Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Risk of cholera in south and east of Ukraine is higher than in other regions – infectious disease doctor

The risk of cholera in the south and east of Ukraine is higher than in other regions, says infectious disease doctor Olga Bonkovska.

“There is still a higher risk of cholera outbreaks in the south and east of Ukraine. These regions are the regions with the highest risk of a cholera epidemic,” she said on the air of the analytical center “Experts Club”.

Commenting on the risks of cholera outbreaks after the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station dam was blown up, Bonkovska noted the danger of cholera, in particular, because “cholera starts as a common intestinal infection, and in the initial stages it is impossible to distinguish whether it is cholera or a common intestinal infection.”

“I do not recommend self-medication, because it will help if it is a common intestinal infection, but if it is cholera, there is no way to cure cholera at home,” she said.

The expert reminded that the main manifestation of cholera is dehydration.

“Due to severe dehydration, a person can go into shock with loss of all body functions, kidneys, heart, which can lead to death,” she said.

The infectious disease specialist emphasized that during cholera, “fluid loss becomes so severe that a person simply does not have time to replenish the fluid loss with water.”

“The rate of water excretion from the body exceeds the rate of water absorption during oral rehydration, and medical care in a hospital is needed to replenish water,” she said.

Bonkovska noted that in order to protect oneself from cholera, especially in the regions affected by flooding, it is necessary to drink bottled water or water that has been treated by boiling or using special tablets, wash fresh vegetables and fruits with bottled water or chilled boiled water, wash or disinfect hands with ordinary sanitizers, get rid of the habit of keeping hands in the mouth: take the rule “Hands out of the mouth!” as an axiom.

In addition, the infectious disease specialist recommends not eating with your hands, “as a last resort, keep a sandwich or any other food in a clean napkin,” not eating shrimp or fish without prior heat treatment, and swimming only in those bodies of water where it is allowed.

At the same time, the expert emphasized the inadmissibility of self-medication of acute intestinal infections with antibiotics.

“I don’t advise you to start treating diarrhea at home. It is still better to seek medical help,” she said.

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“Ukrlytii” will build lithium mine in Kirovohrad Region

UkrLithium Mining LLC (“UkrLithium”) intends to build a lithium mine in Kirovograd region in compliance with international environmental standards.
According to a company press release, management considered two options for mining lithium-containing ores in Kirovograd Region: open-pit (open-pit) and shaft method.
“We decided on the mine method because the environmental component is important for us. We want to be esg-friendly (environmental, social and corporate management),” explained the director of strategic development of “Ukrlitydobycha” Denis Alyoshin in an interview with “Business Telegraph,” which is quoted by the press service.
According to him, although Ukraine is not yet in the European Union, but the company believes that the country will be there in the next few years. Therefore, it performs all works according to the highest European standards. The mine method is much less harmful to the environment than open-pit mining.
“The mine will cost much more for the project investors, but this is the method we choose. We will dive about 600 meters deep into the deposit. The second stage will be the construction of an enrichment plant, where we will turn the ore into petalite concentrate,” Aleshin explained.
“Ukrlytiy has signed a contract with the British company Wardell Armstrong, which will conduct research ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment) – an international analogue of the Ukrainian environmental study OIA (Environmental Impact Assessment). It is necessary in order to make the project of the mine and the mining and processing plant in compliance with international standards on the environment. For this purpose a mini-meteorological station will be installed on the territory of the future construction, samples of soil, water, etc. will be collected. Within about a year and a half a study will be carried out, the results of which will give recommendations and conclusions in the form of an extensive report, exactly how to minimize the potential impact on the environment.

The press release specifies that in 2017 LLC “Ukrlitydobycha” acquired a special permit for the development of Polokhovsky lithium deposit in Kirovograd region. As of 2023, preparatory work for the construction of the mine and concentrator has been or is being carried out.

