Business news from Ukraine

Quantum Systems opens UAV plant in Ukraine

German unmanned aerial vehicle manufacturer Quantum-Systems has opened an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) plant in Ukraine, the press service of Quantum-Systems reports.
“The new plant will be the company’s second facility in Ukraine and is expected to employ about 100 people by the end of the year,” the company said in a statement.
According to the information, it will be able to produce up to 1 thousand UAVs per year.
“The new plant is expected to increase production capacity to 1,000 drones per year, including the production of spare parts,” Quantum-Systems said.
It is also indicated that the company will invest up to EUR6 million over the next two years in the production of UAVs in Ukraine.
As reported, Quantum-Systems’ Vector medium-range drones have been in operation in Ukraine since May 2022. So far, 212 systems have been provided with funding from the German government. The company said that 500 UAVs are expected to be delivered to Ukraine by the end of the year.
Quantum-Systems has been operating a service, support, training, and logistics center in Ukraine since last year, employing 25 Ukrainian employees. They train drone pilots and implement technological advances in reconnaissance systems on-site.
Quantum Systems is a dual-purpose company with about 250 employees. The production facility in Ukraine is the fourth of the company’s seven plants located around the world.

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Fintech company Moneyveo plans to increase its share of market presence

Maniveo Emergency Financial Assistance LLC (TM Moneyveo) estimates its share in the online consumer lending market at 13-15% and plans to increase it by 1.5 percentage points (p.p.) this year, including by expanding into the small and medium-sized business (SMB) customer segment, the company’s CEO Sergey Sinchenko said.

“We are considering various strategies to achieve this goal, in particular expanding the customer segment, for example, at the expense of SMEs, increasing awareness of our products and services, as well as improving interaction with existing and potential customers,” he pointed out in comments to Interfax-Ukraine.

According to Sinchenko, Moneyveo’s strategic plans include expanding the range of services, improving customer service processes and developing marketing initiatives. Also, in order to improve cross-functional interaction within the company and involve employees more in decision-making, the lender plans to move from a functional management structure to a process approach, the CEO said.

“We are also focusing on optimizing operational efficiency, developing digital technologies and process automation, and improving personal data protection,” Sinchenko said.

He pointed out that Moneyveo made its last coupon payment in early February 2024 and fully redeemed its UAH100 million Series B bond issue in December 2021, after which its maturity was extended for another year in January 2023 with an increase in its interest rate from 18% to 26% per annum.

“Thus we have demonstrated our ability to effectively use financial instruments and fulfill financial obligations, which confirms our stability and reliability in the financial sphere,” commented Sinchenko.

The company considers the new bond issue as one of the tools to ensure further growth and expansion of its operations.

“The probability of its use will depend on the situation with the growth of activity, the competitive environment of the investment market. Now we are planning an issue in 2024 if the growth in issuance (of loans – IF-U) several months in a row will be at least 10%,” Sinchenko informed.

According to the NBU data, Maniveo Ambulance Financial Assistance LLC’s net revenue for 2023 amounted to UAH 1.30 billion, or 8th place in the market, net profit – UAH 2.66 million. The company’s assets at the end of last year amounted to UAH 600.37 million.

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Expert on Ukrainian cement for reconstruction of Ukraine

Cement, as the main building material, will be key to rebuilding Ukraine. The best way to choose high-quality cement is to choose factory cement.

The key to cement quality in accordance with EU Regulation 305 is careful control at all stages of its production.

On June 23, 2022, Ukraine officially received the status of an EU candidate.

We continue to work towards the realization of our goal of providing the construction industry with high-quality and safe building materials, increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian construction products, and promoting innovative industrial development.

The cement industry was one of the first to adopt EN regulatory standards for cement, even those already translated and adopted into Ukrainian (Order 391 of 27.12.2023 by UkrNDNC).

Today, in Ukraine, at the choice of the manufacturer, cement can be produced according to the Ukrainian DSTU B V. 2.7-46:2010 or the European standard DSTU B EN 197-1:2015.

To inform consumers, Ukrcement’s website – in the ASSORTMENT / CONSUMER section – contains materials about the cements available on the market, including cement cards containing data on the composition, characteristics, properties of cement and its intended use.

Given that the most popular types of cement produced by all manufacturers in 2022-2023 were cements with slag: PC II/A-S 400, PC II/A-S 500, here is an example of one card.

