 1.77 thousand, in Malta – 1.42 thousand, in Serbia and Kosovo – 1.04 thousand and Liechtenstein – 0.4 thousand.

The UN also indicated the countries in which refugees from Ukraine were recorded, but there is no data on their status: Turkey (data as of May 19) – 145 thousand, Moldova – 95.73 thousand, Georgia – 26.79 thousand, Northern Macedonia – 6.16 thousand, Azerbaijan – 3.93 thousand, Albania – 2.62 thousand, Armenia – 0.49 thousand and Bosnia and Herzegovina – 0.13 thousand.

Separately, the UN indicates Russia and Belarus, the Ukrainian border with which 2 million 852.4 thousand and 16.7 thousand people, respectively, crossed, however, after October 3, data for Russia ceased to be updated, while for Belarus they are even older. According to the UN, all those who crossed the border were recorded in the Russian Federation, while in Belarus – 15.93 thousand. There is no data on obtaining the status by them, as well as data on crossing the border of Ukraine in the opposite direction.

According to UNHCR data, as of October 25, a total of 14.592 million people have left Ukraine since the beginning of the war (excluding entry flow), of which 7.114 million went to Poland, 2.852 million to Russia (data as of October 3), and Hungary to 1.629 million people, Romania – 1.426 million people, Slovakia – 888.4 thousand people, Moldova – 670.2 thousand people, Belarus – 16.7 thousand people.

At the same time, according to the UN, from February 28 to October 25, 7.144 million people entered Ukraine (excluding data from Hungary, the Russian Federation and Belarus).

“Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, almost a third of Ukrainians have been forced to leave their homes. This is one of the largest displacement crises in the world today. In Ukraine, about 6.2 million people remain displaced by war,” says UNHCR, which downgraded its estimate of internally displaced people in October persons per 0.8 million people.

UNHCR indicates that by mid-2021 there were only 53.47 thousand Ukrainian refugees in the world who applied for the appropriate status, of which 36.49 thousand were in Europe.

As of mid-2020, the UNHCR estimated the Ukrainian diaspora in the world at 6.1 million, including 5 million in Europe.



As of July 20, 3.71 mln refugees from Ukraine received temporary protection status in Europe

As of July 20, 2022, the number of refugees from Ukraine registered for temporary protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe was 3,709.33 thousand, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported on your site.
In the three weeks since June 29, the growth amounted to about 135 thousand, while in the previous two weeks – 170 thousand, and since the end of May – about 775 thousand.
Poland (about 40 thousand), Czech Republic (about 13.5 thousand), Great Britain (about 13 thousand) and Italy (about 11 thousand) showed the largest increase.
According to UNHCR data collected from national governments, the largest number of refugees with temporary protection status in Poland is 1 million 234.7 thousand, while 4.968 million people arrived in the country from Ukraine, according to the Polish border service, from the beginning of the war to , and in the opposite direction departed to Ukraine 3.045 million.
Following are Germany and the Czech Republic, where the number of refugees registered for temporary protection from Ukraine amounted to 670 thousand respectively (the data does not change from June 21) and 396.18 thousand.
The UN, referring to government data, indicates that in total in Germany, where Ukrainians are allowed to stay without registration until the end of August, 893 thousand refugees from Ukraine were recorded. Based on the data presented, a significant proportion of them have not yet applied for temporary protection status in that country.
In the Czech Republic, the situation, according to UN information, is different: almost all arrivals applied for protection status – 396.18 thousand out of 396.33 thousand.
In the vast majority of other countries, the picture is similar to the Czech Republic: the statistics of registered refugees is completely or almost equal to the statistics of those who applied for protection status, which is probably due to the peculiarity of their registration and the completion of the 90-day period of stay under the visa-free regime. An exception, similar to Germany, is only Romania – 45.53 thousand with the status of 84.53 thousand refugees recorded in the country and Estonia – 30.29 thousand out of 46.73 thousand.
Italy is still in fourth place in terms of the number of registered refugees from Ukraine – 143.13 thousand, and Spain closes the top five, in which the number of registered refugees increased by 5 thousand in three weeks, to 128.89 thousand.
Bulgaria follows with an indicator of 123.36 thousand, the only one in which the number of registered with the status of temporary protection is much higher than the number of registered refugees from Ukraine – 86.58 thousand.
More than 50 thousand refugees from Ukraine with the status of temporary protection are also in the UK – 99.7 thousand, France (data as of July 4) – 92.16 thousand (an increase of 4.2 thousand), Slovakia – 85.77 thousand (growth by more than 6 thousand).
Among these countries are also Austria – 76.21 thousand, the Netherlands (data as of July 5) – 68.05 thousand, Lithuania – 59.47 thousand, Switzerland – 57.02 thousand and Belgium – 51.12 thousand.
Following are Portugal – 47.75 thousand, Ireland – 44.58 thousand (an increase of 4.2 thousand), Belgium – 48.38 thousand, Sweden – 40.45 thousand, Latvia – 35.80 thousand. , Finland – 32.67 thousand, Denmark – 29.83 thousand and Hungary – 26.93 thousand, as well as the above-mentioned Romania and Estonia.
From 10 to 25 thousand refugees from Ukraine with the status of temporary protection in Norway – 21.06 thousand, Greece – 16.80 thousand, Croatia – 16.09 thousand and Cyprus – 14.37 thousand.
The UN also indicated the countries in which refugees from Ukraine were recorded, but there is no data on their status: Turkey (data as of May 19) – 145 thousand, Moldova – 86.24 thousand, Georgia – 23.11 thousand, Azerbaijan – 4.80 thousand, Albania – 2.50 thousand, North Macedonia – 1.64 thousand, Armenia – 0.49 thousand and Bosnia and Herzegovina – 0.30 thousand. Separately, it is worth specifying Russia and Belarus, the Ukrainian border with which, respectively, 1 million 745.80 thousand and 16.68 thousand people crossed. The UN information indicates that in the Russian Federation all those who crossed the border were recorded, while in Belarus – 10.35 thousand. There is no data on obtaining the status by them, as well as data on crossing the border of Ukraine in the opposite direction.
In total, according to the UN as of July 19, 9.567 million people left Ukraine since the beginning of the war, while 3.793 million returned (without data from Hungary, the Russian Federation and Belarus). According to this information, the total number of refugees since the beginning of the war can be estimated at about 5 4-5.5 million people, including about 1.75 million people to Russia.
“Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, almost a third of Ukrainians have been forced to flee their homes. This is the largest displacement crisis in the world to date. In Ukraine, more than 6.3 million people remain displaced by the war,” UNHCR points out, although an estimate three weeks ago internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine was higher – 7.1 million.

