Business news from Ukraine

Festival “Winemaker’s Day of Ukraine” was held in Kiev

This weekend, the first festival dedicated to the Ukrainian Winemaker’s Day was held at the River Mall in Kyiv. This event became a vivid symbol of the revival and popularization of Ukrainian winemaking. Visitors had the opportunity to enjoy wine products from all over the country, as well as learn about traditional and modern winemaking methods.

Maksim Urakin, founder of Experts Club, a Kyiv-based think tank, noted that the production and sale of wine products in Ukraine today is complicated primarily by significant competition from foreign wines.

“Experts Club’s information and analytical project systematically supports all producers in the country, and winemakers are no exception. According to Experts Club, imported wine already accounts for more than 70% of total sales on the Ukrainian market, while the share of Ukrainian wine is below 30%. Holding thematic festivals dedicated to winemaking could open up unique varieties of Ukrainian wine to consumers, which are in no way inferior to French or Italian wines. That is why we all need to show consumer patriotism and buy Ukrainian wine,” added Maksim Urakin.

According to Volodymyr Pechko, CEO of UKRSADVINPROM, recent years have been difficult for Ukrainian winemaking, primarily due to the war. However, thanks to the efforts of craft producers, the industry continues to develop.

“I am confident that our festival will become an annual event, as we must support Ukrainian producers and promote Ukrainian quality both in Ukraine and internationally. I sincerely congratulate all winemakers on their professional holiday and thank them for the incredible work they continue to do. I also express my gratitude to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine for its assistance in organizing this year’s event,” he said.

Natalia Blagopoluchna, Head of the Ukrainian Association of Winemakers and Sommeliers, emphasized the uniqueness of Ukrainian craft wines.
“The diversity of our wines is the result of unique local climatic conditions and the peculiarities of the grape varieties we use. They are striking in their originality and are admirable,” said Natalia Blagopoluchna.

The festival took place on November 11-12 on the Dnipro embankment at the RIVER MALL shopping center. The organizers of the festival, the Public Union “Association of Gardeners, Winegrowers and Winemakers of Ukraine” (UKRSADVINPROM), the All-Ukrainian Association of Winemakers and Sommeliers, and the analytical center “Club of Experts”, presented the best winemakers of Ukraine with certificates from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

One of the highlights of the festival was a charity auction that not only raised funds to support an important cause but also demonstrated the social responsibility of the organizers and participants. The auction was hosted by TV presenter and Help for Ukraine ambassador Yevhen Koshovoy. The unique Ukrainian-made wine lots on display were the subject of competition among collectors and wine lovers. All the proceeds from the auction were donated to the Reconstruction and Development Fund of Ukraine. These funds will be used to finance the purchase of a mobile hospital to rescue the wounded. In total, the auction raised about UAH 100,000.

“I am pleased that today I had the opportunity to present these unique wines to true connoisseurs of winemaking. Also, each of those who received a collector’s bottle today can be sure that the money spent will go to a really necessary and good cause – rescuing the wounded and war-affected,” said Koshovoy.

The festival ended with an award ceremony where the winners of the Best Winery of the Festival competition were announced. It was a moment of pride for the winemakers, who were recognized for their efforts and skills. Voting for the best wine took place both with the help of a QR code and by filling out ballots. Each guest had the opportunity to express their opinion.

Three wineries became the winners based on the choice of festival visitors: Zelenytsy winery, Gigineishvili Wine House and the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. All of them received the same number of votes.

– Overall, the festival will feature the following Ukrainian wine brands:
– Zelenytsy winery;
– Gigineishvili Wine House;
– Dnipro hills (Stoic Ukrainian winery);
– Tiras Vaineri LLC (My Wine, Eduard Gorodetsky);
– 46 Parallel;
– Uman Winery of Igor Maksymenko;
– Father’s wine VB;
– Villa Tinta;
– Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine;
– Kulinichenko winery;
– Wines of the Silver Land;
– National Research Center “Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after

Gastronomic wine pairings were provided by such producers as Tsar Khlib, TM Zinka, TM Karapyshivski sausages, and others.

Festival partner

Thus, the Winemaker’s Day festival in Kyiv has not only become a significant event in the cultural calendar of the capital, but also made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian winemaking. It brought together winemakers, sommeliers, and wine lovers, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experience, and drew attention to the Ukrainian wine industry. The organizers of the festival announced plans to hold similar events in the future, giving a new impetus to the development of this sector in our country.

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Yevhen Koshevoy to hold charity auction at Winemaker’s Day festival at River Mall

A charity auction will be held as part of the first all-Ukrainian festival “Winemaker’s Day”. Among the lots you will find exquisite varieties that impress with their quality and unique taste. The highlight of the auction will be the best collection wines of Crimea.

All proceeds from the auction will be donated to the mobile hospital and other charitable projects. Thus, you will have the opportunity not only to enjoy high quality wines, but also to contribute to a noble cause.

The event will be hosted by actor and TV presenter Yevgeny Koshevoy, who guarantees a unique holiday atmosphere.