Portland cement with slag PC II/A-S 400 is called Portlandslag cement CEM II/A-S 32.5 according to the European standard.

It contains:

Clinker: 80-94%.

Granulated blast furnace slag S (S): 6-20%

Additional components: 0-5%

PC II/A-Sh-400, according to tests in accordance with DSTU B V. 2.7-46:2010, has:

– 7 days – early strength ≥ 20 MPa (P* – days ≥ 20 MPa);

– 28 days – standard strength ≥ 40 MPa;

CEM II/A-S 32.5 according to tests in accordance with DSTU B EN 197-1:2015:

– 7 days – early strength ≥ 16 MPa (P* – 2 days ≥ 10 MPa);

– 28 days – standard strength ≥ 32.5 MPa ≥ 52.5 MPa.

Such cement may have the designations P-H and R in its name:

H – based on clinker of normalized composition

P – high early cement strength – 2 days ≥ 20 MPa

R – class with high early strength – 2 days ≥ 10 MPa

The main properties of PC II/A-S-400 (CEM II/A-S 32.5) cement are high early strength, uniform strength gain, water resistance and frost resistance.

Cement of this brand (type) is used for residential construction, as well as for winter concreting and for the production of concrete of strength class B7.5 – B30, foundations, floors, paving slabs, construction of monolithic structures and hydraulic structures.

In 2023, the Law of Ukraine “On placing construction products on the market” (EU Regulation 305) came into force.

The two regulations will be in force simultaneously until 2025: The Law of Ukraine “On the Placing of Construction Products on the Market” (EU Regulation 305) and the Technical Regulation (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 347 of March 22, 2022).

But the domestic producer is at a disadvantage to the importer.

Today, in Ukraine, a domestic producer cannot go through the entire procedure according to the Law of Ukraine “On the Provision of Construction Products on the Market” for cement manufactured according to European standards, because there are no conformity assessment bodies in Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 305. If a Ukrainian manufacturer undergoes a conformity assessment in Europe and draws up a declaration of performance, this declaration is not valid in Ukraine, as the law states that the manufacturer must obtain a certificate from a domestic conformity assessment body to draw up the declaration. At the same time, imports of products under EU declarations with CE marking are allowed under CMU Resolution 347 of 22.03.2022.

The Ukrainian cement industry exports products to neighboring countries, including the EU. This demonstrates high quality standards, compatibility with EU standards and competitiveness.

Ukrcement’s member companies have technical control departments and modern accredited laboratories for all tests of incoming raw materials and finished products.

The cement industry is probably the only heavy industry in Ukraine where players have modernized their production facilities to meet the required quality and quantity of products.

Cement, as the main building material, will be key to Ukraine’s recovery.

Ukrcement, the Association of Cement Producers of Ukraine, includes 5 groups of companies – 9 cement enterprises, 8 out of 9 cement plants are preserved and ready to work (Baltsem PJSC was in the war zone, was damaged and is not working now), but production depends on market demand. Unfortunately, the market is not yet operating at full capacity.

In 2021, cement production in Ukraine was 11.005 million tons, while consumption was 10.5 million tons. In 2022, production decreased by 51%, primarily due to falling demand, consumption was 4.3 million tons. In 2023, cement production was 7.43 million tons, which is 37.5% more than in 2022, but we have not yet reached the indicators of 2021, cement producers operated at only 60% of their real capacity, cement consumption in 2023 was 6.165 million tons. We expect that the reconstruction and recovery programs that have already started in Ukraine will contribute to the stability of growth dynamics.

We are confident that these programs will be fully operational once the war is over. It won’t be an instantaneous recovery to maximum consumption. The market will take 4-5 years to warm up. Demand for construction materials will increase by 30% over the pre-war level.

We can say that Ukraine has its own high-quality cement products that meet European standards and quality requirements. Producing plants are responsible for every ton of cement produced with their reputation. They constantly invest in equipment, processes, personnel and their development in order to supply high-quality products and provide impeccable service to their customers. The best way to choose high-quality cement for the reconstruction of Ukraine is to choose factory cement* produced by full-cycle companies – proven manufacturers to whom you can trust your safety.

The original products of Ukrcement Association members are packaged only in bags made of corrugated, textured paper under their own brands: IFCEM, CEMARK, KRYVYIRIGCEMENT, Dyckerhoff Cement Ukraine.

