Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

State enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” launched program to save forests

The state enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” together with communities and international partners launches the Forest Recovery program, said the general director of the enterprise Yuriy Bolokhovets.
“There are more than 1.5 million hectares of self-sown forests in Ukraine. Previously, such forest was ruthlessly destroyed. But now there is a legal mechanism to save it. We are launching the Forest Recovery project together with our western partners Forest Europe and Eustafor. They support such an idea,” he wrote on Facebook.
Bolokhovets said that communities on a volunteer basis transfer land plots, in particular degraded areas or self-sown forests, to the state enterprise. They understand the importance of preserving and enhancing nature, the need to improve the ecosystem, to pass on to their descendants a comfortable environment for life with the presence of recreational areas, ecotourism, etc.
Director General of “Forests of Ukraine” thanked eco-conscious communities that care about the future of society. They will be awarded with diplomas, and information about the project implementation will be passed on to international partners.
The first winner of Forest Recovery was Omelnytska community (Poltava region), which transferred 55 hectares of land for forest planting and almost 129 hectares of self-seeded forests for the restoration of the branch “Kremenchug Forestry”. In gratitude, foresters landscaped the central street of the settlement.


European Union extends temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine until March 2025

The European Union has approved the decision to extend temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine until March 4, 2025, the European Commission said.
“On September 27, 2023, ministers reached a political agreement to extend temporary protection for Ukrainian nationals until March 4, 2025. The decision was taken on October 19, 2023,” the European Commission said in a statement on its official website on Thursday.
The EU activated the Temporary Protection Directive on March 4, 2022. This is an EU mechanism that is activated in exceptional circumstances of mass influx to provide collective protection to displaced persons and reduce pressure on the national asylum systems of EU countries.
According to the EC, a total of 4.1 million refugees from Ukraine are registered for temporary protection or similar schemes in the EU.

Ukrainian parliament approves in 1st reading doubling of bank profit tax

The Verkhovna Rada on Friday adopted in the first reading the finalized bill (#9656d) on temporary doubling – up to 36% in 2024-2025. – rate of tax on profits of banks.
According to the first deputy head of the relevant committee, a member of the faction “Golos” Yaroslav Zheleznyak, 247 people’s deputies voted in favor with the required minimum of 226 votes.
He specified that the bill also prohibits for this period the crediting of profits against the losses of previous periods.
“In the budget of 2024, the adoption of this law is laid down as +9.9 billion UAH”, – reminded Zheleznyak.
According to the National Bank, the net profit of 64 operating Ukrainian banks for the first eight months of this year amounted to 95.1 billion UAH, profit tax – 17.0 billion UAH, including PrivatBank – 39.2 billion UAH and 9.0 billion UAH, and four other state banks – 20.6 billion UAH and 0.4 billion UAH.

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Smart Maritime Group resumes ship repair work in Mykolaiv

Smart Holding’s Smart Maritime Group (SMG), which unites Kherson and Mykolaiv shipyards, has resumed ship repair at Mykolaiv shipyard after a year and a half break.

According to SMG’s press release, the first client after the forced pause was DELTA III, a tugboat built in 2006.

SMG specialists are performing scheduled maintenance, which includes cleaning and painting the hull, servicing the main mechanisms, including the engine and navigation system.

The owner of the tug, Delta Tag LLC from Mykolaiv, has been a regular customer of Smart Maritime Group since 2020, ordering ship repair services for its fourth vessel.

“We are accustomed to the high quality of work and professional service that our vehicles receive here. Due to military threats at sea, we cannot access other repair assets, but we still wanted to return to a proven service. Therefore, we are glad to resume the shipyard’s work, it is important to have specialists here in Ukraine,” said the company’s CEO Oleksandr Korenetskyi, as quoted by the press service.

In 2021, SMG modernized six bunkers and repaired 51 vessels and increased revenue by 17% to UAH 440 million. However, in 2022, due to Russia’s full-scale invasion, the company was forced to terminate previously concluded contracts, including the construction of two hulls for a Dutch company, a complete tugboat for a Ukrainian customer, and an agreement for the manufacture of metal structures. The Kherson shipyard was under occupation and out of the company’s control, but even after the liberation, the production facilities are under constant shelling, making it impossible to resume work. Therefore, the ships can only be repaired at the Mykolaiv shipyard.