The festival will take place on November 11-12 at the address: Kyiv, Dniprovska embankment, 12, RIVER MALL, food court area on the 3rd floor. The beginning is at 14:00. The ticket you purchased is valid for two days – both on Saturday and Sunday!

We support the Ukrainian manufacturer!

Event organizers: Public Union “UKRSADVINPROM”, Club of Experts, All-Ukrainian Association of Winemakers and Sommeliers.

The event is supported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and the Charitable Foundation “HELP FOR UKRAINE”.

Cheese partner – TM Zinka, bread partner – TM Tsar Khlib.

You can buy tickets on the website

At the Winemaker’s Day festival, you have a great opportunity to taste and buy unique Ukrainian wines and discover exquisite flavors of wine from different parts of Ukraine.

The following Ukrainian wineries will take part in the festival:

– Zelenytsy winery “Zelenytsy Family Winery”;
– Gigineishvili Wine House;
– Slyvyno Winery, a private enterprise;
– Dnipro hills (Stoic Ukrainian winery);
– Tiras Vaineri LLC;
– 46 Parallel;
– Uman Winery of Igor Maksymenko;
– Father’s wine VB;
– Villa Tinta;
– Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine;
– Kulinichenko winery;
– Wines of the Silver Land;
– National Research Center “Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking” of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.

The festival will be held on November 11-12 at the address: Kyiv, Dniprovska embankment, 12, RIVER MALL, food court area on the 3rd floor. The beginning is at 14:00. Your purchased ticket is valid for two days – both on Saturday and Sunday!

Open4business is a media partner

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On November 11-12, Kyiv will host first all-Ukrainian festival dedicated to Day of Ukrainian Winemaker

On the occasion of the annual celebration of the Ukrainian Winemaker’s Day and in order to support and popularize domestic wine producers, the capital will host the first Winemaker’s Day festival, which will feature products from all over Ukraine. The event will showcase both the ancient traditions and the modern approach of Ukrainian winemaking.

“In recent years, Ukrainian wine production has begun to revive largely thanks to small wineries and wine tourism. But the war has slowed this process to a large extent. One of the ways to stimulate the country’s economy to recover is to hold events that will help popularize domestic producers among consumers,” says Volodymyr Pechko, CEO of UKRSADVINPROM.

“Most major wine-producing countries support their producers and stimulate sales both in the domestic market and for export. Ukraine will not be able to develop as a wine country without systematic state support for domestic producers. That is why I am grateful to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy for its support in organizing the festival,” said Maksym Urakin, founder of the Kyiv-based think tank Experts Club.

According to him, Ukraine can produce much more wine than it does today, but competition from imported products is high. According to the Experts Club, imported wine occupies a significant share of the Ukrainian market, accounting for about 70% of total sales in the country, while the share of Ukrainian wine is about 30%.

“Holding thematic festivals dedicated to winemaking could open up unique varieties of Ukrainian wine to consumers, which are in no way inferior to French or Italian wines,” Urakin emphasized.

In her turn, Natalia Blagopoluchna, Head of the All-Ukrainian Association of Winemakers and Sommeliers, emphasized the unique organoleptic characteristics and taste of Ukrainian craft wines.

“The diversity of our wines is the result of unique local climatic conditions and the peculiarities of the grape varieties we use. They strike with their originality, arouse admiration and stimulate bold experiments,” she said.

The festival will be held on November 11-12 at the address: Kyiv, Dniprovska embankment, 12, RIVER MALL, food court area on the 3rd floor.

The festival program includes a presentation of Ukrainian craft wines, charity auctions, master classes from winemakers, tasting sessions, cooking shows, music performances and much more.

The festival is organized by the UKRSADVINPROM public union, the Club of Experts think tank, and the Association of Winemakers and Sommeliers.

The following Ukrainian wineries will take part in the festival:

– Zelenytsy winery “Zelenytsy Family Winery”;
– Gigineishvili Wine House;
– Slyvyno Winery, a private enterprise;
– Dnipro hills (Stoic Ukrainian winery);
– Tiras Vaineri LLC;
– 46 Parallel;
– Uman Winery of Igor Maksymenko;
– Father’s wine VB;
– Falko Winery;
– Villa Tinta;
– Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine;
– Kulinichenko winery;
– Wines of the Silver Land;
– National Research Center “Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking” of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.

The event is supported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

Tickets for the event can be purchased here.


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Experts analyzed the situation in the Caucasus after end of Karabakh conflict

After Azerbaijan established control over the former Nagorno-Karabakh, the Transcaucasus region entered a new era, where the political and economic prospects of the countries of the region became a subject of discussion in the international arena. In light of this, experts from various countries are analyzing the current situation and trying to predict the future of relations between the countries in the region. A new video published on the YouTube channel “Experts club” was devoted to this very topic, in which Azerbaijani military analyst, leading expert of the analytical center “STEM” Agil Rustamzadeh and the founder of the Kiev analytical center “Experts club”, candidate of economic sciences Maxim Urakin shared their opinion on the situation.

Military-political aspect

The experts emphasize the importance of the reached mutual understanding on the Karabakh issue.

