Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


KYIV. Nov 1 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The need in the main haulage cargo, passenger and shunting locomotives for 2017 is 2,492, while by 2025 the need would expand by some 16%, to 2,881 locomotives.

According to the press service of public joint-stock company Ukrzaliznytsia, the company calculated that by 2025 the need in acquiring new main haulage locomotives is around 90 units, and new locomotives – around 460 units. The sector needs 230 of cargo electric DC locomotives, 160 cargo electric AC locomotives, 20 AC/DC locomotives for passenger transportation and 50 cargo AC/DC locomotives.

In November Ukrzaliznytsia’s specialists would propose to consider the strategy for upgrading the locomotive fleet until 2015 to the company’s board.


Leaders of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE) have taken part in an

international investment conference in Budapest, Hungary, being a meeting point for business

associations, companies from Moldova, Germany, Belarus, Turkey, Latvia, and others. It was organized

by the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ICIE) and the National Association of

Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ) of Hungary.

ULIE President Anatoliy Kinakh, who holds the post of First Vice-President at the ICIE, informed

international partners about Ukraine's experience in raising capital for the modernization of production

facilities, development of dialogue between the government, businesses and society to accelerate

economic reforms and partner investors' opportunities in the domestic market.

The participants in the event discussed the development of cooperation and foreign economic relations

in the fields of industry, agriculture, transport, service delivery, etc.

"As of today, Hungary with its $610 million in capital investment accounts for 1.4% of total foreign direct

investment in Ukraine. And this trend should be developed. What is more, the Ukrainian party

(government, businesses, NGOs) is actively working to accelerate the reforms to improve the business

climate. A new anti-corruption law has been passed recently; the situation in customs and tax

administration is getting better. Hopefully, the most pressing issues that potential investors were

concerned about will be quickly resolved, and we can talk about considerably boosting cooperation,"

Anatoliy Kinakh said.

In his view, all the states need to conduct a well-considered investment policy, especially it concerns the

former Soviet Union republics whose task is to upgrade their production facilities and stake on


At the same time, the ULIE President encourages domestic producers to adapt their products to the

technical regulations and standards of the EU as soon as possible, urging the state and business

associations to assist in this at most. This would allow Ukrainian goods to be more competitive and

attractive not only on the European market, but also on the other markets, namely in the United States,

Canada, etc., as international standards are similar everywhere.

Also, during his visit to Budapest, Anatoliy Kinakh met with Ambassador of Ukraine to Hungary, Ms.

Lyubov Nepop. They jointly outlined the scope of the national business and investment interests in

Hungary, agreed on close cooperation in the promotion of Ukrainian producers in that country and


"We've got what to work on: our exports to Hungary in monetary terms are very low – $627 million (in

the first half of 2016). At the same time, the partners have interest in Ukrainian-made products, namely

farm produce, commodities of machine-building and the light industry, etc.," the ULIE President said.

Reference information. The International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ICIE) is a union of

business associations, and inter-state non-governmental organization incorporating the largest public

business associations from 27 countries, including Poland, Hungary, China, Kazakhstan, Italy and so on.

The ICIE's task is to assist in the implementation of major international infrastructure projects in

engineering, the transport sector, economic security, including through cooperation with the EU,

international and regional organizations.


To create one million jobs as self-employment, small and medium businesses in Ukraine is a realistic task

for two years. This will stimulate the domestic market, ensure a significant increase in GDP, stop the

outflow of specialists and workers abroad. The main thing is to ensure that working and potential

entrepreneurs could have access to financial resources, regular training and to prop up attractiveness of

business initiatives in society. These issues are on the radar screens of some influential non-

governmental organizations and representatives of large companies in Ukraine: Kyiv hosted the first

Ukrainian business forum "Ukraine is a Country of Entrepreneurs," which is designed for young business

people and those who have only started thinking about their own business. It was organized by the

Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE) with the support of PrivatBank.

The event brought together a large number of participants, among them were representatives of the

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Ukrainian government, Parliament,

international organizations, successful businessmen and founders of startups, consultants and others.

Real opportunities and prospects for the implementation of new business ideas, as well as practical

tools to create or develop own companies were demonstrated to the beginners.

