Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Heat map of risks for financial sector of Ukraine

Heat map of risks for the financial sector of Ukraine

Source: and

Number of insurers in Ukraine in May decreased by 1 company

The number of insurance companies in Ukraine in May 2024 decreased by one company and as of the end of the month there are 83 risk insurers in the market, 12 specialize in life insurance, one – with a special status (“Export Credit Agency”), according to the website of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).
In general, the number of participants in the country’s non-banking financial market in May decreased from 1,045 (as of April 30, 2024) to 1,014 (as of May 31, 2024).
The number of banks remained unchanged – 63.
According to the NBU, 26 financial companies, one risk insurer and two pawnshops were forcibly removed from the register. At the same time, one collection company and two credit unions were excluded on the applicant’s initiative. At the same time, one collection company was included in the register.
During May, eight financial companies, one insurer and one pawnshop had all their licenses revoked forcibly, while another 18 financial companies, one pawnshop and two credit unions had their licenses revoked voluntarily.
As of May 31, 2024, 555 financial companies (581 in April), 83 non-life insurers (84), 12 life insurers (the number has not changed), one insurer with special status, 119 pawnshops (121), 125 credit unions (127), five lessors, 40 insurance brokers and 74 collection companies (the number has not changed) were operating in the market of non-banking financial services.


Kharkiv City Council and Foster Foundation hold an international architectural competition for modernization of standard panel housing

As part of the development of a new concept of the Kharkiv master plan, the Norman Foster Foundation together with the Kharkiv City Council, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Arup and the institute “Kharkivproekt” hold an international architectural competition of modernization of residential quarters of the city.

“The announced competition is part of a large-scale project of the conceptual master plan of Kharkiv, which is being worked on by the Foundation of British architect Norman Foster within the framework of the UN project for Ukrainian cities. I urge Ukrainian and international architects to apply for it as actively as possible,” said Paola Deda, Director of the Department of Forests, Land Use and Housing of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, during the conference ‘Resilience, Reconstruction, Prosperity: Perspectives for Ukraine’s Economy’ in Berlin on Monday.

The press service of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration told Interfax-Ukraine that as a result of Russian aggression more than 9,000 buildings, half of which were housing, 130 schools and 110 kindergartens were destroyed, more than 160,000 people lost the roof over their heads.

The announced competition is a part of the large-scale project of the conceptual master plan of Kharkiv, which is being worked on by the Foundation of the British architect Norman Foster at the request of UNECE.
The focus of the competition is Kharkiv’s most densely populated and worst affected neighborhood, Saltovka, and more specifically Northern Saltovka.

“This competition is looking for solutions that bridge the gap between innovative design and practical application. The challenge is to develop a modular system that can modernize existing concrete panel residential buildings and improve public spaces by focusing on creating safe, energy efficient and dynamic neighborhoods,” the Foster Foundation said in a release.
Modular façade and roof components, bomb shelters, and the integration of additional features on first floors should be considered as part of the renovation. The system should also provide solutions for restoring severely damaged buildings with a renewed yet local architectural identity.

The Foster Foundation notes that given the typical development of Kharkiv’s residential areas, in the future the solutions found by the winning projects can be extrapolated to other residential areas of the city.
After the announcement of the winners, the selected proposals will be finalized to the working construction project.
The deadline for participation in the competition is September 12, 2024.

As reported, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) created the #UN4Kharkiv and #UN4Mykolaiv working groups and invited international architects to help these cities develop prospective master plans. Kharkiv is being assisted by the Foundation of British architect Norman Foster, in Mykolaiv the work is coordinated by the global design and architecture company One Works (Italy).



