Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian president signs law on introducing constitutional, history and language tests for citizenship

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a law providing for exams in the basics of the Constitution, history of Ukraine and the level of proficiency in the state language as a condition for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship.
As noted in the card of the corresponding bill No. 7606, posted on the website of the Verkhovna Rada, the document was returned to the parliament with the signature of the head of state on 21 April.
Most of the provisions of the law come into force six months after the date of its publication in the parliamentary newspaper “Holos Ukrainy”.
The document stipulates that the conditions for admission of foreigners/citizens without citizenship to Ukrainian citizenship include knowledge of the basics of the Constitution and history of Ukraine, as well as knowledge of the state language and compulsory exams in these subjects.
According to the proposed amendment to the law, a foreigner/citizen without citizenship who wishes to acquire Ukrainian citizenship shall submit in writing a statement to the effect that in the event of acquiring Ukrainian citizenship, he/she will be obliged to pass examinations in the basics of the Constitution of Ukraine, the history of the country, the level of command of the state language and, within two years, present documents on passing such examinations.
At the same time, the law proposes to introduce special conditions for acquiring citizenship for persons who have rendered outstanding service to Ukraine, who are of state interest to Ukraine, who serve under contract in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including those awarded with state awards, or who have received a temporary residence permit. Such persons will be obliged within two years from the moment of acceptance of Ukrainian citizenship to pass exams on the basics of the Constitution and history of Ukraine and on the level of state language proficiency.
The document provides that the failure to pass the exams is the basis for the loss of citizenship.
As reported, the bill was initiated by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal. The document was registered in the Verkhovna Rada on July 28, 2022. The Rada passed the bill in the first reading on October 18, and as a whole on March 21.

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Ukraine increased exports by 7% “grain corridor”

Ukraine exported through seaports of Odessa region by 7% more agricultural products than a week earlier, its volume was 702.3 thousand tons. The increase in shipments was achieved due to the tonnage of ships, said the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation of Business (UCAB).
“The number of ships loaded this week was only 14 units, which is two vessels less than the previous week. In fact, increase of shipments was achieved due to increase of tonnage of ships,” – analysts noted.
According to their information, corn (56%), wheat (18%) and sunflower oil cake (14%) took the major part in the export structure of Ukrainian agricultural products through this channel.
Ukrainian products went to Asian countries (China, Bangladesh, India and others), Europe (Spain, Portugal and Italy) and Africa (Egypt).
At the same time, the overall situation with the operation of the “grain corridor” continues to deteriorate. The Russian side suspended the inspection of ships on Tuesday, April 11 and Monday, April 17, 2023.
In the next three days, inspections of ships in the “grain corridor” will resume in accordance with a 50:50 temporary scheme, according to which 50% of inspections will be carried out by ships of the formed line, another 50% – by humanitarian cargoes.
In total, since the beginning of the “grain corridor” from August 1, 2022 to April 16, 2023, Ukraine has exported 28.1 million tons of agricultural products.


“DTEK Energy” has employed over 2.6 thousand IDPs since beginning of war

Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, DTEK Energy’s coal mining, power and machine-building companies have hired over 6.8 thousand new employees, more than 2.6 thousand of whom are IDPs, the energy holding said in a press release on Wednesday.
“The lion’s share (of the total number of employees – IF-U), which is more than 2.6 thousand people, are Ukrainians who were forced to leave their homes due to the occupation or the proximity of hostilities,” the document says.
According to the company, the vast majority of IDPs, which is about 95%, were employed at DTEK Energy’s coal mining enterprises. Most of them did not have a mining specialty and were retrained directly at the workplace.
“Another 850 new employees are young people who have just graduated from educational institutions and found their first jobs at mines,” the energy holding said.
According to DTEK Energy CEO Ildar Saleev, during the war it is extremely important that each company not only works to the maximum but also remains a responsible employer and a reliable partner for communities.
“In the history of DTEK Energy, we have experienced numerous relocations of employees from dangerous places and relocations of our enterprises. That is why we understand and always try to support people forced to leave their homes because of the hostilities,” said Saleyev in a press release.
“DTEK Energy provides a closed cycle of electricity generation from coal. The installed capacity of thermal generation as of January 2022 is 13.3 GW. A full production cycle has been created in coal mining: coal mining and enrichment, machine building and maintenance of mine equipment.
DTEK Group is the largest private investor in the energy sector of Ukraine.
DTEK Group companies are engaged in coal and natural gas production, electricity generation at wind, solar and thermal power plants, energy trading on local and international markets, distribution and supply of electricity to consumers, and energy efficiency services to customers.
The group employs about 60 thousand people.
100% of DTEK Group is owned by SCM Limited, with Rinat Akhmetov as the ultimate beneficiary.


How to import goods to Ukraine – tips from Experts Club and Exporters Club

The saturated market of Ukraine and its geographical location make our country an attractive market for foreign goods. However, importing goods to Ukraine is a complex process that requires knowledge of legislation, international relations, and customs clearance procedures. These and other issues were discussed by the founder of the Club of Experts Maxim Urakin and the President of the Ukrainian Exporters Club Yevheniia Lytvynova in a new video on the YouTube channel “Club of Experts”.

According to Maksym Urakin, before starting to import goods, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the market and legislation of Ukraine and the exporting country, as well as calculate all costs associated with delivery, customs clearance and taxes.