* Factory cement is cement produced by full-cycle companies – IFCEM, Cemark, Dyckerhoff Cement Ukraine, and Kryvyi Rih Cement!

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Farmers sowed 2.05 mln hectares of spring crops

As of April 18, Ukraine planted 2.053 million hectares with spring grains and legumes, up 42.6% year-on-year, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported on Friday.
According to the report, 204.7 thousand hectares were planted with wheat (173.9 thousand hectares a week earlier), 741.5 thousand hectares with barley (683.4 thousand hectares), 157 thousand hectares with peas (147.7 thousand hectares), and 136.6 thousand hectares with oats (117 thousand hectares).
Last week, Ukrainian farmers sowed grains and pulses on the area of 792.6 thou hectares. A week earlier, this figure was 408.6 thou hectares, and 375.4 thou hectares the week before.
According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, Kyiv region is the leader in terms of sowing, having planted 27.1 thou hectares of wheat, 40.1 thou hectares of barley, 4.8 thou hectares of peas and 4.3 thou hectares of oats; Ternopil region has planted 18.9 thou hectares of wheat, 63.3 thou hectares of barley and 4.3 thou hectares of oats. hectares of wheat, 63.6 thousand hectares of barley, 3.6 thousand hectares of peas and 5.1 thousand hectares of oats; Khmelnytsky – 18.9 thousand hectares of oats; Khmelnytsky – 3.8 thousand hectares of oats; Khmelnytsky – 3.3 thousand hectares of peas and 5.1 thousand hectares of oats. Khmelnytsky – on 14.8 thousand hectares of wheat, 59.1 thousand hectares of barley, 2.6 thousand hectares of peas and 2.5 thousand hectares of oats; Zhytomyr – on 14.5 thousand hectares of wheat, 16.6 thousand hectares of barley, 2.8 thousand hectares of peas and 2.5 thousand hectares of oats; Zhytomyr – on 14.5 thousand hectares of wheat, 16.6 thousand hectares of barley, 2.8 thousand hectares of peas and 2.5 thousand hectares of oats. Zhytomyr – on 14.5 thou hectares of wheat, 16.6 thou hectares of barley, 2.8 thou hectares of peas and 20.1 thou hectares of oats; Vinnytsia – on 11.5 thou hectares of wheat, 55 thou hectares of barley, 6 thou hectares of peas and 1.1 thou hectares of oats.
Sunflower was sown on 1.395 mln ha (470.1 thou ha a week earlier). In 15 regions, soybeans are being sown, with 116.3 thousand hectares already covered. Sugar beet has been planted on 223.7 thou hectares. In Vinnytsia, Poltava, Khmelnytsky, and Chernihiv regions, early sugar beet sowing has been completed.
Sowing of buckwheat and millet has begun in Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Khmelnytsky, Kherson and Chernihiv regions.
According to the April forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2024, the country’s gross production of grains and oilseeds is expected to reach 74 million tons, including about 52.4 million tons of grains and 21.7 million tons of oilseeds.
In 2024, farmers will be able to harvest 19.2 million tons of wheat (22.2 million tons in 2023), 4.9 million tons of barley (5.7 million tons), 26.7 million tons of corn (30.5 million tons), 5.2 million tons of soybeans (4.7 million tons), 12.4 million tons of sunflower (12.9 million tons), and 4.1 million tons of rapeseed (4.7 million tons).
In 2024, the planted areas of grains and pulses are forecasted at 10.6 mln ha, which is 395 thou ha lower than in 2023.


Analysis of main tourist destinations for Ukrainian citizens

The Ukrainian travel industry responds to demand and changes to meet the needs of travelers. Thus, in all popular destinations, there are more opportunities for recreation with children, and the geography of departure points is expanding, both for bus and air tours. Join UP! tm tour operator has analyzed the main destinations and vacation formats that will be in demand this year.

Early start

Recent statistics show that tourists are more likely to start the summer season in the spring. Mostly we are talking about the Mediterranean countries: Turkey, Spain, Cyprus, and the Greek islands.
At this time, the weather in this region is almost summer-like – the average air temperature is +25°C and the water temperature is +19-20°C, and prices are lower and there are fewer tourists. Accordingly, tourists have a better chance of booking even the most popular hotels in high season and taking excursions that are already available in the spring months.
In addition, spring is a period of flowering, which makes the southern landscapes even more interesting. Another reason why traveling in spring is gradually becoming more popular is the rise in summer temperatures. Those who do not like excessive heat plan trips in April and May.