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The number of refugees from Ukraine registered for temporary protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe stood at 3.207 million as of June 16, 2022, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported on its website.
Compared to the June 1 data, the increase was almost 0.5 million, including 0.2 million in the last week, significantly contributed by data updates in Germany, France and the UK.
According to UNHCR data collected from national governments, the largest number of refugees with temporary protection status in Poland is 1 million 169.5 thousand, while 4,166 arrived in the country from Ukraine, according to the Polish border service, from the beginning of the war to June 18 million people, and 2.195 million went to Ukraine in the opposite direction.
Following are Germany and the Czech Republic, where the number of refugees registered for temporary protection from Ukraine amounted to 641.39 thousand and 373.82 thousand, respectively.
The UN, referring to government data, indicates that in total in Germany, where Ukrainians are allowed to stay without registration until the end of August, 780,000 refugees from Ukraine were recorded. Based on the data presented, a significant proportion of them have not yet applied for temporary protection status in that country.
In the Czech Republic, the situation, according to UN information, is different: almost all arrivals applied for protection status – 373.82 thousand out of 373.97 thousand.
In the vast majority of other countries, the picture is similar to the Czech Republic: the statistics of registered refugees is completely or almost equal to the statistics of those who applied for protection status, which is probably due to the peculiarity of their registration. An exception, similar to Germany, is only Romania – 37.83 thousand with the status of 90.3 thousand refugees registered in the country, Estonia – 27.49 thousand out of 42.26 thousand and Italy – 97.31 thousand out of 129 .62 thousand
In addition to Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy, more than 50 thousand refugees from Ukraine have also registered for the status of temporary protection in Spain – 119.74 thousand, France – 87.97 thousand, Slovakia – 78.11 thousand (out of 270 thousand). net inflow across the border since the beginning of the war), Austria – 71.83 thousand, Great Britain – 70.5 thousand, the Netherlands – 64.48 thousand and Switzerland – 55.92 thousand.
At the same time, in Lithuania, the number of refugees with temporary protection status decreased from 53.89 thousand to 46.55 thousand over the week.
Next come Belgium – 46.85 thousand, Portugal – 42.15 thousand, Sweden – 38.05 thousand, Ireland – 36.91, Denmark – 28.29 thousand, Latvia – 26.8 thousand and Finland – 26.75 thousand, as well as the above-mentioned Romania and Estonia.
From 10 to 25 thousand refugees from Ukraine with the status of temporary protection in Hungary – 24.45 thousand, Norway – 18.51 thousand, Greece – 14.89 thousand, Croatia – 14.26 thousand and Cyprus – 13 .05 thousand
In addition, the UN statistics on those who received the status of temporary protection include Ukrainian refugees in Slovenia – 7.1 thousand, Luxembourg – 5.25 thousand, Montenegro – 3.98 thousand, Iceland – 0.9 thousand, Malta – 0 .92 thousand, in Serbia and Kosovo – 0.75 thousand and Liechtenstein – 0.22 thousand.
In addition, the table contains data from Bulgaria, possibly entered with an error: according to them, 79.2 thousand refugees from Ukraine were recorded there, but 114.88 thousand received protection status.
The UN also indicated the countries in which refugees from Ukraine were recorded, but there is no data on their obtaining status: Moldova – 85.5 thousand, Georgia – 20.39 thousand, Azerbaijan – 4.84 thousand, Albania – 1.53 thousand, North Macedonia – 1.21 thousand, Armenia – 0.49 thousand and Bosnia and Herzegovina – 0.33 thousand.
Turkey, where 145,000 refugees from Ukraine were listed a week ago, is now excluded from the data.
Separately, it is worth mentioning Russia and Belarus, the Ukrainian border with which, respectively, 1 million 230.8 thousand and 16.66 thousand people crossed. The UN information indicates that in the Russian Federation all those who crossed the border were recorded, while in Belarus – 9.01 thousand. There is no data on any status of these people, as well as data on crossing the border of Ukraine in the opposite direction.