“This will help you draw up a clear action plan and avoid unpleasant situations during the import process,” the expert emphasized.

Yevheniia Lytvynova, President of the Ukrainian Exporters Club, also emphasizes the need to research the market and check the reputation of potential suppliers.

“Market research and checking the reputation of potential partners can help you find a reliable supplier,” she said.

According to Yevheniia Lytvynova, successful import of goods requires a thorough analysis of all aspects of the importer’s future business strategy.

“Before you start importing goods, you need to conduct a detailed analysis of the market, legal requirements and your capabilities, as well as calculate all the costs associated with delivery, customs clearance and taxes. This will help you draw up a clear plan of action and avoid unpleasant situations during the import process,” emphasized Lytvynova.

Regarding the documents to be prepared for importing goods, Lytvynova noted that the contract between the importer and exporter, invoice, transportation document (e.g., waybill or bill of lading), quality certificate and certificate of origin should be put in the forefront.

“In addition to these basic documents, additional documents may be required depending on the characteristics of the goods and the requirements of Ukrainian legislation. In particular, licenses, certificates of conformity, permits and other documents confirming compliance with safety, hygiene, environmental requirements, etc. may be required,” she explained.

Maksym Urakin also emphasized that studying local legislation and choosing a reliable supplier are also very important steps in the import process. According to the experts, in order to successfully sell goods in Ukraine, it is also necessary to take into account the difficulties that may arise after their delivery.

“Even if the goods are of high quality and interesting, they still need to be sold. But here in Ukraine, even after obtaining certificates and relevant permits, sales can be restricted due to various customs barriers, which leads to breach of contract. Therefore, we advise our companies to conduct a detailed analysis of the market and legal requirements. This will allow them to prepare the right documentation and comply with all requirements,” said Yevgeniya Lytvynova.

To increase export sales, experts recommend improving product quality and providing buyers with more information about their goods.

“Nowadays, many buyers check the quality of goods and their compliance with standards. If your products don’t meet the requirements, they simply won’t buy them,” emphasized Maksym Urakin.

In this regard, experts advise to focus on developing the quality of goods and their competitiveness. In addition, according to Maxim Urakin, it is important to participate in international exhibitions and forums where you can find new partners and establish contacts with potential suppliers.

Thus, according to the experts, it is very important to comply with all the requirements and norms set by law when importing goods, conduct a detailed market analysis and check the reputation of suppliers. It is also important to ensure the quality of goods and timely delivery, while considering all possible risks and costs. Importing goods can be a very profitable business if you organize it properly. Experienced experts advise to study the market and determine your capabilities to avoid unpleasant situations and ensure successful business development.

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Ukraine makes it easier for wounded servicemen to travel abroad for treatment

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has simplified the departure of wounded Ukrainian servicemen for treatment abroad, Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said.
“At one of the last government meetings, I voiced the clear priorities of our government in the field of veteran policy. One of these priorities is a reform of medical and social expert commissions and military medical commissions. Today we make a decision to facilitate the departure of our wounded soldiers for treatment abroad,” said Shmygal at the government meeting on Friday.
According to Prime Minister, now the military will be able to receive a referral for such treatment in the medical institution where they are being treated or rehabilitated.
According to the representative of the Cabinet in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk in Telegram, changes have been made in the procedure for sending people from the components of the defense and security forces who suffered due to the military aggression of Russia against Ukraine, for treatment abroad.
In particular, it is allowed health institutions to independently determine the need to send defenders of Ukraine, suffered in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation, for treatment abroad and form a corresponding package of documents to the state body that is part of the security and defense sector without involving military-medical institutions in the procedure.
“Acceleration and optimization of the procedure will also be ensured by simplifying the preparation of an opinion on the necessity of sending a person from the constituents of the defense or security forces, suffered due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation, for treatment abroad,” Melnychuk wrote.

From April 24 Ukrzaliznytsia launches new non-stop wagon Vienna – Chop – Vienna

Ukrzaliznytsia JSC is launching a new non-stop car service Vienna – Chop – Vienna from April 24.
“Meet the new alternative route of return from Austria and Hungary to Ukraine. On April 24, a new non-stop car service Vienna – Chop – Vienna will start running,” Ukrzaliznytsia’s Telegram channel said on Friday.
As reported, the car will depart from Vienna daily at 16:42, Budapest-Keleti 19:19 – 19:40, arrival in Chop at 02:28. “After passing border and customs control, continue your journey on the train number 750 Uzhgorod – Kiev, arriving in Chop at 05:19, Mukachevo 06:48 – 06:53, Lviv 11:00 – 11:23, arriving in Kiev at 18:30,” reports Ukrzaliznytsia.
Back from Kiev you can start the journey by train number 749 Kiev – Uzhgorod, which leaves daily from Kiev at 13:16, Lviv 19:59 – 20:25, Mukachevo 00:19 – 00:24, arrival in Chop at 01:10. After passing border and customs control at the station Chop, you can continue the journey by a new direct coach Chop – Vienna, which departs daily from April 25 at 03:28, Budapest-Keleti 08:20 – 08:40, arrival in Vienna at 11:21.
Reportedly, the cost of a ticket from Chop to Vienna is 1,730 UAH. “Tickets are already available at the international ticket offices of Ukrzaliznytsia. And tickets from Kiev to Chop and back can be purchased both at the ticket offices and online: in the application “Ukrzaliznytsia”, in the chat-bot and on the website”, – stated in the message.

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