Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine should be rebuilt according to SMART principles – Head of DIM Group of Companies

Ukraine’s reconstruction should follow SMART principles and be man-centered, believes Alexander Nasikovsky, co-founder and managing partner of DIM Group.

“SMART principles (the goal should be Specific – specific, Measurable – measurable, Achievable – achievable, Relevant – meaningful, Time bound – timely) imply an integrated approach to the restoration of territories, focusing on engineering communications, infrastructure, social facilities and, of course, housing. Energy independence becomes a fundamental component of this approach,” Nasikovsky emphasized in his comments to Interfax-Ukraine.

According to him, DIM specialists have studied the experience of many countries, in particular Sweden, and developed geothermal pump systems for apartment buildings.

“This allows to save up to 40% on heating and reduce energy consumption by 35 kWh per square meter,” Nasikovsky explained, adding that elements of sustainable energy independence of DIM projects were also solar panels on places of common use and street lighting.

The key role in the rehabilitation projects, according to Nasikovskiy, will be played by infrastructure created in accordance with the real needs and desires of residents.

“The life of restored communities should be rich, so we developed the concept of community centers, educational hubs, and places for commercial initiatives that meet the real demands and needs of people,” added the DIM co-founder.

Implementing these ideas, he believes, requires collaboration between the public and private sector, analysis and consideration of behavioral trends and a shared understanding of the needs of today’s community.

“Recovery is a challenge, but we are ready to change lives for the better, taking into account the SMART principles and the efforts of all spheres of public life,” Nasikowski emphasized.

As reported, according to the research of the project “Russia will pay” at the end of June, the amount of damage to housing during the full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation is $56 billion.

Founded in 2014, DIM GC consists of six companies covering all stages of construction.

To date, the GC has commissioned 12 houses in six residential complexes. Seven residential complexes of “comfort+” and “business class” category are under construction: Novy Avtograf, Metropolis, Park Lake City, Lucky Land and others.

52% of employers believe that psychological problems hinder employment of veterans with disabilities

52% of employers believe that psychological problems and behavioral peculiarities hinder the employment of veterans with disabilities, according to the research of the charitable foundation “You are with us”.

In particular, when asked what peculiarities of veterans with disabilities hinder their employment, 24% of employers answered that there are no peculiarities, 52% noted psychological problems and behavioral peculiarities, 19% – alcoholism and drug use, and 5% believe that veterans with disabilities should receive assistance from the state so that there is no need to work.

Also, when asked what incentives the employer needs from the state to employ a veteran with a disability, respondents most often named: compensation for the cost of equipping workplaces for the needs of an employee with a disability; benefits for the payment of unified social tax; and subsidies for each such employed employee.

The survey was conducted in April-July 2023. In the course of the research 468 managers and owners of small, medium and large enterprises in all regions of the country and different sectors of the economy were interviewed. Surveys were conducted under conditions of anonymity by telephone questionnaire. It is noted that 18% of surveyed enterprises have more than 100 employees, 28% – up to 100 employees and 54% – up to 20 employees.

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Oil moved to growth, Brent at $84.2 per barrel

Benchmark crude oil prices are rising on Thursday afternoon amid a weaker US dollar.

The price of October futures for Brent on the London-based ICE Futures exchange at 14:54 Q2 stands at $84.18 per barrel, up 73 cents (0.87%) from the previous session’s close.

Quotes of futures for WTI crude oil for September at the electronic trading of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) by the specified time rose by 72 cents (0.91%) and amounted to $80.1 per barrel.

The DXY index, which reflects the value of the U.S. currency against six other major world currencies, is down 0.2% in Thursday trading, boosting the appeal of commodities traded there.

“Bulls” in the oil market are seeking to break a streak of three consecutive sessions in the negative, associated with concerns about demand from China and rising US Treasuries yields, among other things, writes MarketWatch.

After the release of strong macroeconomic data, the yield on 10-year U.S. government bonds reached the maximum since 2008, the online edition notes. Meanwhile, weak statistics from the People’s Republic of China and increased concerns about the Chinese real estate market had a negative impact on the assessment of the prospects for consumption by the economy of this country.


