Business news from Ukraine


The European Investment Bank (EIB) has provided EUR 49 million investments to carry out a comprehensive energy-efficient modernisation of the majority of their buildings of six Ukrainian universities under the Ukraine Higher Education project and they will also receive the E5P grant in the amount of EUR 10 million.
“Six Ukrainian universities will carry out a comprehensive energy-efficient modernisation of the majority of their buildings with the support of EUR 49 million investments of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the E5P grant in the amount of EUR 10 million,” the EIB and the Ministry of Education of Ukraine said in a press release on Tuesday.
Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Lviv Polytechnic National University, National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, National University Yuri Kondratiuk Poltava Polytechnic, Sumy State University and Vinnytsia National Technical University actively participate in the Phase I of the Ukraine Higher Education Project to improve their teaching and research facilities and dormitories.
“They will soon be joined by eight more higher education establishments, which were selected on a competitive basis to take part in the Phase II of the Project,” the bank and the ministry said in the press release.
The implementation of thermal modernisation works at the Phase I universities is expected to start in the fall of 2022.
The EIB is investing EUR 120 million in a comprehensive thermal refurbishment of six Ukrainian universities in the framework of the Ukraine Higher Education Project, which is an integral part of the joint EIB and EU support provided to Ukraine in the field of energy efficiency. The project is also co-financed by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (Nefco) in the amount of EUR 30 million.

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Investments in the project for the creation and development of the International European University have exceeded $3 million, founder and vice-rector for scientific, pedagogical work and international relations of the university Alla Navolokina told the Interfax-Ukraine agency after a press conference at the agency on Thursday.

“Today, 850 foreign students from more than 40 countries of the world study at our university. We have already invested over $ 3 million. As part of the implementation of European education standards, students can choose freely more than 25% of subjects, not only in their professional field. Each student can choose from among seven faculties the directions that appeal to him. Even a medical student can study IT, design, or music. Even if only one student from the batch chooses a subject, we fully ensure its study. This is the uniqueness of our university,” Navolokina said.

Navolokina stressed that the university is creating a unique system of teaching a person throughout his life – from 3 to 93 years. We have created a university of a new formation, the main principles of which are equality and student-centrism.

“The International European University seeks to bring Ukrainian education to a new quality level,” Anatoliy Tolstoukhov, Doctor of Philosophy, Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Chairman of the Development Assistance Council of the International European University, said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine.

“Today, the process of consolidation of universities has begun in the world: along with schools, there will be much less of them. The specificity of our university is that at least two-thirds of students must be representatives of other countries. This means that we take responsibility for the presentation of Ukraine to the whole world, on the other hand, such a scheme allows us to enrich ourselves with the experience of world education in Ukraine,” Tolstoukhov said.

The most important thing, according to Navolokina, is that students and instructors should feel at the university like at home. For this, we have created an innovative system for a student to choose his own individual educational trajectory. The vice-rector also noted that all instructors, students and junior staff at the university communicate fluently in English, which makes it possible to create a comfortable language environment in the learning process.

The International European University was founded in Kyiv in 2019. The university has its own educational building at 16a Mahnitohorska Street in Kyiv. Ukraine and Austria are its co-founders.

The university specializes in teaching foreign students and Ukrainians, studying in scientific and educational institutions in seven areas: business schools, architectural and engineering, language, medical, IT, law and art schools.

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