“The resolution of the conflict has created a basis for the resumption of diplomatic dialog and economic cooperation between the countries of the Transcaucasus. Azerbaijan’s confrontation with Armenia is conditioned not only by the Karabakh conflict, the point is that those people who created this geopolitical paradigm were engaged in shaping the worldview of the Armenian population. A part of the Armenian population still believes that they once had a state that included the territories of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia. With the emergence of Western institutions and the change of Armenians’ views, they begin to realize that enmity with such a geopolitical player as Turkey is a dead-end way of the country’s development. It is a way to nowhere, especially when these countries have no territorial claims to you, but you have territorial claims to your neighbors,” Rustamzadeh stressed.

The expert also notes that the signing of a possible peace treaty will give Armenia an impetus to move to a new level of development, will allow it to become not an object but a subject of international politics.

“I meet such an opinion both in Azerbaijan and Turkish colleagues. It is that under certain changes Turkey and Azerbaijan can become the guarantor of Armenia’s territorial integrity. Therefore, I believe that with the pragmatism shown by the Armenian people, the government and the political elite of Armenia, Armenia has chances to become a pro-Western democratic country,” Rustamzadeh said.

In his opinion, in order to ensure long-term stability, it is necessary to analyze all aspects of the conflict and its consequences for regional security.

Economic aspect

Maxim Urakin emphasized the economic sphere of relations between the countries of the region.

“Economy and politics are closely linked, and trade relations between the countries of the Transcaucasus play an important role in shaping the political landscape of the region,” Urakin noted.

The expert also drew attention to how export destinations affect the countries’ political preferences.

“Most of Azerbaijan and Iran’s exports are directed to Europe and Asia, while Turkey’s exports are much more diversified,” the economist emphasized.

Urakin also analyzed each country’s exports and their trade relations in detail, emphasizing the interconnectedness of economic and political factors in the region.

Development Prospects

Rustamzadeh and Urakin agree that further sustainable development of the region requires further work to resolve the remaining conflict situations and increase economic cooperation between the countries.

“Restoring trust and strengthening economic ties between the countries of the Transcaucasus will contribute to the creation of a favorable climate for investment and growth of the regional economy,” Rustamzadeh concluded.

You can learn more about the prospects of development of the Transcaucasus after the end of the Karabakh conflict from the video on the Experts club channel at the link:

Subscribe to the channel here:

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Experts Club analytical center, Adonis medical group hold seminar on pre-medical care for teachers

The Experts Club analytical center and the Adonis medical group held a seminar on providing pre-medical care for teachers.

According to a press release, the workshop was designed taking into account the current situation and the importance of ensuring the safety of students and is designed to provide teachers with the necessary skills to provide first aid in the event of injuries.

“With the beginning of the new school year in Ukraine, new rules came into force, providing for different modes of education depending on the level of security in different regions. These measures were introduced in response to the high level of danger. Training teachers and educators to provide first aid to children is an important initiative aimed at ensuring safety in educational institutions,” the press release emphasizes.

Experts Club founder Maksim Urakin emphasized that teachers play a key role in the lives of children, and knowledge of pre-medical care skills is part of education, which can save lives.

In turn, Tetiana Lahovska, the executive director of the Irpin Community Foundation, which acted as a partner in the seminar, noted that “the main thing in pre-medical care is the speed of action to stabilize the victim’s condition.”

Experts Club and Adonis promise to continue to support and implement similar educational initiatives.

The training was attended by university and school teachers in Kyiv and Bucha district of Kyiv region.

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Ukraine’s international reserves fell to $39.7 bln in September

Ukraine’s international reserves amounted to $39 billion 708.2 million as of October 1, 2023, according to preliminary data, the National Bank of Ukraine said on its website Friday.
“They decreased by 1.7% in September as a result of the NBU’s interventions to sell foreign currency to cover the difference between supply and demand in Ukraine’s foreign exchange market and the country’s debt payments in foreign currency, largely offset by receipts from international partners,” the NBU pointed out.
It specified that the government’s foreign currency accounts in the central bank received $3.329 billion, of which $1.592 billion – macro-financial assistance from the EU, $1.25 billion – a grant from the United States through the World Bank Trust Fund, $386.4 million – from the placement of foreign currency bonds of the internal state loan (OVGZ) and $100 million – from the World Bank under the guarantee of the United Kingdom.
At the same time, the Ukrainian government paid $465.3m for servicing and repayment of state debt in foreign currency, of which $388.9m – for servicing and repayment of foreign currency bonds, $51.1m – debt to the World Bank. In addition, Ukraine paid $882.1 million to the International Monetary Fund.
In addition, the National Bank in September sold $2.692 billion in the foreign exchange market, having bought back only $0.7 million, and the revaluation of financial instruments (as a result of changes in market value and exchange rates) increased the value of financial instruments by $12.9 million.
“The current volume of international reserves provides financing for 5.3 months of future imports,” the NBU pointed out. Earlier, the Experts Club research project and Maksim Urakin released an analytical video about the economy of Ukraine and the world –
You can subscribe to Experts Club’s youtube channel by following the link –