“The Ukrainian sea is not safe, so we cannot resume shipbuilding work, our foreign customers simply cannot reach us safely. But the resumption of repairs is a good sign. Ukrainian business needs to work. This is a matter of employment, taxes, and economic sustainability. Moreover, shipbuilding is a strategically important industry for the country. And although we are a private business, we understand our responsibilities. And we are grateful to our customers who come back to us in all external circumstances. This is probably just the beginning,” said Dmitry Krasnikov, CEO of Smart Maritime Group.

The press release notes that additional difficulties were faced by the business due to government pressure on Smart Holding. The imperfect sanctions policy has blocked the work of the holding’s most profitable gas business, which makes it impossible to support the company’s other investment areas, which suffer physical and economic losses during the war. In addition, one-sided media coverage of the situation around the Holding undermines the reputation of the shipbuilders, which may affect future contracts, the press service summarized.

SMG is the largest shipbuilding holding in Ukraine. It was founded in 2009 to manage the maritime assets of Smart Holding. It unites the two largest shipbuilding companies in Ukraine: Black Sea Shipyard and Kherson Shipyard.

“Smart Holding” owns 23.76% of the Metinvest mining and metallurgical group, 95% of the shares in the Smart Maritime Group shipbuilding holding, and 99.97% of the shares in the Santis LLC trading and financial company. “Smart” also owns large assets in the fuel and energy industry, real estate development and the agricultural sector.

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Concorde Capital Investment Company is developing concept of development project on territory of plant

Investment company Concorde Capital, which acquired the plant “Kuznya na Rybalskogo” at the end of 2022, is developing the concept of a new development project on the territory of the plant, said the head of Concorde Capital Igor Mazepa in a commentary to the publication “Economic Pravda”.

According to Mazepa, the concept is being developed jointly with foreign architectural agencies. The businessman expects to start construction after the completion of legal proceedings around the bankruptcy of “Kuzna na Rybalskogo”.

He also indicated that Concorde Capital is considering participation in joint investment in the project.

“Our initial plan was to attract an investor to resell the project. Now the situation has changed, so we do not rule out participation in joint investment,” Mazepa said.

He did not disclose the amount of the deal to acquire the plant “Kuznya na Rybalskogo”, previously owned by Sergei Tihipko, but indicated that the deal included assets encumbered by debts of the owner company Ewins Limited.

As reported, in the fall of 2018, co-owner of the TAS Group, businessman Sergei Tihipko acquired from Petro Poroshenko, at that time the President of Ukraine, PJSC “Plant “Kuznya na Rybalskoe” (formerly – PJSC “Leninskaya Kuznya”) – one of the well-known in the market of shipbuilding enterprises of Ukraine.

Until mid-November 2018, the main shareholder of PJSC “ZNKIF “Prime Assets Capital” (formerly – “Petro Poroshenko Fund”, Kiev) was the main shareholder with a 73.9067% stake in the shipyard privatized in 1995, the second largest shareholder with a 20.1280% stake was PJSC “ZNKIF “VIK”, which concentrated the assets of MP Igor Kononenko.

In December 2022, the Economic Court of Kyiv opened a bankruptcy case against PJSC “Plant “Kuznya na Rybalskogo” (Kyiv).

As reported, the TAS group planned to realize on the unused territory of the plant the Lipki Island City Resort project in partnership with the developer City One Development.

According to the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market, as of the second quarter of 2023, the main shareholder of Zavod Kuznya na Rybalskoe is Ewins Limited (94.0347%).

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Azerbaijan increases gas exports to Turkey by more than 27%

Export of gas volumes declared at customs from Azerbaijan in January-August 2023 amounted to 17 billion 391 million 448.11 thousand cubic meters, which is 15.5% more than for the same period of 2022, the State Customs Committee (SCC) informed Interfax-Azerbaijan.

Gas supplies in the reporting period accounted for 42.9% of Azerbaijan’s total exports (39.3% in January-August 2022).

Revenue from the export of declared gas amounted to $10 billion 452 million 178.82 thousand (an increase of 1.3%).

According to the SCC, in January-August 2023, the largest volume of declared gas exports went to Turkey (41.4%) and Italy (38.3%). Over 7.2 billion cubic meters were supplied to Turkey, which is 27.3% more than a year earlier. In Italy – about 6.7 billion cubic meters (4.5% growth).
Earlier Experts club in its video analyzed in detail the prospects of development of the Transcaucasus after the Karabakh conflict is over.

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