State Property Fund of Ukraine sold meat casing plant “Pentopak”

The State Property Fund (SPF) of Ukraine carried out the debut sale of the nationalized plant: at the repeated auction in the system “Prozorro.Sales” was sold for 103.11 million UAH plant for the production of meat casing PJSC “PentoPak” (Boryspil), said the head of the SPF Vitaly Koval.
“The buyer has 20 days to pay the cost of the lot. In addition to the proposed cost, the investor has already paid a guarantee fee of UAH 20.375 million”, – he said in Telegram.
The head of the FGI reminded that “PentoPak” was confiscated from the family of Russian-Greek oligarch Savvidi, and the funds from its sale will go to the restoration of our state in the Fund for the elimination of the consequences of Russian aggression.
The buyer was Lonikos LLC (Kiev), whose director is Larisa Ashkinazi.
According to the Opendatabot, the main activity of the company is renting and operating its own or leased real estate. Also “Lonikos” is engaged in non-specialized wholesale trade and activities of intermediaries specializing in trade in other goods.
As reported, on May 31, after the first fruitless auction scheduled on “Prozorro.Sales”, the plant was put up for a second auction at a halved price – for UAH 101.87 million.
The FGI reported that the plant provides a full cycle of production of packaging for meat processing products. “PentoPak” produces multi-layer synthetic shrink casing, using advanced technologies. The company’s customers include well-known Ukrainian brands such as Rud, Globino, Meat Guild, as well as customers from more than 30 countries.
The enterprise has preserved 193 jobs, has no debts on wages and to the budget. The company plans to modernize production and enter new markets of packaging materials for the dairy industry, fish processing and animal feed packaging.
Earlier, in February 2024, the SACS decided to confiscate Savvidi’s property and transfer 100% of PentoPak shares to the State Property Fund, as the oligarch has close ties with the Russian leadership and supports the occupation authorities in the temporarily seized territories of Ukraine.

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Reception on occasion of 78th anniversary of proclamation of Italian Republic was held in Kyiv

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy to Ukraine Pier Francesco Zazzo held a solemn diplomatic reception on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian Republic in solidarity with Ukraine and compatriots who are currently living and working in Ukraine.

The term of office of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy to Ukraine, Pier Francesco Zazzo, will end at the end of June this year. On his last National Day as Ambassador of Italy to Ukraine, the diplomat welcomed distinguished guests.

The solemn event was attended by heads of diplomatic missions of foreign countries accredited in Ukraine, representatives of the government, including Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Yevhen Perebyinis, businessmen, members of the Italian diaspora, educators and cultural figures.

Ambassador of Italy to Ukraine Pier Francesco Zazzo in his welcoming speech noted that this year Kyiv celebrates the Day of Proclamation of the Italian Republic again in tragic conditions due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“We stand with a country that is fighting to defend values such as freedom and its national identity, and we will continue to provide our full support as long as necessary to achieve a just and sustainable peace,” the diplomat said.

The Ambassador emphasized that Italy, as a responsible member state of the European Union, NATO and the G7, will continue to provide Ukraine with comprehensive support at the bilateral and multilateral levels, in the political, economic, military and humanitarian spheres.

In his speech, Mr. Ambassador also emphasized that Ukraine is a priority topic of the Italian presidency of the Group of Seven and reminded that the first G7 Leaders’ Summit was convened by the Prime Minister of Italy Mrs. Giorgia Meloni in Kyiv, on the second anniversary of the beginning of Russian aggression, and noted that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been invited to the next Leaders’ Summit in Borgo Eniazia.

In conclusion, the Head of the Diplomatic Mission reminded that in 2025 Italy will host the Ukraine Recovery Conference, which demonstrates Italy’s long-term commitment to Ukraine’s economic recovery and expressed hope that a just and lasting peace for Ukraine will soon be achieved, respecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity, with security guarantees for its future.

Italy recognized Ukraine’s independence on December 28, 1991. Diplomatic relations with the Italian Republic were established on January 29, 1992.



Forecast of dynamics of changes in ukrainian GDP in % for 2022-2025 in relation to previous period

Forecast of dynamics of changes in ukrainian GDP in % for 2022-2025 in relation to previous period

Source: and