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The number of refugees from Ukraine registered for temporary protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe stood at 3.207 million as of June 9, 2022, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reported on its website.
Compared to the June 1 data, the increase was almost 0.3 million, and the main contribution was made by the data update for Germany – an additional almost 0.24 million.
According to UNHCR data collected from national governments, Poland has the most refugees with this status – 1 million 152.36 thousand, while 3.865 million arrived in the country from Ukraine, according to the Polish border service, from the beginning of the war to June 9 people, and in the opposite direction departed for Ukraine 1.738 million.
Following are Germany and the Czech Republic, where the number of refugees registered for temporary protection from Ukraine amounted to 565.82 thousand and 366.49 thousand, respectively.
The UN, referring to government data, indicates that in total in Germany, where Ukrainians are allowed to stay without registration until the end of August, 780,000 refugees from Ukraine were recorded. So, based on the data presented, a significant proportion of them have not yet applied for temporary protection status in this country.
In the Czech Republic, the situation, according to UN information, is different: almost all arrivals applied for protection status – 366.49 thousand out of 366.63 thousand.
In the vast majority of other countries, the picture is similar to the Czech Republic: the statistics of registered refugees is completely or almost equal to the statistics of those who applied for protection status, which is probably due to the peculiarity of their registration. An exception, similar to Germany, is only Romania – 37.32 thousand with the status of 89.78 thousand refugees registered in the country, Estonia – 25.69 thousand out of 39.8 thousand and Italy – 97.31 thousand out of 125 .91 thousand
In addition to Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy, more than 50 thousand refugees from Ukraine have also registered for temporary protection status in Spain – 118.12 thousand, Slovakia – 77.14 thousand (out of 270 thousand net inflows across the border since the beginning of the war) , Austria – 69.76 thousand, the Netherlands – 62.97 thousand, Lithuania – 53.89 thousand and Switzerland – 53.12 thousand.
Following are Belgium – 45.3 thousand, France – 43.3 thousand (data from the end of April), Portugal – 41.45 thousand, Sweden – 38 thousand, Great Britain – 37.4 thousand (data from the beginning of May ), Ireland – 33.15 thousand and Denmark – 27.21 thousand, as well as the above-mentioned Romania and Estonia.
From 10 to 25 thousand refugees from Ukraine with the status of temporary protection in Finland – 24.46 thousand, Latvia – 23.38 thousand, Hungary – 24.09 thousand, Norway – 16.71 thousand, Greece – 14, 89 thousand, Croatia – 13.76 thousand and Cyprus – 12.79 thousand.
In addition, the UN statistics on those who received the status of temporary protection include refugees of Ukraine in Slovenia – 7.05 thousand, Luxembourg – 5.3 thousand, Montenegro – 2.53 thousand, Iceland – 1 thousand, in Malta – 0.92 thousand, in Serbia and Kosovo – 0.7 thousand and Liechtenstein – 0.21 thousand.
In addition, the table contains data from Bulgaria, possibly entered with an error: according to them, 78.29 thousand refugees from Ukraine were recorded there, but 113.03 thousand received protection status.
The UN also indicated the countries in which refugees from Ukraine were recorded, but there is no data on their obtaining status: Moldova – 86.25 thousand, Turkey – 145 thousand, Georgia – 20.03 thousand, Azerbaijan – 5.06 thousand. , Albania – 1.48 thousand, North Macedonia – 1.1 thousand, Bosnia and Herzegovina – 0.36 thousand and Armenia – 0.3 thousand.
Separately, it is worth mentioning Russia and Belarus, the Ukrainian border with which, respectively, 1 million 136.24 thousand and 16.65 thousand people crossed. The UN information indicates that in the Russian Federation all those who crossed the border were recorded, while in Belarus – less than half. There is no data on any status of these people, as well as data on crossing the border of Ukraine in the opposite direction.