"More and more of our fellow citizens – about 65% of young people – are interested in the opportunity

to start up their own business, but a mere 4% do this. Here we are working in several directions to

change the situation: to provide the most favorable conditions for business development (access to

credits, tax incentives) and convince our talented compatriots not to be afraid of developing on their

own by launching their own projects and setting up their own companies," ULIE President Anatoly

Kinakh has said.

He stresses it is time to stop demonizing large corporations, which have just started kicking off similar

socially responsible projects, as it is time to join hands with other financial institutions, the state and

non-governmental organizations.

"In future, utilizing public-private partnership, the initiative should become the basis for the formation

of a national strategy for strengthening of the middle class, development of small businesses. In other

countries it is the main stabilization factor and source of budget payments (50-70%)," the leader of the

business community said.

Representatives of the parliament, international financial institutions, who were invited to the event,

positively assessed the potential of this project titled "Ukraine is a Country of Entrepreneurs." To

implement the ambitious goal – create 1 million jobs, only UAH 20 billion in loans is needed along with

consolidated efforts by businesses, the government, financial institutions, Ukrainians themselves. In

turn, as stated by chairperson of the parliament's committee on tax and customs policy, Nina Yuzhanina,

Members of Parliament will work closely with officials, experts to not only introduce effective tax

changes, but also to conduct a comprehensive fiscal reform.

During the Kyiv forum, several hundred participants received individual counseling from experts on

business registration, accounting, tax accounting, legal support, franchising, e-commerce, and other


As this is a socially oriented project, it also covers startup and business development training for former

participants in the Anti-Terrorist Operation and internally displaced persons.

Similar business forums will be held in the regions with the involvement of local authorities. The concept

of the project will be updated following the analysis of proposals and comments from businessmen,

professionals who participate in such forums.


BAKU. Oct 31 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Iran Khodro (IKCO) seeks to export passenger cars made at a plant in Azerbaijan to Ukraine and Georgia, Ukrainian mass media have reported.

“IKCO is holding talks on supplies of cars that will be manufactured at a plant in Azerbaijan to Georgia and Ukraine,” IKCO Director for CIS Sabina Nobari said.

According to media reports, cars of manufacturers from Iran several times appeared on the Ukrainian market. These were Samand sedan cars imported by Kharkiv’s Megatrans and Saipa four-door cars. Bogdan Autotrade imported Saipa cars in 2014-2015. When the Euro 5 emission requirements took effect in Ukraine, imports of these cars was halted.

Azerbaijan’s Azevrocar and Iran Khodro decided to create joint car production facilities. The first investment in construction of the plant is estimated at $15 million. The plant will be launched in 2018. Its annual production capacity will be 10,000 cars.


KYIV. Oct 31 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The implementation of the imports replacement concept in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical sector is possible with the approval of the strategy for attracting foreign investment, President of the Association Manufactures of Medications of Ukraine (AMMU) Petro Bahriy has said.

“The foreign direct investment attraction concept for the Ukrainian pharmaceutical sector should be drawn up, not the imports replacement concept. Ukrainian pharmaceutical manufacturers can calmly work in close cooperation with foreign partners. Ukrainian patients would win from this, as they would have access to modern drugs and modern technologies,” he said during a discussion at the Ukrainian HealthCare Forum 2016.

Bahriy said that investment should be stimulated to achieve this goal.

“Everything what is to be done is to introduce preference, or stimulate investment. There is nothing to worry about. This is done all over the world. Support of local manufacturers and reasonable preferences exist everywhere,” he said.

He said that efforts made by pharmaceutical companies in Ukraine to develop the sector should be supported by the state.

“We want to move to Europe. We want to create jobs. This work would have been more effective if it were supported by Ukraine’s leaders and the conditions for stable development were created,” Bahriy said.


KYIV. Oct 31 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Hungary is ready to allocate EUR 50 million under a project for the construction of a bypass road around the west-Ukrainian town of Berehove and a road that will link Berehove with Mukacheve, Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto has said.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Hungary on Friday met in Kyiv where they agreed to start investing in a number of infrastructure projects in the Transcarpathian region.

“Today we have agreed on the timeframe for developing infrastructure projects in Zakarpattia – up to five infrastructure projects. And we will begin to invest in one of the projects – this is a ring road around Berehove, which will lead to the border,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said at a press conference.

The parties also discussed issues of bilateral cooperation, the opening of new crossing points, as well as the introduction of joint customs and border control.