Leaders of queries

The list of the most popular vacation destinations remains unchanged – Turkey (from 8026 UAH*) and Egypt (from 17 281 UAH*). The countries differ in climate and nature, but are similar in their wide range of all-inclusive hotels. At the same time, both countries have a wide range of excursions, so even when returning to the resort, you can get new impressions again and again.
European resorts are also in great demand: Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Montenegro, and Spain. The share of tourists choosing these countries is growing every year. At the same time, each country has its own specifics. For example, Albania (from 17,027 UAH*) has the cheapest all-inclusive format for its region, Cyprus (from 17,689 UAH*) has an active nightlife, which is why it is popular with young people, and Crete (from 10,292 UAH*) is popular for excursions and natural locations, Montenegro (from 16,008 UAH*) is more often traveled by those who like to travel around the country, and Spain (from 26,958 UAH*) is appreciated for its combination of urban recreation, beautiful landscapes and amusement parks for children.
Tunisia (from 18,585 UAH*) is also worth mentioning, as the demand for it has been growing steadily in recent years. If last year Join UP! tm offered tours to this resort only with departures from Romania and Poland, now trips are also available from popular airports in Poland and Moldova and even Lithuania.
Tunisia attracts with a combination of high service (the country has a large concentration of hotels of global chains), beautiful beaches and a rich excursion program covering the Sahara, Carthage and the town of Sidi Bou Said, which is known for its traditional architecture in blue and white colors and spectacular sea views.

Exotic destinations

Traveling to distant countries – from equatorial Africa to the islands in the Indian Ocean or the coast of North America – has always been a relatively small but stable segment of demand. The Dominican Republic, the Maldives, Mexico, Tanzania (Zanzibar), and Sri Lanka attract many people, but the price often remains a deterrent.
However, recently, some tourists have been booking trips to these countries in the summer, when it is the low season. Prices during this period are much lower, and it is also possible to get into hotels that are usually unavailable in winter due to a significant increase in the number of tourists.
The price of traveling in summer is different from the main season, because hotels in this season make a discount of 20% to 50%. Thus, you can fly to the Maldives for a week from 63,948 UAH* per person, to Zanzibar from 61,551 UAH* per person (7 nights in a hotel), to Sri Lanka from 58,244 UAH* per person (7 nights in a hotel), to the Dominican Republic from 86,225 UAH* per person (9 nights in a hotel).

Vacations with children

Women with children have been one of the most active categories of travelers in recent years. This has led to some changes in the market: now most destinations are adapted to accommodate families with children. This applies to suitable hotels with animation and amusement parks, as well as excursion programs.
Popular air tours to Turkey for two adults with a child start at 22,406 UAH*. A trip to Montenegro for a similar number of tourists will cost from 47,590 UAH*, and to the islands: from 27,998 UAH* in Crete (Greece) and from 47,899 UAH* in Cyprus. A trip for two adults with a child to the Maldives will cost from 187,291 UAH*.
There is also an option to travel by bus. Thus, a trip to Bulgaria for two adults with a child will cost from 17,865 UAH*. You can go there from Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Lviv, and Kyiv. You can also travel to Turkey by bus: for two adults with a child, the trip will cost from 27,438 UAH*. Buses depart from Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Odesa, and Kyiv. It is worth noting that the service on board the buses is expanding every season: the opportunity to pre-order meals, use online cinema services, and much more is added.
“Ukrainians have learned to coexist with the war as much as possible. Parents work, children study, and rest in the summer. In addition, for many people summer is the sea, and since such a vacation is almost impossible in Ukraine, we are seeing a positive trend in the demand for foreign travel,” comments Kateryna Artyukh, Head of Product Marketing at Join UP! tm. – Of course, we are still far from the indicators of 2021, but compared to the previous year, we expect an increase in bookings by 30%. Ukrainians need a reboot to stay strong for the long term, and traveling is one of the best opportunities to stay safe and get new experiences.”

* – all prices are quoted at the exchange rate as of 19.04.2024 per person, based on double occupancy.

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