Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

A company from Akhmetov’s group wins the auction for sale of kaolin site

Yumji Kaolin LLC of Rinat Akhmetov ‘s SCM Group has won the auction held by the State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine for the sale of a special permit for the Ivankivetska primary kaolin deposit (Zhytomyr region).

The Ivankivetska site is located near the city of Berdychiv, near the border of Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia regions. Thenearby kaolin sites are controlled by companies from theQuarzwerkegroup (owned by German citizen Lindemann-Berk Robert Otto), as well as Zhezhelivskyi kaolin owned by French citizen Erio François Thierry Roger and Turbivskyi kaolin plant owned by Roman Polishchuk.

As a reminder, Ivankivetska was put up for auction with a starting price of UAH 4,445,440.

Three bidders registered for the auction, and their final price offers are as follows:

  • Underground Resources LLC of Kateryna Bespalova – UAH 4,445,440;
  • LLC “Kislotoupor LTD” of Oleg Trityachenko – UAH 11,000,440;
  • Yumji Kaolin LLC – UAH 11,000,441 (winner).



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Exhibition “Treasures of Crimea” opened in Kyiv, for return of which Ukraine fought for 10 years

The exhibition “Treasures of Crimea. Return”, whose exhibits were on display in the Netherlands at the time of the occupation of Crimea in 2014 and for the return of which Ukraine has been fighting for 10 years. According to the official website of the President of Ukraine on Thursday, the exhibition was opened by First Lady Olena Zelenska. “Our struggle for the return of Crimea and the return of its scrubs began simultaneously – 10 years ago. It took 10 long years of courts and brilliant work of Ukrainian and foreign lawyers, museum workers and diplomats for culture, historical justice and cooperation of free people to win,” Zelenskaya’s press service quoted the president as saying. The exhibition “Treasures of Crimea. Return” will be presented at the National Museum of History of Ukraine until the final de-occupation of Crimea. Then the collection is planned to be moved to the peninsula. It is noted that the unique exhibits of this exhibition belong to the cultures of different peoples who lived on the peninsula, including Greeks, Scythians, Sarmatians, Goths, and Huns. They were created in the period from the fifth century BC to the fifth century AD. More than 550 exhibits from four Crimean museums were on display in Amsterdam in 2014, when Russia occupied Crimea. For almost 10 years, our country has been trying to return them. Finally, a year ago, the Supreme Court of the Netherlands decided to transfer the collection to Ukraine. The return of the exhibits took place thanks to the joint work of representatives of a foreign law firm who cooperated with the Ministry of Justice and Ukrainian lawyers, as well as teams from the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, the National Museum of History of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Ukraine.

Exports of selected agricultural products, mln tons

Exports of selected agricultural products, mln tons

Source: and

France sends 41 power generators to Kharkiv and Chernihiv

France has sent 41 power generators to Kharkiv and Chernihiv, whose energy infrastructure has been severely damaged by Russian strikes, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports.
“France supports the Ukrainian people. We have sent 41 power generators to Kharkiv and Chernihiv, whose energy infrastructure has been severely damaged by Russian strikes,” the Ministry said in a statement on social media site X.

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Kiev cardboard and paper mill to increase number of donor days for blood collection

Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill (KKBK, Obukhiv, Kyiv region) will increase the number of donor days for blood collection in 2024 for the collection of blood and its components.

The company held three corporate donation days in 2023, during which 320 employees donated 150 liters of blood, Interfax-Ukraine was informed.

“In 2024, the number of donation days will increase. The first three donor days have already been held, during these days donation was made by 297 employees who donated 130 liters of blood”, – said in the company.

KKBC noted that the donor days are held in the outpatient clinic on the territory of the enterprise with the participation of teams of blood transfusion centers. Modern equipment of the outpatient clinic of the enterprise allows organizing the process of safe and convenient blood collection at all stages.

“Blood and its components are currently extremely needed in Ukraine for the wounded military and the population that suffers from brutal attacks on civilian infrastructure. Donor days at KKBC have become regular and massive “, – emphasized the company.

