Business news from Ukraine


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has signed law No. 1967-IX “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regulating the issues of transplantation of anatomical materials to a person.”
“The document is intended to resolve the issue of payment for transplants. In particular, the law stipulates that the state pays for all transplants and they are free for the patient. It is also noted that the tariffs fully cover the costs of hospitals for such transactions,” the press service of the head of state said.
In addition, the document provides that the selection of a donor-recipient pair will be carried out by the Unified State Transplantation System, which is completely independent of human influence and independently conducts such a selection according to certain criteria.
The issue of the possibility of providing lifetime consent or disagreement to donation through electronic resources is also being resolved.
The law comes into force on the day following the day of its publication, except for paragraphs 11 and 12 of subparagraph 7 of provision 4 of section I which come into force on December 1, 2022.
As reported, bill No. 5831 was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada at the second reading on December 16. It was supported by 305 deputies.
As a result of the adoption of the bill, information about potential donors of hematopoietic stem cells is entered into the State Information System for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Also, a written refusal from a previously agreed transplant does not require notarization or confirmation by a notary of the authenticity of the signature.
The authors of the document expect that the adoption of this law will regulate certain components of transplantation, which in turn will contribute to an increase in the efficiency and number of such operations in Ukraine.



President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky held a meeting with the Qatari delegation, which arrived in Ukraine, led by a member of the ruling dynasty in the State of Qatar, Sheikh Faisal bin Qassim bin Faisal Al-Thani, and discussed the implementation of joint investment projects in the field of infrastructure, agro-industrial, tourist and hotel complexes.
As reported on the website of the head of state on Friday, the president noted the importance of the agreements signed in the field of agricultural cooperation and interaction in the hotel and tourism industry. “It is important that there are already the first results of such work – the signing of relevant memorandums,” Zelensky said.
The president noted a significant intensification of bilateral relations between the two countries, in particular, an increase in Ukrainian exports to Qatar by 75%, and stressed the readiness to ensure food security in Qatar by supplying high-quality agricultural products.
Zelensky also welcomed the initiative to create a University of Hospitality in Ukraine on the basis of the Qatar University.

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed decree No. 687/2021, which determines the timing of the annual call-ups of Ukrainian citizens for military service, the retirement of servicemen who have served the terms of such service, and the procedure for carrying out activities related to the preparation and conduct of duty calls in 2022.
As reported on the website of the President’s Office, according to the document, next year the regular conscriptions of Ukrainian citizens for military service will take place from April to June and from October to December.
According to the decree, the transfer to the reserve of servicemen who have served the established terms of military service is also provided for in April-June and October-December.
The draft commissions will begin work on April 1 and October 1, 2022, and preparatory activities are scheduled to begin a month earlier than these dates.
“It should be noted that conscripted military servicemen are not involved in combat missions in the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation,” the statement says.
The military, who undergo military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, are primarily involved in the recruitment of arsenals, bases, warehouses, ammunition storage centers and in positions related to ensuring the life of military units in permanent deployment points (except for those deployed in Donetsk and Luhansk regions).
Citizens of a training conscription age will not be subject to conscription. They are given a grace period for the entire period of study.
A deferral from conscription for military service is also provided to citizens of Ukraine who are undergoing military training under the training program for reserve officers at higher military educational institutions and military educational units of higher education, for family reasons, to continue their professional activities and health status.
A deferral from conscription may be granted to conscripts in accordance with the decisions of the draft commission of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional and Kyiv city draft commissions on the submission of regional (city) draft commissions.



President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a decree to raise the minimum salary for military personnel and set the task for the Cabinet of Ministers to improve the system of monetary allowances for the military.y.
Decree No. 688/2021 “On additional measures to ensure social guarantees for the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” was posted on the website of the President’s Office on Thursday evening.
According to the document, the Cabinet of Ministers must ensure, from 2023, the minimum amount of monetary allowances for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (except for military personnel) at the level of at least two times the minimum wage established by law as of January 1 of the calendar year.
Also, by June 30, 2022, the government must submit to the Verkhovna Rada a bill aimed at improving the system of monetary allowances for military personnel, taking into account the best experience of leading foreign states.



Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has imposed sanctions on two Ukrainian TV channels, namely, Pershyi Nezalezhnyi and UkrLive, the presidential press service said in a statement.
“To endorse the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) resolution dated December 28, 2021, ‘On special personal economic and other restrictions (sanctions)’,” the presidential order said.
In particular, the president endorsed the NSDC resolution regarding sanctions on Novyny Media Holding, Time Media, and Teleprostir.
The order takes effect on the publishing date.
From now on, Ukrainian officials will be prohibited from issuing any licenses and allowing use of radio frequencies in Ukraine to the sanctioned channels.
Legal entities owning the channels will be prohibited from conducting financial operations in the Ukrainian territory and using accounts in Ukrainian banks.
The sanctions will be valid for five years.

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson have discussed energy security issues and steps to de-escalate the situation around Ukraine and a peaceful settlement in Donbas.
“I had a good talk with Boris Johnson. Energy security issues were discussed. We coordinated next steps to de-escalate the situation around Ukraine and peaceful settlement in Donbas. I appreciate the firm and unwavering Britain’s support for sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Zelensky said on his Twitter page.
Later, the President’s Office of Ukraine said on its website that Johnson and Zelensky expressed a common position on the inadmissibility of using the Nord Stream 2 project as a weapon.
Moreover, amid discussing Ukraine’s interaction with NATO, the head of the Ukrainian state and the prime minister of Great Britain stated a common approach to the fact that no third country can block Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration.
“The interlocutors positively assessed the bilateral cooperation on the development of the defense capabilities of our state and the strengthening of the Ukrainian fleet,” the office said.
An exchange of views took place on further measures of political dialogue at the highest level. Zelensky renewed an invitation to Johnson to visit Ukraine in 2022.
