Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Top 5 YouTube Channel Development Tips for 2023

YouTube today is a competitive environment where to be successful, it is necessary not only to create high-quality content, but also to master the art of promotion. At the same time, it is very important to keep up with the times and use the latest strategies to promote your YouTube channels. Let’s take a look at the top 5 YouTube channel promotion tips for 2023, focusing on increasing YouTube views, likes and subscribers, as well as using best practices for YouTube channel promotion and YouTube advertising.

TIP 1: Create engaging content to increase views and likes on YouTube

The key to increasing views and likes on YouTube is to create content that captures the attention of your target audience. In order to properly develop your YouTube channel and always be on trend, you should first of all define your niche and take into account the interests and needs of your target audience. Stick to a consistent posting schedule to attract subscribers and increase your YouTube views. You can also use attention-grabbing video icons, titles and descriptions to attract more viewers and increase the number of likes on YouTube. By including stories and strong visuals in your videos, you can create shareable and memorable content.

TIP 2: Use the power of other social media to promote your YouTube channels

Social media is an indispensable tool for promoting YouTube channels because it helps you reach a wider audience and attract more views, likes and subscribers to YouTube. Share your videos on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Telegram, encouraging your subscribers to watch, like and in turn share your content. Respond to comments by soliciting feedback and starting conversations. Using hashtags, keywords and targeted ad campaigns will help increase your visibility and drive traffic to your YouTube channel.

TIP 3: Collaborate with other authors to increase your YouTube subscribers

Collaborating with popular authors in your niche can help you attract their audience and get more subscribers. It’s important to keep in mind that you don’t just need to identify authors with similar target audiences, as they may perceive you as a competitor and refuse to collaborate. To avoid the negative experience of finding partner YouTube channels, stick to the principle of complementary content, develop mutually beneficial collaboration projects such as guest appearances, joint live broadcasts or shared video series. Invite other creators to promote their channels on their social networks, websites and email newsletters.

TIP 4: Optimize your videos for search and advertising on YouTube

Effective search engine optimization (SEO) and advertising on YouTube are critical to increasing views, likes and subscribers. First and foremost, conduct a keyword analysis and include relevant search terms in your video titles, descriptions and tags. Use compelling titles and detailed descriptions that accurately describe the video content and include targeted keywords, but don’t go overboard with clickbait. Add subtitles and translations to your videos to make them more accessible and searchable. It’s important to learn how to properly use advertising opportunities like Google Ads and TrueView ads to reach a larger audience and increase views on YouTube.

TIP 5: Analyze your channel metrics to refine your promotional strategies

To ensure the success of your YouTube channel, you need to constantly analyze its metrics and adjust your promotional strategies accordingly. Use YouTube Analytics to track key metrics such as YouTube views, viewing time, and audience retention. This will help you determine which videos resonate the most with your viewers. Don’t forget that your YouTube subscribers have a number of unique characteristics, such as gender, age, language background and other demographics. To understand your audience and tailor your content, you need to understand their preferences. Also track traffic sources and search queries to determine how viewers find your content and optimize your SEO strategy, as well as engagement metrics such as youtube likes and comments to gauge your audience’s level of interest and interaction with the content on offer.

Use this data to make data-driven decisions and improve your channel, promotion and advertising strategies on YouTube. Constantly improve your approach based on your channel metrics to maximize YouTube views, likes and subscribers.

So, promoting YouTube channels in 2023 requires a comprehensive approach that focuses on creating engaging content, using social media to promote, collaborating with other creators, optimizing your videos for search and advertising, and constantly analyzing effectiveness. By applying these tips from us, you can increase the success of your channel and make a lasting impression on your audience.


Ukraine will refrain from exporting grain and sunflower to Poland until new season – Minister

Ukraine will temporarily refrain from exporting grain and sunflower to Poland until the new season in order to solve the problem of overstocking the Polish market and protests of Polish farmers, the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development reported, citing Ukrainian Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food Nicholas Solski.
“We all understand who is to blame for this situation, but we must solve the problem. Therefore, Ukraine will refrain from exporting wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflowers to Poland (until the new season),” the Polish agency quoted Solsky from a joint press conference on Friday with his Polish colleague Robert Telus at the border with Ukraine in Dorohusk.
“The Ukrainian side made a proposal to very much limit for some time, and at the moment even stop the flow of grain to Poland,” Telus said, in turn.
As reported, April 5, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky at a meeting with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in Warsaw said that the parties have found a way out of the problem of Ukrainian grain exports to Poland.
“We discussed the issues of our farmers – Polish and Ukrainian. We have found a way out. I believe that in the coming days, weeks we will finally solve all the issues, because there cannot be any difficulties between such close partners and real friends as Poland and Ukraine,” Zelenski said.
Earlier, the governments of Poland and Romania announced their intention to ask the European Commission to develop mechanisms that would help avoid price dumping to the detriment of local farmers.
Polish farmers threatened to disrupt the events during Zelenski’s visit to Warsaw, and Polish Minister of Agricultural Policy Henryk Kowalczyk resigned.
If the international community had been able to “push” Russia to increase ship inspections in the Bosporus, Ukraine would have been able to reduce the flow of grain traffic through European countries, Solsky said then, in turn.

