Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian market of electric cars has tripled – Ukravtoprom

Initial registrations of electric cars in Ukraine in January-June tripled compared to the same period of 2022 – up to 12.6 thousand units, including 2.8 thousand were new cars, 9.8 thousand – used , reported “Ukravtoprom” in Telegram channel.
At the same time, the share of new cars increased to 22% from 18% in January-June-2022.
As reported, in January-June 2022, 4.145 thousand electric cars were registered – 14% more than in the first half of 2021.
According to the association, the top 5 new electric cars of the first half of this year were formed by Volkswagen ID.4 (899 units), DongFeng/Honda M-NV (497), Volkswagen ID.6 (168), Honda e (146) and BMW iX – 87.
In the used segment, the Nissan Leaf (1,921 units) leads steadily and by a wide margin. Next are Volkswagen e-Golf (940), Tesla Model 3 (908), Volkswagen ID.4 (724) and Tesla Model Y – 637.
Earlier “Ukravtoprom” also reported in the Telegram channel that in the market of new passenger cars in Ukraine in January-June the share of electric cars increased by 4 p.p. – to 10%, the share of hybrids increased to 18% (by 5 p.p.), while the share of cars with gasoline engines decreased from 57% to 49%, diesel cars – to 22% (by 1 p.p.),
“The growing demand for hybrids and battery-powered cars is rapidly changing the structure of the market,” Ukravtoprom noted.
As reported, Ukrainians in 2022 bought 13.6 thousand electric cars – 1.5 times more than a year earlier, while the share of new ones increased to 17% from 14%.


“Silpo” has increased turnover by 6.1%

Silpo-Food LLC, which is a part of Fozzy Group (Kiev) and which develops a network of food supermarkets Silpo in Ukraine, has increased turnover by 6.1% in 2022 compared to 2021 – up to UAH 62.4 bln.
According to Silpo Food’s annual management report for 2022, the company’s total revenue decreased by 3.8% compared to 2021 and amounted to UAH 70 bln. Long-term liabilities by the end of the year amounted to UAH 16 billion, current liabilities amounted to UAH 28.3 billion.
According to the results of 2022, the company increased its net loss by 4.1 times – up to UAH 7.6 billion. Gross profit decreased by 6.9% – to UAH 19.2 bln, operating loss increased 2.8 times – to UAH 1.1 bln.
As indicated in the report, at the end of last year, the network “Silpo” together with delicatessen markets Le Silpo had 305 supermarkets with a total area of 428 thousand square meters in 71 cities of Ukraine. A total of eight new supermarkets of the chain were opened in 2022. The work was suspended 18 supermarkets of the chain located in the temporarily occupied territory, 48 objects were restored after de-occupation and damage.
According to the report, in 2023 the company plans to expand its supermarket chain by 10 sites to 315 stores, and by 2025 to increase their number to 365 (excluding potentially de-occupied or reconstructed sites).
Silpo Food LLC was established in early August 2016. According to Opendatabot, the founder of the LLC is Closed Non-Diversified Venture Corporate Investment Fund “Retail Capital” (100%, Kiev), the ultimate beneficiary is Vladimir Kostelman.
As of June 2023, the Silpo chain has more than 309 supermarkets, including four Le Silpo delicatessen stores. It is part of the Fozzy Group trade and industrial group.
Fozzy Group is one of the largest Ukrainian retailers with more than 690 outlets throughout the country. The company develops retail chains of various formats: supermarkets Silpo, wholesale hypermarkets Fozzy Cash & Carry, convenience stores Fora, discounters Thrash!, pharmaceutical supermarkets Bila Romashka, personal electronics stores Ringoo.

80% of Ukrainian cancer patients paid for treatment at their own expense

About 80% of Ukrainian cancer patients paid for treatment at their own expense, after the beginning of the full-scale invasion 8% of cancer patients moved within the borders of Ukraine, 16% of cancer patients moved abroad.
Such data is given by experts of Global Medical Knowledge Alliance, Inspiration Family, OncoHub and National Cancer Institute, based on the data of the study of the impact of full-scale war in Ukraine on cancer treatment.
According to the study, cancer patients were more likely to pay more for diagnostic tests, surgical treatment and chemotherapy.
Overall waiting times for treatment were longer in frontline regions, and radiotherapy and chemotherapy were more affordable in regions less affected by the war and the influx of internally displaced persons.
In addition, the survey found that 21% of respondents migrated because of the need to continue cancer treatment; 14% left because of the fighting.
The researchers note that despite this, the overall availability of cancer treatment did not change compared to pre-war times, overall wait times for medical care after the start of the full-scale invasion were higher in frontline and active warfare regions.
The survey included 289 patients from all regions of Ukraine who started cancer treatment before the Russian invasion. Of these, 39% of the respondents had stage I or II cancer, 38% – stage II, and 28% – stage IV.