KKBK is the parent company of the group of companies of the same name, one of the largest European producers of cardboard and paper products with more than 2.5 thousand employees.

In 2023, the mill produced products (corrugated packaging, paper products for sanitary and hygienic purposes, molded containers for eggs) for UAH 7.568 billion, in January-May this year – for UAH 3.173 billion.

The owner of the mill is the Austrian company Pulp Mill Holding.


Parliamentary elections in UK today

The British people will go to the polls on Thursday to determine the new composition of the Parliament. Polling stations will be open from 07:00 to 22:00 local time (09:00 to 00:00 CET). The British parliament is elected for five years and one party needs to win 326 seats out of 650 for a majority.

The first preliminary results are expected around 23:30 (01:30 CET), and updated data is expected to be published between 03:00 and 05:00 (05:00 and 07:00 CET). Western media note that it is usually after the publication of such updated information on the voting results that the leader of the losing party concedes defeat.

On Friday morning, the leader of the winning party is expected to travel to Buckingham Palace to inform King Charles III that he is ready to form a government.

The pre-election polls were extremely unfavorable for the Conservatives: according to several media outlets that compiled polls from various opinion companies, Labor could get about 40% of the vote, the Conservatives about 20%, and the Reform the UK party about 16%.

At the same time, experts from Survation said that they can say with 99% confidence that Labor will win with a huge margin. According to their latest poll, given the current rules for distributing votes in the election, the Labor Party could win 484 seats out of 650 (about 75% of the seats). In this scenario, the Conservative Party would receive only 64 seats (about 10%), which could be the worst result in their history.

Thus, the Reform the UK party, headed by Nigel Farage, may, under a favorable set of circumstances, overtake the Conservatives in the elections and become the second most important political party in the country. Farage’s party is mainly focused on immigration and the continuation of Brexit.

At the same time, changes are expected from Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Scottish National Party (SNP), which is experiencing an internal crisis, may lose some seats in the British Parliament to Labor. At the same time, the left-wing nationalist party Sinn Fein may win the majority of seats in the parliament for the first time in history from Northern Ireland. The party adheres to the policy of abstentionism, which means that if it wins, it will not de facto take its seats.

Pre-election polls in Wales do not predict any radical changes.

According to British voters, the most important problems in the kingdom are currently the economic situation (about 52% said so), the healthcare situation (50%), and immigration and asylum issues (40%). At the same time, the British media note that in their election promises, both Labor and the Conservatives do not pay enough attention to the country’s main problems.

Labor leader Keir Starmer promises to reform several sectors, including the National Health Service, and to raise taxes to invest in these areas. The leader of the Conservatives, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, promises to cut taxes.

At the same time, the positions of the two parties on Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine do not differ much: Sunak promised to stand by Ukraine “no matter what it takes,” while Starmer repeatedly said that his support for Kyiv is “ironclad.” The Labor Party’s manifesto states that it is ready to work with the Ukrainian government to diplomatically isolate Russia and increase industrial production. Labor is also ready to work to create a path to Ukraine’s membership in NATO.

At the same time, Farage said that Russia and Ukraine should try to organize a negotiation process by using mediators. He criticized NATO’s eastward expansion and said that Ukraine, in his opinion, should act as a buffer state between Russia and the West in the future.

Political problems for the Conservative Party began at the end of 2021, when Boris Johnson, who was then Prime Minister, resigned due to his participation in parties during the COVID-19 lockdown and the scandals that followed. Liz Truss took over as prime minister in September 2022 and was replaced by Sunak in October. The Conservative Party has been in power in the UK for about 14 years.

In late May, Sunak announced his intention to hold general elections on July 4, a decision that came as a surprise to many. The previous parliament convened in December 2019, so the prime minister had until December to decide.

Earlier, Experts Club presented an analytical material on the most important elections in the world in 2024, a more detailed video analysis is available here –

You can subscribe to the Experts Club YouTube channel here –


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