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Ukraine resumes electricity exports

Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko signed a decree authorizing the start of the process of resumption of electricity exports in conditions of a surplus of generating capacity.
“The Ukrainian energy system has been operating without consumer restrictions with a capacity surplus for almost two months now. We achieved this result thanks to the titanic work of power engineers, our international partners, helping to restore the system. The most difficult winter is over. The next step is to open the export of electricity, which will attract additional financial resources for the necessary reconstruction of the destroyed and repair of the damaged energy infrastructure, “- said Galushchenko, as quoted in a message of the Ministry of Energy in Telegram channel late Friday night.
At the same time, the energy minister stressed that meeting the power needs of Ukrainian consumers is a priority.
“The export of electricity will work under the condition of providing the resource to Ukrainian consumers and may be terminated in the event of a change in the situation,” the minister assured.
As reported, export of electric power, which began last June, was stopped by order of the Ministry of Energy since October 11 after the beginning of massive attacks of Russian invaders on the energy system of Ukraine. According to the Ministry of Energy, the export of electricity to Moldova and EU countries during this time amounted to 2.6 billion kWh. Exporters of electricity directed 80% of the income from exports to maintain tariffs for the population within the framework of special obligations. As a result, according to calculations of the ministry, 2.8 billion hryvnias were allocated for this purpose.
The allowed European network of transmission system operators ENTSO-E capacity for exports is 400 MW, Ukraine on its part seeks to increase this capacity by several times.


“Vilis” launched production of instant pasta

Vilis (Rivne), one of the largest pasta producers in Ukraine, launched a new line for the production of instant pasta, the head of Rivne regional state administration Vitaly Koval said.
“For the manufacture of noodles, the company uses only Ukrainian products, many of which are Rivne products. And this is exactly the philosophy of added value, when grain grown in the Rivne region is processed in the Rivne region. And then the finished product is “exported” not only to Ukraine but also to different countries of the world,” Koval wrote on Facebook.
Construction of the enterprise was launched in October 2021. To launch the new line “Vilis” attracted UAH 50 million under the program “Affordable credits 5-7-9″. The enterprise plans to produce 6 thousand tons of instant noodles per year.
Vilis” is one of the largest Ukrainian producers of pasta and jam. The company was founded in 1996 and in 1998 it opened its first pasta production line. The company owns Vilis, Makarella, Italino, Viverelli, and also packs products under Private Label of a number of retail chains, in particular, Premiya, Povna Chasha, Nash Krai, Pervy Ryad, Clever and others. Products are sold within the country and exported to dozens of countries. PE “Willis” has its own logistics department and technology park.
The authorized capital of “Vilis” in the amount of 27,5 million UAH is divided between its head Viktor Zhabchik (60%), Sergiy Zhabchik (20%) and Irina Plesetskoy (20%).
According to opendatabot, earnings of “Vilis” in 2022 increased 2,4 times – up to 232,44 million UAH, net profit – 3,4 times, up to 14,56 million UAH.


Ukraine approximately doubled cost of excise stamps for alcohol and tobacco

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine at a meeting on Friday roughly doubled the fee for excise tax stamps for alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and liquids used in electronic cigarettes to cover costs associated with their production, storage and sale, the Finance Ministry said.
According to its release, the stamp for alcoholic beverages went up from 16 kopecks to 35 kopecks, for tobacco, electronically heated tobacco products (TIEN) and liquids used in e-cigarettes – from 9 kopecks to about 16 kopecks.
The cost of the excise tax stamp has not changed since 2014, the Ministry of Finance pointed out.
As reported, the Verkhovna Rada in January 2023 adopted in the first reading of the Eurointegration bills № 8286 and № 8287 on the introduction of electronic excise stamps for alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and liquids used in e-cigarettes. These legislative initiatives are implemented to ensure control over the turnover of excisable products.


Auction house Sotheby’s put up for auction items of Michael Jordan, Pele and other famous athletes

The auction house expects to gain $ 2-4 million for the sneakers, which played Jordan in one of the games of the final of the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 1998, and $ 100-200 thousand for the shirt in which Pele made his debut for the “New York Cosmos” in 1975.
The basketball player’s sneakers could become the most expensive in history, surpassing the $1.8 million Air Yeezy rapper Kanye West sold for in 2021.
In addition, with an estimate of $400,000 to $600,000, a warm-up jersey of basketball player Kobe Bryant is up for auction. He wore it on the day of the game, where he scored 81 points (the second highest score in NBA history).
In addition, at the auction Victoriam you can buy things tennis players Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer and basketball with the autographs of Bryant and the former U.S. president Barack Obama.
The auction ends April 11.

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