Kharkiv Metro has announced tender for MTPL insurance

KP “Kharkiv Metro” on August 16 announced a tender for the purchase of services of compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of land vehicles (OSAGO), according to the system of electronic public procurement Prozorro.

The expected cost is UAH 137,175 thousand.

Documents for participation are accepted until August 24, 2023.

As reported, the winner of a similar tender a year earlier was IC Ukrainian Fire Insurance Company.

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TM “Ruta” for 7M-2023 maintains almost twofold increase in production volume

Large Ukrainian producer of sanitary-hygienic paper products TM “Ruta”, the managing company of which is JSC “VGP” (Lutsk), in January-July 2023 produced goods for UAH 950.34 mln, which is 96.7% more than in the same period of 2022.

According to the statistical data of the association “UkrPapir”, provided to the agency “Interfax-Ukraine”, thus, the company still slightly accelerated the rate of growth of production volumes in monetary terms to the same period last year: for six months this indicator was 95.7%, for five months – 88.5%.

In physical terms, in particular, the production of toilet paper in rolls grew by 42% to 77.55 mln pieces, which is still the third result in the industry after Kyiv Cardboard and Paper Mill (142.71 mln pieces) and Kokhava Paper Mill (78.94 mln pieces), the gap with which is minimal.

VGP’s brand portfolio includes napkins, toilet paper, paper handkerchiefs, kitchen towels under Ruta, Ruta Selecta, Fesko, Nosovichok, Toweliecho, 100% paper, Servetta, Ecolo. The assortment has more than 189 items.

As reported with reference to the data of “UkrPapir”, in 2022 JSC “VGP” produced products for 977.61 million UAH – 2.8% more than a year earlier. At the same time, according to the company’s report, in physical terms (in tons) the production volume decreased by 27% due to the loss of part of the sales markets in Ukraine with the beginning of the military aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.

Net profit decreased to UAH 3.62 mln compared to UAH 96.43 mln a year earlier, while net income grew 14% to UAH 1 bln 075 mln.

More than a quarter of sales volume was exported in 2022. The products are represented on the markets of Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Denmark, Poland, Moldova, Kazakhstan, and the Baltic States.

The base paper for the production of products was purchased mainly from manufacturers in Turkey and Romania.

The owner of 100% of shares of VGP JSC is Tissico Limited (Cyprus), the beneficiaries, according to the state register, are Ilya Miretsky, the company’s general director, and Kamil Gotza, a Czech citizen.


“Kernel” completes harvesting of early grain crops with record yields

Agroholding “Kernel”, one of the largest in Ukraine, with a record yield completes harvesting of early grain crops, under which 70 thousand hectares are allocated, the press service of the agroholding reported.

“This year’s winter wheat yield, depending on the region of the cluster location, was from 5.8 to 7.3 tons/ha. The weighted average yield is almost 70% higher than last year’s figure,” the agroholding said on Facebook.

According to “Kernel”, on the post-harvest areas are implemented programs of biologization of farming. To support biodiversity and improve soil fertility, cover crops have already been sown on 22 thousand hectares.

It is noted that agronomic divisions of the agroholding continue to test and research the effectiveness of using different mixtures of cover crops to assess their impact on physical and chemical characteristics, microbiological activity of soil and phytosanitary condition of fields.

Before the war, Kernel Agro Holding ranked first in the world in sunflower oil production (about 7% of world production) and exports (about 12%). It is one of the largest producers and sellers of bottled oil in Ukraine. In addition, it is engaged in growing agricultural products and their realization.

The largest co-owner of Kernel through Namsen Ltd. – is Ukrainian businessman Andriy Verevsky, who this year increased his stake from 41.3% to 74.05% as part of the buyout and delisting of the agroholding from the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Kernel’s net profit for the first nine months of FY 2023 (July-2022-March 2023) rose 36% to $437 mln, while revenue fell 45% to $2.715 bln.

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