From 2018 to 2021 several drilling campaigns were carried out (a total of more than 5,000 meters). This allowed a geological evaluation of reserves in accordance with the international JORC code.

Contracts have been signed for a Pre Feasibility Study, which will be completed by the end of 2023.

Work has begun on the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study, which takes about 1.5 years.

Definitive Feasibility Study is planned for 2024 – the last stage of the research to substantiate the key technological, financial and economic parameters of the project.

According to the company’s website, the mine is expected to operate for 15 to 20 years with an anticipated annual production of up to 200,000 tons of petalite concentrate. The company is also exploring the possibility of building a lithium hydroxide/carbonate plant.

“Ukrlytium” will also produce about 1,100 thousand tons per year of lithium-bearing feldspar.


United Mining and Chemical Company resumed operations at Irshansky GOK

The United Mining and Chemical Company PJSC (UMCC), which controls the Volnogorsky Integrated Mining and Metallurgical Plant (VMMC, Dnipropetrovsk Region) and the Irshansky Integrated Mining and Processing Plant (IGOK, Zhytomyr Region), has resumed operations at the IGOK after a long downtime since last October.
According to the company’s press-release, IGOK is restoring its capacities.
At the same time it is noted that beneficiation plant No. 3 was launched on July 5, and the concentrate will be processed using a dry scheme.
During the shift, the employees of IGCC produced 220 tons of ilmenite concentrate.
Dmitry Kalandadze, deputy chairman of OGKhK’s board, explained that the launch of the IGOK after a long downtime was a priority for the company.
“We know how important it was for our employees at the branch. Today some of them are already at their workplaces. Now we are on the threshold of global changes in the titanium industry, where OGKhK, as a state-owned company, has all chances to take leading positions and push Russia out of the international market forever. I’m sure that the launch of IGCC is a good signal for international partners and I hope that by the end of the year we will be able to achieve stable figures,” said Kalandadze, who was quoted by the press service.
Earlier, it was reported that OGCC plans to resume operations at Irshanskoye and bring the branch to pre-war production levels by the end of 2023. At the same time, the company is actively negotiating to sell products of IGOK to Western partners and plans to enrich ilmenite concentrate by the end of this year at 18 thousand tons per month.
The United Mining and Chemical Company began its actual activities in August 2014, when the Ukrainian government decided to transfer the property complexes of the Volnogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (VMMC, Dnipropetrovsk Region) and the Irshansk Mining and Processing Combine (IGOK, Zhitomir Region) to its management. Earlier these plants were leased by Firtash’s structures. Then the company was transformed into a PAO, and then – into a PrJSC.
In August 2016, the government put OGCC on the list of companies to be privatized in 2017. Its deadline was postponed several times, and the tender was twice thwarted.
Previously, OGHK sold products to more than 30 countries and was one of the world’s largest producers of titanium raw materials, accounting for 4% of the global market. The company produces titanium ore.


monobank and “Univer” ask clients to immediately stop cooperation with online broker EXANTE

The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine has included the internet broker EXANTE (IEXTi Cyprus) in the sub-sanction list, in connection with which monobank and investment company “Univer Capital” suggest their clients who bought foreign securities through this broker to urgently close their accounts, as otherwise these investments will be blocked until the removal of sanctions.
“Although Univer Capital’s agreement is formally with another broker, they are nonetheless related entities. For the investor, such sanctions could mean a temporary blocking of assets and access to the account. Accordingly, we recommend all our clients with a portfolio of securities purchased through a broker EXANTE, urgently (today) to close all positions and withdraw funds, because tomorrow access to the accounts may be closed, “- said in a statement of the investment company.
“The SNBO has just put EXANTE, which is a broker in our investment application, on the sanctions list. In this regard: all clients who have positions in securities in mono invest will be notified within an hour, in which we will offer to agree to close the position today and return the money to the card,” mono invest co-owner of monobank Oleg Gorokhovsky addressed to clients.
According to him, the positions of only those clients who in the message will click “I do not agree” will not be closed. “Access to their shares and the money spent on them will be possible only after the sanctions of the National Security and Defence Council are lifted,” Gorokhovsky warned.