Ukraine has reduced output of steel products by 40%

Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises in January-June this year reduced production of general rolled products, according to operational data, by 41% compared to the same period last year – up to 2.375 million tons.
According to the Ukrmetallurgprom association on Saturday, steelmaking in the first six months of this year decreased by 37.7% compared to January-June-2022 – to 2.829 million tons.
Iron smelting for this period decreased by 37.5% to 2.836 million tons.
As reported, Ukraine in the first five months of 2023 reduced output of rolled products by 47.8% compared to the same period last year – to 1.982 million tons, steel by 43.7% to 2.392 million tons, pig iron by 43.9% to 2.350 million tons.
Ukraine in 2022 reduced production of total rolled products by 72% year-on-year to 5.350 million tons, steel by 70.7% to 6.263 million tons, and pig iron by 69.8% to 6.391 million tons.
For 2021, 21.165 million tons of pig iron (103.6% by 2020), 21.366 million tons of steel (103.6%), 19.079 million tons of rolled products (103.5%) were produced.

Anti-tobacco legislation in Ukraine tightens on July 11

The State Committee for Food Safety and Consumer Protection reminds that on July 11, 2023 the Law No. 1978 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Protection of Public Health from the Harmful Effects of Tobacco” comes into force in Ukraine, which tightens measures on the use of tobacco products in Ukraine.
According to the law, advertising and promotion of sales of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and liquids for them will be prohibited in Ukraine. A ban on smoking with heating devices in all public places and premises similar to smoking conventional cigarettes is introduced.
Fines for the sale of tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age are introduced in the amount of UAH 1,020, and in case of repeated violation of the provision – UAH 10,200.
The ban on the sale of flavored cigarettes applies to vitamins and pseudo-useful additives; caffeine, taurine and energy supplements; additives producing colored emissions and facilitating the absorption of nicotine.
In addition, the law will restrict sales of e-cigarette liquids with or without nicotine if they have the above-mentioned additives, as well as refill containers with a volume of more than 10 ml, disposable e-cigarettes or cartridges with a volume of more than 2 ml, and with nicotine capacities of more than 20 mg per 1 ml.
Prohibited will be cigarettes and tobacco for self-twirling, which have a characteristic taste and smell of smoke, with nicotine or flavoring and aromatic additives.
Violation of the law provides for fines in the amount of UAH 20 thousand, and in case of repeated violation – UAH 50 thousand.
In the State Consumer Service reminded that since April 2023 in Ukraine resumed control over compliance with anti-tobacco legislation. The grounds for unscheduled measures of state supervision (control) in the sphere of anti-tobacco legislation are an independent application of a business entity, an order of the Prime Minister of Ukraine and an application of an individual.

Seed harvest of main types of oilseeds will grow to 19.5 mln tons – Ukroliaprom

Harvest of seeds of the main types of oilseeds in Ukraine in 2023/24 MY will grow to 19.5 million tons, which is 7.7% higher than in the previous season, predicted the association “Ukroliaprom”.
The industry association recalled that by exporting sunflower seeds from Ukraine sufficient to meet the needs of the EU and other countries in volumes, the country loses the market for sunflower oil and meal in these countries.
“The mass export of oilseeds from Ukraine to the world market has led to a sharp drop in prices, which has caused discontent among farmers in European countries. As a consequence, the mass export of sunflower seeds from Ukraine has led on the part of some EU countries to a ban on imports into their territory until mid-September 2023, and possibly until 2024”, – noted in “Ukroliaprom”.
The association expressed confidence that this would not have happened if the repeated requests of Ukroliaprom to limit sunflower seed exports, particularly to EU countries, by introducing additional fees and licensing had been taken into account.
Ukroliaprom expects soybean exports from Ukraine to exceed 3.0 million tons at the end of MY 2022/23, or more than triple against MY 2021/22.
“This may negatively affect domestic processing, which even under martial law remained not only stable, but also increased,” experts emphasized.
The industry association expects the highest production growth in MY 2023/24 for soybeans – by 12.2% to 4.107 million tons. This will happen thanks to a 20.5% increase in sown areas, which reached 1.84 million hectares, but the yield of the oilseed crop will increase by only 0.4% to 22.3 c/ha.
Sunflower production this season will increase by 6.5% year-on-year to 11.813 million tons. Despite the expansion of areas under the crop by 7.7% to 5.64 million hectares, analysts expect yields to be 3.3% lower than last year’s -20.9 c/ha.
Ukrpoliyaprom expects a 9.1% increase in the gross rapeseed harvest, which will amount to 3.318 million tons. It will be harvested from almost 1.35 million hectares (+16.3%) at a yield of 26.5 c/ha (-9.3%).
“At the same time, we should take into account significantly lower carryover residues of oilseeds in Ukraine at the beginning of MY 2023/24 against the beginning of the previous season. Accordingly, the supply in 2023/24 MY will be less, which requires urgent action at the government level to create conditions for maximum domestic processing and increase exports of products with high added value,” – summarized in the industry association.

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