The number of refugees from Ukraine registered for temporary protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe stood at 2.93 million as of the end of May 2022, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said in its site.
According to his data collected from national governments, Poland has the most refugees with this status – 1 million 142.96 thousand, while 3.792 million people arrived in the country from Ukraine, according to the Polish border service, from the beginning of the war to June 2 , and in the opposite direction departed to Ukraine 1.795 million.
Following are the Czech Republic and Germany, where the number of refugees registered for temporary protection from Ukraine amounted to 361.42 thousand and 329.34 thousand, respectively.
The UN, referring to government data, indicates that in total in Germany, where Ukrainians are allowed to stay without registration until the end of August, 780,000 refugees from Ukraine were recorded. So, based on the data presented, less than half of them applied for temporary protection status in this country.
In the Czech Republic, the situation, according to UN information, is different: almost all arrivals applied for protection status – 361.42 thousand out of 361.56 thousand.
In the vast majority of other countries, the picture is similar to the Czech Republic: the statistics of registered refugees is completely or almost equal to the statistics of those who applied for protection status, which is probably due to the peculiarity of their registration. An exception, similar to Germany, is only Romania – 33.22 thousand with the status of 84.47 thousand refugees registered in the country, Estonia – 25.69 thousand out of 39.8 thousand and Italy – 97.31 thousand out of 125 .91 thousand
In addition to Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy, more than 50 thousand refugees from Ukraine have also registered for temporary protection status in Spain – 109.47 thousand, Slovakia – 78.57 thousand (out of 270 thousand net inflows across the border since the beginning of the war) , Austria – 68.75 thousand, the Netherlands – 60.02 thousand, Lithuania – 53.89 thousand and Switzerland – 50.1 thousand.
Following are Belgium – 44.65 thousand, France – 43.3 thousand, Portugal – 39.79 thousand, Sweden – 38 thousand, Great Britain – 37.4 thousand, Ireland – 32.42 thousand and Denmark – 27.21 thousand, as well as the above-mentioned Romania and Estonia.
From 10 to 25 thousand refugees from Ukraine with the status of temporary protection in Finland – 24.46 thousand, Latvia – 23.38 thousand, Hungary – 23.35 thousand, Norway – 16.71 thousand, Greece – 13, 4 thousand, Croatia – 13.37 thousand and Cyprus – 11.98 thousand.
In addition, in the UN statistics on those who received the status of temporary protection, Ukrainian refugees are represented in Slovenia – 6.94 thousand, Luxembourg – 5.4 thousand, Montenegro – 2.53 thousand, Iceland – 1 thousand, in Malta – 0.92 thousand, in Serbia and Kosovo – 0.62 thousand and Liechtenstein – 0.19 thousand.
In addition, the table contains data from Bulgaria, possibly entered with an error: according to them, 78.71 thousand refugees from Ukraine were recorded there, but 110.62 thousand received protection status.
The UN also indicated the countries in which refugees from Ukraine were recorded, but there is no data on their obtaining status: Moldova – 87.72 thousand, Turkey – 85 thousand, Georgia – 19.69 thousand, Azerbaijan – 5.06 thousand. , Albania – 1.34 thousand, North Macedonia – 1.13 thousand, Bosnia and Herzegovina – 0.36 thousand and Armenia – 0.3 thousand.
Separately, it is worth mentioning Russia and Belarus, the Ukrainian border with which was crossed by 1 million 41.1 thousand and 16.65 thousand people, respectively. The UN information indicates that in the Russian Federation all those who crossed the border were recorded, while in Belarus – less than half. There is no data on any status of these people, as well as data on crossing the border of Ukraine in the opposite direction.
In total, according to the UN, 6.98 million people have left Ukraine since the beginning of the war, while, according to the State Border Service of Ukraine, about 2.5 million have returned. According to this information, the net outflow since the beginning of the war can be estimated at about 4.5 million people, including to Russia – more than 1 million people.

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Over 23,000 Ukrainians have received permission to enter the United States as part of the new program of the administration of President Joseph Biden for Ukrainian refugees, CNN reports.
“According to the US Department of Homeland Security, more than 23,000 Ukrainians have received permission to enter the United States under the new program,” the statement said.
The TV channel notes that 6,000 of them have already arrived in the United States.
The Biden administration had previously pledged to accept up to 100,000 Ukrainians.
Earlier in April, US President Joseph Biden announced the “Uniting for Ukraine” program for accepting refugees from Ukraine, which will speed up their relocation to American territory. The program provides an opportunity for accelerated migration from Europe to the US to Ukrainians who have an American “sponsor”, such as a family or an NGO, ready to deal with them.

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