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Ferrexpo’s pellet production decreased 2.3 times

Mining company Ferrexpo plc with assets in Ukraine in January-June this year produced 1.967 million tons of pellets, which is 2.3 times less than in the same period last year (4.797 million tons).
The company said Thursday that pellet production in the second quarter of 2023 was up 18 percent from the previous quarter, but down 48.9 percent from the second quarter of 2022 to 1.066 million tons.
In 2023, only pellets with 65% iron content were produced.
At the same time, the total production of commercial products (pellets and iron ore concentrate) in the first half of this year decreased 2.27 times to 2.126 million tons compared to the first half of 2022. Including the output of commercial concentrate in January-June 2023 amounted to 160 thousand tons (19 thousand tons in January-June 2022).
The press release explains that Ferrexpo continues to produce, transport and sell its products under war conditions, with associated energy and logistical constraints. Meanwhile, the group has successfully operated two pellet production lines, the second of which was re-commissioned earlier this year.
The emphasis in production is on producing pellets with a higher iron content of 65% Fe or higher. Sales continued to be exported by rail and barge to Central and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea. Sales for the quarter totaled 1.2 million tons, up 45% from the previous quarter and 2.1 million tons in the first half of 2023.
The Group intends to continue using one to two pellet lines through the end of the year, as it did in the first half of the year, provided there are no further significant changes in the operating environment and logistics availability in Ukraine.
Acting Executive Chairman Lucio Genovese noted in his commentary that despite incessant shelling and multiple challenges, the company has been able to adapt its business. In particular, a second pellet line returned to production in the first half of 2023, increasing flexibility and the ability to rebuild production. However, logistics remain limited.
“Although we now have the ability to produce more, we do not currently have enough alternative Black Sea ports to export more,” Genovese stated.
He also reported that “during the first six months, we continued to maintain a strong cash position while funding our capital commitments.”
“We continue to evaluate alternative supply routes in the near term, and we are looking to the post-war future, developing plans to restore capacity so that we can return to full production levels and play our part in rebuilding Ukraine,” the top manager summarized.
As reported, Ferrexpo produced 6.053 million tons of pellets in 2022, down 46% from 2021. At the same time, pellet production in the fourth quarter of 2022 decreased by 86% compared to the fourth quarter of 2021, and by September-December 2022 decreased by 50% to 417,000 tons.
Production of premium pellets with 65% iron content in 2022 was 5.7 million tonnes (down 47%), including 417 thousand tonnes in the fourth quarter (down 28% quarter-on-quarter and 86% year-on-year). Direct reduction of iron pellets (DRI, 67% iron) output last year was 353 thousand tonnes (down 18% q-o-q), which was not produced in Q4-2022.
No pellets with 62% iron content were produced in 2022.
At the same time, total production of commercial products (pellets and iron ore concentrate) in 2022 decreased by 46% to 6.177 million tons, in the fourth quarter, compared to the third, by 49%, and by Q4-2021 – by 85%, to 457 thousand tons. Last year’s output of marketable concentrate fell by 47% to 124 kt, including 40 kt in Q4-2022 (down 38% q-o-q and up 3% q-o-q).
Total annual sales in 2022 were 6.2 million tons, down 46% from 2021.
Poltava GOK has four pellet production lines.
Ferrexpo is an iron ore company with assets in Ukraine.
Ferrexpo owns 100% of Yeristovsky GOK LLC, 99.9% of Belanovsky GOK LLC and 100% of Poltava GOK PJSC.

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Impact of electricity deficit on real GDP vs. no deficit, % (forecast up to 2024)

Impact of electricity deficit on real GDP vs. No deficit, % (forecast up to 2024)

Source: and